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Episode#387: The Confession




Episode#387: The Confession

-Bo and Kristen continue to talk as Bo thanks her for being there for him for all these months....Kristen says she's glad to, its just....if he and Hope get back together, she doesn't want to be a roadblock, so maybe she should just walk out of Bo's life right now...Bo tells her no, he definitely needs a friend like her around...suddenly, Chris bursts in and tells Bo that they need to get down to the courthouse....they got a call and the murderor of Peter Blake has been found!

-Victor arrives down at the hospital to see how Dorian is doing....he goes towards her room, but doesn't see anyone in there! Victor confusedly goes to Mike and asks him where Dorian Lord is....Mike tells him that Dorian mysteriously went missing yesterday!

-Maggie says that she's called the police station and Bo should be on his way soon! Benard yells thats this propestorous, as Crystal continues to claim that she didn't kill anyone....Judge Fitzpatrick watches the shocking situation unravel, and Kate tells Crystal to give it up, its OVER! Crystal says that Kate's just a bitter old bitch....Will grabs Crystal, who's still holding Arianna, and orders her to STOP lying and confess! Crystal finally breaksdown crying and screams:

Crystal:Fine, its TRUE! Everything Destiny, Dorian, and Kate said is true! I was hired to kill Tony DiMera but killed Peter Blake instead!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Kristen's eyes widen and Bo asks Chris if he's sure, and Chris nods and says Maggie Horton says that she's there and needs to be arrested now....Kristen says "Its a she?" and Chris again nods, and tells Bo they have to get down there now! The three then set off for the courthouse!

-Mike tells Victor that they filed a report, but the police haven't found anything....the staff has no clue what happened! Victor looks at Mike in shock and asks him what the hell kind of hospital he's running...it seems people can always just randomly get kidnapped, and not to mention everyday people have no problem impersonating nurses and trying to kill people! Mike tells Victor that he can only do so much...he's here to save lives, and the hospital has security, but they still can only do so much! Victor rolls his eyes and thinks to himself that Suga better not be behind this!

-Tony says he can't believe this....Will's jaw is right open, but he continues to tell Crystal to give him his daughter, she's obviously unfit! Lisa yells that she KNEW Crystal was wrong to raise that baby, she knew it! Benard looks at Crystal and says he can't believe this....he asks her why the hell she did this, why didn't she tell him! Crystal explains that Stefano promised her Arianna if she killed Tony! Lucas looks at Kate and exclaims did SHE promise Crystal she'd win the custody battle if she killed Tony...Kate swears she didn't, Stefano kept those details from her, she thought Crystal was just a hired hitman...Benard tells Crystal that she should've just left it up to HIM, and not take matters into her own hands like this....they would be in the free right now if it weren't for this! Destiny grins as justice has been served, rushing forward and telling Judge Fitzpatrick that she can't let this murderess or even her husband have Arianna...Judge Fitzpatrick finally says she's right, and informs everyone that effective immediately, she is awarding custody of Arianna Roberts to her father Will!


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