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Karynn and Brock Bump Heads! #149



Lauren’s Apt

Lauren hears a loud knock at the door.

Lauren: imagesCA6GSYIY_zps7392afbd.jpg

Scotty can you come out here?

Scotty exits from his room as Fenmore exits his too to find what the commotion is all about.

Scotty: scotty.jpg

Mom what’s wrong?


Daisy Carter is after me again! She was just here, I think she’s at the door.

Fenmore runs over to Lauren and gives her a hug.

Fenmore: fen_zps8327d71d.png

Mom are you ok? You should call dad.


Scotty can you answer the door to see who it is?


Mom if it’s Daisy I don’t want her attacking me. Let’s just call the police.


I already called Paul.


Such a sissy you man kisser.” Fenmore strolls over to the door to open it.


Fen honey don’t!


I’m a real man mom unlike sweet cheeks over there.”

He says looking at Scotty. Lauren looks confused as she to looks at Scotty. Scotty can only give his brother a dirty look.

Fenmore opens the door and its Paul.


Paul oh thank God you are here.” She rushes over and gives him a hug.

Paul: DougDavidson-PaulWilliams-1.jpg

Where is she? Where is Daisy?


Well didn’t you pass her up when you came here? She was in the hallway. I knocked her unconscious.


Way to go mom!


I didn’t see anything on my way in here.

Lauren looks out her apartment door and sees Daisy is gone.


How did she do it? I knocked her out stone cold. There was blood I remember seeing it on my way back in my apartment.


Well it’s nothing there now.” Paul looks at Lauren.


Paul she was just here. She tried to strangle me.


I’ll look into it. Daisy has been released and if she came here this evening, I’ll arrest her again.


Thanks Paul. Paul leaves. Lauren walks back inside and closes the door.


Mom I’m sorry. Are you really ok?


I am but what I really want to know is what is this tension between you and your brother. What is a sweet cheeks?

Fenmore chuckles and looks at his older brother Scotty.



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Keemo meets Mason in the lobby.

Mason: mason_zps6c91eac0.jpg

Mr. Abbott you said it was urgent. Why are we meeting in the lobby and not upstairs in the office?

Keemo escorts Mason to the elevator. Keemo hit’s the number 17.

Keemo: thCA17L1E1.jpg

I have a surprise for you Mason. Today everything will change and we will begin anew.


I don’t understand sir.

The elevator door opens and Mason is stunned to see McCall offices renovated and their has been a name change. House of Kem.houseofkem_zpscfd0ef67.jpg


House of Kem?


No. Your not saying it right. It like k-i-m. Kim…House of Kem. Welcome to our new company Mason. As of this moment we are a fashion house and we are gonna take Jabot out. We are having a job fair today. I’m looking for young, cheap and all potential talents.


Understood sir. It looks very nice in here. A fashion house. Wow!… Exciting!


There is just one more thing Mason.


I can’t imagine you topping this.


Oh I can. I want you to be my vice president. My number two man. You’ve proven your loyalty and I come to depend on you. You have leadership skills and talent.


I don’t know to much about fashion but I can manage and always willing to learn. I really appreciate the offer and I gladly accept. This is an amazing opportunity.


You bet. We will rival the likes of Dior, Givenchy, Rachel Zoe, Jabot and Forrester Creations.


You dream big sir.


Got to. There is a saying here in America I heard recently and I liked it. It goes something like, “ Go big or stay home”.

They both laugh.


This is true. Go big or stay home and we are definitely not at home.



thumbnailCAUJVEFZ.jpgEpisode 149: Karynn and Brock Bump Heads!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, C Nate Richardson



Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Brock_zps7b0c07c7.pngBrock walks in the front door after delivering all the “reading of the will” notices. He walks into the living room and is shocked to see Karl in his wheel chair getting a breathing treatment while Karynn sits next to him, smoking a cigarette looking through a magazine, with her feet on the marble coffee table. Karynn is wiggling her toes which is easy to do since they are free in a pair of flip flops. Brock walks in and clears his throat.

Karynn knows he’s there but decides to ignore him.

Karl pulls the mask off his face to try and speak to Brock but Karynn blows smoke in his face and Karl then begins to cough. He puts his mask back on and Brock then walks over and pats him on the back signaling to him it’s ok.


Karynn is it?

Karynn: karynn2_zps48289aa9.png

Brock are you?


There is no smoking in this house and can’t you see Karl here is having breathing problems.


Oh yea? Well I like to smoke. Everyone has problems Brock.


Why are you so nasty?


Nasty huh? I need a man to do that with and with me caring for Karl here that will never happen.


I really can’t believe we have the same blood in our veins. You are so damn rude and disrespectful.


