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#446: Bo Dimera the II



Downtown Salem

Kate is sitting in her executive chair at her desk. She leans back and thinks of her conversation with Justin Kirakis earlier.

(In Kate’s office yesterday)


“Indeed. This is why I need you on my team. We must stop Vivian. This merger cannot take place. Victor would roll over in his grave if we allow this. He would be heartbroken to learn his legacy has been destroyed. I urge you Kate, to do it for your son. We have to bail Philip out of jail in order for him to help us.”

Kate’s thoughts are interrupted when Vivian waltzes in slamming the door behind her.


“What the hell are you doing and what could you possibly want?”


“Oh, I want for nothing Kate. Haven’t you heard,... I own Salem now?”


“I heard bits and pieces here and there. So what did you want to do, come here to gloat?”


“Actually no. I thought I’d just come by and deliver some news to you in person before you heard it from the press. I am shocked they are not here yet.”


“What the hell are you talking Vivian? I don’t have time to drag it out of you. “


“Ok Kate. I own you now. This is my company. I own Basic Black.”


“You BITCH. I ought to wipe the floor with your face. How! HOW DAMN IT!?”


“It was so easy, buying out the board and their shares. So now I can add this meager little company to my conglomeration. Thanks Kate. I win against you as always.”


“I hate you Vivian Alamain!”


“And your fired Kate Roberts! Pack your things and get the hell out of my company!” Vivian then exits the door as Kate throws a book in her direction but hits the wall instead.


“Damn you Vivian Alamain!! You won’t get away with this.”


Episode: 446, Bo Dimera the II

Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Salem Jail

Justin is escorted to Philip’s cell.

Philip, getting up from his cot,

“Well it’s about time some family came to see me. I was beginning to think no one cared about me.”


“That’s not the case at all cousin. You stalked and kidnapped Belle Black. Belle Black, Marlena Evans daughter. You had to do some time for that. Marlena was very well respected and well known.”


“Yea, well I’m a Kirakis. Our last name carries a lot of weight. What is happening here?”


“Philip, we have been weakened. “


“What do you mean?”


“Vivian owns the Titian, Kirarkis Empire.”


“Yea, I know about that, I read the papers in here. So you’re telling me you have not rectified this situation? What kind of Kirakis are you? My father would never let something like this stand. What the hell is the matter with you?”


“Relax. I can’t do this by myself. But that’s not all. Vivian plans to merge all the companies of Salem into one big conglomeration. She is going to virtually own everything and everyone in Salem.”


“You loser! How did you let it get this far? You’re nothing. My dad would be so disappointed in you.”


“That’s why I came down here. I need your help.”


“How can I help and I am still in jail.”


“Leave that to me.”


“Oh I get it. So the only time you are interested in getting me out of jail is when you need help. You didn’t give a damn about me before. Why start now?”


“Philip please. This is not the time to argue. We can deal with this later. We have to stop Vivian Alamain before we lose everything! You’ll be out of here in a few days.” Justin then leaves.

Philip, thinking of his freedom,

“I’m about to be free again. “ He smiles as he thinks about that.

Bo and Hope’s House

Bo walks in the front door and sees Hope playing a game of hide and seek with his twin daughters Pamela and Addie. Hope looks at him and rushes over to hug him. Bo wraps his arms around Hope and flashes of love making with Kirsten keep going through his mind. Bo holds her even tighter.

“I love you so much fancy face. I have missed you so much and I am so glad to be home.”

Hope pulls back and looks into his eyes,

“Are you ok? Did something happen on Papa Island?”


“It was Padre Island. And no nothing happened between Kristen and me.”


“I wasn’t implying that at all. Are you speaking from a guilty conscience?”


“Hope NO! Nothing happened between Kristen and I. I told you it wouldn’t. Can we drop it? I’m tired and want to take a hot shower and then love my wife. Can that be possible?”


“You’re so touchy. Something is not right with you. You haven’t even told me if you and Kristen found Peter’s killer.”


“It was a set up. Some is playing games with us. The trip to Paco Island was a waste of time. I should have not gone. I missed precious time with you and my daughters.”


“Well we have missed you too.”She gives him another hug.

“Now go get cleaned up and I’ll make us some dinner.”


“I love you fancy face.” He walks up the stairs to take a shower.

Hope sighs and looks at Addie and Pamela,

“Your daddy is acting strange. He’s hiding something.”

Java Cafe

Nicole is sitting at a table, still visibly shaken after Travis's death, as Faye walks over with some coffee.


“How are you, honey?”


“My husband just died...gee, mother, I'm chipper!”


“Nikki, please don't be like that.”


“Yeah, I'm sorry...I am just pissed off, okay? Travis and I were just about to start our lives together...I mean, he was the only man I had, in the several months that we were together, and that nothing could interfere with! But now, he's dead.”


“I know you're going through so much pain right now, but I know you can get through this...you've been through so much, you can get through this, and there will be other men!”


“Ah, yes, there will...just more men that I will either screw over or they'll get killed!”

Faye, sighing

“Don't be so negative, Nikki. Speaking of which, not that I want to continue to emphasize Travis's death, but have you reported his murder to the police?”


