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Miss Rue is a Bad Bitch too! Ep 134



The sun rises on a new day in Pasadena

We begin on Lavender Hill, Karim's Mansion4-HORSEMENRIDES013.jpg

Karim is at the breakfast nook sipping on a cup of coffee reading the morning news. Alexis walks in to the kitchen and plants a kiss on Karim.

"How are you this morning baby?"


"So so. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I have so much on my mind."


"Well if it has anything to do with the paternity of this child I am carrying. I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about. This child is yours Karim. Santino and I are just friends and nothing happened between us in Miami."


"Good. I'll hold you to that. I am only with you to be a family for my child. As you can see I have no family so I don't want my child to know how that feels." Karim pours some vodka in his coffee.


"Don't you think it's a little early to be drinking? Don't you have to go to the office?"


"No I don't. Actually I am going to file for sole custody of Lauren's baby."


"Wow. Were you going to discuss this with me or you already made your mind up?"


"What's to discuss? That baby is my family. My nephew. The seed of my brother."


"Well Lauren is my sister."


"Ok so what does that mean?"


"It means the same as your brother Kevin. Lauren's my sister and Kevin is your brother."


"Lauren has proven herself to be an unfit mother. She faked her death in order to set Ty up. She didn't put this child first. She put her vendetta against Ty first. Now because of that my nephew is sick. He will be sick for the rest of his life. He has fetal alcohol syndrome. Why? Because she was drinking heavily in her pregnancy."


"She didn't know she was pregnant at the time."


"It really doesn't matter. History speaks for it self. She let a man rape her and beat up on her. Lauren has proven time and time again she can't take care of herself. Or let alone a child. My nephew at that. Ain't no way in hell I am going to let Lauren raise my nephew. You two better be lucky my mother is locked in a nut house. There is no telling what she will do when she finds out she has a grandchild by Kevin and it's mother is Lauren. I am not discussing this with you no more. I am going to get my nephew. So just stand back." He downs his coffee, grabs his laptop bag and suit case and leaves.


"Just like that your going to walk out on me? We can't even talk about this?"

Karim ignores her and walks out the door.


"I can't let him do this to Lauren. She's my sister and I have to stick up for her." She grabs her purse and keys and heads out the door.

"I can't take much more of this. I am supposed to be happy. I got my man back, I am having his baby. It's like 99 problems."


Episode 134: Miss Rue is a Bad Bitch too!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: Monique Cooks

The Blue Notebluenote.jpg

alicia_silverstone_07.jpgJenn grabs a seat at the bar and orders a drink from Pierre. Jenn looks up at the big screen TV.

She hears a woman's voice say

"Here you go"

Jenn, thinking the voice sounds familiar turns around to face the woman and sure enough it' Lauren

"Oh my God. What is going on here?"


"What do you mean? I do own the joint."


"I went to your funeral. I watch them bury you. I saw you in that casket."


"I know. It was hard to lay there and pretend to be dead. Especially when Sister Patterson came up. I just knew her third eye would sense that something was off."


"So you were really alive in that coffin?"


"I sure was"


"Why? Why would you so something like that to the people who care about you?"


"Oh you care? Last I remember We weren't on good terms. In fact we fell out over your boyfriend Ty."


"A mistake. My bad. I was blinded by his money. That's all it was really about. I wanted to live the good life. Mike couldn't give me that. But he was a damn good man."


"So what are you saying? It's over with you and Ty?"


"Yes it is. He's in jail where he belongs for the many crimes he's committed. But Karl has kicked me out the mansion so I am home less"


"That's why I faked my death. To set him up. Dre came to me and told me he had a hit out on me so Dre and I cooked up this plan to fake my death to bring Ty to justice. "


"Well it seems he brought himself to justice at Mona's trial. So all is good now. I am so glad to have you back. I have really missed you and really took our friendship for granted. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."


"Of course. I know first hand love can make you do stupid things."


