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Episode 147



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

After 8 months someone wakes up in Springfield....


Ava's eyes begin to open.
She looks around.
She is in Cedars Hospital.
She's not sure why.
She remembers hearing something about her son.
Ava struggles to speak, "My Baby... where's my Baby!"
Olivia and Edmund are in the hallway.
They are stunned by the sound and run inside.
The two stare in shock when they go into the room.
Edmund smiles, "Ava!"
Olivia gasps, "Oh my God! Ava!"
The two run over to her.
Ava looks at them, "Why am I here? Where is my Son?"
Olivia is crying, "Oh my girl is back. Your here Ava. Oh thank you. I love you honey."
Edmund grins, "Oh Ava. Seeing your beautiful brown eyes again just makes everything so much better."
Ava is confused, "Why?... What's? Going on? Where is my baby? Where's my Son? You said he needed me?"
Olivia and Edmund look at each other.


Aubrey is sitting on the couch.
Jonathan walks back inside, "I can't find here anywhere. Sarah is completely gone."
Liz cries, "Oh God! I can't believe this is happening. I was watching her one minute and I got up for one second."
Aubrey turns to her, "You left her alone? How could you be so stupid? I trust you and this is what happens?"
Liz cries, "I was just answering my phone. I swear she was there one minute and gone the next."
Aubrey lunges for her, "You lost my daughter! You stupid bitch! I hate you! I'll never forgive you!"
Jonathan pulls her away, "Aubrey calm down. Okay? None of this is going to get Sarah back. The police are on their way."
Aubrey cries, "Wake up Jonathan! You told me this happened before. Liz left Sarah in a car to get your attention and she got kidnapped. Now she's doing the same thing."
Liz shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"
Aubrey scoffs, "As if you didn't do this on purpose. You really just let her out of your sight long enough to go missing. Only maybe you didn't plan for her to go completely missing did you?"
Liz shouts, "Shut up!"
Aubrey looks at her, "If anything happens to my daughter, I swear that I will make you pay."
The two women are covered in tears.

Police Station:

Mallet is talking with some cops.
He starts his first directions as chief, "Okay so Grant and Boudreau are already on their way to the farmhouse. You guys go down there and help out. Let me know if anything comes up."
The officers leave.
Dinah walks over, "Is everything okay? That sounded really serious. Something about a child?"
Mallet nods, "Yeah. I'm sorry to say it's about your cousin Lizzie. Apparently her daughter Sarah went missing a little bit ago. They haven't been able to find her."
Dinah gasps, "Oh my God! How horrible. I hope they find her soon. It's going to get late."
He nods, "I hope so too. I think she's only 3."
She sighs, "Well you know what? I think they are going to find her soon. Because we have an amazing police chief here now. You are going to do great things."
Mallet looks at her, "You really didn't know that I was getting this promotion today?"
She shakes her head, "No. How would I?"
He is confused, "I don't know. But you got here just in time. It is a weird coincidence."
She smiles, "Oh it's just fate sweetie. I'm going to get home and I'll see you soon."
Dinah kisses Mallet before she leaves.

Tree House:

Rocky drives by and sees Kevin's motorcycle by the tree.
Rocky slowly walks out and climbs up.
Kevin is sitting inside.
Rocky smiles, "I was surprised to see your bike out there. I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing all the way up here in this big old treehouse?"
Kevin sighs, "Jason and I used to play here a lot. All of the kids did when we were little."
Rocky nods, "Well I didn't really grow up here so I didn't know. It's a cute place."
Kevin nods, "Yeah. Whenever my parents would fight, Jason and I would just come up here and talk for a little while. Then put it all out of our minds and just forget about all of the troubles."
Rocky looks at him, "Should we do that now?"
Kevin sighs, "You know your whole family didn't see my face when you hopped on the bike. They probably don't even know it was me. So you still have a shot to break ties with me before anyone has to find out about us. You could do it you know?"
Rocky shakes his head, "No I couldn't."
Kevin nods, "Yeah. I mean your family believes you..."
Rocky sighs, "No. I mean that I don't want to. I don't want to be the person I was before. The person who cares way to much what everyone thinks about them and changes who they are because of that."
Kevin turns to him, "Then stop."
Rocky sighs, "It's not that simple."
Kevin gets up, "Whatever."
Rocky grabs him, "No! You wouldn't let me walk away from you. I chose you. Now we are going give this relationship all we got!"
Rocky kisses Kevin.

