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(LIS)448: Is Vivian getting High?



Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite

Jan, with her son Bentley in her arms are stunned to see an eerie looking Greta, with a gun pointed at them.


“Greta come on, Halloween was weeks ago.” She tries to brush past Greta. Greta puts the tip of the gun against Bentley.

Greta, growling before she speaks,

“No one is going anywhere Janet. Now get back in this apartment and no one is going to get hurt.”


“Greta please, I was just leaving town. I won’t tell anyone I saw you. Hold Lucas at gun point not me. I just got my son back; please let us go in peace. Haven’t you done enough already? Hell I am shocked you are still even living after I threw that rabid raccoon at you.”


“I know right? I call it miracle rabies.” She laughs. Greta than pushes Jan into the apartment but Jan resists her.


“This isn’t a game; you have no options or choices right now.”

Lucas, the pain easing from his manhood after being kneed in it by Jan,

“What is going on? Greta is that you?”

Greta, foam dripping from her mouth,

“Yes, it’s me Lucas. Sorry we can’t catch up; I got to take you hostage now.”

Jan tries to leave one more time but Greta fires the gun! Lucas is hit in the arm!

Life in Salem

Episode 448: Is Vivian getting High?

Written by ML Cooks

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Downtown Salem, Alamain

Vivian spins around in her executive office chair when Ivan walks in.


“I have your lunch Madame. Lobster as you like.”


“Oh thanks Vivian. Taking over Salem has really worked up my appetite.”


“Madame, about that, you know you are making a lot of enemies here in Salem. You are ruffling a lot of feathers.”


“Do you think I give a damn!? For a long time, people have tried to walk all over me. That time is done. I’m the dame of Salem. The bottom feeders of Salem can cry until the cows come home. I still would not care who was mad and for what reason. It’s a dog eat dog world Ivan. And guess what, I’m hungry. In a matter of time, I will own everyone and everything in Salem. Something even Stefano Dimera himself could not accomplish.”


“Madame, I hate to intrude but I really think you are playing with fire. You can’t take on all of Salem.”


“Oh but I will. I already have. And I won. I bought Kate’s company and now there is one more piece of property to make everything complete.”


I know I should not ask.”


“Yes you should. You’re my servant Ivan. You are supposed to indulge me.”


“What’s your next move Madame?”


“I’m going to buy University Hospital and kick the Horton’s out of the hospital forever.”


“Madame, that’s a huge move. I hope you are joking. The Horton’s? What did they do to you?”


“It’s not about what the Horton’s did to me. It’s about what Vivian Alamain wants. Once I own University Hospital, everything will be complete.”

“Not if I have anything to do with it.”

Ivan and Vivian both turn to look at who it is. Nicholas Alamain.


“How did you get past security? What the hell are you doing here!?”

Salem University Hospital

Megan walks over to the nurse’s station when she sees her sister Lexie doing some charting.

“Lexie hi.”

Lexie looks up and sees Megan and has a look of confusion come over her face.


“Megan, Hi, what’s going on? Who is this?”


“It’s my baby.”


“You’re what?”


“Bo and I had a one night stand and this is our child.”




“Yes, you act like that is hard to believe. Bo and I did love each other once you know.”


“I know that but that was over 20 some years ago. I just can’t believe BO would do something like this.”


“Was does that mean? It’s my fault Bo and I have a child?”


“I’m not saying that. Never mind. I support you. You’re my sister. We have to stick together. We are all we got after our family has been decimated. Peter was shot and killed and father went over a cliff.”


“I agree. I am so glad you feel the same way I do. That’s why I need your help.”


“I’m not going to like this am I?”


“Look sis, Bo wants a paternity test on our son. I just need you to make sure it says Bo is the father.”


“Megan, I’m sorry I can’t do that. I already did that to Bo and Hope once with Isaac. I still have not forgiven myself for that.”


“Lexie PLEASE. I am begging you. I really need your help. Bo and this child are the only things I got.”


“You have family. You have me, Andre is still in town.”


“I need Bo. We can be a family.”


“If Bo isn’t really the child’s father who is and wait a minute, I didn’t even know you were pregnant.”


“I had a surrogate.”


“This sounds so absurd.”


“Please Lexie. Will you help me? Will you make sure the paternity test results say Bo is the father?”

Lexie looks at her sister not knowing what she should do.


Bo and Hope arrive at the hospital as well.


“Hope just calm down. Let’s get these paternity test results and then we’ll take things from here.”


“I wish I would have known I had to worry about Megan and not Kristen. Where has Megan been all this time? Something just doesn’t seem right here.”


“You’re right. That’s why we are here. To get to the bottom of this. There is a piece to the missing to this puzzle. I don’t buy for one minute that Megan’s child is mine.”


