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Episode#441: Temptation



Lexie gets a knock on her door. She puts her controller down to a playstation 3 game she was playing with Theo to answer the door. She is surprised to see Hope.


“Hope, what a lovely surprise.”


“I hope you don’t mind me dropping by like this.”


“I don’t mind at all, come in, I’ll fix us some coffee to warm us up. It’s chilly out there.”


“Indeed it is, you can definitely tell fall is in the air.” Hope says walking in the living room.

“Hello Theo.”


“Hello Aunt Hope.”


“I see you are playing video games.”


“Yea and mommy was losing.”


“Only for now. I’m going to fix Hope and me some coffee and talk and when I get back, be ready to get your butt kicked.”

Theo, laughing

“Heard it before.”

Hope follows Lexie into the kitchen as Lexie begins making coffee.


“I can tell something is going on Hope. What is it?”


“I just feel so bad by my dropping in like this.”


“This is what good friends are for. Out with it! What’s bothering you?”


“It’s Bo and Kristen. Bo is helping Kristen in finding out who killed Peter. She got a lead on Padre Island and Bo offered to help. I thought it would be good for everyone involved. I would be able to let Bo know I still trust him. But now I am having second thoughts. Why was I so stupid as agree to a trip like this between Bo and his mistress? What on God’s green earth was I thinking? But then its like, I don’t want to seem petty and appear insecure if I told Bo that I did not want him going with her.”


“It took a lot of strength to let Bo go with Kristen. It’s a very noble thing. Treat this as a test for Bo. It will prove to you if things are really over between those two. If nothing happens, then you know you can fully trust Bo. If he committed adultery again with Kristen then that should tell you if things are really over between them. I think it’s a good thing you did Hope. Though you may not like the outcome but at least you will know the truth.”


“I think you’re right. I am just scared of what the outcome could be. I love Bo so much and I don’t want to lose him. I just got him back and we have been through so much.”


“Yes you two have. God has a plan for you Hope. No matter the outcome. It’s up to you to follow it.”

Hope gives Lexie a hug.

“Thank Lexie. I feel somewhat better. This trip will make or break Bo and I.” Hope grabs her purse and leaves the Carver House praying she can trust Bo and Kristen together on Padre Island.


Episode#441: Temptation

Written by ML Cooks

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Padre Island

Bo and Kristen finally make it to a motel called “The Spanish Fly” They walk inside, Kristen is about to fall over from walking two hours to get here.


“That was the longest walk ever. My feet are killing me.”


“I am sure it is nothing worse than the Bataan March. I’m going to try and get us rooms” He walks over to the male receptionist.


Como estas?”


“Can I help you padre?”


“Good, you know English. Look buddy I need two rooms.”

“Only have one room left. Tourism is big this time of year.”


“I bet.” He looks over at Kristen. Then back at the receptionist. “We’ll take it.” Bo pulls out some cash and signs some papers then gets the keys to the room. He walks over to Kristen.


“Did you get the rooms? I am ready to soak in a hot tub. But by the looks of this place, I don’t think that will be possible.” She looks at his hand and sees only one key.

“What’s going on Bo?”


“I got some good news and I got some bad news.”


“They only have one room don’t they?”


“At least they got one.”

At the same time, they both think of sharing a room together and think about when they last made love.

Kristen, remembering how great it was is not so annoyed by the fact they have to share a room. She looks at Bo and she can tell he is a bit nervous.

“Will you be able to sleep with me...I mean in the same room?”


“I love Hope. Of course I can. My heart belongs to her. What you and I did was a mistake. Let’s go to the room so we can get some shut eye, we got a big day tomorrow and I am sure you are tired.”


“I am.” Bo leads the way to the room as Kristen follows. Having flashbacks of Bo making love to her. She wants to experience that again but does not want to be the other woman especially against Hope Brady.

Bo also thinks back on the one night stand he had Kristen, thinking it was some of the best sex he’s had in years. He remembers Kristen satisfying him completely. These sexual thoughts get Bo stimulated.

It’s evening in Salem

Lucas and Eugenia take the elevator to the top floor where Penthouse Grille is.

They are greeted and then seated.


“So this is your surprise for me?”


“I just wanted to take you out and celebrate. We have overcome crazy Jan’s plot to break us up. We have Bentley, and Josh. We have a loving family. My life is complete. Thank you Eugenia for giving me happiness. Thank you for being my fiancee.”

She has tears running down her cheeks

“I love you so much Lucas.” She gets up and kisses him and then sits back down.

