Episode 133
Plans are made in Springfield....


Reva wakes up at the bottom of a hill.
She was pushed out of the way of a speeding car.
Reva looks up to see who her hero is.
She is stunned by who she sees.
"Hello Reva."
Reva gasp, "Annie Dutton. Your back."
Annie sighs, "Wow. I really didn't expect this to be how I came back to town. Saving your life."
Reva sits up, "You threw me down a hill!"
Annie shakes her head, "I was saving you from getting hit by a car. Your welcome by the way."
Reva stares at her, "Now what. You think because you save my life that gives you the right to take it away."
Annie gets up, "You are unbelievable."
Reva looks at her, "I know you Annie. You have wanted me dead for years. Now we are out in the middle of no where. No witnesses. Isn't that why you followed me here?"
Annie scoffs, "Follow you? We're at the Spaulding Mansion. I was just coming to see Alan."
Reva sighs, "Alan? Alan doesn't live here anymore. The Spauldings don't live in the mansion anymore."
Annie looks at her, "Things really have changed."
Reva tries to stand up, "Well one thing hasn't. You are a psycho bitch. And I'm not letting you hurt my family again."
Reva tries to get up but her ankle is hurt.
She falls back down.
Annie Dutton looks down at the injured Reva Shayne.


Cassandra pulls her car in front of the building.
She walks to the doors.
She stops herself, "What are you doing? You are just a complete idiot coming here."
Rue walks up, "You are trying to save your life."
Cassandra turns, "What are you doing here?"
Rue sighs, "I saw your car here. I wanted to come and check on you. You need to see your doctors."
She shakes her head, "I don't even know what you are talking about? You are supposed to be at your meeting with Marah."
Rue sighs, "Don't change the subject. I found the information that Jerry guy left at the house."
She scoffs, "His name is Jeffrey and you have no right going through my things."
Rue looks at her, "You are clearly sick and you need help. Why aren't you getting the surgery."
Cassandra walks away, "I have my reasons."
Rue follows her, "Listen I don't usually focus on this kind of stuff. But I had a near death experience not to long ago. I know that you must be scared and maybe worried."
Cassandra turns to her, "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm not having the surgery and you can't stop me."
Rue nods, "Fine! Maybe we should go see Jeffrey."
Cassandra is angry, "What for?"
Rue sighs, "We should go over your will."


Jonathan is cooking in the kitchen.
Aubrey walks over, "I would have thought that they would be here by now."
Jonathan nods, "Well Shayne said they might be a little late."
Aubrey smiles, "I think this will be nice having family over for brunch. Our family."
Jonathan sighs, "I'm not much of a brunch person."
Aubrey hugs him, "Well we are going to have nice day just you, and me, and....."

Liz walks downstairs, "I think I see there car coming. This is going to be a good day."
Aubrey sighs, "It's nice that you could join us Lizzie."
Liz smiles, "Well it is my house Aubrey."
A knock on the door.
Liz and Aubrey both walk to the door.
They both reach for the door.
But Jonathan steps in between and opens it.

Shayne smiles, "Hey guys."
Marina is on one side of him and Rocky on the other.
Marina smiles, "Thanks for having us over."
The two sets of triangles look at each other.
Everyone walks in.
Aubrey hugs Shayne, "Oh it's so great to see you again."
Shayne grins, "You too Aubrey you look great."
Rocky looks around, "You have a lovely home."
Liz and Aubrey, "Thank you."
Jonathan takes there coats, "Well why don't you guys sit down. And we can start catching up?"
Liz looks at everyone, "I think this is going to be a good day."
Things are a little tense.


Mindy wakes up in bed.
Rusty is at the desk.
She gets up and walks over to him, "What are you doing?"
He sighs, "Uh, I was moving your stuff and your purse fell. Some of your stuff fell out. Including this."
He sits plane tickets on the desk.
She sighs, "Those. Those are..."
He nods, "Those are one way tickets to New York. It looks like you are leaving in a few weeks."
She looks at him, "I uh, bought those a while ago. After Rick and I broke up. I was planning to move there and work from there."
He turns to her, "Then what was this? Were you just trying to get a few things done before you left?"
She shakes her head, "No! Weren't you listening? I'm not going anywhere. I changed my mind. I realized that I wanted to stay here for you! With you! That's why I was with you."
Rusty shakes his head, "Mindy you were ready to move. I mean this is what you've always wanted was to have your dream of living in the big city and working on your fashion."
Mindy sighs, "I know that. But I also have a dream of having a relationship. You are the man of my dreams. And I am not going to put my career before my heart anymore."
Rusty looks at her, "And I'm not letting me put my selfishness before a woman's wellbeing again."
The two stare into each other's eyes.


