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Cane’s Coke Habit/ Drucilla’s Plan! #140



Dru puts a plan in motion to defeat Sheila Carter, as Cane is reduced to desperate measures to pay for his coke habit….

Warning: Strong Language

Evening is becoming in Genoa City.thumbnailCAPN0A2M.jpg

Cane’s Place

Nina_zpsc0200579.pngNina awaits an answer from Cane.


Tell me Cane, why weren’t you at Katherine’s funereal?” Cane has a flashback of doing lines of coke. He begins to sweat, struggling to answer Nina’s question.


As you look around this place, all my time is consumed taking care of my twins. With Lily still in Japan, it’s not easy being a single dad of two.


If you would have called some body we would have helped. We think of you as family and I personally think it’s a shame you didn’t pay your respects.” Nina notices how Cane is sweating profusely.


Are you ok?

Just then Cane’s cell phone rings.

“Ok thank you for calling. I’ll be there to pick him up.”


Nina, if you can excuse me I have to take care of an emergency.


: Cane I’ve never seen you like this before. I hope you are ok.” She leaves. Cane closes the door behind her, relived Nina is gone.

People are getting suspicious.” He thinks to himself as he grabs his keys and puts the twins in a stroller and heads out the door.



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Sheila turns the television off.


It’s a shame about Katherine Chancellor.


Yes it is may she rest in peace.

They look at Dru, awaiting her mourning response but realizes she can’t say anything due to the grey duct tape on her mouth. Sheila smiles at her. She then walks over and yanks the tape of Dru’s lip. Dru screams out.

Then monitors from the back room begin beeping.


See what you did? You always are so loud. Now you’ve disturbed my mystery patient.” Sheila walks to the back room to make sure the mystery patient is ok.


Dru you ok?


No Bitch! My damn lips hurt! She tore the skin of my damn lips.


Who do you think Sheila has back there?


How many times are you going to ask me that! It’s a man. That’s all I know. Now the question you need to be asking is do you think Sheila want you girl? She be feeling all up on you. Looking at you in that way. Like you a two piece and a biscuit.


Mmm biscuits sounds so good gosh I’m so hungry. I don’t know what she wants from me. I’m just going to play nice so we do not get hurt.


No bitch. That means you scary.


Well I don’t want to get shot in the back and then paralyzed like you Drucilla. I’m playing it smart.


Girl please. Sharon Newman being smart?


Just what is that supposed to mean?


My point exactly. Damn all that girl, we got to get the hell out of here.


Well how do we do that since you have all the brains?


No you didn’t. Girl don’t you come for me. “ Then Dru begins to lift her legs up and exercise them.

Sharon is stunned.

“Oh my god, you can move your legs. That is so wonderful!


Shut yo ass up. I don’t want Sheila to know dummy!… Damn!


I’m sorry. But I am so happy for you.


If I can keep doing this, build my strength up, I can over power the crazy ass psycho and knock her crazy ass into next week so we can leave this place. Just you wait Sharon, Drucilla got us. We are going to be free. MMM hmm” She says as she continue to do leg crunches.

imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 140: Cane’s Coke Habit/ Drucilla’s plan

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, C Nate Richardson, with Philip Connelly



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Cane walks over to the new sexy Bartender in Town, Tyler.Tyler_zpsaa02c523.jpg


Thanks for calling me Ty. Where is he?

Tyler points in the direction of Malcolm’s passed out body slumped over the table.


He’s pretty messed up. He comes in here often but I’ve never seen ya boy like that.


Thanks again, I’ll take care of him.” Cane walks over to Malcolm and tugs at him.

“I’m going to kill Nate and Neil. They took my son away from me” he mumbles.

Cane tugs at Malcolm a little harder. Malcolm sits up but feels very dizzy.


I got to throw up.

Cane grabs Malcolm and escort him to the restroom.


