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Episode#352: Returning to Salem



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Episode#352: Returning to Salem

-Greta enters the Secret Room, where Jan is cradling Josh...Jan looks up and asks Greta what she wants, and Greta tells her that she brought her and her new son a little update on Jan's ex-fiancee...Jan snaps that he still IS her fiancee...but Greta simply ignores her and pulls out a tape recorder...and plays the entire conversation between Lucas and Will!

-Kristen pulls away from Megan and asks what the HELL she's doing, but Megan keeps the knife to her neck, telling Kristen that she heard everything...she SLEPT with Bo! She had SEX with her man!!! Kristen tells Megan that Bo is not HER man, she just needs to drop this stupid obsession! Megan asks when they slept together....Kristen tells her they did the night their father died!

-Vivian and Valentine continue to argue at the DiMera Mansion, but suddenly Ji'Min arrives...Vivian tells him thank GOODNESS he is here...Valentine agrees, and Vivian tells him she needs him to examine this marriage certificate and prove that it is fake...Vivian gives him Valentine's marriage certificate, and Ji'Min begins to look at it...

-Sami tells Nicole that they've never exactly been friends but this is JUST the proof she needs to finally make everyone see that Stan killed her mother, NOT her! Brandon and Carrie walk over and Brandon is SHOCKED to see Nicole, and vice versa...he asks her what she's doing here and where she's been, and Nicole responds that its a long story...Carrie asks whats going on...and Sami answers that Nicole can prove that it was Stan all along...finally she can prove it...now they just have to go back to Salem! Nicole then says:

Nicole:OH HELL NO!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Tony is walking through Salem Place...and he runs into Anna! Tony greets her and asks how she's been, he hasn't seen her in a little while...Anna flashes back to seeing him and Kate having sex RIGHT after she and Tony did...she SLAPS Tony and says:

Anna:Stay away from me you bastard!

-Jan listens to the conversation as Lucas asks Will to be his best man...and as he tells him how he loves Eugenia, despite only losing Jan months earlier...a single tear falls from Jan's eye, as Greta says that its so sweet....and tells her that the big day is May 15th...and she luckily just happened to be recording this as it happened...Jan tells Greta to just go the hell away, and Greta shrugs and says fine...she leaves, and Jan tells "her" son:

Jan:Don't worry, Josh...we're going to be reunited with Daddy soon...I am going to bust out of here by the time that wedding date comes along...Greta made a very, very bad move by telling me when it was...never underestimate Jan Spears. And then I'll get out and take care of Eugenia...and you, your brother Bentley, Daddy, and me will all be a family...

-Megan thinks to herself that she slept with Bo before Kristen then...she tells Kristen that she can't believe she'd be such an idiot and do this, she KNOWS how much she and Bo love each other! Kristen tells Megan to calm the hell down...but Megan goes on to say that if she ever finds Kristen with Bo again...she'll murder her HERSELF! Megan walks off, leaving Kristen to think about all of this craziness...

-Sami asks Nicole what she means...and Nicole tells Sami she can't go back to Salem...she doesn't want to go back to Salem. Brandon says he knows that the last time he saw her she probably wasn't too happy because of her scheme being exposed, and he's not really happy with her right now...but if she can prove Sami's story, then she needs to go back! Nicole tells the trio NO, she is happy right now...she is happy here...and she has no desire to go back to Salem!

-Ji'Min examines the marriage certificate...Vivian asks him if he's found anything to prove that its a fake yet...Ji'Min looks at them both and tells them that he's looked at it very carefully and checked into some records....and he is SURE that this is...a real and legitimate marriage certificate! Valentine laughs in triumph, as Vivian screams that this is IMPOSSIBLE...Valentine tells her sister to get ready, because Valentine Heart DiMera is moving into the mansion!

-Tony looks at Anna in shock and confusion and asks what she's talking about...Anna snaps to just stay away from her, and Tony tells her he knows she wasn't too pleased with him awhile back but where did all of this come from...Anna tells her that he doesn't need her, he has KATE to love all over! Anna stomps off...leaving Tony in shock, realizing that Anna knows about him and Kate sleeping together!

-Sami tells Nicole that she HAS to go back...she has to tell everyone what she just told her...Nicole tells her she's sorry, but no....she doesn't want to go back there, at least not right now...Nicole flashes back to the Secret Room and thinks to herself that she just needs to stay the hell away from that town...Nicole quickly runs out of the restaraunt, and all three of them yell for her to come back, but she just runs off...and Sami then yells:

Sami:DAMNIT! We have to get her to come back to Salem...she's my only hope!


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