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Sexxy Side of Sister Patterson! #119



Downtown Pasadena MariusPics3003.jpg

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3591827181.jpgKarl is escorted to his son’s cell.

Ty 28tzvxf.jpg

“You took your sweet ass time coming down here.”


“Sorry son. I was busying running our empire.”


My empire you lazy bastard! How long have you known about Jennifer and Santino sleeping together?”


“Son, that is not important right now.”


“The hell it is. Answer the question Karl! How long have you known?”


“ I am not going to answer that. It’s not important.”


“I’m sorry you feel like that. You know what, it doesn’t even matter how long you’ve known. It doesn’t matter if you found out yesterday or 6 months ago, the fact you knew and didn’t tell me. What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? You made me look like an ass.”


“I had it under control.”


“By blackmailing them? How lame? You’re losing your touch old man. Your not what you used to be. You’re going soft.”


“Is that so you pompus ass? What would have you done differently?”


“Doesn’t matter now does it? Let’s just focus on your plan on getting me out of here.”

Karl, laughing,

“Oh no. I think not my son. There is no plan. It took you years to get me out of jail. YEARS. SO… I think it’s time I repay the favor don’t you?”


“Sleazy !@#$%^&*]. That’s what you are.”


“I am ain’t I? It’s time for me to take control of TC Hotel and the Hutchins Empire. You’re the weak one. You’re a loser. Jenn cheated on you with your henchman, Mona turned on you and got Daniel to turn on you too, and now you’re in jail. You’re the weakest link my son.”


“Just like Jenn. You think I’m down huh?”


“You’ll be in here at least until I am good and dead.”


“Tisk Tisk Karl. You’re going to pay for betraying me. Everyone will.”


“Your powerless. You lost everything.”


"No one double crosses me and gets away with it. You'll pay for this Karl!"

Karl, turning to leave

"I doubt that, Tyler. Have a fun time in prison! You won't be leaving anytime soon."



Episode: 119 Sexxy Side of Sister Patterson

Written by ML Cooks

Story Editor: Tara Smith

Lavender Hill, IMG_0042.jpg

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Jenn is in the pool taking a swim. She sees Santino walking over to her and she swims to the edge of the pool.

Jenn jenn4.jpg

Where have you been?”


“I had some thinking to do.”


“You could have came to me. I was here alone last night. I was so distraught.”


“In a way I am too. Ty is in jail for now. I don’t know how much power he has.”


“Well he has Karl.”


“Nah, I know Ty and he won’t forgive his father for not telling him about us. I know Ty is going to come after us.”


“Or Karl.”


“Jennifer please. Karl is a nobody. He’s a lame duck, a puppet. I’m not worried about him.”


“Well good. I am just so glad we can finally be together.”


“I don’t know Jenn. I don’t know about that.’

Jenn, getting out the pool in shock,

“WHAT!? What are you saying?”


“Jenn what do you want from me?”


“I want us to be together. I want you. I love you.”


“I am not buying it. Just at the triple funeral;, you was telling Ty that same stuff. Do you even know what you want Jenn? You hop from one man right to the next? You left Mike for Ty, then you’re leaving Ty for me. Who are you going to leave me for?”


“Santino, where is this coming from? I want to be with you. I love you.”


“I loved you too. At one point in time I really did. But seeing you with Ty after we made love broke me down. I feel like you are playing games with my feelings. I’ve been down that road.”


“But you knew I was with Ty. I told you I love him.”


“Look Jenn, I am leaving town for a few days. I am helping a friend. I am going to use this time to think of us and what we should do.”


“What? What is the matter with you? Why are you leaving me?” She says wiping tears from her face.


“I just need some time to think.”


“Who are you leaving with? Is it a woman?”


“That’s not important. What if it is though?”


“Tino please don’t leave me! I am begging you.”


“Jenn please don’t do this. I’ll be back in a few days and we will see where things stand. I’m sorry.”


