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Episode 127: How I Really Feel

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

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Blake couldn’t believe who was standing before him. He shakes his head in disbelief before getting up in London’s face.


No. I told you Nan. The next time you pull a stunt like this I will take you down.


I’m not Nan. I’m London. I’m your-


Nice try. Fool me once shame on you, fool me five hundred times…shame on me. Now I have better things to do with my time so you best get out of my face before I call the cops. And I don’t care about the consequences.

Blake begins to walk away from her until she tries stopping him.


Get away from me!


Hear me out.


There’s nothing that I want to hear you say except goodbye.


Nan helped me. She nursed me back to life so that she could get her hands on the school for Bryan. Her plan was foiled.


And I’m supposed to believe this?


It’s really me Blake.

Blake is hurt and confused. He doesn’t know what to think.


I have to go. I don’t know what kind of sick joke this is but you’re going to be stopped.


(recites her wedding vows)

Blake, I was lost in a school that was new to me. You were the only one who showed me the way. I can remember the first thing we ever talked about, ice hockey, and I still think that the Colorado Avalanches are better then the Pittsburgh Penguins.

(stops and laughs)

Maybe there’s a few words missing.

Blake realizes that it’s not Nan, it’s London. A tear glistens in his eye.


It’s you. You’re really alive!


Yes Blake I am. I really am.

Blake takes London’s face in the palm of his hands and looks at her before kissing her.

- - -


Episode 127:

How I Really Feel

Created & Written By:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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James kept staring into her eyes. The one that he hurt. Ava smiled nervously before finding the words to speak. The ex-Psychology professor beat her to it.


Courtney I assume?


Yeah. I figured that if I told you who I really was you might freak out and not want to come see me.


You always were a smart one Ava.


Why don’t we take a walk.

Ava leads James down the hallway of CLUDS.


I was shocked when I found out that you were Bobbie’s father.


Yeah can’t believe the odds. Look I have tons of questions for you. Like how you found out and how you know Bobbie?


Well I got involved with Bobbie for my Sociology class.


Professor Strope I assume?


Yep. She set me up with CLUDS and I was paired with Bobbie. I’ve become really close to her so I did some research to find out about her family. With some sneaky detective work I convinced Maieve to give me the info that I needed. It led me back to you. I didn’t know you had a child.


It was never brought up. Where is Bobbie?


She’s not here. She’s with-

(changing the subject)

Is she Laney’s daughter?


Yes. She was.


You lied under oath. At my trial you said you didn’t have kids.

James stops and looks at her.


I had to lie. We were young and Laney had her out of wedlock. We didn’t have the money back then to support Bobbie and her needs so we gave her up for adoption. From a far we like to check in on her. The Andersons take such good care of her and they understood what we were going through. I could’ve been a good father but I wasn’t ready. Neither was Laney.


Bobbie’s a very special girl. She deserves to know her real father. Somehow I think she deserves to know the truth about her mother also.


And what about Ava? What do you deserve? Why did you plan a meeting with me? There’s a history between us.


Oh believe me I haven’t forgotten about us. There’s so much I want to tell you but I can’t. This isn’t about us. It’s about your daughter.


Then what? What’s going on with Bobbie that you had to drag me back to the one place that haunts me?

Ava is silent. She looks away from him until he grabs her arm.


Tell me Ava!


Bobbie’s dying. Her condition is going to worsen soon. You’re daughter doesn’t have much time left to live.

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A metallic door swings open from the small cell that Ginny was being held in. Surprisingly The Raleigh International Airport had a jail. Alexia walks in and snickers.


It’s not funny.


It kind of is.


I’m not laughing. As a matter of fact I think I’m on the verge of having a heart attack.


Be glad you’re only call was to me. I bailed you out.


Thank you so much.


You’re welcome. How did this happen?


Your best friend Tanisha cancelled my flight by pretending to be me.


Wow. You two really must not like each other.


We’ve been fighting over your brother for a few years now.

A guard hands Ginny her luggage. Both girls begin to exit the jail cell.


So what do you plan on doing?


I can’t get a flight out of here until tomorrow night.


