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ANOTHER WORLD 158 Vicky decides to take action



ANOTHER WORLD 158 - Vicky decides to take action

Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50 and Beebs


Johnblogentry-14971-0-64489000-1398551686_th and Gregoryblogentry-14971-0-44042000-1398551703_th are with Sharleneblogentry-14971-0-58382200-1398551736_th and Stevenblogentry-14971-0-05911900-1398551755_th in an office with a leather couch, a desk, and a chair across from the couch. John is standing in front of Steven’s desk with Sharlene and Gregory, and Steven is sitting at his desk across from them.

John: Are you ready honey?

Sharlene: As ready as I’ll ever be.

Steven: I will take good care of her.

Gregory gives a menacing look to John as he flashes back to what he saw at Felicia’s place. Steven notices this look.

Gregory: Mom you’re gonna come out of this stronger than ever. I’ll be there every step of the way. I’m not gonna let anyone else hurt you.

John: We’ll be right outside.

Gregory: We sure will.

John and Gregory leave the office, and after Gregory shuts the door...

Gregory: You can go. I’ll stay with mom.

John: I’m not going anywhere.

Gregory: Well that’s surprising. I thought you would go running straight to that your side piece like you did the other day.

John: I beg your pardon.

Gregory: I saw you and Felicia...together again.


AT THE BLAKE’S...someone rings the doorbell incessantly as Feliciablogentry-14971-0-81441900-1398551806_th is working on her laptop...

Felicia (putting it down and going to the door): Alright alright I’m coming.

After she opens the door…

Felicia: Lisa?

Lisablogentry-14971-0-17828400-1398551827_th walks in rubbing her hands together…

Lisa: Hi Aunt Felicia.

Felicia: What’s going on? You look worried.

Lisa: Something is terribly wrong, and I can’t figure out what it is.



Lindsayblogentry-14971-0-67522500-1398551862_th is sitting sipping a coffee when Bridgetblogentry-14971-0-44707700-1398551888_th comes up and sits across from her.

Lindsay: Hey Bridget what’s up?

Bridget: I have to talk to you about your mom.


AT THE MCKINNONS...Vickyblogentry-14971-0-42055000-1398551914_th sits on the couch and flashes back to what Bridget told her in the car (in episode 156) as Jakeblogentry-14971-0-89560900-1398551938_th comes downstairs.

Vicky: I’ve gotta stop that bitch.

Jake: Vicky stop. I know what you’re about to do.

Vicky: What do you mean?

Jake: You’re talking about Stacey aren’t you?




Part 2

Steven: I know you’re scared, but you have nothing to worry about.

Sharlene: I know nephew. How’s your father?

Steven: He’s great. His practice is thriving in Paris. He’s loving it here.

Sharlene: What made you wanna come back?

Steven: You. I’ve come to help you. We’ve gotta establish something. During these sessions I’m not your nephew, I’m your doctor. I also want you to know that what we say during these sessions is completely confidential.

Sharlene: I know about the doctor/patient confidentiality stuff. I’ve done this rodeo before.

Steven: You know I’ll be honest with you though...on the record.

Sharlene: About what?

Steven: There is some serious tension between Uncle John and Gregory.

Sharlene: I don’t know for sure, but those two always have something going on between them. Par for the course I suppose.


Gregory follows John into an empty office, and John shuts the door.

John: What the hell are you talking about?

Gregory: You went to her place didn’t you? I saw you two hugging.

John: You’re following me now Gregory? Why don’t you install a damn GPS tracking device the next time?

Gregory: You think this is a joke dad? It’s happening again.

John: For the last time I am not involved with Felicia!

Gregory: Not yet. I’m not gonna let you do it again.

John: I would not hurt your mother like that again.

Gregory: You say one thing and do something else! You’re such a liar!

John: I am becoming very concerned about you. You’re angry at me for no reason. Felicia and I are friends. That’s it.

Gregory: You wanted Dr. Taylor to keep her from remembering what happened the day the Center opened.

John: That was for her protection.