Well I don’t care what you think of me. I’m here to get my piece of what is owed to me from my departed sister Katherine. That’s it and that’s all. You may call me a lot of things, but one thing is for sure, with me you will always know where I’m coming from. I’m not going to hide behind fake smiles and polite hello’s. I want what is owed to me from Katherine’s will. Karl has medical bills that needs to be paid. Our social security money is not getting it and ever since Obama Care, Karl’s health care has risen.


So it’s all for Karl huh?


Of course not. I want to wine and dine on the town too just like everyone else.



Brock walks up stairs.

Esther walks in.


Esther there you are. Can you help me make a drink?

Esther: thCAMFYCN0.jpg

I can make it for you Ms. Sheppard what would you like?


Well what can I have? Esther I don’t want you waiting on me. I don’t need a slave. I’ll come help you so then I can see what yens have. Is it like a bar or just a few bottles and is it already cold or something? I bet a fancy place like this has a fully stocked bar and I love to drink.

Karl shakes his head at Karynn as Esther chuckles.


Well follow me then. Will Mr. Sheppard be ok?


He’ll live for another ten minutes I think.

Esther doesn’t know what to make of Karynn’s attitude towards Karl.



Meanwhile Upstairs Brock makes a pone call.


Devon, it’s Brock here, listen there is something you, Mackenzie and I really need to do as a family. We need to put closure to this situation and I really need you here to do that. If you could find the time to call me back or just stop over that would be great. I also have the information of the reading of Kay’s will. Devon we are family no matter what you think and I’m-.. we, Mac and I are ready to get to know you better. Thanks and have a good day.” Brock hangs up the phone after speaking into Devon’s voicemail.

Mac then walks in.

Mac: Mac_zps228e274b.jpg

I wish that crazy woman wouldn’t smoke in this house. Gosh it stinks.


I know honey. I’ve talked to her about it. She’s obnoxious.


Why are we letting her stay here?


She is family.


That’s what she say’s. Don’t you think we ought to get some type of blood test to prove they are who they say they are?


I thought about it. But it just doesn’t feel right as old and sickly as Karl is. That man looks like he’s on his last legs. Besides Esther does know them.


I don’t know dad.


Listen there is something we must do with Devon to bring this whole terrible ordeal to a close. I’ve contacted him and hopefully he shows up.


What do we have to do?



Leslie’s Apartment

Spencer and Leslie look at Roxanne standing in the door way with tears in her eyes.

Leslie: thCAKWZY6E.jpg

Come in come in.” Leslie ushers Roxanne in.

Spencer: thCANS4T73.jpg

What’s the matter?

Roxanne: roxanne_zps4ddf0d3d.jpg

This is very hard for me so please be patient.

Leslie grabs Roxanne’s hands to give her comfort.


You got all the time you need. Tell us what’s wrong?

Roxanne takes a seat on the couch. Leslie and Spencer give each other a look wondering what is going on. Leslie sits next to Roxanne and wraps her arms around her.


I’ve lost everything.


: Naw’ baby girl. You got us. We will always be here for you. If you let us.


I really don’t have no one else to turn to right now. My life continues to fall apart and I don’t know where to begin to put it back together.


It’s ok Roxanne. We can help you. We can do this together.

Roxanne looks up at Spencer.


Spencer, do you mind if I talk with Leslie first, alone?

Spencer is very disappointed but knows this is a starting point for his newfound daughter and decides to put up a strong front and allow Roxanne time with her mother.


Of course. I got some things I could do. But please know I am here for you anytime day or night. Just one phone call away.


I really appreciate that.


Thank you Spencer. I’ll call you later.”

She stands up to give Spencer a hug good bye and then Spencer leaves. Roxanne sits back down on the couch next to Roxanne and holds her once more.


Tell me, what is going on?



Lauren’s Apartment


Fenmore tell me what is a sweet cheeks.

Fenmore begins to laugh


Mom Fen is just being a idiot. A jokester.


I want to know what all this tension is about.

Then they get a knock on their door.


Let the real man of the house get it.

Fenmore opens it and sees Daniel.

Scotty also sees Daniel is attracted to his long hair. He scoops out Daniel like he is meat on a dinner table. Scotty not wanting to openly flirt with this fine man standing in his own home and not wanting to add further fuel to Fenmore’s fire, decides to go back in his room. Fenmore follows him.


Daniel come in.

Daniel enters with Lucy.


Can I get you a refreshment or anything?

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

No I’m ok thank you.


How is Phyllis doing?


She’s doing great. Very anxious to be done with her physical therapy. Daisy and Avery has lit a fire under her.


: Daisy was just here.


Already? That’s why I’m here to let you know that crazy psycho has been freed from jail.


Trust me she let it be known.


Did she do something to you?


