Episode 139
Arguements, emotions, and partnership happen in Springfield...

Spaulding Mansion:

Annie Dutton walks down to the Spauldings.
Phillip looks at her, "You must be joking."
Annie shakes her head, "I kid you not. Cassie named me as the new CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Alexandra sighs, "Oh good God. Annie Dutton, this psychopath, is running our company?"
Annie turns to her, "It's nice to see you too Alex. Listen I want you all to know that I have changed."
Alan Michael looks at her, "Do you expect anyone to believe that?"
Annie nods, "I certainly hope so. Because it's the truth. I'm trying to redeem myself."
Phillip nods, "By going after our family?"
Annie shakes her head, "I'm not trying to hurt your family. But I am protecting Springfield from you family. Especially the Lewises."
Alex walks over to her, "Like your one to talk, after all of the horrible things you've done."
Annie nods, "I'm quite aware Alexandra. But I have to believe that I can make things right by preventing more wrongs."
Phillip looks at her, "Annie. You really don't understand what you are doing."
Annie sighs, "Phillip I'm sorry. But I'm the new CEO. Listen, you are all welcome to live here. I don't want to take your home from you. All I ask is that you show me respect."
Alan Michael scoffs, "It doesn't matter. Because before long I will be the new CEO and your butt will be on the curb with the rest of the trash."
Alan Michael walks over to pour drinks.

Malah House:

Dinah is shocked, "Harley are you really giving Belinda back to me?"
Harley looks at them with a blank expression, "I remember when I was a young girl. I gave my baby Daisy up for adoption. Then she came back into my life as Susan. And I realized that a mother/daughter bond is something that shouldn't be messed with and a mother and daughter should never be kept away from each other."
Mallet looks at her, "Harley are you sure about this?"
Harley shakes her head, "No. But the fact of the matter is Belinda told me that she wants to be with you two. I'm not going to stand in her way. I will never do that."
Dinah looks at her, "Harley I'm..."
Harley hands her the bags, "No Dinah. Just stop before I change my mind. Okay? Please?"
Dinah takes the bags.
Belinda walks up to the door.
Dinah has tears in her eyes, "Oh my Baby."
Belinda walks towards her.
Suddenly the two are in an emotional hug."
A depressed Harley walks away.
Belinda runs after her, "Harley..." She hugs her, "Thank you Harley."
Harley sighs, "Our home is always open to you. You are one of us no matter what sweetheart."
Dinah and Mallet both have tears in their eyes.


Cyrus and Olivia are sitting at a table.
Olivia looks at him, "Okay I'm intrigued. Now will you explain to me what your so called plan is?"
Cyrus sighs, "Well you are helping Gus with his pill addiction. I'm helping Susan with an addiction of her own. Harley doesn't know."
Olivia looks at him, "Harley doesn't know. She is Susan's mother."
He sighs, "I'm not letting her find out. She doesn't need this now with everything going on."
She stares at him, "Okay so we are both in messed up situations. What does that matter."
Cyrus leans in, "I can help you with Gus and you can help me with Susan."
Olivia shakes her head, "I don't think so. Gus hates you because Harley is with you and not him. Susan is a Cooper. The Cooper's haven't been to happy with me since I broke Frank and Buzz's hearts."
He laughs, "Wait I knew you were with Buzz, but Frank too?"
Olivia sighs, "Drop it. Okay? Now I don't get what your saying. We can't just team up and make everything all better with a magic wand."
He nods, "I know that. But I have a plan. A way that we can help Gus and Susan together. But you have to trust me. Because it is going to get very complicated and people could get hurt."
A confused Olivia stares at Cyrus.


Ed, Rick and Michelle are all standing together.
Ed smiles, "So what are my children up to today?"
Michelle goes over her chart, "I have a few quick things then I think we can all do lunch."
Rick nods, "Me too. But I do have some mentoring stuff to do. A few of us Doctors were chosen to give some advice and tips to some of the medical students at Springfield U."

Ashlee walks up, "Rick?"
Rick smiles, "Hey Ashlee. Are you the student?"
She nods, "Yeah I'm so excited. I requested a Bauer because I know how great doctors you all are."
Michelle smiles, "Well you got a good Bauer and a good doctor. My brother here is going to have a lot to teach you."
Rick laughs, "Well my sister's a dork but she speaks the truth. I'm excited to talk with you Ashlee."
Ashlee smiles, "I am ready to learn. What can I do for you first?"
Rick laughs, "You can refill my coffee."
Ashlee grabs it, "Right away!"
Rick is surprised, "Oh Ashlee I was joking it's not even empty."
Ashlee doesn't hear him and rushes down the hall.
She goes to fast and accidentally runs into a woman, pouring the hot coffee all over her blouse.
Ashlee gasps, "Oh Miss I'm so sorry!"
The woman is furious, "God are you a complete moron?"
Roxie Shayne looks down at her coffee soaked blouse.

