Episode 150
Tough decisions in Springfield....


Dr. Ed Bauer walks out to see Olivia and Edmund.
Edmund stands, "When can we take our daughter home Dr. Bauer?"
Ed sighs, "Mr. Winslow I'm afraid that I'm going to have to advise you to not bring your daughter home yet."
Olivia worries, "Why is something wrong?"
Ed nods, "There is a lot wrong. Ava has some very deep emotional issues. I believe she is becoming a danger to herself and to everyone around her, especially that baby."
Olivia is confused, "What are you trying to tell us?"
Ed takes off his glasses and looks at them, "I'm going to have to recommend a stay in Ravenwood for your daughter."
Edmund scoffs, "Good God. You Bauers just want to keep her away from Bill and Michelle. Well guess again. We are not going to send our daughter away so your daughter can raise our Grandson with Bill Lewis."
Ed sighs, "Well unfornately for you Mr. Winslow you have yet to have a clear proof of your paternal relation to Ava."
Edmund nods, "Well so what? I didn't know she was my daughter until weeks before she fell into a coma. We started to grow close. I love Ava. She is my daughter."
Ed nods, "Well Bill was her husband at the time but last fall he signed away his rights over Ava's care. It's in Ms. Spencer's hands. Olivia we need your apporval to send Ava to Ravenwood."
Edmund stares at a very surprised Olivia.

Bauer Home:

Michelle sits on the couch.
Bill walks over to her, "Are you okay?"
She shakes her head, "Things were going so well. We had our own little family. All of the kids were happy and getting a long. Everyone was finally past all of the horrible things that have happened to them. I knew that it was too good to be true."
Bill sits with her, "We aren't going to lose our family. This has been great for Robbie, Hope, Emma and HB. Anyone who looks at their happy faces can see that."
Michelle sighs, "Edmund, Olivia, and Ava. They won't let us keep HB. I mean I know I don't have any rights. But I know that they do not want me anywhere near him."
He sighs, "Well we are together. So they are just going to have to deal with you being around."
She shakes her head, "Bill they won't! I know Edmund. He took my child away from me without even blinking an eye. He will do the same to you. That's why I have to do what's best for everyone. I need to help you and HB stay together even if it cost me everything."
Bill is confused, "What are you talking about?"
Michelle turns to him, "Bill we need to break up."
Bill stares in shock.


Liz is sitting on the couch holding a picture of Sarah.
Aubrey is behind her, "Feeling guilty?"
Liz scoffs, "Go away Aubrey."
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. I don't think I will. I wouldn't want to be negligent and let someone kidnap you. Not that anyone would miss you. Especially Jonathan. Boy did you piss him off. I mean I never have seen him hate someone so much."
Liz shakes her head, "He doesn't hate me. We are both upset. The daughter we share is missing."
Aubrey scoffs, "Well in case you have forgotten Sarah is my daughter too. I raised her. She calls me Mommy. I swear to God Liz if anything happens to my little girl."
Liz stops her, "We will find Sarah!"
Aubrey nods, "I think we will too. But when we do I think it will be best for everyone if you are out of the picture."
Liz is confused, "What are you talking about?"
Aubrey stares, "Are you stupid? Just leave. Let Jonathan and I have our farmhouse where we can raise our children. I have a baby to think about as well as Sarah. Go focus on your family at the Spaulding Mansion. Do what's best for Jonathan and Sarah."
Aubrey walks outside.
Liz has tears in her eyes.
Jonathan walks into the living room, "Liz. We need to talk."
Liz is worried about what he'll say.

Old Cabin:
Little Sarah is locked in a room.
She has toys to play with.
The kidnapper walks in.
His face is covered by the same mask.
He has some food, "I got your favorite little Sarah. Are you ready to have your dinner?"
Sarah cries, "I want Daddy."
The kidnapper pats her head, "Don't worry little Sarah. You'll be back with your family. As long as everyone does what they are supposed to and then no one gets hurt."
Sarah continues to cry.
He throws the bag of food down, "Knock it off!"
He leaves and shuts the door.
He makes a phone call, "Hey partner in crime. I gave the little brat her food. Are you coming? Great I'll see you soon."
He hangs up the phone.

