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LIS #457



Salem University HospitalUnivesrityHosptial.jpg

240px-Johnblack2007-1.jpgJohn sits inside of his hospital room, continuing to recover and get better. All of his children are with him as a new day rises in Salem. John is now more coherent and able.


I don't understand. Why can't I see Marlena?


I...like I said...you'll know everything soon.

All of John's children look at each other. Eric motions for some of them to step outside with him; Rex, Carrie, and Belle get up while Sami and Cassie decide to stay inside.


Okay, I know that he just woke up, and we don't want to drop all of this on him, but I don't see how we can hold off for much longer. He needs to know that Mom's gone.


I know, but I don't want to send him into shock. He was in this catatonic state for such a long time; how do we know that this won't cause a relapse?


John's recovering fast. He's a fighter, and this is going to be devastating, but I think it'll be ok. He'll be upset, but he won't relapse.


I don't know. It's a risk, but we can't keep him in the dark forever. He won't stop asking for Marlena. Are you sure we shouldn't wait?


We're already waiting. The quicker we get this over with, the quicker John can get over Mom's death. I think we'll all feel better.

Carrie, looking at Belle

You were the one that was raised by him your entire life. You probably know him better than we do. What do you think?


Maybe Eric and Rex are right. I don't want him to relapse, but this is hard for all of us, and he'd want to know. Maybe we should tell him.


Okay. Let's do it.

All of them nod and walk back into the hospital room; Belle nods at Cassie and Sami to let them know what is going on.


Okay, Dad, we're going to tell you what happened to Mom.


What do you mean?


Marlena...isn't here.


She hasn't been for a while.


What are you talking about? Just tell me where my wife is.


Mom got shot. It's been a long time since it happened, and...she didn't make it. She was declared dead at the scene; I'm sorry you have to find out about this. Especially after you just woke up, but it's true.

John is stunned. He is silent for a moment, and all of his children watch in anticipation; a thick tension can be felt in the room. John simply reels from this revelation, letting a few tears fall. However, even in his weakened state, he tries to be strong.


Who shot her?


Some psycho named Stan. He did a lot of bad things, and was just unstable.

Cassie, looking at Sami



Shut up, Cassie!

Carrie glares at them both, and the sisters shut up.


I'm so sorry, Dad. I know she was the love of your life, and she'd want you to stay strong. She'd want you to recover; she's watching over us, pushing you to survive this. I know you can.


Marlena is dead. My wife is dead; I've been through this before, but this time, I wasn't there. I should've been there....I should've protected her...

Carrie, leaning in to hug John

There's nothing anyone could have done. It was so quick.

John, continuing to cry

No, that's not true! I was trapped in this state because I wasn't strong enough to survive some gunshot. Maybe I could've stopped this man, but I didn't. And because of that, Marlena is dead.


That's not true!

John, sighing

I can't believe it. I'm never going to see her wake up beside me in bed again; I'm never going to see her walk down the stairs with that smile on her face. I'll never make love to her again. She and I will never have another huge fight that will end with us being more in love than before. Marlena's gone; the love of my life is dead.


Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Salem Jailsalemjail.jpg

Robin.jpgRobin is in the holdng area of the Salem Jail, about to be booked on charges for repeatedly attempting to frame Laura. She is all alone as the police make the final arrangements, and she thinks on the events of the past couple of days; she wasn't able to bring Laura down. She didn't hold up her deal with Vivian. Most importantly, her son hasn't bothered to come to see her since the trial. She hears the door open.


Please tell me that's you, Jeremy.



Robin, turning to face her ex

Oh, Mike. Come to gloat in my face?


Not at all, Robin. You know that I'm better than that, or at least I thought you did. I'm not sure if I know who you are.


Sounds like the thoughts I've had about you for years.


Robin, I'm sorry; I really am. I was never the best father to Jeremy, even when I tried to be. And I know I've had a lot of...entanglements with women over the years. What I don't understand is why you didn't just tell me about all of your feelings, instead of becoming bitter like this. Do you see the mess that you've created? Jeremy hates both of us now; at least he had you before you went off trying to make my mother look crazy.


For what it's worth, I am sorry.


How can I believe that? You were going to send her to a mental institution and all of a sudden you're sorry?