"So how are you? Where's Daniel? Are things back to normal?"


"Far from it. My life is mess. I think now faking my death was a huge mistake. They are trying to take my baby away and"

Jenn, cutting her off

"Did you say baby? What a dog or cat or something?" She says taking a sip of her drink


"I had a baby. I had Kevin's baby."

Jenn spits out her drink all over Lauren

"I'm sorry what!?"


"That was really rude you know" She says grabbing a towel and cleaning herself up.


"I said I was sorry. You shocked me. You had Kevin's baby? When did this happen?"


"Kevin and I got drunk one night and had a one night stand."


"Wow. They say once you go black you never go back. Is that true?"


"Jenn please get a grip. This is about my son."


"Well how is he now, what's his name?"


"I haven't decided on a name yet. He's baby Kevin for now. And Children Service Board has him. They have deem me an unfit mother thanks to Kiko."




"Yes, he called CSB on me. So they took my baby and Karim found out and he's not too happy about it."


"Wow one hell of a mess. "


"You're telling me. And to make it worse Daniel hates me. He's moved on with Sharon "

Santino then sits at the bar and orders a drinkles2.jpg

"Laruen is that you?"


"It is. I had to fake my death to bring your boss to justice."


"Well he is in jail now so everything is good."


"Speak for yourself."


"Don't start your bull sh!t tonight Jennifer. I'm not in the mood for it. I came here for a good time."


"Where are you staying at these days Tino?"


"What's it to you?"


"Because I'm homeless. Karl's old dusted ass put me out the mansion yesterday."


"Well where did you sleep last night?"


"In my car."


"Sounds good to me"


"And where do you stay at? Alexis's penthouse at TC Hotel."

Tino, chuckling

"That's none of your business. We are over. Don't worry bout me."


"That's how you going to do me? After everything we been through? Risking our lives to be together behind Ty's back? Now I mean nothing to you?"


"Sounds about right."

Jenn throws her drink on Santino

"Why? What did I do that was so wrong?"


"Jenn your old. You have no values or morals. I can't be with a woman who cheats. You're going to do the same with me as soon as the going gets tough. I don't want a lady like that. Besides, some one has my eye."


"That Alexis character? Isn't she with Karim?"


"Don't worry about it Bitch." he throws his drink on her and then walks out.


"FU(K YOU Santino! Your D!ck Stinks how about that?"

He looks back at her and laughs

"That's not what you said when you had it down your throat. In fact you couldn't get enough of my long boy."

Jenn gives him the finger as Natalia walks in. She begins laughing as she walks over to Jenn. She orders a drink. She sees Lauren

"Is that you Laruen?"


"It is. Look I faked my death to bring Ty to justice and I had Kevin's baby. I am tired of repeating that. I am going to have to put up flyers or something. What can I get you?"


"I'll have a glass of wine." Natalia slams her purse on the counter and looks at Jenn. Jenn wiping herself up looks at Natalia

"What the hell is your problem?"


"I would advise you not to speak to me in that manor or you'll be wearing my drink too."


"What is the matter with you?"


"I forget nothing. You see I remember a time when you ruined my fashion show not once but twice."


"Your point?"


"It's not good to make me your enemy."


"Well Jodie was my enemy. You see what I did to her? You were collateral damage. It's so old so get over it."


"Never Bitch. You put your nose where it didn't belong and I want you to be fair warned, you are going to pay for that."


"Get out my face Natalia with your bad breath." Jenn reaches in her purse and throws a piece of gum at Nat.


"You think this is a game. You better ask Dahlia. Oh wait she's dead. Just a prime example of what I do to my foes."


"And Jodie is dead to is she not?"


"You will pay for what you did to me Bitch. That's a promise."


"Next please."


"Of Course." Natalia throws her drink in Jenn's face and then she leaves.


"Damn. It is hate on Jenn day."


