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ANOTHER WORLD 155 Grant gets an unpleasant surprise



ANOTHER WORLD 155 Grant gets an unpleasant surprise

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, and Beebs


Paulinablogentry-14971-0-85415000-1397953777_th comes to a table and sits across from Jackblogentry-14971-0-60609300-1397953796_th.

Jack: Thanks for meeting me.

Paulina: You sounded worried on the phone. Is it Dante? Is he alright?

Jack: I didn’t know who else I could turn to.

Paulina: It’s okay. What is it?

Jack: Carly filed for a separation.

Paulina reaches out and puts her hand on Jack’s.

Paulina: Oh wow. I’m so sorry.



Grantblogentry-14971-0-20948100-1397953823_th tips the guy who just installed a new security system, and gets a phone call.

Grant: Hello? I’ll gladly accept those charges. Scooter. You’ve got what I need? Great I’m on way right now.

Grant (after hanging up): The destruction of Jack Snyder shall begin.



As Scooter hangs up the pay phone, Christyblogentry-14971-0-80036300-1397953845_th watches him.



Charlieblogentry-14971-0-19393000-1397953862_th is sitting at a table on her cell phone.

Charlie: I’m out with Kirkland. He went to the restroom for a minute. I haven’t forgotten mom. We’ll be there later so we can discuss wedding details. Love you.

Charlie bends down and puts her cell phone in her bag as someone walks up to her.

Charlie: Babe that was my mom. She’s anxious to get things going with the…

Charlie looks up and sees Ericblogentry-14971-0-68870600-1397954381_th, in his barista uniform, holding a latte.

Eric: Wow. What a way to end my shift.



Gregoryblogentry-14971-0-61041700-1397954424_th knocks on the door and Lindsayblogentry-14971-0-20379300-1397954449_th opens it.

Gregory: Is your mom here?

Lindsay: No she went to see Cass.

Gregory steps in, pulls Lindsay close, and they kiss passionately.



Cassblogentry-14971-0-24622500-1397954473_th and Staceyblogentry-14971-0-40903400-1397954495_th are sitting on the couch sipping tea.

Stacey: Sooo Charlie’s wedding’s coming up huh?

Cass (sighing): Yep.

Stacey: And you finally decided to give Charlie your blessing.

Cass: I guess I was nervous about Christy. I didn’t want Charlie to be in any danger. Now that she’s gonna remain in prison, I can breathe easier.



Grant arrives at the visitor’s area and approaches a guard.

Grant: Where’s Scooter Carruthers?

Christy walks out into the area and sits across from Grant.

Christy: Scooter is not coming.

Grant: I know who you are. Where is he?

Christy: You’re not going to be dealing with Scooter anymore. I’m your contact now.




Eric: Caramel latte for the pretty lady?

Charlie: Thank you. How much is it?

Eric: It’s on the house.

Eric then notices Charlie’s engagement ring.

Eric: So who’s the lucky fiance?

Kirkland walks up behind Eric.

Kirkland: I am.

Eric (shocked): Oh...well congratulations are in order.

Charlie: Thank you.

Kirkland: Um...we’re gonna take it to go.

Eric (smiling): Oh ok. Well you two have a great day! Come see us again.

Eric quickly stops smiling as he watches Kirkland and Charlie leave.


Paulina: Is there anything I can do? I hope she isn’t doing it because she thinks we’re…

Jack (sighing): There are a number of things going on. It’s mostly because I can’t be home all the time.

Paulina: I thought she understood why you had to take a job here in Bay City.

Jack: I thought so, too.

Paulina: You two have been through rough patches. There’s no reason you won’t get through this one.

Jack: I know, but this one feels different. I wonder if we’re gonna make it this time. I’m so glad you’re here for me.

Paulina: Of course, just like you were always there for me.

They clench hands on the top of the table, and Eric, who is hiding behind the CENTER BREW sign, snaps two pictures of them. One with Jack and Paulina sitting across from each other, and the other showing their clenched hands on top of the table.


Gregory holds Lindsay in the bed after having made love.

Gregory: I’m sorry.

Lindsay: For what?

Gregory: I haven’t been myself lately. I’ve snapped at you. We haven’t been spending a lot of time together. I don’t want you to think that I forgot about us, because I didn’t.

