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Episode 189



People worry about each other in Springfield...




Olivia and Emma are going on a walk.

Bill approaches them with HB in a stroller.

Olivia smiles, "Hey."

He grins, "I thought I saw you two. What are you girls up to today?"

Emma hugs him, "Hey Daddy. We're having a girls day."

Bill laughs, "I guess I better get out of the way."

Olivia shakes her head, "No, you can hang out with us for a little bit. How's my little guy doing?"

She smiles at HB.

Emma turns to Bill, "Can I push him around the park?"

Bill nods, "Sure be careful."

Emma takes the stroller around.

Olivia looks at Bill, "What have you been up to?"

He sighs, "Michelle and I are planning more for the wedding. It's in two weeks."

Olivia is surprised, "Wow that's sudden."

Bill nods, "Well yeah. I mean Michelle wants things to happen fast. She really wants us married."

Olivia nods, "And how do you feel?"

He smiles, "I want to be married again of course."

She sighs, "To Michelle?"

He nods, "Of course."

She looks at him, "I'm really glad that you're so happy Bill."

Bill can tell something is bothering her , "Hey is there something wrong?"

Olivia knows exactly what she wants to say.


Spaulding Mansion:


Alan and Annie sit across each other from the desk.

Annie smiles, "I know of a way that we can not only get Olivia out of the picture but sabotage Phillip."

Alan smiles, "Oh I like the sound of that Annie. But are you sure you know what to do?"

She nods, "I think so. You see all we have to do is think of a way to seperate Olivia and Emma."

Alan grins, "I like the sound of that."

She nods, "Then you'll have your granddaughter back."

Alan sighs, "Where does Phillip fit in?"

Annie smiles, "Phillip wants his daughter back. He'll do just about anything at this point."

Alan is confused, "What are you suggesting."

Annie sighs, "Whatever we do to Olivia is going to be big. Big enough that we'll need to keep our names out of it."

He nods, "But who's names will be on it?"

She smiles, "I say we pin the whole thing on Phillip?"

Alan sits back, "Oh yeah?"

She nods, "That way Olivia is out of our hair. Then the whole town blames Phillip for it."

Alan has a huge smile on his face, "I really missed working with you Annie Dutton."

Annie nods, "And I you."

The two smile at each other.




Alan Michael is sitting in a room.

Ed walks in with Mel.

Ed walks over to him, "Hello Alan Michael."

Alan Michael sighs, "Hey Uncle Ed."

Ed looks at him, "You want to explain to me what happened just now with your doctor?"

Alan Michael nods, "He kept asking me questions. He wouldn't stop so I had to make him."

Ed sighs, "By strangling him?"

Alan Michael has tears in his eyes, "I don't know what's wrong with me Uncle Ed."

Mel tries to walk over to him, "Honey..."

He shoves her away, "No! You stay away from me!"

Mel puts her hands on him, "Alan Micahel I am still your wife. Please don't shut me out."

Alan Michael is getting stressed.

Ed takes Mel by the arm and walks her out.

Mel turns to him, "Ed..."

Ed looks at her, "Mel you used to be a doctor. You know better than to act like this around patients."

She shakes her head, "He's not a patient he's my husband."

Ed nods, "And he's my nephew. I am going to do whatever it takes to help him. But I need you to cooperate."

Mel has never felt so helpless.




Ava sits on her bed.

Shayne looks at her, "What are you thinking about?"

She sighs, "My baby. I missed his birthday. Olivia offered to bring me pictures but I don't want pictures of Bill and Olivia holding my baby together."

Shayne sighs, "I'm sure they would have sent you some with just HB in them."

She scoffs, "I hate that name. H B."

Shayne nods, "Yeah Harlan Billy Lewis IV."

She shakes her head, "It's not cute. I should have gotten to name my child. Not them."

Shayne nods, "Weren't you in a coma?"

She nods, "Thanks to your sister!!!"

Shayne looks down, "I'm not going to get into all of that."

Ava sighs, "Are Jeffrey and Marah still together?"

He nods, "Yeah. They are living at the old farmhouse."

She nods, "They get married?"

He shakes his head, "No but with everything going on I'm sure she's thinking about it."

Ava is confused, "What's going on?"

Shayne nods, "Michelle and Bill's wedding."

Ava stares at him, "What?"

Shayne looks at her, "You didn't know?"

Ava gets angry, "Are you telling me that Bill is going to marry that woman? The doctor who let me slip into a coma? The woman who has been trying play mother to my child?"

Shayne wishes he hadn't brought it up now.


Old Cabin:


Cyrus knocks on the door.

Guillespie opens, "Well hey bro. I'm sorry I wasn't expecting any company today."

Cyrus nods, "Very funny. I brought you some food and some money. I wanted to check on you.'

Guillespie takes the stuff, "Thanks! See ya."