That might be a no go. Weather’s supposed to be really bad.


Have you heard from your brother?


No. He hasn’t answered his phone.


Probably because she’s screening his calls.

An idea pops into Ginny’s head.


Alexia you’ve done a lot for me but there’s something that I need you to help me with.


Go on.


How much do you miss Point Palace?


I’ve been meaning to pay my respects.


Now’s the perfect chance. I’ll get a rental car and we’ll drive. You can have a mini reunion.


I don’t know Ginny, my mom is still sick.


Oh someone will be able to look after her. Please? I’m begging you.


Alright. Let’s have a road trip.

Ginny hugs Alexia and jumps up in excitement.


YEA! I’ll get to see your brother and I’ll get to claw Tanisha’s eyes out!

Ginny grabs Alexia’s hands and runs to a rental car business.

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The next day, Dylan walks around Carrie’s hospital room. He opens the shade to let some light in. The clouds were gray. He kisses her pale cheek.


I’ve seen you like this before you know. I had faith that you were going to pull out of it. You did. So I know you’re going to pull out of this one too. Once you do, we’re going to be married.

There’s a knock on the door. Dylan thinks it will be a doctor or a nurse but it’s not, it’s Juliana.






How is she?


There’s no change. She’s still in a coma. She hasn’t woken up. Her brain scan is the same.


I’m sorry that we had to see each other under these circumstances.


Me too. But look at what it’s done for your family. Carrie has accepted you into her life. Wish I could say the same for my screwed up parents.


Just when we thought all was well. This had to happen.

Victor busts into the door. He looks at Carrie and then looks at the shocked face of Juliana and the angry eyes of Dylan.


What the hell are you doing here?

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John holds onto his baby daughter L.J. in his room. He smiles at her with joy. She was growing up so fast.


Are you excited that your mother is back? I know I am. Maybe just maybe we can all have that normal family. Then again what is normal.

John puts L.J. in her play pen. He walks over to the framed picture of Alley. The first one he ever took of her.


You’ll never change. You’ll always be that stubborn girl who I fell for.

John takes the picture and places it in a box. He takes down other things that belonged to the both of them. Until he finds her digital camera.


(talking to L.J.)

She’s also forgetful. Baby girl should I see what’s in here?


Nah. We’re through. However.

John turns the camera on and begins to look through pictures of them.


She will definitely want this back.

John stops when he finds a video of Jalenda.


What the-?

John hits the play button and watches the small screen.



Say your name and what you want to do with Marissa Snaldry’s company.

Jalenda fixes her hair and licks her lips.


My name is Jalenda and I want to work with Marissa Snaldry cause I know I’d make tons of money as one of her call girls.

John was disgusted. He puts the camera down and calls Alley.


Hi it’s me. You need to come over here. You have a lot of explaining to do!

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Victor clinches his fist and is ready for a fight. Dylan’s eyes were burning a hole through him.


I’m here to see Carrie.


I’m not allowing it. Juliana why don’t you tell Victor to leave.


Come on Victor. I told you before you’re not supposed to be here.


You couldn’t stop me. I saw her in the church.


(to Juliana)

Wait? He was at the wedding?


Of course I was. Go ahead and tell him sis.


He was but he went away. I told him that-


I was forbidden to see her.


You son of a bitch. Did you do this to her?



Before Victor could speak Dylan lunges for Victor. He grabs his collar and shakes him around. Victor grabs onto his shirt as both guys begin to violently shove each other.


STOP IT! Dylan get off of him.

Juliana pulls her brother away from Dylan.


Let’s hear his story Dylan.


I didn’t do it but yes I had words with Carrie.

Victor starts into a flashback at the wedding. After being confronted by Juliana, Victor hides behind a wall in the church. He watched as the door to Carrie’s bridal chamber was open. No one was in there. It was his time to strike.

Carrie puts on her veil in the mirror and hears someone walk in.


That better not be you Dylan.


It’s not.



Victor? Oh my god. How did you get in here?


You have such tight security in this place. Your mother, my sister, already got to me.


You can’t be in here.


