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Episode#404: News




Episode#404: News

-Mimi says that while she loves the sound of getting out of this hellhole and going back to Salem...she doesn't know if its possible...she says that Cassie was clever when she framed Mimi! Alexis tells Mimi that anything is possible....but even from a jail cell, she'll need Mimi's help...and finally asks if she'll give it to her!

-Sami, Brandon, Carrie, Nicholas, and Belle all rush into the hospital...Belle walks over to Justin and says they all heard about what happened to Victor! Justin tells Belle that Lexie is about to give them an update on his condition...Sami says wow...Victor Kiriakis near death...its such a damn weird thought, and Brandon and Carrie agree!

-Mike looks at his family...he informs them that Robin is alive...she's stable...and she should be awake soon! Jeremy practically collapses in relief...and Cassie tells him she knew it'd all be fine. Laura nervously thinks to herself that its good that Robin is alive...but now she'll probably tell everyone Laura tried to kill her AGAIN! Laura sees Chris watching her in the background...Mike begins to walk away, but Jeremy tells him to stop!

-Lexie says to everyone she does have news...Justin walks forward and tells Lexie to please say it now...Lexie explains to them that...Victor is ALIVE! Dorian takes a deep breathe and says excellent...Suga watches and CURSES...everyone, even Celeste, is ready to rejoice...but Lexie sadly says not so fast...she tells them that...she and Dr.Stansville stabilized Victor...but he doesn't have long to live!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Kate says to Lexie that she just said she stabilized him! Lexie says they did...but the thing is is...these wounds are so deep...he lost way too much blood and there are too many wounds...he has a very small chance of living...she says that Victor will probably wake up soon...so she reccommends that...everyone starts to say their goodbyes now!

-Mimi is silent for a moment...she thinks about how great it would be to be out in the world again...to SEE the world...to see REX....she finally looks at Alexis and says...fine, she'll help her however she can! Alexis grins and says she won't regret this...she walks off, telling Mimi she'll be in touch!

-Jeremy walks over to Mike...he says he's still...uncomfortable around him because of what happened with Alexis...but...he thanks him for saving Robin. Mike lightly smiles at his son...and says Robin hasn't exactly been kind to him since she returned...but it won't ever stop him from saving her life. He pats Jeremy on the back, before walking off...but then Eugenia tells him to wait...she needs to ask him something...about her baby, and Jan hears this!

-Julie sees Laura in obvious distress...she walks over to her, and promises her that everything really will be alright...Chris approaches Laura and says that depends on what Robin says once she wakes up!

-Justin looks at Lexie in shock...and asks if she's really sure...Lexie says she's so sorry but she is! Hope hugs Bo, telling him she's so so sorry....Celeste and Dorian are both in shock...Vivian then sneaks off to Victor's hospital room!

-Carrie tells Brandon she can't believe this...Carrie was Austin's step-father once...and she knew him well...people are constantly dying...they only lost Marlena last year! Brandon hugs her and she says at least she has him now...this has been such a great but sad night at the same time...she is just again glad they got together. Nicole and Travis approach and Nicole asks in shock if Brandon and Carrie are an...item!

-Vivian sees Dr.Stansville leave Victor's hospital room...she soon walks in...she sees Victor lying there, on the hospital bed...she whispers for him to wake up, thinking to herself that its time to kick her plans into high gear...Victor slowly opens his eyes to see Vivian!

-Belle and Sami sit down together...Belle says that this....its just too much to handle! Nicholas walks over and tells him he got her some coffee...she thanks him, and Sami says that she has caused some problems for Victor over the years...but she never wanted this to happen to him! Belle says that she's worked for Victor for nearly two years now...he was always such a great man! Nicholas says that he and Victor were rivals once...but really...this is still...stunning and sad...he just hopes his aunt Vivian doesn't pull anything!

-Victor slowly asks Vivian whats going on...where is he...Vivian tells him he's in the hospital...she explains whats going on, and Victor is stunned...he says no...he can't die! Vivian says, sadly she is...which is why its time. Victor asks what she means...and Vivian says she wants to marry him before he dies!!!!!


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