G goes to shut the door in his face.

Cyrus stops him, "Would you let me in?"

G moves out of the way.

Cyrus walks in, "Does it get to cold here at night?"

Guillespie nods, "Yeah but it's fine. People like me don't deserve to have real homes."

Cyrus sighs, "Can we not do this?"

Guillespie smiles, "How are things at Harley's house? Is it nice and warm? Cozy?"

Cyrus shakes his head, "You could have that too. You can turn your life around."

Guillespie nods, "Just not around other people."

Cyrus sighs, "Just not in Springfield."

G looks at him, "You mean just not around your friend! Because you are ashamed of me! You've finally made a life for yourself and I'm just going to screw it up! Right?"

Cyrus hates to say this, "Yes."

Guillespie is furious at his brother.




Remy is walking around.

Blake is following him, "Remy would you just listen to me?"

Remy turns to her, "You can't keep following me everywhere that I go! That is stalking!"

She shakes her head, "No. I'm just trying to get you to listen to me. I will follow you all over Springfield if I have to. I deserve to be listened to Remy."

He turns to her, "Blake! We broke up a year ago."

Blake nods, "And we made love on New Years!"

Remy nods, "Then you went to be with Ross!"

She shakes her head, "I went to bring him home but he wouldn't! My children still think he's dead. Ross is probably never going to come home Remy. So stop it."

Remy sighs, "You don't get it. I'm not going to be some consolation prize for you."

She shakes her head, "You're not."

He nods, "Yes I am."

Blake looks at him, "Remy don't you think we belong together now? I haven't stopped thinking about you and having feelings for you. I know you feel the same way. You never slept with Stephanie did you?"

Remy sighs, "That's none of your business."

She nods, "I knew it! And you haven't been with Liz either. It's because you still have feelings for me."

Remy looks at her, "Just because I didn't sleep with someone in Springfield doesn't mean I didn't have sex with someone else."

Blake is very confused by him.


Old Cabin:

Guillespie turns away from his brother.

Cyrus sighs, "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I just don't-"

G turns to him, "Stop it! I'm sick and tired of listening to you. You think you're something special now? Just because you're dating some cop with 4 kids? You're still the same man. And you always will be. You are no better than I am."

Cyrus shakes his head, "I have made a new life for myself. I put all that behind me."

G laughs, "Really? There aren't times when you see the outline of man's wallet in his pants and think about how easily you could slip it out without him noticing? There aren't times when you see a drunken trophy wife complaining about her husband and you think of all the ways you could get her in to bed and make off with her cash?"

Cyrus backs away, "You are pathetiic."

Guillspie nods, "And I'm right. Sure right now you're doing okay. Buzz is letting you take shifts at Company. But can you really live like this? I mean Harley's not making much herself and she's got the kids to take care of. And you like nice things Cyrus."

Cyrus scoffs, "Wow! I have no idea why I tried to help you. Because you are hopeless."

Cyrus leaves and slams the door.

Guillespie kicks the wall in frustration.


Ed walks in to see Alan Michael.

Alan Michael is sitting in a chair.

Ed looks at him, "Are you okay?"

Alan Michael shakes his head, "No I'm not. And I haven't been for a long time now."

Ed sighs, "So what do you think we should do about that?"

Alan Michael has tears in his eyes, "I don't want to lose my mind. I don't want to end up like Phillip or Alan."

Ed nods, "I don't want that either. I want to see you get help. But I can't do that without you wanting it."

Alan Michael nods, "I need help."

Ed sighs, "Felicia contacted some doctors. They are going to come over and talk with you. They might possibly try to suggest Ravenwood to you. But I just want you to know-"

Alan Michael looks up, "I think that's a good idea."

Ed is confused, "What?"

Alan Michael sighs, "I might change my mind later. But right now I think Ravenwood would be a good break from everything."

Ed looks down, "Okay. I'll talk to the doctors."

Ed gets up and walks out.

Alan Michael sighs, "I'm going to get you back Annie. And now you won't even be expecting it."


Shayne stands up.

Ava is furious, "Are you serious? Bill is going to marry that twit Michelle Bauer?"

Shayne shakes his head, "Can we not do this please?"

She shouts, "You brought it up!"

He sighs, "I thought you knew!"

She shakes her head, "I don't know anything! No one tells me anything. They won't even let me read the newspaper anymore or watch television. I told you that."

Shayne turns to her, "Ava, the angrier you get is not going to change what's happening."

She kicks the wall, "Damn it!"

Shayne looks at her, "I know how you feel."

She shakes her head, "Doubt it."

He nods, "Someone you love has moved on. It's a weird feeling, especially when you still haven't gotten closure."

Ava turns to him, "My child is involved."

Shayne sighs, "As much as you will hate to hear this, Michelle isn't a bad person at all."