I’m sick of people telling me that.


Well…it’s true. What we had was in the past. That’s where it’s always going to be.


You can’t be with me because of what happened. Because your father took advantage of my sister. No one knew about it. You and I certainly didn’t. We were happy then. Hell I even whisked you away once from this place. I was hoping to do it again.


You’re my uncle. Our love isn’t…right.


This was supposed to be us. This was supposed to be our day.


Please just go. I promise I won’t tell anyone if you leave quietly.


I’m not to be silenced. I still love you.

Victor slams the door and leaves her. He stands behind the door and fights back tears. The flashback ends.


You’re sick!


I’m honest. I can’t get over her.


Somehow you must.


I want to thank you Victor. You’ve given me enough evidence to take it to Detective Miltner who I’m sure has a lot to elaborate on with you.

(to Juliana)

I don’t care if he’s your brother or not. He’s a suspect!

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At the Cody County Courthouse, Hayley sits with Carlos and Jenny in a private boardroom.


They’re going to try to settle. Is there an amount you would be willing to take Jenny?


No. I want to see her get the justice that she deserves.


I agree.

Jenny takes Carlos’s hand and smiles at him.


Thanks for being here. It means a lot to me.


I know chica. I’m always here for you.

The door to the boardroom swings open and in walks Nan followed by her lawyer Bryant Barrone Cranston. The best lawyer in Kensington Way that even helped to free Ava when she was in court. He smiles at Hayley before helping Nan to her seat and then to his.


Hayley it’s finally nice to put a voice to the face.




My client would like to know what exactly she is being sued for.


Your client has committed several crimes that have been overlooked. Arson. Bribery. Faking death. And her most recent kidnapping.


I ask you again. What exactly is my client being sued for? Psychological damages? Stealing boyfriends? If you ask me it seems so petty and childlike.


Your client is being sued for malice. Would you like for me to read you the definition? It fits what Miss Sheridan has done quite well.


No I went to law school.


Nice to know.


Nan has been cleared on many of those so called crimes you brought up. Hayley we’re willing to settle for twenty thousand.


Please Bryant don’t make me laugh. My client won’t settle. We’ll be seeing you in court.


Then we’re prepared to see you very soon. We did give you an offer. Just remember that when a judge reaches a decision.

Bryant and Nan exit together. Jenny just sat there biting her nails.


Please excuse me.


Jenny whatever you do, don’t talk to her.

Jenny exits the boardroom and walks into the hallway to find Nan taking a sip of water from the fountain. Carlos follows her to mediate.


I can’t believe you thought I could be bought out!


I’m advised not to speak to you.


Too damn bad.


Come on Jenny you heard Hayley. Let’s just go.


NO! I want you to know that there is not a prayer in the world that’s going to save you if you tangle with me in a courtroom.


My lawyer is pretty damn good. And damn good looking.


You know what you did to us. At least what you tried to do us.


I don’t know what you’re talking about.

(to Carlos)

It’s always a pleasure to see you Carlos.


The feeling isn’t mutual.


I have a feeling that this going to be a lot of fun for all of us. Jenny I think you’re wasting your time. Not to mention a lot of money. I do have a heart and wouldn’t want to see you go on welfare because you lost.

Nan laughs in Jenny’s face. On impulse Jenny tries slapping her but is stopped by Carlos.


Don’t do it chica.

Nan turns her head towards Jenny.


Go ahead Jenny. Make my face black and blue.

Jenny wanted to so bad but couldn’t. Instead she was the bigger person and walked away. Before completely leaving, Jenny stops and kisses Carlos to rub it in Nan’s face that she didn’t break them apart.

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Alicia waited in front of The Cody Memorial Hospital for a taxi. She didn’t have anyone to call and wanted to be by herself. Until a black Lexus pulled up. The window rolled down and she saw Kellan behind the wheel. He takes off his sunglasses.


Hello there. So this is what the medical bills are paying for.


I’m glad to see you’re all recovered. I’m actually done with my shift. You look like you need a ride.


This is true. I’m waiting for a taxi.


Save your money. Let me drive you.