I’m going to get those mutha fukkas.” He chants over and over again. Cane wonders what Malcolm is talking about.



yr_bold_baldwin_michael_9.jpgMichael walks into the GCAC and grabs a seat at he bar. He takes a sip then thinks about his life and how messy it is. He thinks about the divorce papers from Lauren, he then begins to think about how this will affect his son. He then thinks about Lauren selling him out at Victor Newman’s trial for which he was arrested for perjury. He shakes his head in disappointment. He then thinks of Phyllis and the mystery person. He has flashbacks in his mind:

Michael goes to his law office and sees it has been ransacked. He begins to worry if this “intruder” got a certain document. He looks for it. He doesn’t see it. “ Damn it. This can’t be happening. How could I be so stupid? Who is this person messing with us. Now I know there something definitely wrong“. Episode 63

Paul says so this is a person and it started in Jamaica. “Well that means this person,” this woman” flew back with you somehow” Michael says it is possible. We did fly on a private jet. Paul says he wonders if this mystery woman is Sheila Carter. Michael says secretly he has been wondering the same thing. Then a fax comes in. Michael gets it. He sees it is a copy of the missing file, sent from the mystery woman. Michael says Oh my God. I think it is Sheila! Episode 64

Michael knocks on Lauren’s door. She opens it and is not happy to see him. She asks him what is he doing there. Michael tells her that some strange things have been happening since we heard “the voice” in Jamaica. Lauren inquires. Michael tells her that it seems some one has attacked Phyllis and broken into his office and stolen something very important. “Then the sicko is now taunting me with this missing file by faxing it to me.” Lauren asks him what does this have to with her. Michael hesitates before answering her. He then says he and Paul thinks this could be the work of Sheila Carter. Lauren says that’s impossible. “ I shot the bitch”

They mystery woman calls Michael on his cell as he pulls up to Phyllis’ house. The mystery woman is using a voice disguiser. Michael thinks its Sheila

“What do you want this time Sheila I know it’s you?”

“Money and lots of it. If you don’t want you secret document on the front page of Restless Style then you will do as I say or people will get hurt.”

Michael: I’m not falling for this again Sheila Carter. I’m calling the Police right now. Enough is enough.” Michael hangs up the phone and walks inside and finds Phyllis in the door way unconscious on the floor. He screams out as he dials 911.

“Sheila has struck again!” He says…Episode 66

Michael is in his office trying to prepare for his case of divorce and custody with Lauren when he gets a call on his land line. It’s the Mystery Woman

“I have something you want” She says using a voice disguiser.

Michael: Just give your self up Sheila I know it’s you!”

“Is it?”

Michael: Who else would play these sick games and attack Phyllis?”

“And now I have your prized document. Do you want me to keep quite about it?”

Michael: So what are you going to do black mail me Sheila?”

“If you want to keep your plan against Victor Newman a secret than you will do what I say.”

Michael pauses as he is frustrated knowing he is in a tough situation.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Wire me some money into an account. And don’t even worry about tracing it. You do that and you will be in for the shock of your life. Also I need you to stop helping Phyllis and stop anybody else who is helping her.”

Michael: Why? Why are you doing this to her? This is my best friend. You want me to stand by and let you kill her?

“If you want your devious and deceitful plan against Victor Newman to remain quiet than yes. “ She tells him the account number. “I’ll be expecting payment within the hour. “ She hangs up. Michael slams the phone done and buries is face in his hands. “Oh God what am I going to do?” Episode 68

At Phyllis'. Michael and Phyllis have both fallen asleep from watching a movie. The mystery woman is lurking outside checking to see if Phyllis’ apartment is under surveillance. Oddly at the moment it is not. The mystery woman pulls something out of her car and approaches Phyllis’s apt again. She lights a homemade firebomb on fire and then throws it in Phyllis’ apt window. The apt immediately begins to catch on fire. The mystery woman just stands outside watching the apartment become engulfed in flames as Phyllis and Michael laid sleep in the house Episode 70

Michael is ashamed of his actions and then finishes his drink. Then Gloria walks up to him.

Gloria: thumbnailCAX6FZ9N.jpg

Michael what’s the matter?


Great just what I needed.


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Dru stops her leg crunches when she hears Sheila walking back into the front room.