Springfield High:

Coop is his classroom after school.
Vi walks in, "Mr. Bradshaw?"
He looks up, "Miss Grant. It's nice to see you. What is keeping you after school today?"
She walks over to his desk, "Well I was just wondering if we could go over some of the book we've been reading in class."
Coop nods, "Oh the play? Romeo and Juliet is a classic."
She nods, "I know it's a good story but I think I just need a way to think of it in present tense."
He stands up, "Okay. Well basically it's a story about these two people who fall in love. It's love at first sight. But they soon realize that being together isn't going to be accepted."
Vi nods, "In the play isn't Romeo older than Juliet?"
Coop nods, "Yes he is but that's not really the problem. Age isn't a big deal in this case."
She smiles, "Wow that's interesting."
He explains, "Well basically there are all of these things keeping the two love birds a part. They try and go against what everyone says and they begin a secret romance."
Vi grins, "Do you think something like this would go on in the present. You know forbidden love?"
Coop looks at her, "Of course. As long as there are people in the world who believe that love can defeat all odds there will always be love stories like this in the world."
Vi can't stop smiling at Mr. Bradshaw.


Cyrus walks in to the restaurant.
Dinah approaches him, "It took you long enough. You aren't usually late like this."
He nods, "Well I was worried it was a trick. You haven't wanted to see me in a long time."
She sighs, "Oh Cyrus don't you trust me? Well I guess you shouldn't trust me now should you?"
Cyrus sighs, "What's going on Didi?"
Dinah takes his arm, "We need to talk business."
They sit down a table.
Cyrus looks at his watch, "Well I need to run some errands so make this quick Didi."
Dinah pulls out a file of papers, "Oh I'm not the one who is going to have to rush. As long as you sign where I tell you to then we won't have any problems getting out of here."
Cyrus looks at the files, "I Mr. Cyrus Foley hereby sign away all of my rights and privileges to Belinda Marler?"
She hands him a pen, "Let's get this done."
Cyrus is confused, "It says that I am not allowed any contact with her at all. Ever."
She nods, "Well of course not. She has no idea that you gave me the sperm that created her."
He scoffs, "It's not like I was a donor. We made love."
She turns away, "I just threw up in my mouth a little."
He puts the papers down, "I'm not sure I could sign this."
Annie walks over, "That would be a big mistake Mr. Foley."
Cyrus begins to feel trapped.

Liz turns to Jonathan, "Listen if you are going to yell at me then I am just going to have to ask you to wait because right now I think I'm about to lose my mind."
Jonathan shakes his head, "I wanted to apologize. Liz I know how difficult this has been you opened up your home to your ex who took your daughter and his new pregnant wife. That's a lot to ask but you did it and you did it for Sarah. I know you love her."
Liz cries, "I love her so much. I think losing her last time made me realize how much I love her and I can't stand to go over that a second time I just don't think I could do it."
Jonathan hugs her, "I know. But I have a feeling that we will find Sarah. I don't know where she is but I have a good feeling about it. Tammy is looking out for her."
Liz nods, "Tammy is her guardian angel."
He looks at her, "Mine too."
She looks into his eyes, "I'm so glad you're here."
Jonathan tries to fight it but the two end up kissing.
Springfield High:
Coop sits on his desk, "So do you think you understand the play a little bit better?"
Vi nods, "I think I do. It's a love story about two people. The guy is older but that's not important. The important thing is that no matter how taboo it may be by society they still stay together and fight against all odds to be together."
He nods, "That is very good. We're writing essays next week and I think you will do a great job. I am already looking forward to reading what you write about the play."
She smiles, "You know I usually don't like my teachers a whole lot. But I don't think of you as a teacher. You're just so easy to talk to and you really care."
He nods, "Well of course I do. I wouldn't be here if I didn't care. I want to see you succeed."
Vi grins, "That is all I ever needed. Someone who really and truly cares and wants me to succeed."
Coop smiles, "I'm happy to see you do well."
She picks up her bag, "See you tomorrow Mr. Bradshaw."
He waves, "Get home safe Vi."
As she walks out Maureen is in the hallway.
Vi turns to her, "Why are you here?"
Maureen stares in shock, "It's him isn't it? Mr. Bradshaw is the guy you left Jason for?
Vi begins to get angry.