Are you sure? You already did enough for me. I-


Nonsense. I don’t mind at all. It’s not against a doctor, patient practice if I give you a ride.


Okay. If you insist.


I do.

Kellan gets out of his car and holds the door for her. He places her things in the back seat. Alicia slowly sinks into the seat. He gets back to the driver side and pulls out of the hospital parking lot.


Thank you doctor.


Please you can call me Kellan. All of my friends do.

Alicia smiled as she looked at him. She trusted him. She liked him. Alicia was falling for him.


Thank you…Kellan.

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Blake kept holding onto London’s hand. He just stood there smiling. It was really her.


I’m not going to stand here and tell you that I don’t know how it’s possible but miracles happen. I knew in my heart you were never dead. Even if Nan did what she did.


It’s true. I’m alive and well.


But…oh forget it. I’m so happy you’re here. You have to see L.J. she’s getting so big and-


I already have.




After I escaped from Nan’s lair. I visited John.


Um...Nan’s lair?


Yeah. She was holding me and Jenny hostage. That’s a long story in itself. Jenny’s taking her to court though so I’m sure we’ll be called for testimony.

(changing the subject)

I missed this Blake. I missed us being a team.


Me too. But why did you go to see John first? Why didn’t you come to see me?


I did. You were busy.


Busy with what? My dead wife comes back to life a second time and it’s for real this time, I would probably drop whatever I was doing just to recognize that.


I…I saw you with Alley. I know about you two.

Blake was speechless. The other girl he was currently with. Things were complicated.


You don’t have to say a word. You moved on and I understand.




No buts Blake. I will graciously leave you two alone. It was great to see you though.

London tries leaving but Blake tugs on her arm to stop her. She turns back to him with a tear in her eye. His face was almost gray. He went from being ecstatic to hurt.


Where are you going?


I’m living with John so that I can be with L.J.




I’ve kind of moved on too. Hopefully I’ll see you around. We can do some more catching up.

London let go of Blake’s hand. He didn’t know what to do. He watched her walk away.

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John opens the door to find Alley standing in front of him with a smirk on her face. She rolls her eyes a bit.


Two days of confrontation. Or should I call it ‘Johnfrontation?’


Nice to see that my comedy genes are wearing off to you.


Well if the ass fits.



Alley walks into John’s room. She looks around.


Something seems different about your room.


Oh there definitely is and you’ll find out soon enough.


Is that why you called me over here? To rub whatever it is that I don’t know about in my face? Seriously John it’s become lame.


No. I need you to explain something to me.

John hands her a box of her things. He then hands her the digital camera.


I was looking for that. Forgot that I left it here.


Now I’m usually not one to pry over exes but…I was tempted to go through the pictures and little did I know that I was going to find a movie. Mind explaining to me why Jalenda is saying that my sister is a madam?

Alley was stunned. She gave her word to Marissa but it was broken.


About that…I found out something about Marissa and-


And what? You tried hiding it from me?


For your own good. I knew how highly you thought of her and that this would crush you. Yes I despise her but I didn’t want to see you hurt.


Is that all you did? You just filmed one of her workers for blackmail? I’m assuming that’s what it was filmed for.


Yes. I made a deal with Marissa. I told her that I wouldn’t show you the video if she went away.


I don’t know who I’m more mad at. My lying prostitute skank selling sister or you!


John I’m sorry. I didn’t want you find out. Ever.


Now it’s my turn to ask you to leave.

Alley puts her hand on her stomach. Her face was becoming sickly.


Go on. Get out! See I can say it too. Go run to Blake and cry to him.




Are you deaf?


I have to use your bathroom.

Alley runs to his bathroom and shuts the door. John hears vomiting noises and begins to wonder.


Wait a minute. No. She couldn’t be! Could she?

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The next day, Tanisha finds her cell phone in her purse and dials Owen. She sinks onto her bed after hearing his voice on the other end as he lays on the already made bed at The Palace Hotel.


Hey you.


Hey yourself. That date last night really made me think about cooking again.


If you want I could give up my kitchen for you.


Hmmm…in exchange for what?


In exchange for my bedroom.


