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Cane begins to loose Control #141



thCALOWQO6.jpgCane leaves the pawnshop, having just cashed in on Malcolm’s Michael Jordan autographed basketball. He re counts his 500 hundred dollars. He just received for it.

Cane: This isn’t enough.” He gets a text.

“Time is ticking and time is money. Will need one stack for the product you received on credit. Remember your twins are at stake, we know where they are.”

Cane is upset. He tries to come up with a plan to gather another five hundred dollars before the night is over or his dealer is going to hurt his twins. He thinks he has an answer when he hops into his Honda Accord and drives off in a rush.


The Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Nina2_zpse9517a22.pngNina walks into the living room area and sees Philip looking on his IPAD. She clears her throat to gain his attention. Philip looks up at her and notices something is wrong from the dread on her face.

Philip: philip_zpse4fb4fbf.png

What is it?


It’s Cane. I’m really worried about him.


What makes you say that? I did notice he was not at Katherine’s funereal. In fact I have not seen him at all since I got back into town.


Neither have I so I went over there to check up on him and it was so messy, I mean trash every where, busted tv screens. Cane looked sick and he was all sweaty. I’ve never seen him like this. Maybe you can talk to him, you are very close to him. After all you made a deal with him to make us believe he was you at one point.


Nina I don’t want to go there.


I wasn’t going there. I am just worried about Cane.

Philip sits back and thinks for a moment. Knowing Cane for a long time, he knows at one point Cane had a drug habit and he wonders if Cane is using again.


I’ll talk to him.


Thank you Philip.

Philip gets up and grabs his keys and leaves.

Nina decides to go upstairs and check on Chance.


Cane knocks on a door. On the other side is Avery.


Cane, this is unexpected.


Avery I really need your help. I’m in trouble.




Just South of Genoa City is the small town of Verdon Lou,

Dru hollers for her freedom as she hears a knock on the door. The monitors in the back room begin to chime and beep from the excitement taking place.

Upstairs Sheila is stunned and caught off guard. Sharon looks around to see if she can grab anything to hit Sheila with while she is caught off guard by an unannounced visitor. Sheila notices this and then back hands Sharon then spins her around and jams the gun back into her back.

Sheila: inl.jpg

I know you were not going to betray me?


No, no I-


You better not even think about it. I have all the power here. Now get your ass walking down the stairs.

Sharon obliges having a gun in her back. Dru is still screaming for her freedom. Sheila ties Sharon back up to her chair then walks over to Dru. Dru looks at Sheila.

Dru: imagesCAYOMBOZ_zps081b8902.jpg

Yea bitch! It’s a wrap. Yo time is done. I done told you kidnapping a sista’ was a mistake. Now you bout to find out.

Sheila grabs her duct tape and slaps a big piece over Dru’s mouth. Dru is still trying to talk and mumble. Sheila then takes her gun and walks over to the door to see who her visitor is.

Dru and Sharon look at each other.


Dru I hope to God this is our miracle.

The only thing Dru can do is mumble and make sounds.


Dru I can’t understand you.

Dru just looks at Sharon and shakes her head. She just lays her head back down and stops all activities.


I wonder who’s at the door. I don’t hear anything.



imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 141: Cane begins to loose Control

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz with Philip Connelly




Gloria takes it upon herself to grab a seat next to Michael.


I’m your mother or have you forgotten that?


No Gloria. Its just not a good time for me right now.


Well I can see that Michael. This is about Lauren and the divorce isn’t it? Have you tried talking to her?


Many times but she’s so angry with me. I don’t know how I even got to this point.


Is something else going on?


More than you know.


Michael tell me. What is going on I can help you?


No one can help me. I did this all on my own. Now my actions may put my family at risk.


You have to tell me. I have a stake in this too.

Michael hesitates. He takes a sip of his scotch.


I resorted back to my old ways.


What do you mean?


It all started with Victor. A while back he had me draw up some papers, handing Katherine Chancellor control of Newman if Victor was ever incapacitated from running Newman.


Ok sounds perfectly fine to me. What’s so bad about that?


Well I never filed that paper work. I put my name down instead. Not Kay’s and I filed those papers.