Cyrus looks at Dinah and Annie, "You two are really something. What are you going to take me outside and clean my clock? Teach me a lesson. Save it because I..."
Annie sits down, "Mr. Foley how is your little brother doing?"
Cyrus stares at her, "What?"
Annie looks at him, "Mr. Mark Guillespie. He's in a mental institution. I have the address right here."
He stares, "How did you get that?"
Annie acts confused, "Why? Is there something wrong? What would happen if someone like Jonathan Randall or AC Mallet go a hold of this? Maybe get revenge for the murders of Tammy Winslow and Julie Camaletti? Maybe you should think about that?"
Cyrus turns to Dinah, "I really thought you had changed. That you were a better person."
Dinah looks at him, "Cyrus when you met me I was wild and crazy. I had nothing to lose. Now I have everything to lose. And I am even more dangerous. All of my dreams have come true and I won't let a little scum like you destroy what I have."
Annie shoves the papers at him, "Sign the papers Mr. Foley."
Cyrus takes the pen and signs away all of his rights over Belinda.
He throws the pen down, "I'll see you two bitches in hell."
He leaves the table.
Dinah and Annie smile at their accomplishment.
Bauer Home:
Bill cant' believe what Michelle has said, "You can't let Edmund get to you. We aren't going to break up just because he throws a few threats around at us. He tried to take HB before and I beat him."
Michelle sighs, "The man is a monster. Bill I won't let him hurt you and HB. I won't let him ruin your lives just because he hates me. Maybe it's time to end our little family."
He takes her hands, "No! We are all so happy together. I won't lose this. We have come so far. I have come too far to let someone like Edmund Winslow take it all away. You can't really think we should break up Michelle. We've already fallen in love."
Michelle cries, "I wish this were just some custody battle. Edmund will fight to the death. We have children to think about. I lost Danny and I can't lose you."
Bill has tears in his eyes, "But you will lose me!"
She shouts, "I can't let everyone lose you! You have Emma, HB, your parents, your siblings. Your whole family! Bill we need to do what's best for HB and end things."
Bill shakes his head, "I can't!"
She gives him one last kiss, "Goodbye Bill."
Michelle opens the door.
Bill slowly walks out.
After he leaves Michelle shuts the door and falls to her knees in tears.
Olivia is surprised by Dr. Bauer's words, "So you are saying that I have to decide whether or not Ava belongs in a mental institution? Is that what you are telling me?"
Ed shakes his head, "No. I have told you what I believe Ava needs. I just need your permission. Olivia you need to do what is best for Ava. I know this is a difficult decision."
Edmund shakes his head, "No it's not! Olivia we have screwed up a lot and Ava paid the price already. Don't let that happen again. Don't make her pay for our mistakes."
Olivia shakes her head, "I won't! That's why I have to do what's best. Just give me some time."
Edmund scoffs, "What more time do you need?!!"
Ed steps between them, "Olivia let's take a walk and we'll talk about the options."
The two walk down the hall.
Edmund sneaks into Ava's room.

Ava sits up, "Tell me what's going on! Where are they taking me? You can't let them take me away!"
Edmund shushes her, "No. I won't let them. They are playing Olivia but they can't get me. We are leaving right now."
Ava stares, "We're leaving Cedars?"
He nods, "Leaving Cedars, leaving Springfield, leaving the US!"
She shakes her head, "I can't leave without my son."
Edmund shakes his head, "You won't have to. Now let's get out of here."
Ava smiles at her father
Old Cabin:
The kidnapper stares through a small hole in the door.
Sarah stares at her food.
She is reluctant to eat it.
He sighs, "If you don't eat your food then I'm gonna have to bring you home in a body bag."
A car pulls up outside.
The kidnapper looks out, "Partner's here."
The kidnapper pulls of his mask.
It's Rafe!!
The door opens.
Rafe grins, "We under estimated ourselves."
Aubrey walks in, "I know right!"
Rafe nods, "I told you this would work out."
Aubrey nods, "I caused some more problems for Jonathan and Liz!"
He grins, "How did you do that?"
She takes her fake pregnancy belly off again, "Jonathan and Liz are at each other's throats!"
He laughs, "Now all we have to do is wait for the next part of the plan and watch their relationship come crashing down!"
The two kiss.
Rafe and Aubrey are caught at the cabin!
Edmund and Ava plan
Olivia goes to see Bill
Maureen confronts Vi
Jonathan disappoints Liz
Marina has a request for Lucy