Harley hugs Susan, "Oh my God! My Baby girl! Your here. Your really home."
Susan sighs, "Yeah. You look great Harley. And you have a good guy here."
Cyrus smiles, "I'm glad you two are together again."
Harley sits her down, "Tell me what's going on. Where is that man?"
Susan sighs, "He has a name Mom."
Harley sighs, "Where is Guillespie?"
Susan looks down, "He is gone."
Harley scoffs, "Of course. I knew he was no good. Let me guess you guys ran out of money and he went running and leaving you all by yourself to take the fall for everything."
Cyrus sits with them, "No. Harley, my brother realized what he had done to Susan. What he had done to everyone. He wanted to find a way to fix it."
Harley shakes her head, "There are some things no one can fix."
Susan has tears in her eyes, "He took the fall Harley for everything. He said that I was just a hostage."
Harley is confused, "What?"
Cyrus sighs, "He confessed to not only his crimes but to the murder of Julie Camaletti. The woman that Susan killed."
Harley shakes her head, "I don't get it. So he confessed to killing Julie. And he confessed to killing Tammy?"
Susan nods, "He took the fall for all of it."
Harley shakes her head, "No. Why didn't I hear about this? Why didn't Springfield hear about this?"
Cyrus sighs, "I pulled a few strings to keep things private. In a couple of days Cassie and Mallet will be notified about it."
Harley turns to him, "So where is Guillespie now?"
Susan cries, "A mental institution."

Springfield High:

Vi walks down the hallway.
Maureen is next to her, "So I guess our new English teacher starts today."
Vi nods, "I just hope he's better than Ms. Green."
Maureen sighs, "I can't believe she was arrested for drug possesion. I heard a student turned her in."
Vi nods, "Well you know those are just rumors. But she was a bad teacher anyway. She tried to fail me. Besides I have a good feeling about our new teacher."
They walk into the classroom.
A young blonde girl walks over, "Have you guys seen our new teacher? He is so hot!"
Vi laughs, "I'll be the judge of that."