Oh my God Michael do you know what this means?!


Keep your damn voice down. I know what it means Gloria! I have defacto control of Newman.yr_bold_baldwin_michael_9.jpg



The Chancellor Estate

As Nina walks up the stairs she can hear screams coming from Chance’s room. Nina is alarmed and calls out to him. She rushes up the stairs and opens his door and sees Chance is asleep. Chance is talking is his sleep. “ No!! STOP!!! DON’T DO THIS!!” Nina walks over to him. She sits down on the bed next to him and caresses his face. Chance continues on with his nightmare.

kabul2_zpsb72b6659.jpgKabul Afghanistan, Chance is patrolling his camp as the sun beats down on him with his full military uniform on weighing no less then 9 pounds. He stops and talks to a woman who’s face is blurred in the dream that approached him. He embraces her with a hug and kiss.

Chance: imagesCAOQR7ZL_zpsd2881e6d.jpg

Ready for today’s training?

Woman: Screen5.jpg

Ready to give it all I got.


Today I am going to verse you on what a patrol is. Now A few things before we start. Only step behind me where I step. I step on a path already carved out by our foot traffic. This way-


We don’t step on any IED’s I did my home work.


I’m impressed. That’ what I love about you solider. Alright you ready?



Chance begins his patrol of his assigned area and the woman follows behind. With his gun in hand and his senses focused on the foot path and possible enemy attacks from the Taliban he assumes the woman is still right behind him until he hears a scream from behind . He turns around and sees a masked person, or a jihadi fighter holding the woman at gun point from behind.talibani_zps3a05b856.jpg


You don’t want to do this.

“American Infidel Devil Go Home!” The jihadi fighter stumbles out with his thick Pashtu accent. “امریکی کافر شیطان کے گھر” He says again only this time in his mother tongue of Urdu.

“This is for ALLAH! Jihad to the infidels. ALLAH ALLAH!”

Then a second person sneaks up behind Chance and restrains him so he can’t respond as the first jihadi fighter takes the woman away. The woman screams Chance’s name as she is taken away. Chance tries to break free of the seconds man hold but is unsuccessful. The second man pistol whips Chance as he hears Chance’s comrades coming to his aid after hearing the screams of the woman. Chance hollers out and then sits up awoken from his dream. He is sweating and is caught off guard when he sees his mother on his bedside.


Honey it ok. I’m here for you.

Chance embraces Nina and lets his emotions go through his tears.


I let her down. They took her from me. I don’t know if she’s dead or alive.


Shhh it’s ok my son.” She says as she holds him.



Avery’s Place.

Avery gives Cane a disturbed look.


Well come in I guess.

Cane enters and enjoys the smell of strawberry muffins fresh from the oven.


Those look good.


Well I didn’t make them for you. They are for Phyllis.


You seem a bit cold. Is everything ok?


Cane I’m just surprised you are here. I thought we agreed we would only meet at your place since it’s more low key.


I know I’m sorry. I’m just in a bit of a bind. I was hoping for some help.

Avery: thCA4YVP36.jpg

It’s getting late Cane, where are the twins?


I know where my kids are I am their father you don’t need to worry about them. You’re not their mother. I’m so tired of everyone worrying about my kids.


Excuse the hell out of me Cane! I was only trying to help.


Help how? Were you trying to help when we had sex at my place while my kids were there? That’s not helping.


Are you high? What is going on with you? Why are you talking to me like this?


You are just acting different and I don’t like it. I thought we were having a good time. Something special.


By the looks of how you are acting you can’t handle it. You look like you haven’t slept in weeks.


I don’t care about any of that! I’m in trouble. I need help! Are you going to help me or not!?


With what Cane? How did you get like this? When did all of this start?

Cane takes a deep breath and sighs not really in the mood to have such a serious discussion while his twin’s well being is on the line.




Back at The GCAC

Gloria’s eye are big. If they could show case dollar signs they would.thumbnailCA15AFFW.jpg


Keep your damn voice down! I don’t people to know I own Newman.


Oh my. Wait a minute. Michael. I just realized. Something.


That it never rains in southern California?