Bauer Home:

Bill and Michelle walk inside.
Robbie and Hope take Emma upstairs.
Michelle brings HB in, "The little guy really seemed to enjoy it."
Bill grins, "I think he really likes the park. We need to take him more often. I liked it. Having the kids all play and get exercise. Having some real good fmaily time."
Michelle sits HB down, "Bill um, I think that we need to talk about some stuff."
Bill nods, "Like what?"
She sighs, "What you said. At the park."
He jokes, "And I meant it. That slide looks so much smaller than when we were kids!"
She laughs, "Bill. You know what I mean. You said the word. You said the L word to me."
Bill keeps joking, "Hey I have never questioned your sexuality!"
She shoves him, "Bill be serious."
He smiles, "I meant what I said to you Michelle. Michelle I love you. I have fallen in love with you and your family."
She cries, "It's so great to here you say that. I mean I never thought I could find love again after Danny. Now I can't say that I have completly fallen in love with you. But Bill I think I am falling in love. Not just with you but with your family."
Bill grins, "Our new little happy family."
The two kiss.

Olivia and Edmund wait outside Ava's room.
Olivia sighs, "Oh God I can't believe this. She has finally woken up! I can't believe it!"
Edmund smiles, "And what timing! That's our Ava. She is just so amazing. God I missed her."
Olivia nods, "But there is a lot that's changed these past few months. A lot o things."
Edmund nods, "And we need to make sure that nothing bothers our daughter Olivia. Nothing."
Dr. Ed Bauer walks out, "Mr. Winslow? Ms. Spencer?"
Edmund looks at him, "Ed is Ava okay? Can we talk to her now?"
Ed nods, "She is very weak. She is a little dizzy. And there are a few you should know."
Olivia is worried, "What?"
Ed sighs, "Well she has realized that she gave birth. She seems to have blocked the elevator incident. Maybe a few other things from that day of her accident."
Olivia sighs, "Oh all the baby shower stuff!"
Ed nods, "And unfortunately she suffers what most comatose patients go through. Ava is unaware of how much time has past."
Edmund scoffs at Ed, "Well you know what? Ava is awake now. It's time for your daughter to step aside and give Ava her life back."
Edmund walks past Ed.


Mallet and Dinah's House:
Dinah has already arrived at home.
Mallet is still at the station.
The doorbell rings.
Dinah answers.
Annie walks in, "Hey D! So did you go down to the station?"
Dinah grins, "Yes I did! I went down their just in time to see the look on Mallet's face when he found out he was going to be Springfield's new Chief of Police!"
Annie hugs her, "Oh I'm so happy for you two! You guys deserve all of this. You know that right?"
Dinah nods, "Oh yes. Mallet and I have had a long journey. Now we are finally having the life of our dreams. And Annie I just want to thank you for everything you did."
Annie sighs, "Don't mention it."
Dinah shakes her head, "You are so great. You pulled all of those strings and got Mallet to be named Chief of Police!"
Annie nods, "Well you know what it was the right thing to do. They were going to give it to Harley. She is in no condition to be running the police department. Besides Mallet deserves it."
Dinah nods, "And you deserve Spaulding Enterprises. You, I, and Olivia are going to make sure that you keep that chair. We finally have the power in this town."
The two friends hug.

Jonathan, Aubrey, and Liz are waiting in the living room.
Remy walks inside, "Okay well we still can't seem to find her. But we have officers searching the whole area."
Jonathan is very upset, "Remy she's a little girl! How could she possibly get away that far?"
Remy sighs, "Jon we are doing everything that we can."
Aubrey walks over to Liz, "I can't believe you. How can you be so heartless. You abandon your daughter and let her go missing? What the hell is wrong with you?"
Liz has tears in her eyes, "I love Sarah! I love her with all of my heart! I never thought this would happen! We were right here in the livingroom! I swear it was only a minute to find my phone. I had no idea that this could happen. It doesn't make sense."
Jonathan sighs, "I know what this is. I can't believe I didn't think about it before."
Liz turns to him, "What?"
Jonathan looks at her, "Your Grandfather. He took her. He took Sarah! He has always wanted her."
Remy sighs, "Jonathan we can't jump to conclusions."
Jonathan shouts, "Remy this is the guy who killed Tammy! You know what he is capable of."
David walk in, "Boudreau. A cop found this in the mailbox."
He hands Remy a paper.
Jonathan looks over, "What does it say?"
Remy looks up, "It's a ransom note. Sarah has been kidnapped."
A furious Jonathan punches the wall.
Aubrey falls to her knees screaming.
Liz stares in shock.

