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Horton hears a WHORE!! #445



The Horton House

Abe is trying to walk with a walker alongside his physical therapist. Abe is really concentrating and almost out of breath.


“You’ve almost got it.”

Then Maggie walks in the front door.

“Oh my... Abe, you you’re doing so much better.”

Abe, out of breath and strength, sits back down in his wheelchair.

“Thank you.”


“You keep this up and you will be walking on your own very soon.”


“That will be so great; you’ll be able to walk down the aisle.”


“I sure will.” He looks at the PT.

“That’s all for today.”


“Sure thing Mr. Carver. I’ll here tomorrow around the same time. We can work on strength and conditioning.”


“Thank you.”

The PT walks out as Maggie sits on the sofa next to Abe’s wheel chair.


“It would be great if I was able to walk in time for our wedding.”


“We haven’t even set a date. We can wait until you are able to walk.”


“No, Maggie, let’s set a date. I need a goal. I need something to work towards.”


“Abe are you sure? I don’t want you to push yourself to hard.”


“I am tired of being in this wheel chair. I miss working at the police station. I just miss living a normal life. I miss being able to do things for myself. I can’t play sports with my son.”


“Abe, I understand. You have been in the wheel chair for over a year.”


“So then we can set a date?”


“Of course darling.” She kisses him on the cheek.


“Do you have dates in mind?”


“Well, about a Christmas Day wedding? We can bring all our family and friends together for this joyous occasion.”


“Mrs. Abe Carver. It sounds so nice.”


“Abe, we already talked about this. I am not taking your last name.”


“Maggie, please reconsider. You’ll marry me but won’t take my last name? Do you know how that makes me feel?”


“And do you know how I feel about keeping my Horton last name. To honor Mickey.”


“I’m sorry Maggie, I didn’t mean to push. If you’re not going to take my last name, then is there really a point for us to get married?”


“Abraham! You don’t want us to get married because I won’t take your last name?”


“It is part of exchanging vows. It’s how we become one.”

Maggie, wiping a tear rolling down her cheek,

“I’m sorry Abe. I can’t do it! I cannot let Mickey’s memory go.”

She begins to walk up the stairs.

Abe, calling out to her,

“So what does this mean?”


“I don’t know Abe.” She says walking away from him and up the stairs.

Abe wonders if he’ll lose Maggie.

Life in Salem

Episode: 445: Horton Hears a Whore!

Written by ML Cooks with J Lee Becker

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Jeremy walks into the living room from the kitchen and he sees Abe,

“Abe is everything ok with you and Aunt Maggie?”


“I don’t know Jeremy. She does not want to take my last name. That hurts me. I understand she still has strong feelings for Mickey. But marriage is about two becoming one.”


“I am sure you and Aunt Maggie will work things out.”


“I hope so. I love her…. I’m a little tired; I’m going to lie down.” Abe wheels himself to the first floor bedroom.

Jeremy hears the door bell ring. He walks over to it and answers it. He instantly gets angry when he sees Alexis.

“What the hell do you want?”


“Jeremy, sometime you have to stop. You can’t hate me forever.”


“For having a one night stand, I’ll always hate you. Do you understand? H. A. T E! I hate you Alexis. You’re a sleazy whore.”


“Jeremy please don’t talk to me like that. I love you. I made an honest mistake.”


“We’ve been here and done that. I will not have this conversation again with you. I’ve already heard all your excuses. I’ll never love you and I will never forgive you. You’ve wasted your time and mine by coming here. Is this why you are here?”


“No. It’s about your mother.”


“What about her?”


“She’s lying to you and everyone else. Laura did not push your mother down the stairs. Robyn is setting her up.”


“How dare you? How do you know something like that? This issue is between my family and I and you have no business sticking your nose in it. This situation is hard enough as it. I don’t need you making things worse and getting stuff started. You’re such a bitch.”


“No it’s your mother who is a bitch; she is not the sweet one she portrays herself to be.”


“You don’t have a lot of room to talk and I better never ever hear of you speaking about my mother like that again. I ought to ring your little neck you dirty whore.”


“You’ll be sorry. I tried to warn you. Your mother is a liar. The truth will come out.”


“Why do you even care? What stake do you have in this? What do you have to gain?”


“I care about you Jeremy. I don’t want to see you hurt.”


“Then you should have thought of that before you opened your cat trap to my dad. Now get the hell out of here and never come back.” He slams the door right in her face and the door hits her in the nose.


“DAMN YOU JEREMY HORTON. You’ll be sorry. I’ll prove to you. You’re mother is a liar.”

Alexis rubs her nose as she walks off.

The Cheatin' Heart

Nicole walks over to the bar and grabs a seat. She orders a beer. The bartender hands it to her and Nicole begins to sip on it. Then she hears,

“I didn’t know you drank beer.”

She looks over and sees a drunken Nicholas.


“There’s a lot you don’t know about me. I didn’t know rich people came to places like this.”


“Because I am allegedly rich, I can’t get drunk at a hole in the wall. There’s a lot you don’t know about me Nicole. I’m not rich. Let’s make that clear. So that might mean you want to stop talking to me since I am broke. I have no money thanks to Vivian Alamain.”


“I’m in mourning you jerk. I don’t want you Nick. I don’t prey on men.”


“You’re track record speaks of a different story.”


“Well not all of them were rich. Eric, Austin. They don’t have millions like you did. So don’t sit there judge me. Not until you know me.”


“Do you want to get to know me?”


“I’ll pass. I am in mourning.”


“Who died?”


“My fiancé Travis. I am focusing on who killed him. He was poisoned by cyanide.”


“Cyanide?! Reminds me of Hitler.”


“Yea, it’s pretty gross that someone would do that. It could have been me.”