"Can you believe this? Two drinks on me by two different people. I'm a total loser."


"No you're not. Look, we can be losers together. Move into my place."


"Oh thank you Lauren. That means so much to me." They hug.



Downtown Pasadena. 5c9b33d5.jpg

Karim pulls up on his Benz in the parking lot of Children Service Board. He takes a swig of his bottle of vodka, pulls out a piece of gum, and pops it in his mouth and heads inside to the office area. Inside he approaches a secretary

"Can I help you?"

"I'm Karim Williams and I want to file a petition for sole custody of my nephew. His mother is unfit to raise him."

"What is the mother's name?"


"Lauren Romoan."

"Give me a second, let me look it up on the computer." She types some things in her computer and then Lauren's name comes up.

"Ah yes here we are. Yes we do have her baby in our care. He's still in the hospital. Fill out this paper work. Once you do that than we can find a calendar date to have this custody hearing take place."


"Thank you maam." Karim takes the clipboard with the papers and grabs a seat and begins to fill out the papers.

He thinks to himself

"Lauren will never raise this baby. I will see to it."



Divine Designbf46.jpg

Rufus walks into Alexis's office and grabs a seat at her desk and turns on her computer. She logs into her Adam4Adam account and see if she has any messages. She sure does from her online friend On the DL. She also sees he is online and clicks instant message.


"Hey you. What happened to you the other night?"


"My apologies. I was there but there were so many people there that night, I was to noid to make my move."


"Wow. So what happens now? I don't like being stood up. This is not a game. I am too old for this."

On theDL

"I do apologize I am putting you through this. I do want to say you looked very beautiful that night when I was there."


"Wait, you were there?"

On theDL

"I was."

Rufus thinks back on her times at The Blue Note. She remembers she had encounters with Kiko, DC, and Santino. Rufus wonders if any one of the three could be her DL Lover.


"Oh my."


"What does that mean?"


"Well I did see a few mens there the nights I went. I really liked two of them. Is this Santino or Kiko?"


"LOL, It's not time for that yet?"


"Why are you playing games?"


"It not games. I am just not out. Simple as that. I don't want no one to know."


"Are you ashamed?"


"No. I just don't like labels. It doesn't have to be everybody's business what I do. What we do is what we do. It remains between us. Word?"


"I can live with that. Can I at least get a clue or something. You seem to know a lot about me but I know nothing about you."


"I promise you very soon. You won't be disappointed that's for sure."


"SO when can I meet you?"


"Let's try again tomorrow night at the Blue note."




"Just be there. I'll be looking for you. If everything is cool, I'll approach you."


"This guessing game has got me going crazy. Though I don't like it has been a thrill for me. I'll see you then and this time, make your self known or this will be the last chance to meet me."



Rufus signs off with a smile on her face as she thinks of what it would be like making love to either Kiko or Santino. Her smile disappears when Alexis slams her office door shut, storming into the office.


"What the hell are you doing here?"


"Damn bitch! It's nice to see you too."


"State your business or get the hell out. I don't have time to associate with some one by the likes of you." Rufus chuckles and gets up from the desk and approaches Alexis.

"You better watch how you talk to me. I can destroy you Alexis. I could take everything from you. Now play with it. I dare you too." They square each other up.



Westwood Parkwestwoodpark.jpg

Ria gets a knock on her door. She gets up off the couch, wearing pajamas, and a wave cap, gets up and opens her door. She sees a person with a dozen roses blocking there face,


"Cute." She grabs the roses to see who it is. It's Kiko

"What do you want?"


"Look I know I am probably the last person you want to see Ria, but please I need to make things right. You will never know how sorry I am."


"For what? Killing me? That's just about what you did."


"Come on Ria, let's go grab lunch or something. It's a beautiful day, let's enjoy the day together."


"You're funny. A few days ago you were talking about getting a restraining order on me, now you want to take me out? A good ol pity party huh?" She looks into his eyes and looks him up and down. She admires his beautiful blue eyes.