“Oh I don’t know, stranger things have happened. Bo if this child turns out to be yours, I don’t know what in the hell I am going to do. I don’t think I could live with it. There is too much stress and strife in our relationship. I don’t think we could survive this. I would have to worry about Kristen and now Megan and your new child.”


“Would you can it with the Kristen stuff? Nothing is going on between Kristen and I.” He says feeling guilty for lying to Hope in her face.


“I don’t know Bo. You were acting real strange when you got back from Pa Pa Island. Right before Megan showed up with baby a in tow.”


“How many times do I have to tell you its Padre Island and how many more times will I have to tell you nothing happened between Kristen and I on the Island? The whole trip was a waste of time. It was a wild goose chase.”


“You better be telling me the truth Brady. I could not deal with any other heartbreak. I have been through so much this last year. I could not survive if you hurt me.”

Before Bo could respond Lexie walks over to them.


“You are here for the test?”


“I am. Follow me.”

Bo looks back at Hope. He then walks away with Lexie. Hope wipes tears in her eyes as Megan and Lexie exchange one last look. Megan wonders if her sister will come through for her. She then looks at Hope and smiles at her.

Back Downtown, Alamain

Nicholas, walking closer towards Vivian’s desk,

“Evan, can you leave my aunt and I alone?”


“It’s Ivan with an I. Yes sir. I’ll be right outside Madame.” Ivan leaves the room.


“I don’t have anything to say to you Nicky. I don’t want to hear any pity party stories. I don’t feel sorry for you. What’s done is done. I’m not letting you back into Alamain or my new company VAAconglomerate. So if you were here to talk about any of what I just said, you have wasted your time and my own.”


“When did you become such a bitch? I mean really what is the point of all this? Why is it so important to own Titian, the Kirakis assets and holdings, all of Alamain which by the way is supposed to be a family run company, you own the Dimera Empire and I heard you just bought Basic Black, and now University Hospital? You’re going to take on the Horton’s? WHY?”


“I am not going to discuss this with you. “


“Aunt Viv, please? What is going on with you? I used to think of you as my mother. You raised me a better portion of my life. You were fun, loving and caring. I had so much fun with you living at the Alamain Mansion. Even when you and my mother fought over me, I never sided against you. I never hated you for any of the crimes you’ve committed against my mother. For starters burying her alive, framing her for murders at the hospital. I still don’t understand why you are not locked up behind bars somewhere for those crimes. Even after all of that, I still believed in you. “


“That person is of almost two decades ago. People change. Life changes people. I have been shunned in this town for far too long and it’s time to take my revenge.”


“By buying up everything in Salem? That’s not how you prove yourself. What is the point of it all? Once you own it all then what? You won’t have anybody to love or to love you. Everyone virtually hates you. You’re going to own Salem and be miserable and alone. Wow some revenge I’d say. If that’s what you want more power to you. It’s kind of an ironic twist of fate. You deserve to be alone. I will not go down with out a fight. I will not let you destroy this family company with your out of touch fantasies. One has to wonder are you getting high off those Chinese Herbs again. Vivian I am warning you. You better stop while you’re ahead. A lot of people in this town won’t let you get away with this. Your fate is being sealed.” After delivering that ominous warning, Vivian’s nephew leaves her office. Vivian is a little unnerved.


Lucas grabs his arm and falls back onto the couch. Jan with her son Bentley in her arms backs away from the door and a deranged Greta.


“This is not a game! Do you get that Janice?”


“I do Greta. Just please don’t hurt my son.”

Lucas passes out from pain and shock.


“Greta what is going on why are you doing this?”

Greta, looking dazed, breathing heavily,

“Your friend Nicole Sullivan.”


“Sullivan… That’s the chic that played on Madtv. You mean Walker.”


“SHUT UP! You know what I am trying to say. She messed up big time. She is trying to get the cops after me.”


“I don’t understand what I have to do with this? “


“This is it. This is my final stand. If I am going out I am going out with a bang. The world is going to soon learn about Greta Amish Burg.”


“Greta please, let’s go get you some help. You’re not thinking clearly. Your name is Greta Von Omberg.”


“That’s what I said. I know my own name. Now here’s what I want you to do. Get Nicole’s ass over here now!” Just as Greta says that, Eugenia opens the door with her son Josh and is stunned to see a rabid Greta holding Jan and her son at gunpoint and Lucas is shot in the arm.


“Jan what the hell are you doing here? What is going on? What happened to Lucas?”


“Stop with the questions. You’re giving me a headache. I’ll tell you what’s going on Euggies, I am taking control here. We are having a party. I am so glad you could join us.”


“What kind of party?”


“Greta’s final stand. I’m going out with a bang” She says wiping foam from her mouth and then pulling out another gun and aims it at Eugenia and her son. Greta now has Jan and her son Bentley and Eugenia and her son Josh held at gun point.


“People in this room are going to die”

Next Time on Life in Salem:

Bo/Hope/Megan awaits the paternity test results!


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