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Dru you are mighty quiet. What gives?


My damn lips hurt.


Well good maybe you have learned to keep that big mouth of yours shut.


Mmm hmm” She says rolling her eyes at Sheila

Sheila then walks over to Sharon and unties her.


Are you letting me go?


Of course not. It won’t be that simple. It’s time to wash you nasty bitches up. Stinks in here.


Wait bitch you bout to wash us up?


There’s that disrespectful mouth again. You’re gonna piss me off. I’m trying to help you two.


You can do that by letting us go. Ain’t no one got time for all of this foolishness.


I got time. Now it’s time to get cleaned up.” Sheila pulls out her gun and forces Sharon to walk up the stairs to the bathroom by jamming the gun in her back.

Dru then gets back to her leg crunches. The only thing on her mind is her motivation for freedom and out of Sheila’s clutches.


Yea Bitch. I’m going to whoop yo ass and be freed. Treating me like me like a slave.


GC Nights Bar

Malcolm is done vomiting and Cane helps him outside the bar.

Malcolm is still chanting: Moses is my son and they took him from me.

Malcolm gets into Cane’s car. Cane gets in too and begins to drive listening to Malcolm.


Malcolm can you hear me man?


Yea bro. I hear you. They told me Moses is my son. I got to find Nate. He did this to me. Nate took my son. I’m going to kill him.


No way bro. I think you had way to much to drink.


Maybe I did. But I know what I saw.


Saw? I don’t understand.


I’m having a hard time remembering. I was talking to this pretty girl. I don’t think I even got her name. She told me Moses is my son and that Nate switched the paternity results.


So a complete stranger came to you and told you that Moses is your son?


I think so. I’m dizzy bro, I can’t think right now. Please don’t make me think.

Cane pulls up to Malcolm’s place. He escorts him upstairs and then lays him on the couch.


I’ll be back to check on you. Get some sleep. The alcohol playing tricks on you.

Cane then gets a text. He looks at it. It reads “ If you don’t have the money by the end of the night, I’m going to take your twins. They are at the sitters.

Cane panics. “I don’t have any money to pay these guys. They are threatening my children. What have I done?” Stressed he pulls his paraphernalia out his pocket and sits on the floor next to Malcolm’s coffee table. He prepares a line of coke and snorts it for an instant high and in his mind relief from the stresses of life. He begins to think of how he can make a payment for his coke by the end of the night as he packs back up his paraphernalia. He looks around and tries to find things of value in Malcolm’s place. The only thing he can think to grab that might be worth anything is an autographed basketball from Michael Jordan.


I can sell this on EBAY. No no that will take too long, a pawn shop.” He looks back at Malcolm who is passed out on the couch. “Sorry Mal. Your too damn drunk to even know.” Cane then leaves.



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Sheila fills a bath tub up with warm water and bubbles.


Bubbles? Isn’t that a bit extreme for a hostage?


Not for you my beauty.” Sheila then lights some candles and dims the lights.

Sheila points the gun at Sharon and tells her to undress.0soapoprahsharon.jpg

Meanwhile Dru is still doing her super woman self therapy crunches. Then shockingly Dru hears a knock at the door.




Recommended Comments

  • Members

Dru is funny....you're adding a comedic twist to it, which makes it interesting for me anyway

I forgot about Sheila's mystery patient

The Nina/Cane scene was good and real..

And I wonder who Cane owes..

Seems like you're bridging to something bigger in this episode...and the cliffhanger at the end....

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  • Members

I do not like the direction you are taking with Sharon and Sheila. Drucilla is sooo freakin funny. I absolutely loved the Nina and Cane scenes. They had everything a fan wants and you did not miss a beat. Good episode today!

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  • Members

This is soooo good. Everything's coming together in this episode, man. Love Michael connecting everything up with Sheila, I love the Dru stuff, and I love how Cane just doesn't believe what Malcolm found out. It's so good!

Dru, as always, is hilarious. Sheila is so damned creepy with Sharon. Yikes!

Great work!

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