"Damn you look so good. But It's sad it took me to get cancer for you to show me any kind of attention. So you want to take me on a pity date?"


"No. No pity at all. I want to get to know you better. Ria I have saw a side to you that I didn't think existed. When I saw you cry in my office it broke my heart. It hurts me to see you hurt and I want to make things right."

She continues to look at him. She has tears streaming down her face as she thinks how she's always wanted Kiko. But not like this. Not under these circumstances.

"Kiko you have no idea how I feel about you. I've wanted you from the first day I saw you. But I don't want you like this. I want you to want me because I want you. Not because I have breast cancer or that you feel bad for me. I'm sorry as much as I would want too go out, I am just in the mood. Take your flowers and shove them up your sweet ass hole. She throws the flowers at him and begins to slam her door shut. But he stops her and opens the door back. He steps up to her, grabs her and kisses her passionately. She is overwhelmed and kisses him back. They grab each other. As he steps in her house she pushes him back and then punches him in the face. She grabs the flowers and begins to beat him with it.

"Get your fake ass out of here. I need no ones pity you fruit basket. Go find Rufus or something. Kiko has had enough abuse for one day and decides to call it quits and leave's Ria's house. She slams the door shut and she plops back on her couch. She looks at her breast and begins to let tears fall from her eyes.




Back at Divine Design


"Play with it? The only thing I will be playing is called throwing your gay ass out of here dot com."


"You know Bitch. I've heard it all before. Gay this. Fruit basket that. And Tranny all in between. Well guess what? I know! I am not a dummy. Tell me something I don't know. It's all old and tired. You people of Pasadena are boring. In fact beneath me. Lame and tired. Everyone in this city need to take a damn nap."


"What are you smoking? What the hell are you talking about? Better yet what right do you think you have being here?"


"It's time to take you to school girlfriend"


"I beg your pardon."


"I said school Bitch. It's time to teach you a lesson."


"I doubt that."


"We'll you see, I have a lot on you sweet cheeks. I now have power."


"And what is it that you think you know? It's not good to make me an enemy."


"You see it's time for the big payback. Everyone in Pasadena will know about me. Miss Rue. That's what they'll call me. It's like this, I know you are pregnant, and you claim it's Karim' baby. But you and I both know better. It's Santino's baby. You went on that trip to Miami with him."


"My my you know a lot."


"I also know that Sabryn's trial is coming up. I know that you knew the whole time that your insane sister was alive the whole time she was stalking Sabryn and Natalia. And you helped her in her plans to attack her enemies. I know that you assisted Ashley in kidnapping me and because of that, she sawed off my penis because the crazy bitch thought she was Jason Voorhees and sh!t."


"It's Michael Meyers you dumb hoe. And besides, you should be thankful. You wanted to be a woman did you not?"

Rufus slaps Alexis.


"I would advise you to never to that again."


"You have two choices. Either you give me a line here at Divine Design, or if you don't, I'll go to Sabryn's trial and tell Karim that you helped his sister plot against Pasadena. I am sure he won't be pleased with that. Then maybe He will lean on me. Wouldn't that be great?"


"Wow. I can't believe this. You got me in a corner. You're one powerful tranny you know that?"


"I know right?" He says blowing on her extra long fake nails.

"So what's it's going to be? I out did you Alexis. I told you soon you would know me. I can get down just the like the rest of you bitches here in Pasadena. What's your choice? My own fashion line? Or I tell the world the truth about you?"

Alexis, just stands there, looking dumb not knowing what to do. Give up her man, or her empire, which is it, what it will come to since Miss Rue has never demonstrated one iota of fashion sense. Alexis thinks of what should she do. Her man or her Fashion House Empire. Which will it be? How much does she really love Karimmhgfcmhg.jpg


Recommended Comments

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Ria finally got what she wanted, but she ended up beating up on Kiko. I really can't wait to see where this one goes next.