Dr. Ed Bauer walks out to see Olivia and Edmund.
Edmund stands, "When can we take our daughter home Dr. Bauer?"
Ed sighs, "Mr. Winslow I'm afraid that I'm going to have to advise you to not bring your daughter home yet."
Olivia worries, "Why is something wrong?"
Ed nods, "There is a lot wrong. Ava has some very deep emotional issues. I believe she is becoming a danger to herself and to everyone around her, especially that baby."
Olivia is confused, "What are you trying to tell us?"
Ed takes off his glasses and looks at them, "I'm going to have to recommend a stay in Ravenwood for your daughter."
Edmund scoffs, "Good God. You Bauers just want to keep her away from Bill and Michelle. Well guess again. We are not going to send our daughter away so your daughter can raise our Grandson with Bill Lewis."
Ed sighs, "Well unfornately for you Mr. Winslow you have yet to have a clear proof of your paternal relation to Ava."
Edmund nods, "Well so what? I didn't know she was my daughter until weeks before she fell into a coma. We started to grow close. I love Ava. She is my daughter."
Ed nods, "Well Bill was her husband at the time but last fall he signed away his rights over Ava's care. It's in Ms. Spencer's hands. Olivia we need your apporval to send Ava to Ravenwood."
Edmund stares at a very surprised Olivia.

Bauer Home:

Michelle sits on the couch.
Bill walks over to her, "Are you okay?"
She shakes her head, "Things were going so well. We had our own little family. All of the kids were happy and getting a long. Everyone was finally past all of the horrible things that have happened to them. I knew that it was too good to be true."
Bill sits with her, "We aren't going to lose our family. This has been great for Robbie, Hope, Emma and HB. Anyone who looks at their happy faces can see that."
Michelle sighs, "Edmund, Olivia, and Ava. They won't let us keep HB. I mean I know I don't have any rights. But I know that they do not want me anywhere near him."
He sighs, "Well we are together. So they are just going to have to deal with you being around."
She shakes her head, "Bill they won't! I know Edmund. He took my child away from me without even blinking an eye. He will do the same to you. That's why I have to do what's best for everyone. I need to help you and HB stay together even if it cost me everything."
Bill is confused, "What are you talking about?"
Michelle turns to him, "Bill we need to break up."
Bill stares in shock.


Liz is sitting on the couch holding a picture of Sarah.
Aubrey is behind her, "Feeling guilty?"
Liz scoffs, "Go away Aubrey."
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. I don't think I will. I wouldn't want to be negligent and let someone kidnap you. Not that anyone would miss you. Especially Jonathan. Boy did you piss him off. I mean I never have seen him hate someone so much."
Liz shakes her head, "He doesn't hate me. We are both upset. The daughter we share is missing."
Aubrey scoffs, "Well in case you have forgotten Sarah is my daughter too. I raised her. She calls me Mommy. I swear to God Liz if anything happens to my little girl."
Liz stops her, "We will find Sarah!"
Aubrey nods, "I think we will too. But when we do I think it will be best for everyone if you are out of the picture."
Liz is confused, "What are you talking about?"
Aubrey stares, "Are you stupid? Just leave. Let Jonathan and I have our farmhouse where we can raise our children. I have a baby to think about as well as Sarah. Go focus on your family at the Spaulding Mansion. Do what's best for Jonathan and Sarah."
Aubrey walks outside.
Liz has tears in her eyes.
Jonathan walks into the living room, "Liz. We need to talk."
Liz is worried about what he'll say.

Old Cabin:
Little Sarah is locked in a room.
She has toys to play with.
The kidnapper walks in.
His face is covered by the same mask.
He has some food, "I got your favorite little Sarah. Are you ready to have your dinner?"
Sarah cries, "I want Daddy."
The kidnapper pats her head, "Don't worry little Sarah. You'll be back with your family. As long as everyone does what they are supposed to and then no one gets hurt."
Sarah continues to cry.
He throws the bag of food down, "Knock it off!"
He leaves and shuts the door.
He makes a phone call, "Hey partner in crime. I gave the little brat her food. Are you coming? Great I'll see you soon."
He hangs up the phone.

