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Episode 191



So many decisions to make in little time in Springfield...


Cross Creek:


Bill walks outside.

Shayne walks out with him, "Hey. Are you okay?"

Bill nods, "It's just... I am trying to enjoy my night and my father is making it difficult."

Shayne sighs, "Billy was just joking around."


Billy walks out, "Shayne can I talk to my son please?"

Shayne goes inside.

Billy walks over to him, "I'm sorry."

Bill sighs, "I didn't mean to make things uncomfortable. But Olivia isn't a bad person."

Billy looks at him, "I've never made it a secret how I feel about Olivia Spencer. But I wasn't saying that to upset you Bill. I just thought with you moving on with Michelle that all of your feelings for Olivia would be well gone."

Bill turns to him, "It's not like that. Olivia is Emma's biological mother. I am her adoptive father. Olivia could easily have me cut out of Emma's life but she hasn't. I owe a lot to her."

Billy sighs, "I'm sorry. You're right. You know you're Mom and I love that Emma. She has really become our Granddaughter. We couldn't love her any more if she were blood."

Bill looks at him, "I'm glad to hear you say that. Emma is my daughter whether she is blood or not."

Billy smiles, "She's a lucky kid to have you, Olivia, and Michelle in her life."

Bill and Billy walks back inside.


Bauer Home:


Michelle is outside.

Jesse approaches her, "Hi."

She turns to him, "What are you doing here?"

He sighs, "I was going for a walk."

She shakes her head, "Around my neighborhood?"

He nods, "I have no idea how I ended up here. But when I noticed your house I saw you walking outside, in that dress."

Michelle looks down at the wedding dress she is still wearing, "Oh, that's right."

He stares, "You look absolutely beautiful."

She shakes her head, "What are you doing here Jesse?"

He sighs, "I told you. Now tell me what you're doing outside in your wedding dress."

She sighs, "I was showing it to the women. They went to go set up some games or something. I needed to just get out here and take a break from everything going on."

Jesse nods, "Everything?"

She looks down, "Not like that."

He looks at her hands, "You brought your phone."

She sighs, "I was going to call Bill."

He shakes his head, "I wouldn't."

She is confused, "Why not?"

He sighs, "It's bad luck. We both know you don't need more of that."

Michelle stares at him.


Harley's House:


Lucy is with Cyrus.

She explains to him, "Aubrey delivered Marina's baby and let her believe it died in the fire. But she took it with her on the run."

Cyrus is confused, "Why would she want Marina's baby?"

Lucy sighs, "She was faking a pregnancy. The typical crazy woman takes pregnant woman's baby story. Only now we don't know where Aubrey is."

Cyrus looks at her, "Does Marina know?"

Lucy shakes her head, "No. We can't tell her until we know the baby is alive otherwise she will lose him all over again."

He walks away, "Unbelievable! How can they keep this from her? Is that even legal?"

Lucy sighs, "The only people who know are me, David, and Lizzie Spaulding. No one else."

Cyrus laughs, "So David sent you to enlist me?"

She shakes her head, "David doesn't know about this. He would never agree to it."

Cyrus nods, "You're a real piece of work. Well I'm sorry but I'm not going to be a part of this."

She nods, "Oh yes you will! Or I'm going to tell Harley that Guillespie is back in town."

Cyrus shakes his head, "Whatever."

She nods, "What about Alan Spaulding? I'm sure he won't be to happy. Or hey maybe it'll make the papers and Jonathan Randall will find out. I wonder what he would do to the man who murdered his wife. Or AC Mallet, didn't your brother murder his sister?"

Cyrus walks over to her, "Are you really going to put his life in jeopardy just to get back at me?"

She nods, "I need your help."

Cyrus feels like he's trapped.




Blake is having a meeting with a publisher.

He smiles, "It's nice to see you."

She smiles, "You too. I really hope we can come to an agreement on this project."

He nods, "Right a new book?"

She nods, "Yep. By far one of my greatest yet."

He sighs, "I don't know a lot of people really seemed to enjoy 'Love in the Lock Up'."

Blake smiles, "Yes but that was years ago. This one is going to be so much better."

He sits back, "Well let's hear the plot."

She explains, "It begins on New Years Eve. When a business woman is showering and her body guard decides to join her to celebrate the new year in a spontaneous way. And from then on it's a love story about these two people who are fighting their intense passion."

He grins, "Does this story have a title?"

She shakes her head, "Not quite yet. But so far I haven't finished it yet. But it won't be long."

