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Episode 134



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Plans are made in Springfield.....


Edmund is at the desk.
Beth walks over, "Okay so I am paying for you to stay here while we work on thigns."
Edmund sighs, "I don't know what we are going to do. If Lorelei is coming back into your life then we aren't going to be able to stop her."
Beth looks at him, "I understand that in a way this is out of my hands. But I have to atleast try to control things. I have Phillip, my mother, 3 children, and a granddaughter. I am not going to lose them to Lorelei. She is sick and she will hurt them."
Edmund walks to her, "Beth I will do everything I can. But you need to think. Think about what it is that brings Lorelei to you."
Beth sighs, "Lorelei always comes whenever I can't handle what is going on in my life. When things are to much to deal with."
He nods, "Like when I almost caused your death and was trying to kidnap you."
She nods, "Yes. That was when she came. But then it wasn't until I thought Phillip was dead and I married Alan that she started to reappear. Now she is getting closer and closer to taking full control of Beth again. I can't let that happen."
He sighs, "And what if she does Beth? What if Lorelei does take over again. What is going to happen? What are we to do?"
Beth takes a deep breathe, "At that point I can't do much. It's going to be up to you Edmund."
Edmund is worried.

Bauer Home:

Rick is in the kitchen.
Mindy is knocking on the door.
He slowly answers, "Mindy what do you want?"
She sighs, "I need to talk to you. It's important."
He lets her in, "If this is about us Mindy, I already told you that I am done and we are through."
She nods, "I know. And you were right. I do still have feelings for Rusty. And it was wrong to lie to you and myself about those feelings. I will never forgive myself for what I've done to you."
He nods, "Well that's funny. Because I don't know if I can forgive you either Mindy."
Mindy sighs, "Rick, I'm leaving Springfield. I have a job offer to move the business to New York. It's a great opportunity for my business. Especially with Spring coming up."
Rick looks down, "So your leaving?"
She nods, "Yes. I wish we had a chance to fix things between us before I had to go."
Rick walks over to her, "We will never be able to fix our relationship. It was a mistake trying to recreate what we once had."
She has tears in her eyes, "I know."
He takes a deep breathe, "But our friendship is still strong and will never die."
Mindy smiles, "Do you mean that Rick?"
He nods, "I do. We have been friends forever. And we will continue to be. All four of us."
Mindy nods, "You, me, Beth, and Phillip."
He smiles, "I have an idea. Let's go."
Rick takes her hand and the two leave.

Cross Creek:

Annie Dutton is going by and stops.
She walks over in shock.
"Oh my God... this looks like, it is. Cross Creek. It's in Springfield now?"
She can't believe her eyes.
Suddenly the front door opens.
Josh is on his way out.
He stops.
Josh is in complete shock.
Annie Dutton walks towards him.
Josh keeps staring, "Am I dreaming?"
She shakes her head, "No Josh. I'm back."
Josh walks towards her slowly.
Annie smiles at him.
Josh stands in front of her.
He puts his hand on her face, "It's really you?"
She nods, "Yes Josh. It's me. The real me."
Josh backs up, "No. No no. You had surgery. You did more horrible things. You aren't...."
She sighs, "Apparently you haven't heard yet. I'll explain that to you. But I need to you trust me Josh."
Josh still can't believe she is standing right in front of him.
Annie Dutton is back.

Natalia's House:

Alan and Natalia are sitting at the table.
Natalia smiles, "I can't believe our wedding is next week."
He nods, "Springfield's Masquerade Ball. This year it will be held at the Country Club. That's where we are going to say our vows Natalia. In front of the whole town."
She smiles, "I can't believe it's really happening. After this whole year of fighting to be together. We finally get to say I do."
Alan turns to her, "Do you remember the Masquerade Ball last year?"
She nods, "That's when Julie Camaletti was shot and Billy and Vanessa got remarried."
Alan smiles, "Anything else?"
She nods, "That was the first time I confessed my true feelings to you. And it's still true to this day. I love you Alan."
Alan smiles, "I love you too. Natalia you have changed me in the most amazing way."
Natalia sighs, "That is something that I think we should talk about before we do this Alan."
Alan is confused, "What?"
She sighs, "Change. Have you really changed Alan?"
He nods, "Of course I have. I just told you that."
Natalia looks at him, "But now that all of this stuff is going on with the company, I need to know. Are you going to go after the company again or are you going to have a family life with me and the baby. Because Alan I honestly don't think we can have both."
Alan stares into her eyes.

