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Episode#393: Goodbye




Episode#393: Goodbye

-Alexis tells Chris she just has a bit of researching to do, about something she heard about shortly after she came to Salem....she tells him that he probably wouldn't even remember it if he was around then, it wasn't anything huge for the entire town....as Alexis browses the computer, she finally yells "AH HA!" and says she found it...Chris takes a peak, and his eyes widen!

-Victor tells Dorian that it would be unwise to drag the police into this....Dorian tells him that someone tried to kill her twice, she should have both people involved arrested and thrown in jail for life! Victor says to Dorian that they need to try to put this behind them...he found out she wasn't the one to put Celeste in her coma, so he will leave her alone...and she needs to leave her petty vendetta behind once and for all!

-Kate is in a jail cell at the police station.....an officer approaches her and tells her that she has a visitor...Kate turns to see Kristen walking in! Kate sighs and asks if Kristen is here to blast her again...Kristen says she might be....but she has something she needs to know! Kate asks what that might be, and Kristen outright asks if Kate and Stefano set up PETER to die!

-Brandon and Carrie are at their apartment....they are just finishing eating breakfast when they hear a knock on the door...Carrie answers it to see Anna! The two greet each other and hug, and Carrie asks her mother what she needs....Anna says that she's here to tell Carrie that she's leaving Salem!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Chris says WOW...thats an OLD case....he's not sure if he even remembers it! Alexis nods and says she just needs some information related to it...she clicks around a bit, and finally says she's found EXACTLY what she's looking for! Chris realizes what Alexis is doing and tells her she really shouldn't be doing this....it'd be foolish and just digging up some old, buried emotions and chaos....Alexis says to Chris that she has to do this....she has a feeling in her gut that she should pursue this!!! She gets up and leaves, thanking him for letting her on the computer....Chris sighs and says that woman is getting way too over her head....

-Dorian asks why should she....Victor tells her that so they can move on with their lives! He says that he loved Viki, and he loved her...but during the past few years, the history with them both has haunted him too much...its time to move past this once and for all! Dorian is silent as Victor says to her that she needs to stop hating him, because he really DID love her...he felt something very deep for her....Dorian and him slowly lean in and.....KISS!

-Carrie asks Anna WHAT...she says that she herself only JUST came back to Salem! Anna nods and says she knows, and she hates that she's leaving right after she returned...she says that she and Tony have gotten back together, but they've also discovered that Peter Blake's death awhile back...it was actually set up by Tony's own father and Kate....and TONY was the intended victim, and then Crystal Galore, the woman who was suing for custody of Will's little girl, was the woman who ended up shooting Peter on accident...Carrie is shocked and says thats terrible, but she's glad she and Tony have finally worked it out...Anna goes on to say that after both of them being so involved in that craziness, and the whole Kate thing....they both think it may be best to take a break from Salem....so this is goodbye!

-Kate looks at Kristen, confused, and tells her that she thought that both she and Crystal made it QUITE clear that Peter wasn't supposed to be the victim, or even involved in that whole thing at all....Kristen tells Kate that Tony mentioned at the DiMera Mansion, when he was there to mend the fences between them before leaving town with Anna, that Peter said at the pier that SHE called him down there....when she didn't at all...so she's beginning to think that SOMEONE knew what was going to happen, and wanted Peter down there...Kate looks at Kristen in shock and says:

Kate:Wait...Tony's....leaving town?

-Carrie tells Anna that she can't believe this...its just....so shocking....but nonetheless, she....wishes her well and she loves her! Carrie and Anna hug again, having somewhat of an emotional goodbye after many years of a troubled relationship....Anna looks at Brandon, and she asks them both if they are....in some kind of relationship! Both immediately deny it, and Anna just smiles before leaving....after she leaves, Carrie says that now...the only mother she had besides Marlena is gone. Brandon tells her it'll be alright as he hugs her...Anna watches from a distance, thinking to herself that Carrie's falling in love all over again, and she turns and leaves the apartment complex...

-Kristen tells Kate yes...he and Anna are back together, and leaving Salem today...Kate is shocked and hurt, knowing that she caused this and now her and Tony really ARE over for good...Kristen says that they need to get back to the topic at hand...Kate swears to Kristen that neither her nor Stefano wanted Peter dead...he was NOT supposed to be at the pier that night! Kristen is hesitant at first, but slowly believes Kate, and leaves, knowing now that someone ELSE knew about the plot to kill Tony and intentionally sent Peter down there....

-Anna enters the airport....where Tony is revealed to be! Tony and Anna greet each other and share a passionate kiss, as Anna says she said goodbye to Carrie...Tony tells her that he's...made some kind of peace with Kristen, and couldn't find Jan but he left a message on her phone...he says he hates to do it that way but sadly, there was no other way...and it just represents the odd relationship he and Jan have...Anna slowly nods, and says that their goodbyes have been said....now its time to leave! Tony and Anna continue to kiss as they prepare to board their plane....they soon get on the plane and it takes off....the supercouple looks out at the town before them, their home....a tear falls from Anna's eye, but Tony just puts his arms around , her first husband who she fell in love with...she thinks of Andre and Stefano and Vince and how much they all tortured her and Tony....Tony also sits and looks out the window, he thinks of Marlena, and how to this day he still loves her...he also thinks of Renee, his first true love...he thinks os his father and the difficult relationship they had...he thinks of his mother and how close he was to her...he thinks of Jan, his hidden child that he didn't find out about until last year....he also thinks of Kristen, and the love they shared years ago, and then Vince raping her...he thinks of Vince and how much he haunted his life...and he also thinks of Kate....who he loved in a way, but discovered she wanted him dead...he thinks of Andre, who took over his life one too many times...he thinks to himself that he's had alot of pain in Salem...but also has had alot of love, laughs, and happiness...he looks at Anna, who looks at him....and the two think of each other...and how much they have always loved each other, and how much they belong together, despite the huge issues they've faced....the two lock lips one last time, celebrating their love, as the plane flies away from Salem....


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