It's not like that. I've had a lot of time to think, Mike; letting all of that out in court did me more help than I thought it would. I...don't like Laura, or Alexis, or April. But I kept taking my anger out on the wrong people. Eventually, it all became too much and things spiraled into hell. I'm not crazy, but I do need some help; maybe some time away in jail will do me some good.

Mike, slightly surprised

I'm...glad you see it like that.

Robin, feeling tears come to her eyes

Mike, what kind of parents have we been? We have a wonderful son, and we've both driven him mad. We've let our personal lives bleed into his life so much; you slept with his girlfriend. I told him his grandmother was crazy. We're not those kind of people.

Mike, nodding sadly

I know. I've been trying to repair my relationship with him ever since I came back to Salem, but as always, it's just gotten worse. I'm not giving up, though. He's my son, and I love him; I know you do, too. That's one thing that I'm sure of about you. We've both made so many mistakes. Maybe it's time that we stop.


Something we can agree on. Finally. You know, three or four days ago I would have balked at the thought of asking you this, but...please watch over him. He's really the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

Mike is very touched by this; he would never have thought that the Robin of today would ask him to do that. He can slowly see the Robin he knew and loved returning.


I will try, Robin. I promise. I don't know if I can ever make up any pain that I put you through, but hopefully I can make it up to our son.


You know, Mike, I still remember all the good times. I know it seems like I only remember the bad times, but I remember everything before that. Falling in love with you...making love to you for the first time. You practically talked me through it; you asked me to marry you right after that. I remember those days, and they were some of the best of my life.

Mike, smiling

This is a complete 180 from yesterday morning.


Like I said, I've had a lot of time to think. And those memories were always there in the back of my mind; it was what kept me attached to you.


I loved you so much, Robin. I really did.


But I guess that's all gone now, isn't it? We're going to go away remembering each other as evil people who never stopped hurting each other.


It's hard not to, but we don't have to. When we walk out of here, we can remember the relationship we used to have; the people we used to be with each other. We can remember the good times; not the bad.


I hope so.

Mike and Robin simply look at each other, without any words; they look into their eyes and see the people that they fell in love with. They don't see the people that they grew to argue with constantly, but they see the good, genuine people that they were. A guard enters.


It's time to go, Dr. Jacobs.


Well, I guess it's time to get ready for a life behind bars; I know this seems insane to say after how I yelled at you yesterday and have treated you ever since I came back to Salem, but I think I'll miss you.

Mike smiles and nods, and he actually leans in and hugs his ex one last time. Both shed a few more tears as they say goodbye.


By the way, before I go, there is something you should know.


What is it?


A day or two before the trial, Vivian Alamain hired me to sabatoge your family. She wanted Laura to get locked up in a padded cell for life; I was planning on doing it anyway, so I said yes, but it was strange. I don't know why, but it sounded like she wanted to come after your family. Watch out for her, Mike.

Mike, narrowing his eyes

I'll do that. Thank you.

Robin heads for the door, and shares one last look with Mike, before walking out with the door. He crosses his arms and sighs.


Goodbye, Robin.

Cheatin' Heartbristol_hospital.jpg

Jeremy.jpgJeremy is at the bar at the Cheatin' Heart, having a bottle of beer. He sits, continuing to think over how his mother lied to him over and over; she tried to make his grandmother look insane. And he fell for it. The bar is mostly empty, as it is the middle of the day. However, someone enters, and Jeremy looks up to see Nicole Walker.


And here I thought I was the only one who liked a drink this early.


Who are you? You look familiar.

Nicole, taking a seat and ordering her drink

Nicole Baines, but Nicole Walker would probably ring a bell.


Jeremy Horton.


You know, for all the saintly Hortons around, a lot of them sure are alcoholics. Maggie, Lucas, Hope. Now you.


I'm not an alcoholic, but after the hell I've been through, anyone would be driven to drink.


I know what you mean; I've always liked my booze, but lately, I've been drinking even more.

Jeremy doesn't say anything, and both sit in silence for a moment, drinking. Finally, Nicole speaks again.


Okay, you first. What happened?


Why would you care?


Listen, I am a widow who has no where to be. No job, no friends, barely any family. I have nothing else to do, so why don't we swap stories about our crappy lives?