“ I did in Las Vegas, but that got me nowhere. However, I know who killed him.”


“Are you sure?”


“I'm not stupid, Mom! I know that that psycho Greta Von Amberg killed him.”


“Don't make assumptions, Nicole. I know that woman is a psycho but didn't she get locked up in a mental institution after Jan Spears exposed her for locking you two up in that Secret Room?”


“As much as I hate to admit it, Greta's smart. She could have broken out, and she would have gone right after me and try to ruin my life yet again!”


“Still, be careful, Nikki. You don't want to finger the wrong person.”

Nicole, groaning

“I know it was her. And yet again, you do the Faye thing to do and ignore the truth, just like you did when it came to Daddy and all that he did to us and Jan.”


“No, honey, I didn't mean it like-“


“I can handle this myself, Faye, thanks.”

Nicole angrily gets up and storms out of the Java Cafe!


“I am going to bring Greta down...”

As Nicole walks off, Greta herself comes out of the shadows.


“Oh, just you wait Nicole...you're next on my hit list!”

Greta's mouth foams from the rabies...and suddenly, she has to lean against the wall.


“What the hell? These rabies really getting to me. I’m shocked I’ve lasted this long on these rabies. Must be miracle rabies“

Greta slowly walks off.

Maggie's House

Jeremy is in the kitchen, still fuming after his argument with Alexis over Robin and Laura's rivalry and Laura being in jail. He curses as he sits at the table, and Robin then enters.


“Jeremy, honey, what’s wrong?”


“It’s that whore Alexis.”


“What is that little slut doing now?”


“She barged in here trying to tell me, once again, that you were lying and framing Grandma.”


“Jeremy, I've told you countless times that I am not lying. Your poor grandmother has just gone insane again, and Alexis is trying to get into your head.”


“Yeah, I know, I am just so sick of her...


“She keeps trying to mess with all our lives, but I won't allow it. Earlier, she came to me and told me all about how Mike and April were having sex.”


“Uh, what? Who the hell is April?”

Robin, shaking her head in disgust



“I am so tired of them all...Alexis, Mike, everyone!”


“Don't you worry; they'll be out of our lives and stop annoying us once Laura finally gets committed.”

Cassie then walks in, and frowns at Jeremy.


“What’s wrong, baby?”


“Alexis keeps trying to tell him that I'm lying about what Laura did to me. Little bitch needs to mind her own business.”


“Ugh, I hate her...but she doesn't matter to us, Jeremy, you can't listen to her...here, how about we go upstairs and I take your mind off things?”

Jeremy, smirking

“Sure, I'd like that.”

Cassie seductively grabs Jeremy and pulls him upstairs, as Robin slams her fist down on the table.


“Alexis, Laura, April...all three of them are stupid bitches. I can't allow them to run around like this!”

Salem Police Station

Nicole walks right into the police station, where Chris is doing some work.


“Hello, is Bo Brady here?”


“No, I'm afraid he's not in today, ma'am. Is there something I can help you with?”


“I'd like to report a murder.”

Chris, raising his eyebrows



“It took place in Las Vegas, but everyone involved is a resident of Salem...my husband, Travis Baines, was killed on our wedding night.”


“I'm so sorry...do you know who killed him?”


“I have a hunch: Greta Von Amberg, who I am sure you've heard of. I am almost sure that she killed my husband, and I need the police's help to get a hold of her and make her pay”

Back at Bo and Hope’s House

Bo walks down the stairs and sees Pam and Addie in their crib sleeping and Hope walks out from the kitchen with a plate of burger and fries for Bo.


“You really didn’t have to fancy face. I should be doing this for you. I’m so sorry for leaving you and the girls. I should have never gone on that trip with Kristen.”


“You say that like something bad happened. Did it Bo?”


“Like what?”

Hope, arching her eye brow,

“You act like you’re hiding something from me. You are acting nervous. Did something happen on Paco Island with Kristen? Did you sleep with Kristen again after you told me, in fact you promised me I could trust you?!” She says with a tear forming in her eye and her voice getting louder.


“Please don’t wake the girls. Calm down.”


“Don’t tell me to calm down Brady. You’re the one who is not acting right. Now tell me, did you have sex with Kristen, yes or no?”

Before Bo could answer the door bell rings.

“Who could that be?”


“Saved by the bell. Go on, answer the door.”

Bo walks over to the front door and opens it and is shocked to see Megan Dimera with a baby in her arm.


“Megan, can I help you?”

Hope, not understanding why Megan would be there walks closer to the door to see why Megan Dimera is there.


“Hi Bo. I heard you were back in town. I brought you your only living son.”


“I do not understand. What kind of sick joke are you playing here?”


“This is your son Bo. Bo Dimera the II. This is our child.”


“You’re what!?”


“I gave birth to Bo’s only living son. We had a passionate night of love making and it produced this beautiful child. We are all family now.” She says smiling. Hope and Bo are speechless as they are taken aback.

Next Time on Life in Salem:

Bo and Hope get answers from Megan!

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