Reva Bend:

Josh walks Reva inside.
Reva sighs, "Just go Joshua. I'm fine now."
Josh follows her, "Reva we just got very bad news about Cassie. You aren't okay. Let me help you."
She sighs, "Just leave. Go find your girlfriend Annie Dutton."
Josh shakes his head, "Annie isn't my girlfriend!"
She turns to him, "You sure seemed pretty cozy with her at the Masquerade Ball!"
He sighs, "Reva, Annie is trying to redeem herself. I feel like I should give her the benefit of the doubt."
She shakes her head, "No. No. I don't think so. Annie Dutton doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. That woman is sick, she's twisted, she is a monster and I can't believe you let her back in our life?"
Josh shouts, "Our life? We don't have a life. I have my life. You have yours. You do whatever you want with yours. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do with mine!"
Reva scoffs, "Like throwing it away?"
Josh turns to her, "I'm not doing that!"
She sighs, "I am worried about you. You seem to have forgotten what Annie Dutton is capable of."
He turns to her, "No Reva. But I'm always surprised to learn what your capable of."
Josh walks away from her.


Rocky and Shayne walk through the park hand in hand.
Rocky can tell something is wrong, "Shayne is everything alright?"
Shayne turns to him, "I'm fine. Why?"
Rocky sighs, "You seem to be thinking about something. What's on your mind?"
Shayne looks at him, "Rocky we need to talk about something."
Rocky looks at him, "Your worrying me. What's going on?"
Shayne sighs, "Things are getting kind of complicated. I think we need to talk about a few things."
Rocky sighs, "Listen. Let's not do this. I know what this is about Shayne. I know."
Shayne stares, "You do?"
Rocky nods, "We've been fighting a lot lately. But I don't care anymore. If you are willing to do all of these things to help us have a family raising Marina's baby, then I can make sacrifices myself. I'm giving up the whole cop thing now."
Shayne is surprised, "Are you serious? You'd really do that?"
Rocky nods, "I am doing that. For us Shayne. Now do you still want to talk about this?"
Shayne is speechless.
Roxie Shayne is furious, "You burned my chest you ignorant little brat!"
Ashlee tries to help her, "I'm so sorry it was a complete accident. I didn't mean to. I was just so nervous."
Roxie looks at her, "Are you nuts? What is wrong with you?"
Rick walks up, "Oh God what happened?"
Roxie sighs, "This girl spilled hot coffee all over me."
Ashlee turns to him, "Dr. Bauer I'm so sorry. I didn't see her."
Rick helps clean up, "Roxie I don't think Ashlee meant to do this. Roxie this is Ashlee Wolfe. Mayor Wolfe's daughter."
Roxie laughs, "The Mayor who's in jail?"
Rick looks at Ashlee, "This is Roxie Shayne. She is Reva's sister."
Ashlee giggles, "Roxie. My friend Lizzie has a dog named Roxy."
Roxie stares at her, "Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye out for her. Maybe we can do lunch."
Ashlee sighs, "I really am sorry."
Roxie looks at her, "Just stop."
Rick sighs, "Ashlee why don't you just go chat with my Dad and my sister for a little bit okay?"
Ashlee walks away.
Rick turns to Roxie, "I know she comes on a little strong but she's a sweet girl. She used to baby sit for me all the time."
Roxie sighs, "I'm sorry. Will you help me find clothes to wear?"
Rick walks Roxie down the hall.
He is surprised to see this side of her.
Reva Bend:
Reva looks at Josh, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Josh turns to her, "You got some nerve getting onto me about being around Annie. You're the one who knew that Annie was back in Springfield and decided not to tell anyone."
She scoffs, "I wanted her to go without causing trouble. I didn't realize I was supposed to throw her a welcome home party!"
Josh looks at her, "Oh yeah by the way, when were you going to tell me that you and Chandler found out about the impostor and were looking for Annie all along?"
Reva sighs, "Looks like Annie can still get to you."
Josh shakes his head, "Is it true Reva? That's all I'm asking. Just give me a yes or no."
Reva sighs, "Yes. I knew."
He backs up, "You know I didn't want to believe it. But somehow this doesn't surprise me. This last year you have just been revealing one shocking secret after another."
Reva nods, "So it's obvious your still upset about me lying about Jonathan and Sarah."
Josh grabs his coat, "I am not going to deal with this now. I'm tired of talking with you Reva."
Reva shouts, "I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. Because Annie Dutton could eat you alive!"