He nods, "Well tell me this, does this story have a happy ending?"

She grins, "Oh yes I promise you. The two characters will end up together. Believe me."


Spaulding Mansion:


Lorelei walks down the hallway.

She stops to look at herself in the mirror.

She loves seeing herself in nice clothes with expensive jewelry.

She walks into her bedroom ready to lay down.


Phillip is sitting on the bed, "Hello."

Candles are lit and music is playing.

Lorelei smiles, "Phillip. What is this?"

He grins, "I thought my wife deserved a little romance today. Just because she is so special."

She smiles, "You are just to much."

He pours wine, "Nothing is to much for you."

She sits next to him, "Thank you."

He looks at her, "I love you Beth. I always have and I always will. I'm so happy to have you back in my life."

Lorelei loves hearing this but knows he's not really talking to her.

She turns away, "So how is all of your planning coming on all of the company stuff?"

He shakes his head, "Let's not talk about work tonight. It's just you and me Beth."

She sighs, "Oh Phillip..."

He kisses her neck, "It's been a while since we last made love. I want tonight to be perfect."

Lorelei is really not in the mood for all of this.

A Park:


Coop and Mary are going for a walk.

He looks at her, "It's not fair. I just met the most beautiful woman in the world and now I have to leave."

She laughs, "Well look at the bright side, maybe it will make a good story for you one day."

He shakes his head, "Sounds like a depressing story. Maybe I can change the ending."

She smiles, "How would you change it?"

He laughs, "Okay lets see, we'd spend the whole night talking and getting to know each other. And as it went on each of us would realize how perfect we are for each other."

She smiles, "Go on."

He nods, "Then we would look at the time and realize how many hours we spent just getting to know each other and that we had so much little time left together."

She sighs, "Sounds like a sad ending."

He nods, "That is where the author has to think of some plot twist. Something would have to happen that would stop us from separating."

She laughs, "I hope you're creative."

He smiles, "I would look you in the eyes and tell you that I think you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I'd never forgive myself if I let you go now."

She looks into his eyes, "How would you hold onto me?"

He laughs, "I don't know!!! I'd drive you to Las Vegas and marry you right on the spot."

The two pause and look at each other.

Mary grins, "Henry Bradshaw did you just propose to me?"

The two look into each other's eyes.




Blake got a room.

She brings her lap top into the room with her.

She decides to work more on her next novel.

She tried writing in the Carriage House but something just didn't feel right there.

She looks around, "This is the room. The room where we lived when we first... that night. A year and a half ago. That look in your eyes, it was a while since someone looked at me like that."

That first night in the shower has been on her mind a lot lately.

Blake opens her lap top.

She sits back.

Blake remembers how complicated her books make things.

The last one caused problems for Gus and Harley's marriage.

Blake nods, "Remy, you aren't going to be happy when this comes out. But this is a story that needs to be told. People think all we had was sex but it was so much more. And you need to be reminded of it. And you will be. You'll remember."

Blake begins typing the next chapter.

Spaulding Mansion:

Lorelei is on the bed with Phillip.

He is kissing her.

She is enjoying it at first.

He moans, "I love you Beth."

She pushes him away, "Oh, um, where is Penelope?"

He sits up, "She's with the Nanny isn't she?"

She nods, "That's right. I'm sorry."

He sighs, "It's nice to have our alone time right now. Away from the kids you know?"

She nods, "Oh yes. We certainly need a break."

Phillip smiles, "It's nice to just have these moment together. My God you are beautiful."

She looks at him, "You are so handsome."

The two kiss.

Phillip lays her down on the bed.

The two are kissing passionately.

Phillip takes off his shirt.

Lorelei stares at his body.

Phillip kisses her.

He starts to undress her.

She gets lost in his eyes.

Suddenly she hears his words, "Oh Beth..."

She jumps up, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I don't feel well."

Lorelei runs into the bathroom.

A disappointed Phillip sits alone on the bed.

Cross Creek:


Ed and Rick are talking.

Bill walks back in.

Ed turns to him, "Hey Bill, we were just discussing the barbecue for next year. You're gonna be a Bauer."

He smiles, "That's right! Do I get a shot at that grill?"

Rick laughs, "Oh my boy you have to go through the training. You can't just jump into it. We gotta teach you how to make a good Bauer Burger."

Bill laughs, "Well I look forward to it."


Josh smiles, "Well I'm very happy that the Lewises and the Bauers will now be family. We are honored to be a part of your family and to have you all a part of ours."