Edmund sits with Ava.
Olivia walks over.
Ava looks around, "I... I'm in the hospital."
Edmund nods, "Yes you are darling. Do you remember why you are in the hospital at all?"
Ava looks around, "I was pregnant... I had a baby."
Olivia just stares.
Edmund nods, "Yes you had a baby boy. A beautiful baby boy."
Ava smiles, "I did?"
Edmund grins, "Oh yes you did. Ava you are a mother now."
Ava nods, "When can I see my baby?"
He sighs, "Uh... Ava we need you to rest first. Okay just get your rest and we'll tell you about the baby soon."
Ava worries, "Wait. Wait what's wrong? Why can't I see my baby?"
Edmund looks at Olivia, "Uh..."
Olivia looks at her, "Oh Ava... do you remember anything?"
Ava nods, "I know who you two are if that's what you mean. I don't have amnesia. I'm Ava. I want to see my baby. I can't let him be alone. Just tell me that Bill is with him."
Olivia looks down, "Oh Ava."
Ed walks in, "Hello Ms. Peralta."
Ava shakes her head, "It's Mrs. Lewis. Dr. Bauer I would like to see my baby."
Ed looks at Olivia and Edmund who are fighting tears.

Tree House:
Kevin looks at Rocky, "What are you doing Rocky?"
Rocky grabs him, "Listen to me! You need me to get past your anger and rage. And forgive you for attacking me. So I need you to get past my fears and the walls I put up. And forgive me for breaking your heart when I chose Shayne over you."
Kevin sighs, "All I wanted was for you to do what was best for you even if it wasn't me."
Rocky nods, "That's one of the things I enjoy most about you. That is why I chose you."
Kevin looks at him, "You hold your own life in your hands. No one can change that not me or your family or Shayne."
Rocky nods, "I know that now. You showed me that. Please just give me time. I need time before I tell people about us."
Kevin sighs, "You have to face your fears. I came out to you. I put it all on the line even though I knew it could destroy everything and I still might not get to be with you. And I'm scared too. I'm afraid of how this will change things. But it's worth it. I want to be with you."
Rocky smiles, "I want to be with you too."
The two kiss.
Rocky sighs, "I'm sorry I've been hesitating!"
Kevin shakes his head, "It doesn't matter. We know what we have even if no one else does."
The two are making out.
They don't hear the footsteps below.
Shayne is down below watching them from beneath the tree.
He is filled with rage.

Bauer Home:
Bill and Michelle are kissing.
Bill smiles, "After all of these years I finally realize how happy we could be together."
Michelle sighs, "I was so afraid I was never going to find love again."
He laughs, "Are you kidding? Any guy would kill to be with you Michelle. You are amazing."
Michelle nods, "Well I wouldn't want just any guy to fight for me. I am so glad we found each other. I mean we found each other in this way. In a romantic way."
Bill looks at her, "My God you are so beautiful. I feel like you get more beautiful every time I look at you."
She smiles, "Bill Lewis you are one of the most charming men I have ever known."
Bill sighs, "I don't deserve you. I know that. But I will promise to make you happy no matter what. Because you've always been there for me. And now I think we are closer than we ever have been before."
Michelle smiles, "I can't believe how great things have become. We can finally have a happy life again. And we can have that life together."
Baby HB starts crying.
Michelle smiles, "Someone else wants to be happy too?"
Michelle picks up the baby and whispers a song to him.
She is always good at making him stop crying.

Ed walks over to Ava, "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?"
Ava nods, "I suppose so. Yeah."
Ed sits next to her, "Ava what is that last thing you remember?"
She sighs, "I don't know. I mean I remember a lot but the last few days are blurry. I know I wasn't at my due date yet."
Ed nods, "Ava do you remember where you were before you came to the hospital? Ava do you remember a baby shower?"
Ava nods, "I do now that you mention it... Oh my... you..." Ava looks at Olivia, "You... I can't handle this right now!"
Olivia sighs, "I'm sorry honey-"
Ava shouts, "Stop! Just stop talking to me! I need my Son now."
Ed looks at her, "You need to relax. Do you know what date it is?"
She sighs, "It's probably August by now..."
Ed nods, "What year?"
Ava is confused, "2008! I'm not stupid!"
Olivia cries.
Ava looks around, "What's going on?"
Edmund sighs, "You need to relax honey."
Ava shakes her head, "Where is my Son? What is wrong? Why won't anyone let me see my baby?"
Ed looks at her, "Ava it is 2009. We are in Spring now. You've been in a comatose state for 8 months now."
Ava shakes her head, "No. No that's not possible. I just had a baby."
Ed sighs, "You had a baby 8 months ago."
Olivia cries, "I'm so sorry Ava."
Ava shouts, "Sorry? Sorry why? Sorry Ava your baby doesn't need you. He went home without his mother? That he had already been crawling and walking? That my son grew up without me? That everyone has been playing with and raising my child and before I even get to see him!!!"
Ed stands up, "Ava you need to relax."
She shouts, "No! Stop lying! Where is he? I want my Son! You give me my boy! Now! No!"
Ava begins to throw things at her family.

Ava has an emotional breakdown!
Michelle and Bill spend more time together
Liz and Jonathan begin to turn on each other
Alan is questioned by the cops
Stephanie helps Coop move in
Rick and Roxie's date is interrupted by Ashlee


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