Josh looks at her, "No one could hurt me more than you have."
Josh leaves Reva in tears.
Shayne looks down, "I just.... I'm sorry I'm still shocked that you are giving up this whole cop thing."
Rocky nods, "It took me a while. But I want to put you first. And I know this is what you want."
Shayne nods, "I only want what's best for you."
Rocky smiles, "I know you do. And you know what's best for me. Aren't you glad we've got everything out?"
Shayne grins, "Yeah. It's good for us. Get everything out of our system. So nothing will be holding us back at our wedding."
Rocky looks at him, "Can you believe that in a few weeks we'll be joined together for life?"
Shayne holds his hands, "I knew we'd end up together. And I am going to do everything to make sure that we have a happy life together."
Rocky nods, "And we won't let anything stand our way of us being happy together."
Shayne smiles, "Rocky you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that to me. I love you."
Rocky grins, "I love you too."
The two kiss.
Shayne walks Rocky back to the house.
Neither of them confessing the truth.
Olivia is with Cyrus still, "Okay. So what exactly did you have in mind to help Gus and Susan?"
Cyrus explains, "Okay. Harley told me about the cabin that she took Gus to in order to detox alone."
Olivia nods, "Gus said something about that. The one Beth held him and Alan captive in which is what caused everything."
He sighs, "I know it sounds crazy. But what if we all four went up there and helped the two of them detox."
She sits back, "I don't know. People get very violent in those situations. I don't know how we could handle it."
He leans in, "Listen. We need some place that is away from Springfield where we can keep everyone away."
Olivia sighs, "If and when Harley finds out about this, she is going to be furious with you."
Cyrus nods, "I know."
Olivia looks at him, "Do you? Not only are you keeping the secret about her daughter. But you are getting involved with her ex husband and me, she hates me very much."
He sighs "We are doing this for Harley."
Olivia laughs, "I'm not."
Cyrus sighs, "Are we working together or not?"
Olivia gives in.
The two partners shake hands.
Malah House:
Belinda walks back over to Dinah and Mallet.
A tearless Harley goes back to her car.
Dinah and Mallet take Belinda inside.
Belinda walks into the living room.
She looks at all of the pictures of relatives.
Mallet steps out of the room.
Dinah walks over to her, "We're going to tell you all about your family. Your Grandma Vanessa will come over later okay? But first there is one other person you need to meet first."
Mallet walks back in holding the baby, "Belinda this is your little brother Anthony."
Belinda walks over, "I have a baby brother?"
They all sit on the couch.
They put him in her arms.
Belinda looks down into her brothers eyes.
Outside Harley gets in her cars.
She rolls up the windows.
Turns on the radio.
With every power in her body Harley screams at the top of her lungs.
Harley throws her head down on the steering wheel crying.
Spaulding Mansion:
Annie walks around the office, "I'm not trying to upset anyone. But I do demand respect in my house."
Alex scoffs, "Oh would you please stop referring to this as your house. This is and always will be the Spaulding Mansion. And you my Darling are no Spaulding. You never will be."
Annie nods, "I know. And I have no desires to be a Spaulding. Believe me. I just want to do some good in this town."
Phillip sighs, "You can start by giving us back our company. Annie please. You don't want to get involved in this."
Annie sighs, "Phillip. You are my friend. But I am a good business woman and I know what I'm doing. I will prove to all of you that I am going to do a good job. The Spauldings will be a family that people are proud to be a part of in this town."
Alan Michael laughs, "Annie we've heard this before. The Spauldings are evil, bad, crazy, to powerful for their own good. But the fact of the matter is that we always come out on top. If you continue to battle us you will soon know the wrath of the Spauldings."
Alex walks over, "What my nephew is trying to say is that we are the Spauldings. And the Spauldings will do whatever we have to do to get what we want."
Annie nods, "Well I'm Annie Dutton. And I don't give up without a fight. Bring it on."
Annie walks out of the room.
The Spauldings all stare as she leaves.
Annie finds a new partner!
Olivia and Cyrus meet at the cabin
Michelle and Bill prepare their club
Rafe has a proposal for Liz
Vi has a plan to get Coop
Marah and Jeffrey get shocking information