Ed smiles, "Same here Josh."

Rick looks at Bill, "Who would have imagined this? I remember you, Michelle, and Ben as kids. Now look at you and Michelle. You're getting married to each other."

Bill sighs, "I just wish Ben could be there."

Josh looks at him, "He will."

Shayne makes another toast, "I wish you so much luck. Not that you need it. You and Michelle have so much happiness to look forward to and you deserve it. No one will ruin it."

Bauer Home:

Michelle and Jesse are still standing outside.

Jesse looks at her, "You are going to be the most beautiful bride that has ever been."

She shakes her head, "Well thanks but I am sure there have been much prettier brides."

He shakes his head, "No. You're it. You look like an angel Michelle. And it's perfect."

She sighs, "This isn't even how I'm going to looks on my wedding day. The whole thing isn't done."

He picks some flowers out of the garden, "Here take these."

She holds them, "Why?"

He looks at her, "Now you look like a real bride."

Michelle faces Jesse while wearing her wedding dress with the flowers in her hands.

She turns away, "We shouldn't do this."

He sighs, "Do what?"

She has tears in her eyes, "Please stop."

He sighs, "Michelle I'm not doing anything! I didn't drag you out here and I'm not making you stay."

Michelle sighs, "Marrying Bill is right. It's what I'm supposed to do. It's what Danny would want me to do."

Jesse nods, "I hope you're right. All I want is for you to be happy."

He walks away.

She shouts to him, "You said you were going to stay away from me."

He sighs, "I'm trying. But something keeps pulling us together."

Jesse leaves.

Michelle wipes her tears and goes back inside.

Harley's House:

Cyrus walks downstairs with some stuff packed.

Lucy looks at him, "I hope you're good at what you do."

Cyrus looks at her, "I can't believe what you're doing to me."

She sighs, "I'm not doing it to you. I'm doing it for Marina. I am doing all of this for her."

Cyrus shakes his head, "I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive you. It's messed up keeping this all from her."

Lucy nods, "Don't worry about it."

He looks at her, "Now what do I tell Harley?"

Lucy hands him a pen and paper, "I'm ready. Just right her a note then you can go."

He scoffs, "A note? Are you serious?"

She nods, "Tell her that you had to go take care of something urgent. You'll explain when you get back."

He shakes his head, "No what if she moves on?"

Lucy sighs, "Then I guess you two weren't meant to be."

Cyrus stares at her, "Do you get some joy out of controlling people's lives?"

She shakes her head, "No. But I have to do what's best for the people I love. Now write your note."

Cyrus writes his note.

It's a long one.

He explains that he has an emergency but urges her to wait for him.

He loves her.

Cyrus grabs his stuff.

Lucy walks him out.

A Park:

Mary is standing with Coop.

Mary is confused, "Henry we just met. How can you even think of jumping into something."

He laughs, "I have no idea. I don't do these things. I'm not the big crazy, wild, adventurous type. I only write about amazing love stories with passion and excitement, now I want to live it."

Mary smiles, "But what if I'm not the woman you are thinking I am."

He sighs, "Okay fine, tell me who you are and I'll see if you are the woman I think you are."

She sighs, "Henry... fine I'm a librarian. And-"

He stops her, "No. Tell me who you are."

She sighs, "I have had love before. Love that I had to give up on. And I regretted it and it took me years to move on. But I've learned that change can help. It can help you grow, learn, and discover who you really are underneath the surface. And with literature I've discovered this whole universe I never knew existed."

Coop smiles, "I've searched for love. And every time I think I find it everything falls a part. I find so much happiness in my teaching. I love helping others understand and finding their own potential. And I love writing. It takes me to this whole other universe. I love the characters, the stories, the twists, the endings."

Mary has tears in her eyes, "I've always wanted a happy ending."

He smiles, "So have I."

The two kiss.

Coop takes her hand and they run off.


Bill and Michelle's wedding

Olivia gets horrible news

Coop and Mary make plans

Gus meets a new woman

Annie and Alan's plan begins

1 Comment

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  • Members

Jesse is so damn annoying

"The typical woman takes pregantns woman baby"LOL Speaking of didn't we just go through this smae storyline with Harly or somebody?

Love that Blake is working on a new book about her and Remy. Cant wait to see it play out

Strage love for sure for Coop and mary/ Mary and Coops scene was very well written but the storyline is odd.

DAMN WHO IS JESSE where di he come from.?

I can def understand Coop wanting to do something crazy. This whole sitation is going to be crazy

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