“Yea me too. Get your sorry ass out of here. I hope you catch a diease and your [!@#$%^&*] cock falls off.” Santino smiles at Jenn and then walks away. This makes Jenn angry that he finds her pain and hurt humorous and she picks up her lawn chair and tosses it at him. It misses Santino and he has a good laugh.

Jenn, screaming

“Get the hell out of here you bum! And never come back!” Jenn begins to break down in tears sinking to the ground.  



Back Downtown,

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Ladonna is in Karim’s office on the computer typing. She pauses and leans back in the executive reclining chair and thinks of her passionate kiss with Karim. She nearly jumps out her chair and when she hears the door slamming shut. A picture falls off of the wall.

Ladonna stacey215uw.jpg

“Alexis!” What is the matter with you? Do you know how much that cost Karim? Do you even know what that picture means to Karim?”

jhlkhj.lj.jpgAlexis, throwing her purse on the leather sofa,

“You seem to know a lot about my man don’t you Donna?” She says walking closer to her.

Ladonna, arching an eye brow,

“Alexis, I think you better back off. Haven’t you caused enough pain? The last time you confronted somebody it was Karim, and you know what happened to him.”


“Oh, you don’t need to remind me. I have to live with it everyday. I know what I’ve done. And I know what you’ve done too.”

Ladonna, noticing Alexis is creeping toward her ever so closer. She walks out from behind the desk.

“What are you talking about?”


“I saw you. I saw you kissing Karim.”

Ladonna, a little stunned but at the same time happy that she saw;

“Alexis, believe it or not I am sorry. I did not mean for it to happen.”


“Ahh come on Donna. Surely you can come up with something better than that.”


As lame as it sounds, it’s true. I was just caught up in my emotions and just the thought of losing a friend that I’ve known for a long time, it was so unthinkable.”


“A friend huh? I heard him tell you he loves you too!!” She says getting mad, tears forming in her eyes.


“I’m sorry. I really am. I do not want to come in between you and Karim. Yes, Karim and I kissed and it was a mistake. It won’t happen again.”


“ Give me a break. All this time you two have been denying your feelings for each other. Karim always told me it was all in my head. I was ragging on you for nothing. And You always made me look bad in front of him. To undermine me. You’re real good bitch. You a slick one.”


“You’re pathetic. You’re hiding something from Karim. You’re nervous and that’s the reason why I get to you. I know it has something to do with your sisters diary. Once Karim finds out, and I hope it’s soon by the way, you’re going to lose him regardless. You were just a rebound for Karim. After he lost Ria he used you to get over her. Karim and I have had this chemistry for a very long time. So I think it’s time you accept this, denial is not pretty my dear.”


“I hate you with a passion Donna. I want you to know that! I have never hated any one so much in my life. I didn’t know this kind of hate existed. But I will not let you take Karim away from me. Just because we are having problems does not mean he is going to leave me. He can’t”


“Maybe, maybe not. You know I really don't want to come between you and Karim. I really don't and I am sorry for what happened. But I do have feelings for him, and he seems to have feelings for me. I don't know if I can just let that escape. Not to mention, I'm getting sick of your attitude. You have always been so cold, and I don't think you're being fully honest with Karim, even he knows it. Hell you two got into a fight right before he got into that car crash! So just think about that before you attack me again." LaDonna leaves after that, leaving Alexis shocked as she wonders if she really has lost Karim to LaDonna. 


Pasadena Police Station,jail.jpg

Mike walks over to Ty’s cell.


“I understand you wanted to see me?”


“I do. I was just sitting her, thinking-”


“That’s all you can do sitting behind bars.”


“Listen Mike, I have something important tell you.”


“Then say it!”


“I know who shot Lauren.”


“And why should I believe you?”


“Because I am the one who ordered the hit.”


“How sick are you? Lauren was pregnant when she was shot. You’re never getting outta jail. NEVER! You will never be able to torment anyone ever again.”