Spaulding Mansion:

Annie Dutton walks down to the Spauldings.
Phillip looks at her, "You must be joking."
Annie shakes her head, "I kid you not. Cassie named me as the new CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Alexandra sighs, "Oh good God. Annie Dutton, this psychopath, is running our company?"
Annie turns to her, "It's nice to see you too Alex. Listen I want you all to know that I have changed."
Alan Michael looks at her, "Do you expect anyone to believe that?"
Annie nods, "I certainly hope so. Because it's the truth. I'm trying to redeem myself."
Phillip nods, "By going after our family?"
Annie shakes her head, "I'm not trying to hurt your family. But I am protecting Springfield from you family. Especially the Lewises."
Alex walks over to her, "Like your one to talk, after all of the horrible things you've done."
Annie nods, "I'm quite aware Alexandra. But I have to believe that I can make things right by preventing more wrongs."
Phillip looks at her, "Annie. You really don't understand what you are doing."
Annie sighs, "Phillip I'm sorry. But I'm the new CEO. Listen, you are all welcome to live here. I don't want to take your home from you. All I ask is that you show me respect."
Alan Michael scoffs, "It doesn't matter. Because before long I will be the new CEO and your butt will be on the curb with the rest of the trash."
Alan Michael walks over to pour drinks.

Malah House:

Dinah is shocked, "Harley are you really giving Belinda back to me?"
Harley looks at them with a blank expression, "I remember when I was a young girl. I gave my baby Daisy up for adoption. Then she came back into my life as Susan. And I realized that a mother/daughter bond is something that shouldn't be messed with and a mother and daughter should never be kept away from each other."
Mallet looks at her, "Harley are you sure about this?"
Harley shakes her head, "No. But the fact of the matter is Belinda told me that she wants to be with you two. I'm not going to stand in her way. I will never do that."
Dinah looks at her, "Harley I'm..."
Harley hands her the bags, "No Dinah. Just stop before I change my mind. Okay? Please?"
Dinah takes the bags.
Belinda walks up to the door.
Dinah has tears in her eyes, "Oh my Baby."
Belinda walks towards her.
Suddenly the two are in an emotional hug."
A depressed Harley walks away.
Belinda runs after her, "Harley..." She hugs her, "Thank you Harley."
Harley sighs, "Our home is always open to you. You are one of us no matter what sweetheart."
Dinah and Mallet both have tears in their eyes.


Cyrus and Olivia are sitting at a table.
Olivia looks at him, "Okay I'm intrigued. Now will you explain to me what your so called plan is?"
Cyrus sighs, "Well you are helping Gus with his pill addiction. I'm helping Susan with an addiction of her own. Harley doesn't know."
Olivia looks at him, "Harley doesn't know. She is Susan's mother."
He sighs, "I'm not letting her find out. She doesn't need this now with everything going on."
She stares at him, "Okay so we are both in messed up situations. What does that matter."
Cyrus leans in, "I can help you with Gus and you can help me with Susan."
Olivia shakes her head, "I don't think so. Gus hates you because Harley is with you and not him. Susan is a Cooper. The Cooper's haven't been to happy with me since I broke Frank and Buzz's hearts."
He laughs, "Wait I knew you were with Buzz, but Frank too?"
Olivia sighs, "Drop it. Okay? Now I don't get what your saying. We can't just team up and make everything all better with a magic wand."
He nods, "I know that. But I have a plan. A way that we can help Gus and Susan together. But you have to trust me. Because it is going to get very complicated and people could get hurt."
A confused Olivia stares at Cyrus.


Ed, Rick and Michelle are all standing together.
Ed smiles, "So what are my children up to today?"
Michelle goes over her chart, "I have a few quick things then I think we can all do lunch."
Rick nods, "Me too. But I do have some mentoring stuff to do. A few of us Doctors were chosen to give some advice and tips to some of the medical students at Springfield U."

Ashlee walks up, "Rick?"
Rick smiles, "Hey Ashlee. Are you the student?"
She nods, "Yeah I'm so excited. I requested a Bauer because I know how great doctors you all are."
Michelle smiles, "Well you got a good Bauer and a good doctor. My brother here is going to have a lot to teach you."
Rick laughs, "Well my sister's a dork but she speaks the truth. I'm excited to talk with you Ashlee."
Ashlee smiles, "I am ready to learn. What can I do for you first?"
Rick laughs, "You can refill my coffee."
Ashlee grabs it, "Right away!"
Rick is surprised, "Oh Ashlee I was joking it's not even empty."
Ashlee doesn't hear him and rushes down the hall.
She goes to fast and accidentally runs into a woman, pouring the hot coffee all over her blouse.
Ashlee gasps, "Oh Miss I'm so sorry!"
The woman is furious, "God are you a complete moron?"
Roxie Shayne looks down at her coffee soaked blouse.