Springfield High:

Coop is his classroom after school.
Vi walks in, "Mr. Bradshaw?"
He looks up, "Miss Grant. It's nice to see you. What is keeping you after school today?"
She walks over to his desk, "Well I was just wondering if we could go over some of the book we've been reading in class."
Coop nods, "Oh the play? Romeo and Juliet is a classic."
She nods, "I know it's a good story but I think I just need a way to think of it in present tense."
He stands up, "Okay. Well basically it's a story about these two people who fall in love. It's love at first sight. But they soon realize that being together isn't going to be accepted."
Vi nods, "In the play isn't Romeo older than Juliet?"
Coop nods, "Yes he is but that's not really the problem. Age isn't a big deal in this case."
She smiles, "Wow that's interesting."
He explains, "Well basically there are all of these things keeping the two love birds a part. They try and go against what everyone says and they begin a secret romance."
Vi grins, "Do you think something like this would go on in the present. You know forbidden love?"
Coop looks at her, "Of course. As long as there are people in the world who believe that love can defeat all odds there will always be love stories like this in the world."
Vi can't stop smiling at Mr. Bradshaw.


Cyrus walks in to the restaurant.
Dinah approaches him, "It took you long enough. You aren't usually late like this."
He nods, "Well I was worried it was a trick. You haven't wanted to see me in a long time."
She sighs, "Oh Cyrus don't you trust me? Well I guess you shouldn't trust me now should you?"
Cyrus sighs, "What's going on Didi?"
Dinah takes his arm, "We need to talk business."
They sit down a table.
Cyrus looks at his watch, "Well I need to run some errands so make this quick Didi."
Dinah pulls out a file of papers, "Oh I'm not the one who is going to have to rush. As long as you sign where I tell you to then we won't have any problems getting out of here."
Cyrus looks at the files, "I Mr. Cyrus Foley hereby sign away all of my rights and privileges to Belinda Marler?"
She hands him a pen, "Let's get this done."
Cyrus is confused, "It says that I am not allowed any contact with her at all. Ever."
She nods, "Well of course not. She has no idea that you gave me the sperm that created her."
He scoffs, "It's not like I was a donor. We made love."
She turns away, "I just threw up in my mouth a little."
He puts the papers down, "I'm not sure I could sign this."
Annie walks over, "That would be a big mistake Mr. Foley."
Cyrus begins to feel trapped.

Liz turns to Jonathan, "Listen if you are going to yell at me then I am just going to have to ask you to wait because right now I think I'm about to lose my mind."
Jonathan shakes his head, "I wanted to apologize. Liz I know how difficult this has been you opened up your home to your ex who took your daughter and his new pregnant wife. That's a lot to ask but you did it and you did it for Sarah. I know you love her."
Liz cries, "I love her so much. I think losing her last time made me realize how much I love her and I can't stand to go over that a second time I just don't think I could do it."
Jonathan hugs her, "I know. But I have a feeling that we will find Sarah. I don't know where she is but I have a good feeling about it. Tammy is looking out for her."
Liz nods, "Tammy is her guardian angel."
He looks at her, "Mine too."
She looks into his eyes, "I'm so glad you're here."
Jonathan tries to fight it but the two end up kissing.
Springfield High:
Coop sits on his desk, "So do you think you understand the play a little bit better?"
Vi nods, "I think I do. It's a love story about two people. The guy is older but that's not important. The important thing is that no matter how taboo it may be by society they still stay together and fight against all odds to be together."
He nods, "That is very good. We're writing essays next week and I think you will do a great job. I am already looking forward to reading what you write about the play."
She smiles, "You know I usually don't like my teachers a whole lot. But I don't think of you as a teacher. You're just so easy to talk to and you really care."
He nods, "Well of course I do. I wouldn't be here if I didn't care. I want to see you succeed."
Vi grins, "That is all I ever needed. Someone who really and truly cares and wants me to succeed."
Coop smiles, "I'm happy to see you do well."
She picks up her bag, "See you tomorrow Mr. Bradshaw."
He waves, "Get home safe Vi."
As she walks out Maureen is in the hallway.
Vi turns to her, "Why are you here?"
Maureen stares in shock, "It's him isn't it? Mr. Bradshaw is the guy you left Jason for?
Vi begins to get angry.

