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ANOTHER WORLD 157 Carl wakes up



ANOTHER WORLD 157 - Carl wakes up

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, and Beebs

Christopher Norrisblogentry-14971-0-36107800-1398306898_th guest stars as Karen

CORY PRODUCTIONS - Amandablogentry-14971-0-14996100-1398306923_th and Paulinablogentry-14971-0-99715100-1398306944_th discuss Iris. Paulina sits across from Amanda, while Amanda looks at her computer, as if she’s trying to make sense of something.

Amanda: I can’t get it out of my head.

Paulina: Operation Loco.

Amanda: Iris approved all this funding for that project before she hired me, but it’s just an usually large sum of money, and then the deposits just stopped. I don’t get it.

Paulina: The only way you’re gonna find out is finding out where those deposits went.

Amanda tries to access the “Loco” file on her computer…

Amanda: What?

Paulina: What happened?

Amanda: The file is locked, and I’m sure only one person has the password.

Paulina: Iris.



A sign on the door reads “Alexandra Spaulding, CEO.” Inside, Alexandrablogentry-14971-0-46404600-1398306970_th slides an envelope to Irisblogentry-14971-0-01846600-1398306992_th.

Iris: I’m almost scared to open this.

Alexandra: I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything.

Iris: What does it say? That I’m out of Cory Productions forever?

Alexandra: There’s only one way to find out. Open the envelope.


CAVANAUGH CLINIC - Rachelblogentry-14971-0-68628700-1398307031_th is with Carlblogentry-14971-0-69634700-1398307056_th, who just woke up. Rachel is overjoyed.

Rachel: My God darling you’re back! Oh God. It’s a miracle.

Carl: Told you I wasn’t goin anywhere.

Rachel: We gotta...gotta get you checked out. I’m gonna go get Lisa.

Rachel goes to the door and Karenblogentry-14971-0-36107800-1398306898_th, the nurse, appears.

Karen: Lisa’s not available.

Rachel: I’m sorry?

Karen: Lisa’s otherwise occupied. I’ll be your nurse for today.


Lisablogentry-14971-0-41202000-1398307120_th knocks on a door, and asks if anyone’s in there. Suddenly the door opens, and she walks in. The office is filled with dark blue strobe lights.

Lisa: Hellooo? Karen told me I could find you here. I need to talk to you about Marissa.

Meanwhile, someone is watching Lisa on surveillance.



Amanda: What the hell is she up to?

Paulina: No good apparently.

Amanda: Something’s definitely wrong here.

Paulina: Why doesn’t she want you to see that file?

Amanda: If it’s something I could use against her, I could save Brava.

Paulina: I’ll help you. It’s time we brought that bitch down once and for all.


Iris is shocked after reading what was in the envelope...

Iris: I can’t believe this. How did this happen?

Alexandra: According to Alan’s will, he left me in charge of his safety deposit box in the event of his death.

Iris: So you’re just coming across this now?

Alexandra: I’ve been so preoccupied with Spaulding Enterprises, and trying to fend off and Phillip and Alan-Michael, the corporate predators that they are. I haven’t even had a second to go over and see what was in it. I promise you, as soon as I found out, I called and told you.

Iris: This changes everything.

Alexandra: It should help you tremendously at your upcoming hearing.

Iris (sighing): Truer words. What would I do without you?

Alexandra: Hopefully you’ll never find out.

Iris’ eyes well up.

Iris: You’re truly my best friend.

Alexandra: Don’t you forget it darling.

They hug.


Karen is in the hallway on her cell phone.

Karen: Hutchins woke up. The antidote worked, and it wouldn’t have without you. Dr. McCleary, though, is becoming a problem. She’s getting too close to Marissa.


Lisa goes into Marissa’sblogentry-14971-0-81295700-1398307298_th room, and goes over to her bed as she sleeps.

Lisa: Karen gave you way too much propofol. Why would the boss want you sedated so heavily? I’m gonna help you.

Lisa touches Marissa’s arm, gets a chill, and jumps back in horror.

Lisa: Oh my God!


Carl is now sitting up in his bed...

Rachel: Karen says you’re doing great. That means we’ll be able to go home soon. Do you remember anything?

Carl: I recall was taking a drink. The police were holding you for Reginald’s murder.

Rachel: Boy where do I start with that?

Carl: Sharlene was talking to me.

Rachel: No it wasn’t her.

Carl: Was it an alter?

Rachel: Yes

Carl: She accused of me leaving Janice to raise Evan and Frankie alone, and then I had trouble breathing.

Rachel: She had poisoned the liquor. I figured out that she had planted it in my sweater to make it look like I killed Reginald Love. She had an elaborate plan to destroy us.

Carl: I wonder why her alter wanted to kill Reginald. Sounds like she was out for some type of revenge.

Rachel: Well Sharlene is getting the help she needs, as for us, I’m looking forward to going home.

Carl: Where am I Rachel?

Rachel (sighing): We’re in Monticello.

Carl: Where?

Rachel: Honey that’s not important right now. You’re up and well….

Carl: Why won’t you tell me where we are? What are you hiding?



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Good show cant quite put my finger on this marissa story im thinking I missed something? Mccleary that name rings a bell, should it? As always another piece of the puzzle given, I wonder what rachels next move will be

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Cool episode. Love seeing characters and settings from other P&G soaps popping up.

MLC - McCleary was the name of one of the families on Search for Tomorrow. I'm assuming that Lisa is Felicia's niece Lisa Grady who has married one of the McCleary brothers (maybe Cagney?). Lisa was on AW from 1987 to 1989, I believe, and was involved with Jamie Frame. Lisa had psychic powers. Joanna Going played the role. Earlier, she played Evie Stone on Search for Tomorrow. Evie was connected to Quinn McCleary and his brother Cagney.

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Thanks for reading guys...

Yes, robbwolff...Lisa married Quinn McCleary. She is Felicia's niece, and was involved with Jamie Frame, and lost Jamie to Vicky. This episode does tap into Lisa's psychic powers. Thanks again for the clarification robbwolff

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Great work! I'm loving this series. (So much better than Another World Today). I love seeing the connections to Search for Tomorrow, Guiding Light, and The Edge of Night. It gives me inspiration to possibly try my hand at one. I've been toying for years about a continuation of The Edge of Night though set in the present day. I may give it a shot once I'm done rewriting my novel.

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Great episode yet again. I love how well you use the AW and P&G histories. I never realized Lisa was a revisited character.

This episode is very interesting. So happy to see Carl awake again. Definitely can't wait to find out what is going on at this mysterious clinic!

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That part with Lisa finding Marissa's body (?) gave me a chill. How fitting that this is in Monticello because those moments are worthy of Edge of Night.

Love that Alex and Iris scene, and that Alex is fighting back in business again instead of just reacting to the men in her family.

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