I like the way you think Miss Jones.


Hey Owen I’m sort of throwing this out there but have you had any thoughts about staying in town for good? I’m sure you could get a job here.


Yes Tanisha I’ve thought about it plenty of times. Except the reality is my mom is still dying and Alexia can’t be there by herself.


That’s true. I just sometimes have dreams about us living together.

Owen is silent on the other end of the phone. Tanisha senses it and knew to change the subject.


So what are you thinking of making me?

Owen gets a knock on his door.


Hey hold on somebody’s at the door.



Owen opens it and it’s his sister Alexia.





LEXI?! Owen are you there?


Yeah and you won’t believe who showed up.


I’m on my way.

Tanisha quickly hangs up with Owen. She grabs her purse and rushes to the door. When she opens it she finds Ginny who isn’t happy.


Hello bitch!

Ginny punches Tanisha in the jaw.


I’m back!


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Rena sits in her bedroom. She gets up to open the door to the living room. She finds Alicia sitting on the couch. Alicia notices her. It was awkward for both of them.


Hey. I was just wondering if you needed anything.

Alicia was giving her the silent treatment.


Are you feeling okay?


I’m not ready to speak to you yet.


I understand that but-


But nothing. You know what happened and you know what you did.

Alicia storms off to her bedroom. Rena shivered when she heard the slam of the door. Rena sat on the couch and hides her face in her knees. She wanted to cry.


I really messed things up.


Not everyone thinks that.

Lenvy makes herself seen. Rena looks up and their eyes connect.


My roommate might think I’m crazy. Our relationship is already strained.


She can’t hear us.


You mean me. She’d think I was talking to myself and- Well I don’t want to think about what would be said. I’ve already gone through that.


So I heard. We met your mother the other day.


She’s not too keen on the idea of me talking to the dead.


She’s your mother and she loves you. At least you’re able to talk to yours.


Is Will with you?


No. I know why you can’t see him. He hasn’t crossed over yet. Until he does, then you two would be able to speak.


Why hasn’t he crossed over?


He’s under review. Things aren’t looking too good.


If you do see him, tell him that I’m sorry. I didn’t think that this would happen.


He was at his funeral and he heard what you said. He knows.


It just doesn’t seem enough. Now my mother is going to cause problems and Alicia hates me. I just wish I could talk to him myself.


Then prey that he does good things as a spirit. Because I have a feeling that he’s going to go back to his bad ways.

Alicia opened her bedroom door ever so slightly to hear what was going on outside. She knew that something was off with her roommate.

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Later in the night, Yvonne turns off the light in her hotel room at The Palace Hotel. She puts her head on the pillow before finding her nightcap.

Will watches as she takes a sip of her drink.


You claim that you love your daughter but I don’t see it. I see someone who is a total bitch.

Will floats in through the window. The drapes begin to dance. Yvonne looks at the window and laughs.


Damn wind.

Yvonne gets out of bed and shuts the window completely.


Of course it would be a cold night for my visit.

Yvonne gets back in bed and puts the covers over her body before taking another sip.


The only thing that’s cold is your soul. You’re a heartless witch. Not letting your daughter be who she truly is. A medium.

Will turns the television set on. Which makes Yvonne jump.


What the-?

Yvonne grabs the remote and turns it off.


This place is giving me the heeby geebies. God please protect me from evil.


Oh honey you haven’t seen evil yet. Then again you haven’t looked in a mirror.

Will makes the lights flicker on and off. Before Yvonne could get up, the television set kept flickering on and off, and the sink in the bathroom began to run hot water.





You stay away from us!

Yvonne runs to the bathroom and shuts the water off in the sink. Everything stopped for a minute until the heat of the water evaporated into a large ‘X’.


You hear me? God’s on my side! Get away!


You drunken hypocrite.

For Will’s final act, he made the drink on her table fly back and forth, until it spilled onto her bed. Yvonne couldn’t take anymore. She just collapsed on the floor.