Coop walks to the front of the class, "Hello. I'm Mr. Bradshaw. Some of you may know me. My family owns the diner Company. I'm going to be your new English teacher. I used to teach at a juvinile detention facility so I'm to worried about you guys."
Vi whispers to herself, "He is hot."
Coop looks at the seating chart, "So in the first row we have Denard Anderson, Danielle Bonn, Brooke Baker, Leah Carter, and Rachel Fisher. In the next row is Vi Grant-"
Vi walks over, "Hello Mr. Bradshaw. Welcome to Springfield High."
Coop shakes her hand, "Thank you Vi. I think I'm going to like it here."
She nods, "I think so too."
Vi can't stop staring at him.
Cassandra looks at Rue, "Why do I need to go over my will?"
Rue sighs, "Well I have been working hard to take down the Lewises and I'm going to get paid whether you are here or not."
Cassandra scoffs, "I should have known. You are nothing but a money hungry skank."
Rue nods, "Aren't we all? I mean after your gone maybe I'll hang around Springfield. That Jeffrey is hot. I know he's with Marah. But I have a feeling he needs a real woman."
Cassandra gets angry, "You stay the hell away from Jeffrey!"
Rue looks at her, "I knew it! You want him don't you? You don't want that Edmund guy. You have feelings for Jeffrey?"
Cassandra shakes her head, "I don't need anyone! I am doing fine on my own. I am running this town. I don't need anyone holding me back. Besides Jeffrey doesn't like the new me."
Rue walks towards her, "This surgery could save you! It could change your life. All of this anger and visions could be gone."
She shouts, "I don't want it gone! I want to stay this way! This is who I am now!"
Rue sighs, "Why? Why do need to stay this way? Like some villian?"
She cries, "I can't let the Spauldings win! I can't! They killed her! Like she was just some animal. They killed my Tammy! My baby! What kind of mother just moves on and forgets it."
Rue has tears in her eyes, "From what I hear you were a pretty good mother. You did everything. You did whatever you had to in order to protect Tammy. What happened to her wasn't your fault."
Cassandra sobs, "It was my job to protect her."
Rue holds her hands, "Let's just go inside and make an appointment for surgery. Next week. We don't have to do anything now. But you need to try and stop yourself from dying. Please?"
Cassandra nods.
Rue walks her inside.
Everyone is eating.
Shayne looks around, "Who made the meal? Did you Lizzie?"
Marina laughs, "I can just imagine a Spaulding cooking. Like they would ever lower themselves to that."
Liz scoffs, "Marina you are a guest in my house."
Marina nods, "I knew this was a bad idea coming here?"
Liz shakes her head, "You know what it doesn't matter. No matter what I do I will always be a Spaulding."
Marina looks at her, "Well I'm sorry. But everytime I look at you sitting next to Jonathan it make me sick. Tammy must be rolling over in her grave."
Rocky turns to her, "That is enough!"
Jonathan walks out of the room.
Aubrey tries to get up but Liz follows Jonathan.
Shayne sighs, "I think we should get going. I'll start the car."
Rocky stands, "I'll get our coats."
Marina and Aubrey are left at the table.
Marina sighs, "I'm so sorry. These hormones get the best of me. It's just, Lizzie is partly to blame for what happened to Tammy. And her living with Jonatahn just..."
Aubrey nods, "It's messed up. Believe me I know. I hate it. But Jonathan and I are trying to make our marriage work. Liz is just a... bitch."
Marina laughs, "I know exactly what you mean. I remember we used to call her... Oh!"
Aubrey looks at her, "What?"
Marina smiles, "The baby is kicking. Feel it."
Marina takes Aubrey's hand and puts it on her stomach.
Aubrey smiles, "I can feel it."
Marina grins, "It's amazing isn't it. A little baby growing inside of you."
Aubrey stares at Marina's tummy, "That's right a little baby. A baby the same age as my is going to be. Wow. I never thought about that."
Aubrey can't stop staring at Marina's stomach and picturing the little baby.
Aubrey rubs her fake pregnancy belly, "My Baby."
Springfield High:
Coop hands out a syllabus, "This semester is going to be a little different then the orginal plan. The curriculum is the same of course. But I am going to try and make it a more fun experience. I'm sorry about what happened with your other teacher. But I will make the transition as easy as possible for all of you. Any questions?"
Vi raises her hand. "Can we learn a little more about you? I mean since you are our new teacher."
Coop nods, "Well sure. My name is Henry but my friends call me Coop. You will all call me Mr. Bradshaw while at school. As I said before I taught at juvie. I was born in Springfield. But I grew up with my relatives in Europe. I went to school there. I learned a lot."
Vi smiles, "That must have been great studying in Europe."
Coop nods, "It was. Any other questions?"
Vi is the only one raising her hand again, "Are you married?"
Coop laughs, "No. I'm not married."
Maureen raises her hand, "What novels will we be reading this semester?"
Vi rolls her eyes.
Coop stands up, "That is a good questiong Ms. Reardon. I have a list I will be handing out later. It has all of our books on there. We'll go over that one tomorrow."
The bell rings.
Coop smiles, "Okay well thanks everyone. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Vi stands up, "By Mr. Bradshaw! I'll see you tomorrow."
He nods, "By Ms. Grant."
Coop finds Vi odd but doesn't think much of it.
Vi thinks about him the rest of the day.
Mindy looks at Rusty, "I don't get what you are telling me?"
He sighs, "You want this! You want to go to New York. I'm not going to the thing holding you back."
She shakes her head, "You aren't a thing! You are so much more. You are the man of my dreams Rusty. I want to be with you. Don't you want to be with me too?"
He nods, "Oh you know I want to be with you. But not like this. Not me making you choose between us and your dreams."
She sighs, "That's not what this is. I would love to work in New York sure. But Springfield is my home."
Rusty shakes his head, "That's not why you are staying. You are staying because you think that if you leave we won't be able to be together and we'll never see each other again."
She cries, "Because it's true! Rusty I am falling head over heals for you again and I am not going to blow it."
Rusty takes her hands, "What do you suppose we do?"
She looks at him, "Okay. I'm going to propose an option. But you don't have to agree."
Rusty nods, "Let me hear it."
She smiles, "Come with me! To New York! You can go back to being a detective. I'm sure there is a lot to do in New York.... No. What am I saying? Oh God! Your family is here. Everything you love is in Springfield."
He holds her, "Not if you go. I think that in Springfield we seem to have a lot of problems. Maybe New York will be different."
She smiles, "Does this mean..."
He smiles, "Let's do it! Let's go to New York!"
She jumps into his arms.
The two kiss.
Harley sighs, "Well I don't know what to say. Guillespie did all of this for you."
Susan nods, "Yes. Now he is paying for what we did."
Harley nods, "Well I am just glad that you are here. Your back!"
The two hug.
Cyrus sits with them, "We can take Susan home now. But she has to stay put. Tomorrow we will take her down the police station and explain everything. We need to be careful."
Harley nods, "Your right. Okay. So your coming home with us Susan?"
She nods, "Yes. I will. Is my old room still available?"
Harley grins, "Of course it is baby! Oh I love you!"
Cyrus looks at his watch, "You should get going first. We'll follow behind. We need to lay low."
Harley gets up, " Okay okay. I'm just so glad to have both of you back. I'll go home and I'll see you there."
She gives Susan one last big hug before she goes.
After she leaves Cyrus walks over to Susan, "Let me see your arm."
She rolls up her sleeve.
Her arm is cut up.
He sighs, "When the hell did you do that?"
She looks down, "I don't remember. Probably last night. I don't remember why."
He shouts, "Damn it! I thought you were clean?"
She sighs, "I found more in my bags. I couldn't stop myself."
He grabs her, "You promised me you'd kick all of this crap before I brought you to your mother."
She cries, "I tried! But I can't! It's not that easy. G and I got really into some messed up stuff."
Cyrus nods, "Oh boy don't I know it! But let me tell you one thing. We are going to stop this. Because I'll be damned if Harley and I wake up to find you dead on the floor after overdosing. She's got one druggie in her life. She doesn't need to know there is another."
Susan nods.
Cyrus walks her out of the room.
Annie sits by Reva, "I could have left you for dead. But I didn't. Reva believe it or not I didn't come back here for you."
Reva turns to her, "Then why did you come back?"
She shouts, "Because I need redemtion! I need redemtion. You know a thing or two about that."
Reva shakes her head, "No Annie. There is no redemtion for the things you've done."
Annie sighs, "Enough time has past. I've changed. And clearly so has Springfield. I guess for some reason. I expected things to remain the same since I was gone."
Reva shakes her head, "Well they haven't. Everything is different in Springfield. Some good some bad. Here's one you'll like. Josh and I are over."
She sighs, "Well I'm not surprised. You two will be back together soon."
Reva shakes her head, "No. It's for good this time."
Annie laughs, "We'll pretend like that's true. What'd you do this time?"
She sighs, "Josh married Cassie while I was dying of breast cancer."
Annie stares, "You have breast cancer?"
Reva sighs, "Had."
Annie turns, "Wow. Josh and Cassie? I mean I didn't see that coming. That doesn't sound like Cassie."
Reva sighs, "She isn't Cassie anymore. You want to see here then go to her new place. The mansion."
Annie turns and stares at the mansion.
Reva finally gets up.
Annie stares at her, "You need a ride to the hospital."
Reva shakes her head, "I am not going anywhere with you. I'm going home. I suggest you leave town. You're not welcome here."
Reva walks away.
Annie walks up the hill.
She walks to the gates of the Spaulding Mansion.
She turns and looks down the hill at Springfield.
She smiles, "Welcome home Annie Dutton."
Annie sees Josh!
The custody hearing
Mindy goes to the Bauer's
Cassandra makes a decision
Beth has a request for Edmund
Natalia and Alan plan the wedding


