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Episode#313: The Escape




Episode#313: The Escape

-Down in the Secret Room, Greta and Lea walk in…and Lea slowly and nervously tells Jan its time for her first check up, basically where she sees how the pregnancy is coming and how the baby is doing. Jan snaps to not touch her, but Greta happily says she doesn’t have a choice! Lea has a kit of medical supplies in hand, and Greta takes out a gun and tells Jan and Nicole to not move, as she unlocks the door and lets Lea in…

-Above the Secret Room in the Spears Mansion, Lucas walks in as it pours out rain outside. Eugenia is in the living room and tells him wow, its really storming out there. Lucas says yeah, and Eugenia comments how she hopes Will and Destiny will be alright. Lucas asks where they’re going, and she tells him about them going out…Lucas then says that it seems they may be here all alone tonight!

-Steve bursts into the police station, and he yells that he’s looking for Bo! An officer(Greg Vaughan) approaches him and tells him that Bo’s not in today, and introduces himself as Officer Chris Reddins and asks what he needs. Steve tells him that his wife is missing and he may know where she is!

-Kayla is lying in a pit somewhere, unconscious….a man, also unconscious, is seen next to her!

-Vivian asks Stefano what the hell he’s talking about, that’s preposterous! Stefano angrily tells her not to lie, it didn’t take much to figure it out! He tells her he’s been thinking ever since Peter’s funeral, and he’s figured it out…the only one who could do it is her! Vivian asks WHY she’d set Peter up to die, and Stefano tells her he knows everything…he knows he slept with her during the snow storm last Feburary, he knows he exposed that at the fashion show….he knows EVERYTHING! He says now its time for her to pay!

-Sami is sitting in her cell, thinking about how she has to kill Stefano…she nervously gets up when she sees prisoners running everywhere, but someone opens her cell and says its time to go…she looks up to see Larry Welch!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-At the Salem Airport, two people get off a plane….

-Nicole almost tries to make a break to escape, but Greta keeps the gun pointed at her…Lea walks in and sits Jan down, and as Nicole and Greta watch, she begins to check on her…Jan complains she needs to be let OUT of here to see a proper doctor, but Greta says this is all she’s getting…

-Eugenia asks if that’s a problem, and says no, not one bit…its storming pretty bad out there, anyway. Eugenia asks if there’s been any more luck in finding his fiancee, but he sadly says no…

-Steve explains everything to Chris about where he thinks Kayla is, and he says he can’t just go barging into random houses…Steve tells him NO, they have to, he is and he needs the PD’s help! Chris and Steve argue about what to do about the mysterious address!

-Vivian tells Stefano to CALM DOWN, and asks him what about their plans! He tells her that they don’t matter now, this marriage is over, he can carry on without her! Vivian backs away from Stefano, and he tells her its no use to try to run, and that all of his children were alive and well, and the rule over Salem was beginning…but she has ruined it! Vivian screams and thinks to herself that Sami better get here quick!

-Sami looks up at Larry and exclaims she knows of him and asks him what the hell he’s doing here, and Larry laughs and tells her he’s here on the behalf of Vivian Alamain DiMera….he’s here to break her out of jail! Sami gasps and looks around as the riot takes place, prisoners fighting guards, and thinks to herself this is her last chance to call this off!

-Lea continues to check up on Jan and her pregnancy, and she advises Jan to be calm, and that all this stress she has could be hurting her baby…Jan exclaims that she HAS to be stressed out, she’s locked down here with a lunatic! Lea sadly nods, and Jan asks her how she could go along with such a crazy, evil scheme…how could she keep this a secret! Lea sighs, and tells her please, she doesn’t like it but its part of her job. Jan tells her she’s just some random nurse off the street who Greta bought off with whatever money she inherited from her killer mother, and Lea again sighs as she finishes up…

-Lucas says he doesn’t know whats going on with Jan, and its been three months since she ran out on him around the time of Marlena’s death….he says however that he wants to try to get his mind off of her, she’s all that’s been going through his mind. Eugenia says she understands, and she can help with getting his mind off of Jan!

-Chris Reddins and Steve continue to argue, and Chris tells him without evidence or a warrant, they can’t just go barging into some house to try to find his wife…and he should have reported her missing instead of setting off on his own! Steve says that he wanted to find her himself, but now he may just need the PD’s help…he and Chris still argue, but suddenly someone tells Chris to calm down and that he can authorize them to go to this house…Steve turns around to see….SHANE DONOVAN(Charles Shaughnessy)!

-Stefano tells Vivian that he was a downright FOOL to ever get involved with her, he got her out of jail and cleared her for all of her crimes! Vivian tells him no, she’s helped him, she’s the CEO of Alamain for him…Stefano again says none of that matters now!

-Sami is tempted to call it all quits…she thinks to herself about what her mother would think…and how this may sacrifice any chance she has of anyone ever believing she didn’t kill Marlena…but then she thinks to herself about how she’ll be locked up in here for the rest of her life anyways, and remembers what Vivian said…Larry tells her there’s no time to laze around, they have to LEAVE! Larry yanks Sami out of her cell, and they run out, fighting through many guards and prisoners as they run throughout the prison…

-Vivian continues to beg Stefano just to calm down and they can talk through this, but Stefano refuses, and says she’s harmed his children…now he will harm her! Stefano begins to strangle Vivian!

-Larry and Sami run throughout the prison, Sami constantly thinking about how soon she will kill Stefano…chaos is all over the place as guards are overpowered by the prisoners, and Larry uses some spare weapons he grabbed to get past any that try to stop him and Sami…soon enough they finally get to exit, and…they both break it open! Sami and Larry DART out of the place…only for Sami to stop dead in her tracks when she sees someone before her out in the pouring rain as sirens blare: Her half sister, Carrie!


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