”You have made me the happiest woman in the world. You have treated Josh like he is your own son and your taking responsibility for Bentley. That’s a real honorable thing to do.”


“I can’t let Jan raise him. He’ll turn out just as crazy as she is. We have enough psychos in this world.”


“I know she is not going to give her son up without a fight.”


“Oh I know….. And I am ready for a fight. There is no way in hell a court in Salem will deem her sane enough to raise Bentley. I’m a Horton for hell’s sake. The Horton is a good name in Salem and it carries weight here…… Let’s not talk about Jan.”


“Sounds good to me.” A waiter comes over to take their order.


“Get whatever you want baby?”

She smiles at him

“Filet Migon”


“Chicken Parm for me, chicken well done please.”


“As you wish sir.”


“And one more thing, bring us the best champagne you have in stock. We’re celebrating love tonight.”


“You’re so romantic.”


“Tonight is ours. Let’s dance” He puts his hand out and she takes it. They get up and walk over to the dance floor. They hold each other and slow dance to “He loves Me” by Jill Scott.


“Listen to the words to this song baby; this is how you make me feel”

“You love me especially different every time

You keep me on my feet happily excited

By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence

You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me

You school me, give me some things to think about

Ignite me, you invite me, you co-write me, you love me, you like me “


“It’s beautiful” He leans in and kisses her romantically. Suddenly they are pushed apart. Lucas and Eugenia look at the person and it’s Jan.


“What nerve you have. How dare you?”


“Don’t you ever give up you loser?”


“Where the hell is my son? Bentley is mine; I laid in pain for him. I created him. Where is he?”


“Don’t cause a scene Jan. You’ll only make things worse for yourself. You are unstable. You should not be raising any kids.”


“Who are you to tell me something like that? You’re no doctor. I’ve lost everything. I won’t lose my son.”


“Sorry Jan, I can’t let you raise Bentley.”


“You’re going to fight me for custody?”


“If that is what it comes too.”

Jan, beginning to scream

“You son of a bitch! Hand over my son! You’re a kidnapper. Someone please call the police! HE STOLE MY SON!!”


“You have really lost it. Get a hold of yourself.”


“Go ahead Jan, call the police and I will tell them how you was complicit in the kidnapping of Josh. Now if you will please excuse my fiancee and I, we want a sane night with sane people and now that you are here, that is not possible. Come on Ms. Roberts” Lucas escorts Eugenia out of Penthouse Grille, pushing Jan aside. A waiter walks past Jan carrying a tray of champagne; Jan feeling insulted by Lucas literally pushing her aside, decides to take the bottle of champagne off the tray and tosses it in Lucas and Eugenia’s direction. The champagne hits a wall and shatters, with champagne spilling on a few patrons. Lucas and Eugenia looks back at Jan and just laugh at her. They get on the elevator and head out the building.

Jan, the laughing infuriates her,

“THAT BASTARD AND HIS BITCH!!!! I'm still his wife damnit. I lost everything thanks to Greta. Wait until I find her and I will not lose my son, my son with Shawn Brady to the likes of Lucas and Eugenia. I’m Jan Spears damn it, no one out wits me.”

The Manager on shift tonight walks over to Jan,

“You’re going to have to pay for that champagne.”


“Rot in hell” She says boarding the elevator and leaving The Penthouse Grille.

Back On Padre Island.

Bo is sitting on the couch trying to get a TV channel to work on the old beat up TV. He hears the shower begin in the bathroom. He looks at the bathroom door, and can see the door cracked.


“God help me tonight. Why do I keep thinking of the night I slept with Kristen? I can’t get her out of my head. I can’t do this. I can’t stay here tonight.” He walks over to the bathroom door to tell Kristen he is going to sleep on the couch in the lobby downstairs. But as he knocks on the door, he can see Kristen’s body via the mirror in the shower. He looks upon Kristen’s beautiful body. The water falling on her skin drives Bo crazy.

“I can’t do this. “ He says turning around to look away. Suddenly the door swings open. Bo sees Kristen a wet and naked Kristen.


“You’re a peeping tom now?”


“Kristen, I am so sorry, I was just coming to tell you I was going to sleep on the couch tonight in the lobby.”


“Why? See something you like? You see something you want?” She looks at him seductively.”Just take it Bo. You know you want it.. You know you want me. Don’t fight it no more baby.” She leans in and kisses him. Bo wraps his arms around her and returns the kisses of temptation. Kristen rips his clothes off as they kiss in a passionate frenzy. They walk over to the couch and they fall back onto it and make love.. Kristen and Bo make love again.


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