Alexis is really over a barrel, I also am anxious to see what will happen there too.

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LOL I love the 99 Problems reference.

As I've said before, I'm a sucker for big revelations and I love everytime someone is shocked at Lauren being alive. I'm glad it's taking time for her to ease back into Pasadena. I hate it when shows bring someone back like that and then just put a bow on it and move on.

I also liked the whole Blue Note scene. A lot of different characters intereacting and feuding. Very fun.

Ooh I'm excited to see this custody battle get ugly between Karim and Lauren.

I'm also liking Rufus's story. I'm not sure where it's going. Maybe there will be a shocking romance or danger ahead. Who knows? But I'm excited.

Damn very emotional stuff from Ria. One thing I love about stories like this is that it's different for everyone. And I'm loving the way it's being told for Ria. She's a strong woman and won't accept people feeling sorry for her.

Ooh bitch got slapped! Miss Rue is now in power. I wonder what Alexis will choose!!!! Can't wait to see what happens next.

I know I've said it before but STEAM is getting so addicting. The episodes are flowing smoothly too.

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LOL, Welcome back Redd I was going to shoot you an email to ask what was up with you. You should already know I am going to ask about Varied Lives aka Novi? I missing it man sh'mone with it.

Jay yes this is exactly how I am writing this Ria storyline Ria is a strong woman and this will have an effect on her. This is very hard for her she doesnt want to show she is weak and scared. And what Kiko doing to her is a slap in the Face. I really wish I had more time with this story but with the series coming to an end I dont. I kinda had to speed things up and you will see that but I will do it respectully. just a little disappointed that I waited so long to give Ria such heavy material.

I told you Miss Rue will have a lot going on. SHe is going to become more pivtoal as episodes go by. It's going to be a total shock at who her DL lover is. Pay careful attetion. I have been dropping hints and clues all over the place.

Jay I am so glad you are enjoying this Lauren plotline. You really motivate me when I write it. And I agree with how some shows gloss over it. For times sake I really wanted to but I couldn't do my readers like that. Besides it gives Lauren something to do. She is plugged into many plots right now and I wanted to show case that. Keep your eye on lauren. Things for her will continue to get worse. If STEAM had a season 4th I had a big story for her. Too bad though...

I really enjoyed the Blue note scenes myself. We got to see some folks we haven't been seeing for a while. We got to see Jenn and Lauren become friends again and Nat declaring war on Jenn over something from season two.

Jay you have really been a big inspriation for me lately and I really aprreciate that.

I am so glad u r enjoying the series and like the flow. I have really fallen in love with it all over again. I feel like I have my mojo back once more. I have been working so hard and writing so much lately. It really breaks my heart that it's all coming to an end just when things were and are getting good. You know what they say all good things come to an end.

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I know exactly how you feel!!! I am loving writing FTL right now and I feel like all of my stories are just really coming out well. Sorta makes me more sad it's ending but I think it's great that our stories can go out on top like that you know?

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I can't believe Alexis crumbled liked that. Rufus is very powerful but Alexis shouldn't let her know that. Soap characters always think they're right and they have the upper hand. Which Rufus totally does here.

Jenn can be really childish. Santino throwing his drink at her reminded me of an episode of Basketball Wives. Life does imitate art.

Kiko's smart enough to see that Ria is still a nymph at heart...hopefully he sees that.

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Alexisis trying to keep her man at all cost. That's what is most important to her right now. Don't worry Alexis will have the last laugh. You just got to keep reading.

Jenn is written to be childish so I guess I accomplished that goal. Jenn is lonely and bitter. She is leaving the series soon.

You will be surprised at Ria and Kiko. Ria will become a new woman. You may get what you want Matt, a clean mouthed Ria. LOL. BUt this story has many angles and this is only the begining. Ria will continue to be on the front burner well into season 4.

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