Ava lays down, "Go away! I can't deal with this. I can't deal with people praising bitches like Michelle and Marah and Olivia. Those 3 made my life a living hell. They took everything from me."

Shayne looks at her, "For someone who wants her life back you are sure pushing it away."

She looks at him, "What do you suggest I do?"

He looks her in the eye, "You need to work on making yourself better. Because the sooner they see you are better the sooner you will be out of here and back with your son."

Shayne leaves Ava to be alone.

Ava thinks about what he said.


Olivia is standing with Bill.

She reassures him, "I'm fine thank you. I'm just... there's been so much going on lately."

Bill nods, "I know. I mean it's tough for me to enjoy my happiness. Reva's cancer's back, Dinah has issues with Mallet, and now all this stuff with Phillip."

Olivia nods, "He is really going to try and get custody and we can't let that happen."

He sighs, "I know."

She shakes her head, "He's a Spaulding. Bill, you know what they are capable of. My nephew Jonathan will probably never come home to Springfield because of them."

Bill sighs, "He's gotta stay on the run to protect his daughter from the Spauldings."

She sighs, "I'm proud of him. I would have done the same thing."

Bill sighs, "But I mean Lizzie is seperated from her daughter."

Olivia nods, "Well sometimes one parent has to put the needs of the child before the other parent."

Bill looks her in the eyes, "Olivia promise me that you won't do something drastic. At least not without coming to me first. Okay?"

Olivia sighs, "I promise Bill."

Emma walks back over with HB.

Bill smiles, "Hey sweetie. I'm gonna take him home now. You two have a nice day and call me tonight okay?"

Emma hugs him, "I love you Daddy."

Olivia and Emma walk one way and Bill and HB go the other.

Spaulding Mansion:

Alan and Annie are sitting in the office.

Annie looks at him, "Alan, I'll never understand how you can be so cruel to your own children. I'm grateful for it at the moment but I'll never understand it."

Alan sighs, "I only do what is best for my family. They will all understand someday."

Annie shakes her head, "I don't know."

He laughs, "If you had a family you'd understand."

She sighs, "I did."

Alan shakes his head, "I mean children."

She looks at him, "I did!"

He is confused, "You got a secret family?"

She sighs, "It's not secret that I love Marah and Shayne as if they were my own flesh and blood."

Alan sighs, "Oh Annie come off it! I told you long ago to say your goodbyes to them."

Annie shakes her head, "Do you love Phillip any less because he isn't your biological son?"

Alan looks at her, "Do you even talk to those kids anymore?"

She shakes her head, "No. But I would do anything for them. I just hope they know that."

Alan and Annie understand each other but are still confused by each other.


Remy walks away from Blake.

Blake walks over to him, "What are you talking about?"

He sighs, "Nothing."

She shakes her head, "No not nothing. You brought it up. So you slept with someone else?"

Remy nods, "We aren't dating anymore Blake."

She sighs, "I don't believe you."

He nods, "I'm not lying."

She shakes her head, "You're just trying to push me away."

He sighs, "It was in Pasadena. When I was out of town. A long time ago now. But yeah I hooked up with a woman."

Blake sighs, "What was she like?"

He laughs, "Nothing like any woman in Springfield. That whole place was nothing like Springfield."

Blake turns to him, "You know if all you wanted was sex, why wouldn't you go to someone you already knew?"

He sighs, "I needed something fun, something hot and exciting."

She nods, "That's what we had!"

He looks at her, "Then we fell for each other and everything got complicated."

She shakes her head, "You just need to remember."

Remy walks away from her.

Blake takes a few minutes to think.

She makes a phone call, "Hey... yes it's me. I was wondering if we could have another meeting... yes there is a knew book I've been working on. It will be one of my greatest novels yet... okay see you then."

Blake hangs up.

She sighs, "Things will be clear soon. I'll remind you of what we shared Remy."


Cyrus is getting blackmailed!

Bill has a bachelor party

Michelle has a mini bridal shower

Coop meets a new lady

Lorelei has a job for Guillespie

Cassie and Edmund go out to eat

1 Comment

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Smart plan ANnie, wrong person to work with. Damn u r going to be sorry. I just know it

Mel should just let AM be. Give him, some space. He dont want nothing to do with u right now dummy.

G should not be mad at hearing the truth from his bro. I like those guys's scenes

Why does Blake thinks she deserves to be listned to after she keeps playing games with Remy? m,aybe Remy should just move on.

AM wants to get back at Annie. That ought to be good

I so love the dynamic of Annie's and Alan relationship. This is leading to good hings. They dont really trust each other but then again they do or they have too. Good writing skills.

Love the Pasadena reference. Thanks

I must say I still love Remy and Blake. But I would be cool if they did not get back toggehter.

Great wrtiting Jay

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