Private Hearing:

Harley is with her lawyer.
Dinah and Mallet are with their's.
The judge talks, "This is the private hearing of the custody of Belinda Aitoro. Between the biological mother Dinah Adele Marler Mallet. And the adoptive mother Harley Davidson Cooper. I will allow each of you to give me your final reasoning on why you should be awarded custody."
Harley nods, "I guess I'll go first. I'll be honest. One year ago, I didn't plan to adopt Belinda. I was trying to adopt a little girl named Sydney who I once took care of. And somehow in the process we accidentally adopted Belinda. I had no idea what to do. I was ready to talk to the judge and get it worked out. But then I fell in love with her. She has that spunk, and charisma. I don't know but I feel like she is my daughter now. Whether she was my blood or not. I love her your honor. No matter what."
Dinah's turn, "I was in Europe. I hooked up with this really bad guy. And I got pregnant. I had a little girl I named Chamberlin. Lin for short. And I knew that the life I was living wasn't fit for a child. So I made the hardest decision. I had to give her up. But now I am living my dream. I have an amazing husband. A beautiful home. A 3 month baby boy. And everything I've always wanted. Except my daughter. I wanted Lin, Belinda back. And I know in my heart that she wants to be with me."
Harley mutters under her breath, "Maybe you should tell them why you were in Europe."
The judge turns to Harley, "Excuse me."
Dinah scoffs, "They know about that."
Harley nods, "They need to be reminded. Dinah was in Europe because she was on the run. After she murdered her ex Hart while she was trying to kill his true love Cassie."
Dinah nods, "Yeah on the run like your daughter is now!"
Harley sighs, "And now she has brain damamge. I mean how can you trust her with any living person."
Dinah is holding back all of her anger.
Mallet stands up, "That's enough. Why don't we talk about the criminal that your sleeping with in your house Harley."
The whole room is tense.
Cyrus is standing outside the room and hears this.


Rue has a dream from her past in Pasadena.
Ashley is in front of him, "Who's bad now?"
Rufus, sweating, finally showing her fear,"Have you lost your mind, what are you going to do with that?"
Ashley"You want to be a woman right? Well I am here to help" Ashley revs up the chain saw again and swings towards Rufus.
In one moment she changes everything.

Rue wakes up in a sweat.
She is reminded where she is at.
The hospital does this to her a lot.
Jeffrey O'Neill walks in, "Where is Cassie?"
Rue sighs, "The doctors are trying to convince her to have immidiant surgery. It's gotten much worse."
Jeffrey nods, "How much worse?"
Rue sighs, "Well if she doesn't have the surgery she only has a couple of weeks left."
Jeffrey sighs, "And if she does..."
Rue nods, "Well then it could save her life. Or it could cause some brain damage and it could be fatal."
Jeffrey walks into the room.
Cassandra is trying to get dressed.
He grabs her, "Stop! What are you doing?"
She shouts, "I'm going home!"
Jeffrey shakes his head, "No! You need to do this. For RJ, Will and for Tammy especially."
She cries, "Tammy doesn't want me to do this!"
Jeffrey sighs, "How do you know that?"
Tammy's vision appears, "This is it isn't Mom? This is the room? The room they had me in? The room where I died."
Cassandra screams.


Cross Creek:
Josh is inside with Annie, "So what your saying is that all of the stuff that you did as Terri DeMarco wasn't you?"
Annie nods, "That's right. Josh I had no idea that Sabrina was going to pose as me and come to Springfield. I haven't been here since I..."
Josh nods, "Since you kidnapped Reva and left her in a plane to die."
Annie sighs, "I understand that you must be so angry at me for what I did to you and Reva. But I have had a lot of time. And I've changed Josh. I've changed in ways you wouldn't believe. Probably won't believe."
Josh sighs, "I'm sorry but your right. It's hard for me to believe that you have truely changed."
She takes a picture off the mantel, "Oh my God. Is this Shayne? He is all grown up. He looks just like his Daddy."
Josh nods, "He is having a child."
She grins, "That's amazing! Who's the lucky girl?"
Josh clears his throat, "It's a guy. Shayne is adopting a baby with his love Rocky."
Annie backs up, "Oh I had no idea. I am surprised. But as long as Shayne is happy then I am."
Josh nods, "You mean that?"
She smiles, "Yes. I know this might be hard to hear but I still love them. Shayne and Marah. Speaking of which how is Marah?"
Josh takes a picture of Marah and hands it to Annie, "She moved back to town a couple of years ago. She lived in France for a while. She and Melinda Sue have their own fashion line."
Annie grins, "That's incredible. I remember Marah always used to dress up her Barbies and talk about being a fashion designer. Now her dreams have come true."
Josh sighs, "She's dating a guy named Jeffrey. He's a lawyer. He is closer to my age then he is to hers."
Annie nods, "And you hate it don't you."
He laughs, "Yes I do I...," Josh catches himself, "I'm sorry. But I can't just sit here and laugh with you about the children. About my children. Not after everything you've done."
Annie nods, "I understand Josh. Maybe I should get going."
Josh takes her arm, "Wait."
Annie turns back and looks into Josh's eyes.