Cyrus looks at Dinah and Annie, "You two are really something. What are you going to take me outside and clean my clock? Teach me a lesson. Save it because I..."
Annie sits down, "Mr. Foley how is your little brother doing?"
Cyrus stares at her, "What?"
Annie looks at him, "Mr. Mark Guillespie. He's in a mental institution. I have the address right here."
He stares, "How did you get that?"
Annie acts confused, "Why? Is there something wrong? What would happen if someone like Jonathan Randall or AC Mallet go a hold of this? Maybe get revenge for the murders of Tammy Winslow and Julie Camaletti? Maybe you should think about that?"
Cyrus turns to Dinah, "I really thought you had changed. That you were a better person."
Dinah looks at him, "Cyrus when you met me I was wild and crazy. I had nothing to lose. Now I have everything to lose. And I am even more dangerous. All of my dreams have come true and I won't let a little scum like you destroy what I have."
Annie shoves the papers at him, "Sign the papers Mr. Foley."
Cyrus takes the pen and signs away all of his rights over Belinda.
He throws the pen down, "I'll see you two bitches in hell."
He leaves the table.
Dinah and Annie smile at their accomplishment.
Bauer Home:
Bill cant' believe what Michelle has said, "You can't let Edmund get to you. We aren't going to break up just because he throws a few threats around at us. He tried to take HB before and I beat him."
Michelle sighs, "The man is a monster. Bill I won't let him hurt you and HB. I won't let him ruin your lives just because he hates me. Maybe it's time to end our little family."
He takes her hands, "No! We are all so happy together. I won't lose this. We have come so far. I have come too far to let someone like Edmund Winslow take it all away. You can't really think we should break up Michelle. We've already fallen in love."
Michelle cries, "I wish this were just some custody battle. Edmund will fight to the death. We have children to think about. I lost Danny and I can't lose you."
Bill has tears in his eyes, "But you will lose me!"
She shouts, "I can't let everyone lose you! You have Emma, HB, your parents, your siblings. Your whole family! Bill we need to do what's best for HB and end things."
Bill shakes his head, "I can't!"
She gives him one last kiss, "Goodbye Bill."
Michelle opens the door.
Bill slowly walks out.
After he leaves Michelle shuts the door and falls to her knees in tears.
Olivia is surprised by Dr. Bauer's words, "So you are saying that I have to decide whether or not Ava belongs in a mental institution? Is that what you are telling me?"
Ed shakes his head, "No. I have told you what I believe Ava needs. I just need your permission. Olivia you need to do what is best for Ava. I know this is a difficult decision."
Edmund shakes his head, "No it's not! Olivia we have screwed up a lot and Ava paid the price already. Don't let that happen again. Don't make her pay for our mistakes."
Olivia shakes her head, "I won't! That's why I have to do what's best. Just give me some time."
Edmund scoffs, "What more time do you need?!!"
Ed steps between them, "Olivia let's take a walk and we'll talk about the options."
The two walk down the hall.
Edmund sneaks into Ava's room.

Ava sits up, "Tell me what's going on! Where are they taking me? You can't let them take me away!"
Edmund shushes her, "No. I won't let them. They are playing Olivia but they can't get me. We are leaving right now."
Ava stares, "We're leaving Cedars?"
He nods, "Leaving Cedars, leaving Springfield, leaving the US!"
She shakes her head, "I can't leave without my son."
Edmund shakes his head, "You won't have to. Now let's get out of here."
Ava smiles at her father
Old Cabin:
The kidnapper stares through a small hole in the door.
Sarah stares at her food.
She is reluctant to eat it.
He sighs, "If you don't eat your food then I'm gonna have to bring you home in a body bag."
A car pulls up outside.
The kidnapper looks out, "Partner's here."
The kidnapper pulls of his mask.
It's Rafe!!
The door opens.
Rafe grins, "We under estimated ourselves."
Aubrey walks in, "I know right!"
Rafe nods, "I told you this would work out."
Aubrey nods, "I caused some more problems for Jonathan and Liz!"
He grins, "How did you do that?"
She takes her fake pregnancy belly off again, "Jonathan and Liz are at each other's throats!"
He laughs, "Now all we have to do is wait for the next part of the plan and watch their relationship come crashing down!"
The two kiss.
Rafe and Aubrey are caught at the cabin!
Edmund and Ava plan
Olivia goes to see Bill
Maureen confronts Vi
Jonathan disappoints Liz
Marina has a request for Lucy
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