Gregory: And look where mom is now. I don’t want to see mom the way I saw her twenty years when you cheated on her with that homewrecker, and you’re gonna do it again. I guess once….always…

Gregory walks out.


Felicia: Why don’t you sit down so we can talk?

Lisa: I didn’t know who else to call.

Felicia: Honey you can always call me. So what’s bothering you?

Lisa: It’s one of my patients at the Cavanaugh Clinic. I got a chill when I touched her.

Felicia: A psychic vibe.

Lisa: Yes. My vibes are still jumping all over the place.

Felicia: Do you have any idea what it could be?

Lisa: I get an eerily familiar vibe from Marissa.

Felicia: Marissa? That’s her name?

Lisa: Yes.

Felicia: Well there was a woman named Marissa LaSalle that came to Bay City around the same time you were here. She was really Mary McKinnon. Turned out she had lost her memory.

Lisa: Why do they have the same name?

Felicia: That is a bit odd.

Lisa (getting up, pacing, frustrated): Goodness why can’t I figure this ouuuuut!

Felicia: You said the vibe you got was familiar. Could she be connected to someone you already know?


Lindsay: My mom?

Bridget: I overheard their conversation.

Lindsay: Wait a minute. What exactly did my mom say?

Bridget: That she was still in love with my dad.


Vicky: Whatever gave you that idea?

Jake: Bridget told you didn’t she? What Stacey said.

Vicky: About her still being in love with you? Yes, and I don’t like it one bit.

Jake: I remember what happened back then.

Vicky: And when did you start recalling your affair with that woman?

Jake takes a deep breath.

Jake: A while ago.

Vicky: Wow really? And you’re just telling me now?

Jake: Details were coming to me little by little, but I didn’t wanna tell you until I was sure.

Vicky: You remembered this amnesiac affair with this woman, who is still in love with that guy, and you weren’t sure?

Jake: Vicky please try to understand.

Vicky: Do you love her?

Jake: How can you ask something like that?

Vicky: We know that Stacey loves you, but do you love her?

Jake: Of course I don’t Vicky! I love you!

Vicky: Is that what you told Stacey when she poured her heart out to you?

Jake: Not exactly.

Vicky (shaking her head): That’s...that’s not the answer I wanted to hear Jake. She fought to have Mikey taken away from my parents years ago. It destroyed them, and now she’s trying to destroy my family. I’m not gonna let her.

Vicky grabs her keys.

Jake: Where are you going? Vicky no. Stacey knows where I stand.

Vicky: Someone’s gotta take a stand for this family. If it’s not gonna be you, it will be me. That bitch is not gonna get a second chance to tear my family apart.



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Great chapter!

So Marissa wasn't dead, Lisa was just having her visions. I'd forgotten those. I hope you have her meet Frankie, Bay City's other most prominent psychic. I wonder if she still gets dizzy and has pain when she has them (Lisa, I mean).

Gregory is just out of control. "Side piece" indeed.

Sharlene is too blase about Gregory and John. I hope that's not another alter pretending to be her.

Great to use Stephen in this part of the story.

I'm loving this direct and aggressive, self-destructive Vicky. So true to character.

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Thanks Carl...

Sharlene won't be blase too much longer...but i'm not going the alter route for a while.

Gregory's mind seems to be going to far out places...but could he be right?

and Vicky is not having it anymore

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Good Show. I like how John and Greg had it out and laid everything out on the line.

Had to luagh at Lisa for breaking the Hippa Laws to Felicia lol. I wonnder what her connection is to Marissa.

Vicky is treading on thin ice. My God I can't wait until jake finds out Vicky knew the truth about his kid all this time and kept it from him.

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Some more great stuff, Cary. Loving Vicky's rage. It's so her. Reminds me of Anne Heche Vicky as I was reading it. Good stuff.

John & Gregory is gonna get messy fast, I can see it.

Can't wait for more!

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Lisa didn't discuss anything specific with Felicia. Good catch of that MLC

MLC, Beebs...the John and Gregory mess is only gonna get messier.

Vicky has had enough...

Thanks for reading guys

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