Natalia's House:
Alan looks at Natalia, "I understand that you must be nervous about whether or not I am going to revert back to the old Alan."
Natalia sighs, "Because the old Alan scares me."
Alan stands up, "The Alan who ran a billion dollar company, who lived in the big mansion, who tried to control peoples lives."
Natalia nods, "Alan I just..."
Alan continues, "The man who shot his own son, terrorized his daughter in laws, obessed over babies, and was responsible for the murder of the innocent Tammy Winslow."
Natalia sighs, "That is something that we don't talk about a whole lot. Tammy Winslow."
Alan sits back down, "Never will I ever forgive myself for that. That was the moment when I started to see who I really was and what I was capable of. And then you came in to my life shortly after that."
Natalia looks at him, "It's hard to believe you were that man."
Alan sighs, "It wasn't until Cassie took everything from me that I was able to let go and I started to fall in love with you."
Natalia nods, "And if you can get it all back, will you? And will you still want me and our life?"
Alan sighs, "Honestly. We aren't there so I don't know what will happen. But I know this. Natalia you are the love of my life. It took me years and years to find you. I had Elizabeth, Hope, Regina. I always thought one of them was it. But it was you. And now I have you and I don't want to let you go."
Natalia leans over and kisses Alan.

Edmund looks at Beth, "What do you want me to do?"
Beth sighs, "If Lorelei takes over me again. Then she will try and once again convince everyone she is me. And she will hurt the people that I love. It is up to you to tell them the truth."
Edmund sighs, "How am I supposed to know?"
Beth looks at him, "You know me. You know Lorelei. You will be able to tell. Believe me."
Edmund hugs her, "I'll help you Beth I promise."
Beth thanks him and leaves.
Beth walks downstairs to the lobby.
She is surprised when Rick and Mindy approach her.
Mindy smiles, "Hey. We were getting ready to go see you at your house."
Beth nods, "What for?"
Rick grins, "Phillip. Where is Phillip?"
Beth sighs, "Uh at the house I'm sure. What is going on?"
Mindy looks at her, "I know we haven't all been getting along this year after everything that happened with Penelope. But we need to see each other. All four of us."
Rick takes Beth's hand, "Come on Beth. For oldtimes sake."
Beth nods, "I think a little history is just what I need right now."
Mindy and Rick walk Beth out of the Beacon.

Cross Creek:
Annie looks at Josh, "If this is to difficult for you then I should go."
Josh sighs, "I'm surprised this isn't difficult for you. Considering where we are."
Annie walks past him and goes to the mantel, "Josh and Reva. Always and Forever. I must say I don't like this. But Josh I have gotten past all of that. I don't have all of that anger towards Reva before."
Josh sighs, "How can I believe that you will feel the same once you see her."
Annie nods, "I saw her. I actually saved her life."
He is surprised, "What are you talking about? What happened?"
She sighs, "I was going to the mansion to see Alan. I had to get a few things straight."
Josh shakes his head, "Alan doesn't live there anymore."
She nods, "I know that now. But Reva was there too. And a car was driving towards her from the house. Anyway I pushed her out of the way and saved her life."
He turns, "Reva. Is she okay?"
Annie nods, "She hurt her leg. But she was more caught up in seeing me again. She let it be known that I wasn't welcome in Springfield."
Josh is confused, "I can't believe Reva didn't tell me."
Annie sighs, "Apparently there are a lot of things she didn't tell you."
Josh turns to Annie.