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Marli parks her car in front of Abigail’s dormitory. Marli took a good look in her rearview mirror. There were no traces of Hope or Marli. She had a short blond wig on, a prosthetic nose, and a fake mole. No one would recognize her. Marli walks up to her dorm room and knocks on her door. Abigail opens it and looks at Marli.


Can I help you?


Yes you can. My name is Nina. You work for Howard Ballinger correct?


Yes I do.


That’s why I’m here.


Look it’s late and I have an exam in the morning. If you want to employ me then I suggest finding me at an earlier time. Goodnight Nina.

Abigail tries shutting her door in Marli’s face but Marli stops her.


Maybe I should be more direct. I know what you did.


I’m sorry?


I know the deal you made with Bryan Daniels and I have proof.


I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Would you like me to show you the video I filmed on my cell phone? It’s very interesting. It’s of you in his office with a guilty conscience.


What do you want from me?


Tell the truth. If you turn Bryan in for what he did, then you’ll get off. If you don’t, then I’ll make sure you’re arrested. Plus you would probably be sued by The Ballinger family. Abigail you’ll lose everything so do the right thing!

Marli walked away from Abigail who almost fainted.

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Nan rolls off of Bryan and places her head on his naked body. He kisses her head.


I didn’t think that the deal would mean countless sex. Good sex might I add.


You helped me out. Bryant Cranston is working wonderfully.


Glad to hear that. Are you spending the night?


If you don’t mind.


What does this mean for us? You always come and go when you please. With me...well you know I feel about you.


I’m not the type of girl to put labels on anything but we could have an open relationship. We’ll sleep together and have fun.


Sounds good to me. By the way, I’m going to take your advice.



Bryan gets out of bed and pulls out his cell phone. After three rings, the other person answers their phone.


Hey it’s Bryan. Long time no see but I heard you were in town. If you’re looking for a job, then I’m looking for someone to get whacked. Meet me tomorrow so that we can discuss some more. Goodnight.

Bryan hangs up with his caller. He looks over at Nan.


Are you going to join me in the shower? I might feel the need for a second time. Somehow being bad makes me horny.

Nan seductively licks her lips and laughs. Bryan grabs her legs to drag her out of the bed so that he can kiss her some more.

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Nate walks up to the room where he first found Bobbie. Little did he know or remember that it was Ava’s place. He knocks on the door and Bobbie answers.


I figured you would be here. This room seemed familiar to me. I looked everywhere for you.


I don’t live here.


Funny. If you hadn’t told me that I was staying in a hotel room, I wouldn’t know where my home was.


It belongs to a friend of mine. She’s no where to be found but I kind of snagged a set of keys.


We have to talk. May I come in?


Are you going to yell at me?




Then come in.

Nate walks in and suddenly gets images of Ava. Bobbie notices that he’s starting to remember something.


Are you okay?


Yeah. I just…had pictured your friend. Is her name Ava?




About the other day. I wanted to thank you. You stood up for me. I didn’t get why that girl was being such a jerk to me.


You rejected her and she’s pissed. You’re a stud around campus. Somehow I ended up with you and I’m happy about that. Nate you complete me.


She said you weren’t my girlfriend.


She’s a jealous you know what! She doesn’t deserve a wonderful guy like you.

Nate smiles at her. Bobbie kisses his cheek.


You can thank me in other ways.

Bobbie lays Nate down on Ava’s couch. She looks into his eyes. He suddenly gets a flashback.


No Bobbie this isn’t right.


Yes it is. Make it right Nate.

The flashback ends but it didn’t phase Nate. He kept looking at her.


Why don’t we take it to another level. We’ve always talked about it.

Nate unbuttoned his dress shirt. Bobbie couldn’t believe that it was finally happening. She was going to get what she wanted. Bobbie touched his chest. She became a little giddy after the touch.


Make love to me Nate.


Okay. Let’s do it.

The front door swings open and Ava walks in on Bobbie about to kiss Nate.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

Doesn't Nate find it the least bit creepy making love to some little girl?!!?!??!?!? Ah well....looks like everything may be about to blow up anyway!!!!

Bryan and Nan are psychotic weirdos...but I love them!!!