“I’m glad you think so. I love when you underestimate me. That’s when I do my best work.”


“Just tell me who did you have shoot Lauren?”


“Dondre Whitfield.”


“Dre? When did he start working for you?”


“All that doesn’t even really matter. Go ask him about it, investigate it. I hired Dre to kill Lauren. In fact ask Santino about it. He was in on many conversations Dre and I had. If Santino doesn’t give you the right answers, I promise you, Dre’s brother Kiko will.”


“KIKO!? Kiko is in on this too?”


“That upstanding doctor isn’t so perfect after all.”


“You better not be lying?”


“I have no reason to lie now…..See you when you get back Chief. I can’t want to meet my new cell mates.”

Mike just walks away. Ty sits back and waits for the arrival of Santino, Dre, and Dr. Kiko Whitfield.


Sharan arrives at the jail and is escorted to Sabryn’s cell.


“It’s so good to see your friendly face.”


“Like wise. How are you holding up?”


“I don’t know how to answer that. I mean yes I killed Ashley and this time I made sure she was dead.”


“Shh, don’t say that too loud. “


“I just don’t care no more Sharan. I can’t fight these murder one charges stacked up against me. I just have to get used to the fact that I lost everything because of Ashley. But you know what? It was worth it. To finally take that Bitch out after all the years of her always plotting against me.”


“What about your son?”


“You’re going to make me tear up. It hurts when I think of Bryan Jr. I am missing so many precious moments with him. I miss his precious smile. And to know Bryan has him is even worse. That poor excuse for a man raising my child. BJ will turn out just like his father. It was a mistake having a baby with Bryan.”


“I know you don’t mean that Sabryn.”


“I do. I mean look at everything Bryan has put me through. From the cheating, the lies and all that drama that came with it. I didn’t ask for any of that.”


“I know what you mean there. You know first hand about my dramas.”


“So I hear Mona got away scott free huh?”


“She did and it’s unbelievable. She’s been sent to the nut house.”


“It’s a good thing she is there. Mona is seriously deranged.”


“She just been through so much.”


“Are you defending her?”


“I don’t know. A part of me feel so much compassion for her after what Abe put her through. Then the other half feels like I hate her for what she did to me. She raped me! I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Not to mention how she basically pimped me out to shoot Abe. I have nightmares about that night every night. You should have seen the look on Kevin‘s face when Mona brought that fact out in court.”


“And poor Kevin. He seems to be caught up in this.”


“He is. I feel so bad for him. He is not doing well. He’s become so angry. I guess I would too if my life was turned upside down like his. His whole life has been ripped from him. Plus, I told him I couldn’t be with him no more. Not after what his sister Mona did to me. I know that took a heavy toll on him. The fact that I have moved on from him and he has seen me out on the town with Dre. I know it’s eating him up on the inside.”


“Dre? Your seeing Dre?”


“No. not really. I wouldn’t say all that. I have an attraction for him. I care for him deeply. But I don’t know if I am ready for a man yet. I am still recovering from the ordeal Mona put me and Daniel through. “


“Sharan, I need a huge favor of you.”


“Sure, anything, name it.”


“I need you to watch Bryan, to make sure he is treating him right.”


“You know I will. I won’t let anything happen to that boy. I am his God mother after all. And no need to worry, you won’t be in jail for long.”


“You’re joking right?”


“Not at all. Once the judge hears what Ashley put you through, she’ll just slap you on your wrist and call it a day. I got to go girl, but I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m going to find out what Bryan and BJ are up to.”


“Thanks Sharan.” Sharan smiles and leaves.

Sabryn sits on her cot and begins to think for a moment. She wonders if Sharan would adopt BJ.



The Williams HouseRaw00052.jpg

Sister Patterson, is testing out new gospel choir songs on her piano, to be sung at this Sunday’s service. The door bell rings.

“Every time, I try to be one with my God, some one or something interrupts me. “ She opens her door and sees DC.