She threaten me of course and attacked me. I threw her off me and knocked her out but when I called Paul over she was already gone.


Well this is proof she is a menace and I can use this in court against her.




Yea Daisy think’s she’s going to get custody of Lucy.


When hell freezes over. Daniel there is no way Daisy is gonna be able to obtain custody of Lucy. I will help see to that. We don’t need another child raised by another crazy Carter.


Ok Lauren thank you and be safe. Call me if Daisy does anything.


I will, oh and tell your mother I said hello and I’ll be out to see her soon.”

Daniel smiles at her and then leaves with Daisy on his mind.


Meanwhile Fenmore enters Scotty’s room.

Scotty is not pleased with Fenmore barging in and turns away from him as he was laying on the bed.


Hey sweet cheeks.


Go pop your pimples bird boy.


The only bird I know is a gay one. That’s you gay bird. How about gay boy? When are you going to tell mom you sleep with women and kiss men?


You don’t know what your talking about.


Oh yea.”

Fenmore pulls up a picture on his phone. He walks over to the other side of the bed to get in Scotty’s face and show him the picture. It’s a picture of Scotty and Rafe kissing. Scotty tries to yank the phone from Fen but Fen is quicker and pulls it out of reach from Scotty.


Why the hell are you harassing me?


I get a kick by how mad you get, closet case.


You don’t know anything about me half brother.


I do. You’re the one who’s half and half. You’re a man eater.”

Fenmore then laughs.


You are so childish. Don’t you got puberty to go through or something.


Bye fag.” Fenmore then leaves Scotty’s room. Scotty is upset by how his little brother just spoke to him. Scotty feels disrespected.



Vandalynn’s Apartment

Daisy walks in holding her head. Van looks at her realizing how disheveled Daisy looks.

Van: thCAVCMY3I.jpg

What in the hell happened to you?”

Vandalynn says as she finishes setting up the dinner table.

Daisy: thCA5GRL7N-1.jpg

I went to see Lauren. She attacked me.

Van slams a plate down and looks at Daisy. She walks over to her and escort her to the couch.


I told you don’t do anything rash!


I went to visit Lauren. I had to let her know she didn’t win and I’m out and I’m going to regain my life. I want my daughter and I want Daniel.


What does that have to do with Lauren?


She just had to know I’m free. I want her to be scared.


Momma bear is not going to like this. She has everything planned for us. You shouldn’t have gone to see Lauren.


I don’t care what momma bear likes. I’m about my family Mary. I lost so much. I have my own agenda.


So what are you saying you turning your back on us?


I don’t want to. But Lucy is everything to me.


I swear to you Daisy I am going to help you get Lucy back and if you want Daniel too then we will make it happen. But we need you to help. Our goal is almost achieved. We cannot take the eye off the prize. Momma’s plan will ensure our freedom and respect here in Genoa City. We just need to follow through. Now let’s eat and then we’ll get an ice pack on your head.

Daisy disappointed but obliges and walks over to the dinner table with her sister.


Meanwhile on the street below, someone in a black car with black tinted windows sits across the street from Van’s apartment building looking through binoculars into Van’s window. This person watches and studies Vandalynn and Daisy’s every move. The person wearing black gloves opens the glove box and pulls out a gun….CAW52PY9.jpg


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Engrossing episode. I love Karynn! I loved her line to Esther about Karl, "He’ll live for another ten minutes I think." Nice!

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Very interesting episode!



She is one of your best written characters!

Her motive and mission are made clear

But I also love how Brock continues to stand up for the estate.


The scene for Leslie, Spencer, and Roxanne was not only good writing it was pure YR

It had everything correct!


I loved the who Scotty and Fenmore scenes!

Your way of this whole bullying gay story is real

It really shines a light on true society


You doing a quick showcase of the friendships Lauren has made through the decades she has been on the show were absolutely wonderful!

It goes to show that everyone has a friend somewhere.


Who could the black coat person be???

Interesting new story!


FINALLY!!!! The fashion story has begun!

Thanks for the shout out!



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Love love love Karynn. She reminds me of a nastier Marge. Excellent!

Can't wait to see how House of Kem goes down. Sounds like an exciting story is coming.

Scotty and Fen make me a bit sad. But that just means it's well-written, so good job. I love the tension throughout that house. I wonder how Daisy managed to get up from that bang on the head so quickly. The Carter kids must be cyborgs. Haha.

Love the scenes between Roxanne, Leslie, and Spencer. Some great family dynamics there. Great work all around!

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You showed a bit of a softer, more human side of Karynn and Roxanne. I liked that...

The House of Kem (keem)...I will see how that plays out.

I hope Fenmore is not a homophobe. Maybe he just wants his brother to be himself and stop lying.

And the mystery person at the end with a gun...

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