Fine. What do I have to lose at this point? See, first I get this great girlfriend; I take her out on nice dates and really am into her. Then, after we've only been going out for a few months, I find out she slept with my dad, who I had a crappy relationship with anyway. So my mom comes back to town, and acts like she's so protective of me and loves me so much. Then, she sets my grandma up to look crazy, and is totally okay with lying to me about it, no matter how much I grill her; then, my dad's new fling gets her to break down on the stand and admit that all of the [!@#$%^&*] she pulled was because she still carried a torch for my dad but hated him or something. So both of my parents are morons.


Ouch. I know how it feels to have a mom who says she cares about you, but is really bad at showing it. It makes it so easy to shove them out of your life and forget about them.


You know, why are all women such liars? All they do is betray you and say they care, but they sleep with your dad. They try to destroy your family. I've got another girlfriend now, but I don't even know what to think any more. Not after this.


Okay, I've told some...lies in my lifetime. I've made a lot of mistakes, but it's not just a woman thing. Men lie too.


Yeah, my dad sure as hell isn't innocent in any of this.


Men can be just as much of a pain in the ass as women can be; I've gone through a lot, and every relationship fell apart. The guy usually loved another woman more than me. Then, I finally found the one man that loved me for me. I didn't know him for that long, but we were happy right off the bat; there was never another woman. Never any doubt...we fell in love and spent several months being so happy. We got married and were celebrating when it all fell apart; a psycho killed him. He got poisoned on our wedding night.


Damn. That sounds bad.


It was. It still is, because it still hurts. I'm still trying to get over that; that bitch who killed him was just trying to get back at me. She got killed recently, and damnit, I'm glad. Do you know what hell that woman put me through? Sure, she and I fought over Eric a lot, and I did blackmail her out of town, but she's done worse to me. She locked me in some secret room, shot me and left me for dead, and then killed my husband.


Who was she?


Greta Von Amberg. Some princess; she used to actually be...ehh...sane. Always a big ass pain, but she had a functioning mind. Then she got rabies, and do you know what was bad about that? It was some miracle form of rabies; she survived for MONTHS after getting rabies! Rabies! It made her go crazy, but didn't kill her. Just my luck. At least she's dead now.


That's the woman that stabbed Alexis. Alexis was right about my mom, but that doesn't mean I forgive her for what she did, either. She's been pining for me for such a long time, but I don't want to take her back. I don't know what I want or who I trust any more; it's too confusing at this point.


Yeah, that's kind of how my life is too. No one to trust. You know what? I'm sick of sitting at this bar; let's go get something to eat. We don't have anyone else to see, right?


You know what? Sure. Let's go.

Jeremy and Nicole get up from the bar and leave together.

Salem Place Apartmentssamisapt.jpg

FCALTSAF0CADZC956CAPWL9ZPCA8C90EOCAHXZV7UCAAES2U5CASB4BTSCACZHR93CADTK5I7CALZCR41CARYY9JYCAXC3V5ACA7UMV41CAN6ND5PCA6J84VBCAB7RDYWCAI69Z86CA8.jpgSami is inside her apartment after coming home from the hospital, and Will and Destiny are both at school; she is alone with her granddaughter, Arianna. After making the baby's bottle, she sits down and holds Arianna, letting her drink the milk.


It was really hard telling your great-grandpa today about your great-grandma, but I am glad we did. Now he knows, and he can let it sink in and move past it...you'll get to meet him real soon, okay? He's recovering fast; I know you'll love him. I...well I haven't always, but he is my...father. I have to forget the past.

Sami looks down at her beautiful granddaughter, smiling at her. She can see so much of Will in her; so much of herself in her.


You're so little, and you still look like so many people in our family. I don't know what your mommy looked like, but I see a lot of your daddy in you. A lot of me in you, and a lot of your grandpa, too.

Sami sighs, thinking of Lucas. Will had told her about him going to jail for murdering Greta.


I'm...sorry you won't really get to know him. Lucas and I never worked out, but he was a great guy, you know? A great dad. I really did love him in my own way. How he ended up falling in love with people like Jan Spears and Eugenia Willens, I'll never know. And I know that it sounds bad that he went to jail for murder, but he was protecting his family from a lunatic; he did the right thing. Not like your other grandma, who killed someone in cold blood and deserves to rot for it. It's totally different...I hope he'll get out someday and be able to watch you grow up.

Talking about Lucas leads to Sami thinking about her past, and all of the mistakes she made.