Sister Pattersonsisterp_throw.gif

“What do you want Don? It’s my time with my God.”


“Don’t start that mess.” He says walking inside.

“What you got to eat in that kitchen?”

Sister Patterson

“Ya fat hungry bastard! Always eating up people’s food. I am so glad your brother was never like that.” She puts her glasses on and eye balls him.

“Uhm hmm, there’s some leftovers in the fridge.”


“Good cuz I haven’t ate all day. Come in here with me so we can talk.”

Sister Patterson, following him to the kitchen

“Talk about what?”


“Our daughter’s trial. We are family you know. We have three kids together.”

Sister Pat

“PLEASE… don’t remind me.”


“Well I want us to be a family. I have three kids and I want to be in their lives.”

Sister Patterson

“Why? So you can make up for the loss of your two other sons. It’s not my fault your ex wife took your two boys from you.”


“Yes it is. WE WERE CHEATING you dummy.”

Sister Patterson slaps him,

“Don’t know one talk to a God fearing woman like that. Don’t you talk to me like that boy.”

DC smiles,

“I love when you do that woman.”

Sister Patterson

“Shut you up you devil!”


“You’re not so saintly yourself. Enough about this. “

Sister Patterson

“Don’t think you are going to use my kids to replace the two other sons you have out there some where. My kids are not pawns. And besides, none of them even like you so how can you be a father to them? You’re just a fat ass greasy loser. You got nothing going for yourself. You just mooch food off of people. I heard about you trying to weasel your way into my son’s company. I am not having it. You’re a freeloader.”


“You’re one to talk. Kevin, Karim ,and Mona are our kids not just yours!”

Sister Patterson

“Don’t you do that! Don’t you ever call her Mona. Her name is Kelis.”


“And that’s problem. You don’t listen. She want’s to be called Mona. She said so herself. Hell for that matter, at least my kids don’t hate me. Kevin wishes you were never his mother. He’ll never forgive you.”

Sister Patterson, tears running down her face,

“He will. He needs his mother.”


“He needs us. He needs his family. These kids have been through too much. I think Kevin has lost it. He’s innocent in all of this but is suffering the most. I lost my brother over all of this.”

Sister Patterson

“Right because our daughter, that devil child killed him. I don’t know why God would do such a thing. Now I may be going to jail trying to repent her sins. It’s as if my God don’t want me no more.”


“Sister Patterson in Jail, AGAIN, I can see the headlines now. You crazy old woman. Maybe the judge will send you to the nut house too. That’s where you need to be. You’re crazy woman.”

Sister Patterson

“And your ugly.” Sister Patterson takes a fried chicken breast and smashes it in DC’s face. “Here eat that you fat ass Bastard!”

DC, laughing,

“How does a self proclaimed child of God act this way?” He says wiping his face. He looks at her and grabs her by the arms and pulls her into a kiss.

Sister Patterson, trying to break free of his hold,

“Get your nasty ass hands off me. You had them on Ria. And she’s a slut.”


“That’s why you so angry woman. You’re cranky. You need your cobwebs swept. Now shut up and take some of this good loving.” They kiss once more, taking each other’s clothes off in a passionate fury. They fall back onto the couch and have sex. Sister Patterson is having sex, showing you she does have a sexy side! Yuck!

Next time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Kevin continues his downward spiral!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I'm going to go backwards from end to the beginning. Don is sleazy!!! It would be nice to see another man come into Pat's life to rival mister no good. Maybe a reverand of some sorts. Nothing would melt Pat's heart but someone close to god.

It's hard as a writer to get people out of jail but Sharan has a point. Ash had it coming.

Ty really did have a plan eh? Good for him for bringing others down with him. Now he just has to worry about getting back at Karl, regain his empire, and then he's golden.

Let's see Alexis and LaDonna catfight over Bro Ho.

Santino sort of grew a sac and then it was quickly gone. What kind of power does Jenn's smelly cat box have over men?

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