Rue walks into the room.
Jeffrey is holding Cassandra, "Everything is okay."
Cassandra cries, "I don't understand."
Jeffrey is confused, "What?"
She is looking ahead, "I thought you wanted me to take over Springfield but I can't if I'm dead."
Rue looks up, "Who are you talking too?"
Cassandra shouts, "I'm not trying to forget you! I'm trying to help you. I love you!"
Jeffrey whispers in her ear, "Cassie is Tammy here right now?"
She nods.
Rue sighs, "Oh my God."
Jeffrey sighs, "What does Tammy look like?"
Cassandra sobs, "She's wearing her hospital gown. She is covered in blood. There are bruises all over her face."
Jeffrey shakes his head, "That's not Tammy."
Cassandra nods, "Yes it is."
Jeffrey shakes her, "No! That is not Tammy. It's not Tammy."
She cries, "But I see her! If that's not her then where is she?"
Jeffrey takes her hand and puts it on her chest, "Tammy is in here. She is your heart. And Jonathan's heart. Tammy is in all of us. Because we all loved her."
Rue sits with them, "Will you have the surgery?"
Cassandra nods and hugs Rue.

Private Hearing:
Mallet looks at the judge, "Your honor Ms. Cooper here is living with a known crimal. Cyrus Foley. He is a theif and kidnapper and probably more. He also used to date her niece, whom he once kidnapped."
Harley stands up, "Mallet you have no idea what you are talking about."
Mallet sighs, "I don't see why Belinda should go with a woman who is sleeping with a man like Cyrus."
Dinah looks at Mallet, "Stop. Sit down."
Mallet shakes his head, "Cyrus Foley would be a horrible father to this young girl. Anyone who'd want him as their child's father shouldn't be awarded custody."
Dinah shouts, "Mallet stop!"
Cyrus opens the door, "I have to say something."
The judge looks at him, "Who are you?"
Cyrus sighs, "I'm Cyrus Foley. I'm the man they are talking about. I was outside. But I can't stay back anymore."
Harley looks at him, "What are you doing?"
Dinah turns, "Get out!"
Cyrus sighs, "Listen you can't use me as a reason not to give Harley custody. I also have a past with Dinah."
Mallet nods, "I know you were her partner while she was away."
Cyrus nods, "Yes! Her partner while she was on the run in Europe. We were in love and we slept together. We concieved a child."
Harley stares, "Cyrus are you saying..."
Cyrus continues, "I may be a father figure. But I am also the biological father. Belinda is my daughter with Dinah!"
The Judge stares at Mr. Foley.
Mallet turns to Dinah.
Dinah is furious.
Harley stares at Cyrus in shock.

Cyrus explains everything
Cassandra's surgery
The Four Musketeers reunite!
Marina and Rocky make decisions about Shayne
Josh questions Annie
Olivia helps Gus


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Mindy is stragiht up tripping from rick to dusty back to rick. What the hell is wrong with h er. PLEASE LEAVE ASAP She fed Dusty and Rick the same lines. Get your plates out Dusty and Rick. Mindy got some b s for ya.

Dont Annie Know she got to earn that trust back. Its not going to happen with a snap of fingers. Esp after all shes done.

Honestly I dont think Harley sold herself to the judge very well. At one point I was like what the hell are you talking about But I loved this scene. I wish Dinah would think of whats best for B instead of going after what SHE wants.

THanks for the Rufus flashback. I was like is he going to take it all the way there. Thanks for the pg13 version.

I was about to get mad at Josh, getting all to comfy with Annie till he finally snapped out of it. Glad he got a brain.

Alan and Annie, people of change huh?

Wow i had no idea Cyrus was B's father too. THis changes everything. Another good cliffhanger and a GOOD TWIST.

Glad Sandra getting surgery. I really like her chaarater . SHE IS THE strognest woman on FTL. Ihope she not going no where.

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Mindy has finally realized her feelings.

Annie is trying to redeem herself but she was once the big villian of Springfield. She's got a long road ahead of her.

Harley has a lot of stress right now. And she and Dinah are sort of frenemies. And Dinah believes that she is right for Belinda. But in the end Belinda will end up in the home she wants.

I'm glad you liked the Rufus flashback.

It's difficult for Josh to deal with Good and Evil Annie. One made his life hell and the other he truely loved.

Well sorry about Cassandra. But everything has to end sometime. :(


Thanks for reading.

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