I had your daddy when I was young, too. I guess he was kind of...taking after his mom in some ways. And I never was the best mom to your daddy, either; I let my schemes and desires get in the way of being a good mother. I was so young and blind, but I always loved him. From the day he was born, I loved him more than anything else in the world, even people like Austin and Lucas. And it's the same way with you and him, Arianna; you are so much more important to him than anything else. Even....what's-her-face. That girl he's dating. The girl who I am very graciously letting stay here, in my home; she better be good to him.

Sami smiles again at her granddaughter.


I'm going to make up for my mistakes now; it's time. I'm going to lead my family on; all you and Will have now is me. With Lucas gone, it's even more important that I step up. I'm going to be a great mom, and an even better grandma. I promise.

Sami looks up to the ceiling.


Mom, I know you're up there watching down on all of us...watching down on John. Watching down on me. Please give me the strength to be strong for my family, like you were for yours.

Later in the evening, at Chez Rougetuscany.jpg

As nightfall begins in the town of Salem, many of the Hortons are gathering at Maggie's resteraunt for a party to celebrate Laura's newfound freedom. Maggie and Abe are inside with Laura as everything is being set up.


It is so good to see you out of jail, Laura. Now you're back where you belong.

Laura, smilinglaura.jpg

Thank you so much, Abe. It feels so good to be out in the world again and out of that horrible cell. Finally, everyone knows that I'm not crazy, and Robin got her comeuppance. We can move on. Thank you for throwing me this party, Maggie.


Something this big should be celebrated! Almost all of our family and dearest friends will be here to celebrate you being set free.

Laura, frowning

Except Jeremy. I am so worried for him. He rushed out of the courtroom yesterday and we haven't heard from him since.


Jeremy just needs some time to himself; he's a smart young man. This has to be devastating to him; he finds out that his mother has been lying to him this entire time. It would be hard for anyone to get past this.


I know. No matter how much I hate Robin, she is Jeremy's mother, and he really loved her. Both Alexis and Robin lied to him; it's all caving in on him. I trust my grandson, but I don't want him to do anything drastic.


We know Jeremy; I am worried, too, and we need to find him, but right now, we just need to celebrate. He's an adult; he can take care of himself. Tonight is about you, Laura.

Mike and April walk in through the front doors. They immediately approach Maggie, Abe, and Laura.


Michael, you look...concerned. Is it Jeremy?


Yes, I'm worried about my son, and we need to find him. But that's not all. It's about Vivian.


Oh no.


What has that ruthless bitch done now?


I said goodbye to Robin today; she's been taken to prison. But before she left, she told me that before your trial started, Vivian hired Robin to make sure that you were committed again. She wanted her to distract the Horton family and get you out of the way; I don't know why, but it worries me. Why is Vivian after us? I mean, Mom, this is insane. She took the hospital from us and now she wants you in a mental hospital?

Maggie and Abe are stunned, but Laura is not. She simply stands strong.


Remember the letter I sent to Vivian after I found out that she took the hospital from us? I told her that once I got out, I was coming for her, and I still plan to do that. This shows that Vivian sees our family as a threat, and in my opinion, that's good. I'm not happy that she hired Robin to do her dirty work, but it only makes me more determined. Robin has fallen down and Vivian is next.


Laura, please, I know that Vivian's done a lot to your family lately, but I just got you out of one mess. Don't get into another so quickly.


April's right, Laura. I am angry at Vivian too; she's terrorizing Salem. But we have to be careful. We can't stoop to her level.


I refuse to sit back and watch Vivian destroy everything that every good hearted person in Salem holds dear. Vivian took OUR hospital from us! That hospital has become Tom and Alice's legacy. Michael, you were a brilliant chief of staff! The best that it had in years! I refuse to let a tyrant get away with just snatching it away from our family like that; we are the Hortons. We are good people. Vivian tried to put me right back into the place that she busted me out of. She was willing to let me go down for something I didn't do JUST so she could keep her reign strong! Most of that was Robin's fault, yes, but Vivian took advantage of Robin's lies. Robin is getting punished for it, and so will Vivian. Mark my words.


Laura, calm down; tonight isn't about Vivian. It's about you and your happiness, like we said. Let's save this for tomorrow.


I think I agree, Mom.