No Mr. smarty ass. If you really own Newman then Kay didn’t really have control over Newman and therefore you coulda saved Katherine Chancellor.


You know your right. Gee thanks Gloria. Thank you for making me feel even worse. On top of what I did to Phyllis.


Phyllis? Michael what have you done? What is going on with you? Where is all this darkness coming from?


Victor did this to me.


Well you better do something. I’m sure the investigation in Kay’s death will uncover what you did.


Damn Glo! You are supposed to lift my sprits. You just made me feel a hella lot worse. Go find your cub Keemo or something! Michael gets up and storms out of the club. Gloria ponders the knowledge of knowing her son owns Newman. Her phone chimes and she looks at it. Its another voice mail from Keemo.


My cub, ha that’s funny.“ Not wanting to talk to him she hits delete and puts her phone back in her purse and leaves the club as well.



Back in Verdon Lou, Sheila’s Cabinhauntedpic1.jpg

Sheila opens the door with a gun pointing right at the visitor. Sheila takes a sigh of relief when Vandalynn walks in. Van walks in and closes the door behind her. Sheila hugs her.


You scared momma bear half to death.


Did you forget you asked me to come here?


Yes I did Mary. It’s a lot going on here. I got one beast of a hostage who is making things difficult. I may need a tranquilizer on this swamp monster. How are things with you? Is everything going to plan?


Yes. As you know I already seduced Noah.


That’s momma’s girl. Now you know what you have to do next right?


How can I forget mother? You tell me everyday. It’s time to make my move on Scotty and then Lauren.


Very good. Did you go see your sister Daisy yet?


I did. She’s hanging tough. But I’m not so sure she is as focused as we our in our plan.


What do you mean?


She’s really about her daughter Lucy. She act’s as though she wants nothing to do with what we trying to do.


I see. It’s ok. When she is freed, she will come to her senses. Always remember, momma bear has everything under control and I have all the power.


I know I trust you.


Daisy will have everything she wants. We all will if we just stick to the plan.


Speaking of the plan, how is the mystery patient?

Sheila escorts Mary to the front room where this mystery patient is.


Wow. I really can’t believe he‘s actually here. This is the trump card.


Oh I know. I knew nursing him back to health would pay off for me. A great investment. If all else fails we still have him.


And no one knows right, not even the hostages?


No way. In fact come to the back I want you to meet Sharon Newman in particular.

Mary follows Sheila to the back room. Sharon sees Sheila with a younger blonde woman walking in behind her.


What is going on?


Sharon, I wanted you to meet the newest member of our family. This is my baby girl Mary Carter.


She seduced my son. Leave my son alone! Please don’t do this! Stop this madness!


Stop all that crying. I’m trying to be nice here and let you meet your family. Since we are going to be tied to each other for the rest of our lives in more ways then one.


NO!! What have you done? What are you going to do!? Just please leave my family alone.


This is only the beginning my dear Sharon. We will be tied together for the rest of our lives.” Sheila laughs as Mary just waves at Sharon.0soapoprahsharon.jpg


Recommended Comments

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Cane had a drug abuse habit in the past???

I like the dream sequence for Chance and Nina being there for him. It gives us a little insight on his backstory

Gloria tied the whole story for me because I was unclear as to how Michael got control of Newman, and I like that lil loophole.

As always, Sheila and Dru are a hoot together...

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LOL Rob Wolff Thank you.

Cary, Yes sir Cane had an addiction in the past it seems. The story is still unfolding. Alot of people are thrown off by it but take Cane's ride.

Owenrship of Newman will be pivotal extremly soon.

Thanks for reading guys!

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Nice to see a Gloria and Michael. Long ass show tonight. But I can see soon other plots will start to mix in. Once again no matter what Dru says it is freakin hilarious. Nice reality with Chance. It gave Nina time to swoop in and give us some time to think about our veterans. Michael is getting involved in some deep s**t!

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Really enjoyed this. There's a lot of good stuff coming together and I loved that Michael is defacto head of Newman now. Excellent stuff.

Dru, as always, gives me life.

The Cane story works for me, I'm enjoying it. Don't worry. :D

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