“So is that why you are here, getting wasted?”


“Just trying to take the edge off. It’s eerie someone killed Travis with poison. It was almost me.”


“Any idea on who might have done this?”


“Oh I do. I just need proof.”


“I would suggest be careful. Sounds to me like who ever this person is, is smart and resourceful to obtain cyanide.”


“So tell me Nick...what troubles are you drinking away?”


“I virtually lost everything. My job, a stake in the Alamain Empire, Belle.”


“You almost have it as bad as me. I am sorry to hear about you and Belle.”


“I am too. For wasting my time. She doesn’t really love me.”


“May I ask what happened?”


“It’s simple, she doesn’t love me and I don’t want to share my life with a person who won’t be there for me through thick and thin.”


“That doesn’t sound like the Belle I know.”


“It’s the Belle I know.” Nicholas finishes the rest of his drink. He sets his glass down and begins to feel woozy. He looks at Nicole.


“You sure are beautiful Nicole. I never noticed how much until right now.”


“That’s because you’re drunk. Let me call you a cab. You shouldn’t be driving tonight.” As Nicole pulls her cell phone out her purse, Nicholas gropes her. Nicole is in shock.


“You rude jerk!” She picks up her beer bottle and pours it all over Nicholas.

“Grope that you pervert!” Nicole says leaving the bar. Nicholas is left there mad as hell and embarrassed.

Bartender, walking over

“Ok buddy, it’s time for you to go before I call the cops.”


“I’ve been reduced to being a drunken bum.”

Downtown Salem, Basic Black

Kate is packing up her brief case about to leave the office until Justin Kiriakis taps on the half open door.


“Kate, we need to talk.”


“Justin? This is a surprise. Look I was about to leave, can’t this wait until morning?”


“I’m afraid not. It’s about Vivian Alamain.”


“Now I really don’t want to hear about this. Why do you care about the old Bitch?”


“She’s planning to merge Dimera, Alamain, and Kiriakis/Titian into one massive conglomerate to control Salem.”


“That woman is as Looney as ever. Why are you telling me this?”


“If Vivian’s merger takes place, the Kirakis name will be no more. We will lose everything. Philip, your son will lose everything. You of all people know how to do battle with Vivian.”


“I most certainly do. Stealing my embryo, burying Carly Manning alive, Susan Banks. The list just goes on. Vivian can be very nasty. “


“Indeed. This is why I need you on my team. We must stop Vivian. This merger cannot take place. Victor would roll over in his grave if we allow this. He would be heartbroken to learn his legacy has been destroyed. I urge you Kate, to do it for your son. We have to bail Philip out of jail in order to help us.”


“I don’t know. I am content with what I have in my life. I’m stable and making lots of money. I don’t want to provoke Vivian into trying to take over my company.”


“Hell, I am surprised she hasn’t tried to yet. Be careful though. She is buying up everything. We cannot allow her to gain control over Salem which is what will happen if the merger goes through.”


“I’ll have to think about it.”


“Don’t take too much time. This merger is going to happen in 30 days, being launched by a ball. If you won’t help me, at least help try get Philip out of jail. I need him to help stop Vivian. I can’t do this myself.”

Kate just sits back in her executive black chair and watches Justin walk out her office taking a deep sigh and thinking if she should enter the war against Vivian.

Lucas and Eugenia pull up into the driveway of The Spears Mansion followed by a moving van.

Lucas, getting out the car,

“I hope we can make this sweet and simple.”


“Things are never simple with nut cases.” She says back to him, approaching the door.

Lucas opens it and enters,

“It’s quiet, maybe she’s not home.”


“Where do you want us to begin sir?”


“Upstairs on the left wing.” He instructs the movers. He walks around and sees Jan passed out drunk on the floor. He can tell she’s drunk because he sees an empty bottle of liquor lying next to her.

“Eugenia, come here, I found her.”

Eugenia rushes towards Lucas and sees Jan,

“Lucas, we should call an ambulance.”

Lucas kneels down to check for a pulse.

“She’s alive, and she’s breathing. I don’t think we should. Let’s just get our stuff and get the hell out of here before she wakes up. I don’t want any drama.”

Lucas steps right over Jan to pick up a few baby items for his granddaughter. Eugenia is stunned that Lucas could do this. As if on cue, Jan begins to come too.

Jan, rubbing her head, hearing the commotion of the movers moving furniture,

“What is going on?”


“Damn it, couldn’t you just stay passed out?”


“What? You two didn’t even care? What if I was dead?”


“Stop it Jan! I made sure you were breathing.”


“Just forget about me huh? Come and get your things and just screw me!” She gets up off the floor.

“Fine, take your things and get the hell out! If I can’t be happy, if I can’t have Lucas, Euggie, you won’t either!” Jan begins picking up glass ware and throws it at Eugenia and Lucas.


“Let’s get the hell out of here!”He says grabbing her hand and running out the mansion. Jan follows them outside, still tossing house hold items at them.

“You bitch and bastard! You won’t get away with this. You will not be happy and you better give back my son Lucas.” Lucas and Eugenia get in Lucas’s car. Eugenia looks out her window and smiles and waves at Jan. This sets Jan off and Jan begins to chase Lucas’s car as he drives off.


“I’m going t get you Eugenia! You will be sorry!”

In a fit of rage, Jan screams as if she is being rapped.

“People are going to pay for this!”

Next time on Life in Salem:

Vivian strikes AGAIN!!


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  • Members

Since no one comments and I worked so hard on this series I'll just leave a comment on my own [!@#$%^&*]. This was a very good episode Marlin. I love the title. LOL!

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  • Members

LMAO. Good episode, Marlin. But we have to get this blog back to getting readers. It's not much fun when you get the same feedback from fellow writers instead of readers.

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