Reva Bend:

Josh walks Reva inside.
Reva sighs, "Just go Joshua. I'm fine now."
Josh follows her, "Reva we just got very bad news about Cassie. You aren't okay. Let me help you."
She sighs, "Just leave. Go find your girlfriend Annie Dutton."
Josh shakes his head, "Annie isn't my girlfriend!"
She turns to him, "You sure seemed pretty cozy with her at the Masquerade Ball!"
He sighs, "Reva, Annie is trying to redeem herself. I feel like I should give her the benefit of the doubt."
She shakes her head, "No. No. I don't think so. Annie Dutton doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. That woman is sick, she's twisted, she is a monster and I can't believe you let her back in our life?"
Josh shouts, "Our life? We don't have a life. I have my life. You have yours. You do whatever you want with yours. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do with mine!"
Reva scoffs, "Like throwing it away?"
Josh turns to her, "I'm not doing that!"
She sighs, "I am worried about you. You seem to have forgotten what Annie Dutton is capable of."
He turns to her, "No Reva. But I'm always surprised to learn what your capable of."
Josh walks away from her.


Rocky and Shayne walk through the park hand in hand.
Rocky can tell something is wrong, "Shayne is everything alright?"
Shayne turns to him, "I'm fine. Why?"
Rocky sighs, "You seem to be thinking about something. What's on your mind?"
Shayne looks at him, "Rocky we need to talk about something."
Rocky looks at him, "Your worrying me. What's going on?"
Shayne sighs, "Things are getting kind of complicated. I think we need to talk about a few things."
Rocky sighs, "Listen. Let's not do this. I know what this is about Shayne. I know."
Shayne stares, "You do?"
Rocky nods, "We've been fighting a lot lately. But I don't care anymore. If you are willing to do all of these things to help us have a family raising Marina's baby, then I can make sacrifices myself. I'm giving up the whole cop thing now."
Shayne is surprised, "Are you serious? You'd really do that?"
Rocky nods, "I am doing that. For us Shayne. Now do you still want to talk about this?"
Shayne is speechless.
Roxie Shayne is furious, "You burned my chest you ignorant little brat!"
Ashlee tries to help her, "I'm so sorry it was a complete accident. I didn't mean to. I was just so nervous."
Roxie looks at her, "Are you nuts? What is wrong with you?"
Rick walks up, "Oh God what happened?"
Roxie sighs, "This girl spilled hot coffee all over me."
Ashlee turns to him, "Dr. Bauer I'm so sorry. I didn't see her."
Rick helps clean up, "Roxie I don't think Ashlee meant to do this. Roxie this is Ashlee Wolfe. Mayor Wolfe's daughter."
Roxie laughs, "The Mayor who's in jail?"
Rick looks at Ashlee, "This is Roxie Shayne. She is Reva's sister."
Ashlee giggles, "Roxie. My friend Lizzie has a dog named Roxy."
Roxie stares at her, "Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye out for her. Maybe we can do lunch."
Ashlee sighs, "I really am sorry."
Roxie looks at her, "Just stop."
Rick sighs, "Ashlee why don't you just go chat with my Dad and my sister for a little bit okay?"
Ashlee walks away.
Rick turns to Roxie, "I know she comes on a little strong but she's a sweet girl. She used to baby sit for me all the time."
Roxie sighs, "I'm sorry. Will you help me find clothes to wear?"
Rick walks Roxie down the hall.
He is surprised to see this side of her.
Reva Bend:
Reva looks at Josh, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Josh turns to her, "You got some nerve getting onto me about being around Annie. You're the one who knew that Annie was back in Springfield and decided not to tell anyone."
She scoffs, "I wanted her to go without causing trouble. I didn't realize I was supposed to throw her a welcome home party!"
Josh looks at her, "Oh yeah by the way, when were you going to tell me that you and Chandler found out about the impostor and were looking for Annie all along?"
Reva sighs, "Looks like Annie can still get to you."
Josh shakes his head, "Is it true Reva? That's all I'm asking. Just give me a yes or no."
Reva sighs, "Yes. I knew."
He backs up, "You know I didn't want to believe it. But somehow this doesn't surprise me. This last year you have just been revealing one shocking secret after another."
Reva nods, "So it's obvious your still upset about me lying about Jonathan and Sarah."
Josh grabs his coat, "I am not going to deal with this now. I'm tired of talking with you Reva."
Reva shouts, "I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. Because Annie Dutton could eat you alive!"
Josh looks at her, "No one could hurt me more than you have."