Maybe you're right, but this problem can't wait for too long.

Outside of Chez Rouge, Bill walks up to the entrance, and hears someone approaching from behind. He turns around, and is taken off guard by the sight of his ex-lover, Kate!


Bill...I heard you were back in town. I still can't believe it, though. It's been so long.


Well, Kate, you are a sight for sore eyes. You're still as beautiful as ever.

Kate smiles, staring at Bill. She remembers their affair and all of the craziness that spawned because of it, but she also remembers that he was one of the very few men that actually loved her.


Thank you, Bill. I didn't expect you to be so kind to me.


The past is the past, and we share a son together. I know that things can get awkward, but for Lucas' sake, I can't let them get too awkward. I'm just disappointed that my son goes to jail when I finally return to Salem.

Kate, frowning

How is Lucas? Do you know?


I have visited him, and he's doing well. He's worried for his family, as any man should be, but he's holding up. Why haven't you been to see him?


Lucas...Lucas and I aren't exactly on speaking terms.

Bill, shocked

What? He's much closer to you than he is me.


I've done a lot of bad things, Bill. I did something that I really shouldn't have.


I heard about Peter Blake, if that's what you're talking about.

Kate nods. Bill walks over to Kate and puts his hands comfortingly on her shoulders.


I'm not saying what you did was justified, but we all make mistakes. You know about mine better than anyone. Lucas will come around eventually.

Kate, tearing up slightly

He's such a good man, Bill. He's grown into such a wonderful, family man. He is so strong; he killed Greta because he was protecting his family. Protecting a baby that wasn't even his own. He's turned out so much like you, and it's a lot better than turning out like me.


I think Lucas turned out better than either of us put together.


Would...would you mind if I came inside? I know this party is for Laura, but I came to see you, and...I don't know, it would just be nice.


What would Laura think about that?


Laura and I are not friends. I don't think we are even on good terms, but I did comfort her one night after Robin accused her of trying to kill her. I'd hope that would at least warrant us being civil for one good night.

Bill nods, and both he and Kate enter. Laura watches from the other end of the room, shocked and frustrated that Bill and his ex-mistress walked inside together.

Laura, taking a deep breath

I have bigger things to worry about right now...I still don't like Kate, even if she did give me a pep talk, but I will let her be here. Just because of that. She doesn't have any bearing on my life any more.

Mike is at the drink table, pouring himself some punch. Kate walks over and pours herself some.


Hello, Mike.


Kate. Talk about the last person I expected to see here.


Well, I wanted to see your father, because of what is going on with Lucas right now. And...I think Laura and I can be civil for one night.


That's good; the last thing any of us need is more drama. How are you?


For what it's worth, things are going well; the good news is that my lawyers have mostly worked through the charges for Peter's murder. It looks like I'm going to get off for it.

Mike, chuckling

I'm sorry; I'm really happy to hear that, actually. It just amazes me how people who actually orchestrate murders can get off so much easier than the ones who are framed.


Oh, I apologize. I didn't think of...oh, nevermind.


It's alright, really. I think you are a good woman, Kate. You did a lot to my parents, but I think you are a good woman.

Kate, impressed

Thank you. I'm surprised to hear that; I really do regret Peter's death. I should never have tried to kill Tony.


We all have times of weakness. I've never done something that bad, but I still have no place to condemn anyone.


Thank you. You really shouldn't be this kind to me.

Mike, smiling

It's alright. Other than that, how are you?


I don't even know; one son is out of jail, and another is in. It is horrible for a mother to go through that. I just want Lucas to survive this. And my business just got taken from me.


Let me guess. Vivian Alamain?

Kate, rolling her eyes

Who else?


She took the hospital from the Hortons. She's on a rampage and needs to be stopped.


Agreed. Absolutely.


And give Lucas my best. He and I haven't talked much, but he is still my brother, and I care about him. I need to visit him myself soon, but there is so much going on. I'm worried about my own son; he just found out that his mother is a liar, and his relationship with me has never been good. I don't even know where he is now.


I hope everything is alright. When you are a parent and you love your children so much, but you end up doing them more harm than good...it is never a good feeling.


Then they won't listen to you, no matter how much you beg them to. They just keep ignoring you.


And all you want is for them to believe you. Believe that you regret your mistakes; believe that you are so sorry and want to improve.



