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Breaking News!


In a stunning turn of events, Christina Applegate has been let go in the role of Sabryn D. Genet. Ms Applegate joined the cast at the beginning of season three. She immediately jumped in, starting just as Ashley revealed herself to be back from the dead at Sabryn’s wedding to Bryan.

“I was just not happy with the direction of how things were turning out. So I decided to bring back the original actress who played the role since the shows inception. Actress Sabryn Genet will resume the role immediately beginning in episode 119. I thank Ms. Applegate for her time and talents. We wish her luck on her future endeavors.” Show creator ML Cooks told the press.

4CAOSGTRVCAGUMO0ECA4PVZEZCA6KIECTCA.jpgIn other casting news, the beautiful Jennifer Tilley has joined the diverse cast on S.T.E.A.M. in the role of Applelonia. “Apple has a connection already on the canvas that will be quite shocking. She will also get involved with Mona. Apple is the new woman of mystery just as Mona, who was also known as the Lady in Black. Apple will be pivotal to Pasadena, as the role is contract.” States Mr. Cooks

More major Casting News will follow soon!

Stay tuned…….


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