Josh leaves Reva in tears.
Shayne looks down, "I just.... I'm sorry I'm still shocked that you are giving up this whole cop thing."
Rocky nods, "It took me a while. But I want to put you first. And I know this is what you want."
Shayne nods, "I only want what's best for you."
Rocky smiles, "I know you do. And you know what's best for me. Aren't you glad we've got everything out?"
Shayne grins, "Yeah. It's good for us. Get everything out of our system. So nothing will be holding us back at our wedding."
Rocky looks at him, "Can you believe that in a few weeks we'll be joined together for life?"
Shayne holds his hands, "I knew we'd end up together. And I am going to do everything to make sure that we have a happy life together."
Rocky nods, "And we won't let anything stand our way of us being happy together."
Shayne smiles, "Rocky you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that to me. I love you."
Rocky grins, "I love you too."
The two kiss.
Shayne walks Rocky back to the house.
Neither of them confessing the truth.
Olivia is with Cyrus still, "Okay. So what exactly did you have in mind to help Gus and Susan?"
Cyrus explains, "Okay. Harley told me about the cabin that she took Gus to in order to detox alone."
Olivia nods, "Gus said something about that. The one Beth held him and Alan captive in which is what caused everything."
He sighs, "I know it sounds crazy. But what if we all four went up there and helped the two of them detox."
She sits back, "I don't know. People get very violent in those situations. I don't know how we could handle it."
He leans in, "Listen. We need some place that is away from Springfield where we can keep everyone away."
Olivia sighs, "If and when Harley finds out about this, she is going to be furious with you."
Cyrus nods, "I know."
Olivia looks at him, "Do you? Not only are you keeping the secret about her daughter. But you are getting involved with her ex husband and me, she hates me very much."
He sighs "We are doing this for Harley."
Olivia laughs, "I'm not."
Cyrus sighs, "Are we working together or not?"
Olivia gives in.
The two partners shake hands.
Malah House:
Belinda walks back over to Dinah and Mallet.
A tearless Harley goes back to her car.
Dinah and Mallet take Belinda inside.
Belinda walks into the living room.
She looks at all of the pictures of relatives.
Mallet steps out of the room.
Dinah walks over to her, "We're going to tell you all about your family. Your Grandma Vanessa will come over later okay? But first there is one other person you need to meet first."
Mallet walks back in holding the baby, "Belinda this is your little brother Anthony."
Belinda walks over, "I have a baby brother?"
They all sit on the couch.
They put him in her arms.
Belinda looks down into her brothers eyes.
Outside Harley gets in her cars.
She rolls up the windows.
Turns on the radio.
With every power in her body Harley screams at the top of her lungs.
Harley throws her head down on the steering wheel crying.
Spaulding Mansion:
Annie walks around the office, "I'm not trying to upset anyone. But I do demand respect in my house."
Alex scoffs, "Oh would you please stop referring to this as your house. This is and always will be the Spaulding Mansion. And you my Darling are no Spaulding. You never will be."
Annie nods, "I know. And I have no desires to be a Spaulding. Believe me. I just want to do some good in this town."
Phillip sighs, "You can start by giving us back our company. Annie please. You don't want to get involved in this."
Annie sighs, "Phillip. You are my friend. But I am a good business woman and I know what I'm doing. I will prove to all of you that I am going to do a good job. The Spauldings will be a family that people are proud to be a part of in this town."
Alan Michael laughs, "Annie we've heard this before. The Spauldings are evil, bad, crazy, to powerful for their own good. But the fact of the matter is that we always come out on top. If you continue to battle us you will soon know the wrath of the Spauldings."
Alex walks over, "What my nephew is trying to say is that we are the Spauldings. And the Spauldings will do whatever we have to do to get what we want."
Annie nods, "Well I'm Annie Dutton. And I don't give up without a fight. Bring it on."
Annie walks out of the room.
The Spauldings all stare as she leaves.
Annie finds a new partner!
Olivia and Cyrus meet at the cabin
Michelle and Bill prepare their club
Rafe has a proposal for Liz
Vi has a plan to get Coop
Marah and Jeffrey get shocking information
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