Alicia/Rena/Lenvy/Will/Yvonne was all interesting....but I am not sure if I like this constant angel stuff...we'll see though. Yvonne is so Pat though. :P

Yay for Ginny finally getting back to PP and and confronting Tanisha!!!

Very interesting stuff with Carrie/Carlos/Juliana/Victor....hmm hmmm who did this to Carrie?!?!

I really liked the stuff with Blake/London and John/Alley...did John and Alley sleep together sometime or something? Great stuff all around though...probably the most entertaining part of the episode for me.

Oh and is Alexia back permanantly now?

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I really wasn't sure if Blake would believe London. Loved the wedding vows.

I enjoyed the scenes with Ginny and Alexia.

Really good intense stuff at the courthouse.

Wow London and Blake reunited... but not really. Kinda brought us back to reality with Alley and John.

Speaking of Alley and John... uh oh!

Wow great timing Ava!

Good episode. :)

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What a very nice opening scene. I loved Blakes reaction and it's not normal for me to like him but his reaction was spot on and then London talked about the wedding vows. VERY NICE

And Ava's and James's scene. What a great follow up. I love how at first James didn't or wouldn't like really acknowledge her feelings for it was about how she found him. And she didn't make it about her. It was about Bobbie. I cant wait to see where this takes them GREAT scene

ready set match. Ginny is going to beat that ass. I can't wait. it was a long time coming and so well built up Again this is my fav storyline. I really like the characters of Ginny, Taneisha and Owen and it's funny how much hype this storyline received on the back burner at that.

Poor Alley. It just keep getting worse and worse for her. Damn when is she going to be vindicated. I am really rooting for her. I hope Jon and Alley make their way back to each other.

I liked Victor's flashback. I really feel bad for him. I think he needs help.

O I LOVED NAN'S scene with Carlos and Jenny. I love the interactions and the witty dialong. I could pciture nan acting that way in my head. SO funny. I love it. I would have took the 20,000 if it was me. Can't wait to see the court scenes." I'm advised not to talk to you" LMAO LOVE IT

Alicia a slut. Damn Will died over her. She man hungry.

Wow what a damned good episode for Blake. I felt his pain. This always has been an interesting Quad. I hope Alley and Jon get back togetehr but then I like the idea of LJ Jon and London being a family. I am torn. It took great writing skills for that and it took a long time for this build up. All those episodes ago.(how many seasons ago did i begin reading?) It's has been a nice ride. Your newer readers would not understand. This is going to be a hot storyline this season.

Finally Jon finds out ITS ABOUT TIME> And Alley pregnant. its getting juicy

LOL LOved Ginny punching Tanisha. I know it is on. OMG the moment is finally here.

I dont think I am feeling the WIll and Lenvy Ghost storyline. Where is Jace. I am not liking Alicia niether.

So glad Nan and Bryan made it offical. I love them

What I dont get is how is nate kissing this child? He may have amnsesia but is he sick and dumb too?

great episode Matt. Moved very fast, ( and it was long) O and loved the marli pic. Nice touch. I noticed!!

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ML thank you so much for all of the comments. You have officially made me want to write more episodes for the show. I do have to admit that this season has been the toughest for plot lines because fans have been back and forth with who they want to see together. Some want to see Alley and Blake be a couple because they always had "something." That would leave London, John, and LJ to be a family. All I have to say is...I've made a decision and it won't be revealed until the final episode.

The next episode definitely has a cat fight. Maybe the last one of the season? I'm not sure yet. Ginny and Tanisha will definitely fight til the death for Owen.

I think everyone thinks that Bobbie is a little girl but she's not. She's actually 18 only she's been under watch by those cloest (The Andersons and the school) because of her disability. The next episode she really lets it out on what she wants! It's very emotional.

Jace is arrested, he was commited for shooting Alicia and killing Will. Alicia is easy to trust Kellan because she feels as if those around her are gone and she has no one. She also blames Rena for that.

Yeah I could have Lenvy and Will ride off together but...that would mean Will would've been off the campus? He still very much loves Rena as well as Lenvy so there's a triangle. Even though Lenvy's an angel, she's not stupid.

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