Lindsay: Noooo it’s okay. I know you’re worried about Sharlene.

Gregory: I don’t wanna lose her again. When I was little, we thought she died in an explosion. She came back thinking she was someone else. She fought her way back to us, and then my dad screwed our family up by having an affair with Felicia. I was too young to really understand what was going on, but I remember how sad my mom was.

Lindsay: She’s very resilient.

Gregory: It took her a long time to bounc

e back, and she and my dad remarried, and it makes me sick to see him spending time with Felicia again.

Lindsay: Are you sure about that?

Gregory: I saw them in Felicia’s apartment.

Lindsay: Gregory you’re spying on them?

Gregory: You said that I had to get proof. Hard evidence.

Lindsay: I just don’t want you to make a mistake. That’s a serious accusation to make.

Gregory: My dad had my mom committed to keep Jack from arresting her.

Lindsay: Wow. You know I’m here for you right.

Gregory: You always have been, and it’s time that I’m here for you, and support you. I know I’ve been against you telling Jake the truth about you being his daughter. Now, I’m gonna be behind you, whatever you decide.

Lindsay: Well I’ve been thinking about that, too. I don’t wanna hurt anyone. I’m not that kind of person.

Gregory: I know babe.

Lindsay: And so I’ve decided not to say anything.

Gregory: Are you sure? You were so determined before.

She reaches into her nightstand, takes the DNA test out, rips it in half, and tosses it in her wastebasket.


Stacey: That’s great. How did Frankie take it?

Cass: Not too well. We haven’t spoken since the hearing.

Stacey: Well you have to go see her Cass.

Cass: I don’t want our problems to get in the way of Charlie’s wedding.

Stacey: Do you love her?

Cass: Of course I do.

Stacey: Then you’ve gotta go after her, because you may never get another chance. You’ll always be wondering what might have been.

Cass: Stace, who are we talkin’ about here? Me and Frankie? Or you and Jake? Oh no, tell me you’re not gonna go after him.

Stacey: I told him that I loved him, and I think he loves me, too.


Grant: I’m gonna ask you again, what happened to Scooter?

Christy: He and I were good friends, and I’m gonna miss him dearly.

Grant: What the hell are you talking about? I just talked to him about an hour ago.

Christy: Well, Scooter had an unfortunate…occurrence. From what I heard, he just couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t stand the pressure of knowing what he knew, so he killed himself. Luckily for him, he had a friend like me, so what he knew, I now know.

Grant: And just what is it that you think you have knowledge of?

Christy: I know that it’s something you’ve been looking for, but that’s not all.

Grant: I don’t think you have any idea who you’re trying to play games with.

Christy: Oh. I know exactly who you are. You’re the very powerful, very wealthy, Grant Harrison. If you want something to happen, it usually does.

Grant: I’m leaving.

Grant turns to leave and then...

Christy: I also know about your connection to Mary-Frances’s twin brother, and I know where the dossier is.

Grant: It was you. Who did you order to break into my house?

Christy: Now I’ve got your attention. I’m not gonna ask you for much...just one small favor...get me the hell out of here.



Recommended Comments

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OOOO This b!tch don't play. Christy is amaaaazing. I can't wait to see how this all goes down. Scooter's dead? DAMN!

I love how she's got her hands in so much of the story going on. GREAT work connecting it all up!

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Great episode. I very much enjoyed the scenes with greg and linds, and he discussing how everythign weighs on him. They are drawn together in a way like Rox and Nate are.

Eric is all over the place in many plots and driving them. I look fwd to seeing what he does with all the power he has.

Christy Canyon is kicking her plot into high gear as well.

Remind where Dante is again?

Jut an overall great show it really moved. Good job

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Dante is supposedly working with Jack at the Police Station. Paulina is overreacting as usual.

Thanks for the other comments MLC...more to come with Christy...trust that...

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Great chapter. Lots of stories moving forward. I'm glad we got to hear more of Gregory's motivation.

I guess the lesson is - don't hug or hand-hold women in public. Or when the door is open.

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I see the plots unfo,ding now... which is great. Christy reminds me of Heather Webber from GH LOL I liked when Lindsey ripped the DNA thing in half. I think in the Lindsey and Greg scenes u combined what AW is all about. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

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