Mike and Kate look at each other for a moment; it is a look of hurt between two people that just wish their children would forgive and accept them. They are glad to finally find someone that fully understands their problems and wrong-doings. As they look at each other, April approaches from the other end of the room, but stops when she sees their look. She doesn't even know who Kate is, but she sighs.


Here we go again.

Bo and Hope enter Chez Rouge, and both walk over to Laura, Maggie, and Abe.


Bo, Hope, it's so good to see you two! How is Bentley?


He's doing great, Aunt Maggie. He'll be able to come to his new home soon, and we're in the process of adopting him. We made it clear to Jan that she's out of his life.


That is fantastic! There is a lot to celebrate right now.


There sure is; we are finally getting involved in our grandson's life. The way we should have been from the start.


Well, this isn't about the past; it's about the present and the future.


Congratulations on being set free, Laura. We were really happy to find out that justice had been served. Trust me, Robin is going away for a long time.


Thank you, Bo. I am so much more relieved with that out of my hair. There are still some things on my mind, but the big problem is gone now.

Bo glances around to see Kristen enter Chez Rouge! He is stunned, and she looks in his direction. He knows that she has come here to try to win him back. Abe also spots Kristen, and he wheels away from the ladies, motioning for Bo to follow him.


What is Kristen doing here, Bo? She and Laura have never really been good friends.

Bo, sighing

I know why she's here. I ended my affair with her yesterday; I'm determined to get my life back on track. Get my family stable, and that starts with stabilizing my marriage. Megan's out of my life, and so is Kristen. I...think Kristen is a great person, but we can be nothing more than two people investigating a murder.


I am glad to hear that, if you're sure that it's what you want.


What do you mean?


If you are sure that your attraction to Kristen is that small. Because if it's big, you will end up going back to her.


You know me. Hope is my soulmate, and I love her more than anything else in the world. She, my daughters, and my grandson are all important to me. Much more important than Kristen.


That is good, especially for Hope's sake. It is never fun to get cheated on; I know that first hand. But getting rid of a DiMera is hard work. Look at how hard it was to get Megan out of your hair. And we all know Kristen's history with John.


I know. I need to go get rid of her.

Bo walks away from Abe, and heads in Kristen's direction. Hope turns her head and sees him going to talk to her, she turns away but sighs, wondering if something is going on between her husband and Kristen.


Kristen, what are you doing here? This is a party to celebrate Laura's freedom.


I had to see you; I couldn't let you storm out like that, Bo. I don't want to sound psychotic, but I can't let you go. I tried to stay away at first, but then this affair started and...I don't know. I'm not willing to give it up. Hope is a good woman; a wonderful woman, and she does need you, but so do I. I just...I just want you to re-consider.


Kristen, I'm sorry. I understand your feelings, but we can't continue this affair. It's over.

Kristen shakes her head, uncertain on where to go from here with Bo; she understands his obligations, but can't think of letting him go again. She did once, but she's not willing to again. The connection between the two is far too strong to just forget it.

At the front door, Andre, Valentine, and Nicholas all enter.


I cannot believe we're resorting to dining with the Horton family of all people!


Please, Valentine. It's a chance for a free meal, and with how you've been acting lately, you have no right in choosing where we eat. You are lucky I'm eating with you at all.


Besides, it's a chance to scope out anyone and everyone that could help with Vivian. This place is swarming with her enemies; that's why I decided to come. It's an opportunity.

Valentine, sighing

I suppose. I'm sick of my older sister being the center of attention of everything.


Once she's gone, she won't be.

The three go to get some drinks, and next, Celeste enters. She walks over to Laura, Hope, and Maggie.


Hi, Celeste.


Hello, dahlings; thank you for inviting me. I know I am not exactly your friend, but I'm honored.


Oh, please, Celeste, you've been a friend of all of us for years. Of course we'd invite you!


Maggie's absolutely right.

Laura looks around at the array of guests that are at this party; she sees Kate, Andre, Valentine, Nicholas, Kristen.


You are one of the few people here that I can actually call my friend.


Yes, dahling, it seems like an interesting guest list.

Suddenly, the front doors fly open once again when none other than Vivian barges in!


And the most interesting one has just arrived.

Everyone is shocked to see Vivian there, who just grins.


Evening, everybody. Let's get this party started, shall we?


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