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ANOTHER WORLD 146 Unpleasant surprises



ANOTHER WORLD 146 Unpleasant surprises

Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50


Jack is in his office when Toni Burrellblogentry-14971-0-29284500-1395008862_th walks in with an envelope.

Toni (giving it to Jack): This came for you at the desk.

Jack opens and reads the envelope contents…

Toni: K.C. is coming to town and I was wondering if I could get some time off.

Jack doesn’t respond as he continues to read the envelope contents…

Toni: She’s gonna look at enrolling in school here and I just wanted to take her around. I also saw a blue pig flying over the station.

Jack: Oh. What did you say?

Toni: Hmm whatever you’re reading has got your attention doesn’t it?

Jack (taking out his cell phone): Carly wants a separation.

Before Jack can dial, he sees a text from Sage that reads “Why is Grant Harrison talking to mom?”

Jack: I’ll be back.


LOVE MANSION-Donnablogentry-14971-0-67595000-1395008893_th opens the door and Allenblogentry-14971-0-02515900-1395008915_th walks in.

Donna: We have to talk.

Allen: Is everything alright?

Donna walks over to a drawer, unlocks it and shows Allen the gun...

Donna: This.

Allen: What the…

Donna: Someone sent this to me.

Allen (shaking his head): Who possibly could have done that?



Tyroneblogentry-14971-0-93254700-1395008954_th is at his desk when he gets a phone call on his desk phone.

Tyrone: The three o’ clock’s here? Okay send Ms. Harper in.

Tyrone gets up and goes to his cabinet, turning his back to the door, and hears the person walk in.

Tyrone (gathering papers): Just give me a minute. I’ll be right with you Ms. Harper.

Tyrone turns around and is shocked as he faces the client.blogentry-14971-0-93728200-1395008996_th

Tyrone: My God. Joy?

Joy (smiling): I’ll wait.



GRANT’S HOUSE - Grantblogentry-14971-0-29419200-1395009026_th opens the door and Jack walks in.

Grant: I don’t believe I invited you in.

Jack: Why the hell did you go to Milltown?

Grant: Is that any way to talk to your future boss?

Jack: You haven’t been officially named mayor yet and you’re avoiding my question.

Grant: I’m concerned about Carly and the state of your marriage, apparently more than you are.

Jack: My marriage is none of your business, and you stay away from my wife.

Grant: Let me ask you something, detective. Do you really think it’s right for you to be getting close to Paulina while your marriage is falling apart?

Jack: I don’t have to explain the nature of my relationship with Paulina to you.

Grant: So it IS a relationship.

Jack: I will protect Paulina from you.

Grant: You think you’re so perfect, so righteous, so upstanding. EVERYONE’S got secrets, even you. I care about Paulina, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.

Jack: The only person that’s gonna hurt her is you, and I’m gonna make sure that you don’t.

Grant: YOU are the one that Paulina needs to be protected from!

Jack: You better stay away from my family, and Paulina, because you don’t want to deal with me. I learned a few things when I worked for James Stenbeck, and I have no problem applying them when it comes to you.

Grant: And that’s supposed to intimidate me?

Jack walks out and Grant smiles.

Grant: You have no idea what I have in store for you.


Tyrone: What are you doing back in Bay City?

Joy: It’s a free country.

Tyrone: What are you doing here Joy?

Joy notices a picture of Tyrone and Marley on his desk. Tyrone sits down back at his desk.

Joy: How are you and Marley doing?

Tyrone: Stronger than ever.

Joy: I know it wasn’t always that way, especially when you and I were together.

Tyrone: It’s in the past...ancient history.

Joy: It’s a shame that you look at it that way. That time was the most...eye opening experience I ever had.

Joy slowly walks behind Tyrone, and bends down...

Joy (whispering in Tyrone’s right ear): And I’m sure it was the same for you. Don’t you miss it? I’ll never forget what we had.

Joy straddles Tyrone’s ear gently with one of her fingers.

Joy: I want to continue where we left off.

Tyrone grabs her wrist.

Tyrone: We never had anything. It was just…

Joy (taken aback): Sex? That’s all it was to you? It was so much more than that for me.

Tyrone: I was wrong, Joy. I should never have gotten involved with you.

Joy: You regret being with me? Is that what you’re saying? I never meant to cause any trouble for you.

Tyrone: I’m sorry, but I love the life I have with my wife, and I’m not gonna put that on the line again.

Joy: You told me you were thinking about leaving her! You had me thinking we had a future together.

Tyrone: I made a mistake! I’m not going through that again. I don’t know what you came back here for, but you gotta stay away from me.

Joy: Who do you think you are? You think you’re just gonna brush me off like that? What we had meant nothing to you?

Tyrone: You gotta go, okay. Whatever you’re in Bay City for, good luck.

Joy (eyes welling up): How could be so cavalier about this? If you’re trying to hurt me, it worked.

Tyrone: Good-bye Joy.

Joy: I’m gonna make you feel the same pain you are making me feel now.


Allen: This is weird. That gun should be at the bottom of the river by now.

Donna: And you’re sure that nobody saw you?

Allen: Of course not.

Donna: I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with an idea of who might be doing this, and I can’t.

Allen: So you’re telling me that someone actually went into the river, got the gun, and sent it to you. Why? Who could be after you?


Joy is in her hotel room making a call on her cell phone, and she looks across the room at a set of scuba diving equipment.

Joy: It’s me boss, phase one is complete. Time for phase two.

FREEZE FRAME ON SPLIT SCREEN with JOY on the left side, DONNA on the right….END OF EPISODE 146


Recommended Comments

  • Members

OO, i'm intrigued by Joy.

Loving the tie-ins with ATWT and the whole P&G universe. You've done really well at tying everything together. It works rather seamlessly!

Keep it up! I'm enjoying this!

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JOOOY!! pump it up pump it up and PAIN I liek sunshine and rain. Baby girl on the scene, I hope she do what she do, we need a vixen. A pretty one at that!!

Good scene with Grant and JAck. They laid everything out on the line. Good. Grant was in prime form.

Joy aint playing game either. Gone head and do what you do. She is extacly what I expected. OO and she working for some one. This is gonna be good!!

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Tyrone sure can't keep it in his pants (Donna, Joy).

Nice to see that past history mentioned with Jack working with the Stenbecks.

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