Reva wakes up at the bottom of a hill.
She was pushed out of the way of a speeding car.
Reva looks up to see who her hero is.
She is stunned by who she sees.
"Hello Reva."
Reva gasp, "Annie Dutton. Your back."
Annie sighs, "Wow. I really didn't expect this to be how I came back to town. Saving your life."
Reva sits up, "You threw me down a hill!"
Annie shakes her head, "I was saving you from getting hit by a car. Your welcome by the way."
Reva stares at her, "Now what. You think because you save my life that gives you the right to take it away."
Annie gets up, "You are unbelievable."
Reva looks at her, "I know you Annie. You have wanted me dead for years. Now we are out in the middle of no where. No witnesses. Isn't that why you followed me here?"
Annie scoffs, "Follow you? We're at the Spaulding Mansion. I was just coming to see Alan."
Reva sighs, "Alan? Alan doesn't live here anymore. The Spauldings don't live in the mansion anymore."
Annie looks at her, "Things really have changed."
Reva tries to stand up, "Well one thing hasn't. You are a psycho bitch. And I'm not letting you hurt my family again."
Reva tries to get up but her ankle is hurt.
She falls back down.
Annie Dutton looks down at the injured Reva Shayne.


Cassandra pulls her car in front of the building.
She walks to the doors.
She stops herself, "What are you doing? You are just a complete idiot coming here."
Rue walks up, "You are trying to save your life."
Cassandra turns, "What are you doing here?"
Rue sighs, "I saw your car here. I wanted to come and check on you. You need to see your doctors."
She shakes her head, "I don't even know what you are talking about? You are supposed to be at your meeting with Marah."
Rue sighs, "Don't change the subject. I found the information that Jerry guy left at the house."
She scoffs, "His name is Jeffrey and you have no right going through my things."
Rue looks at her, "You are clearly sick and you need help. Why aren't you getting the surgery."
Cassandra walks away, "I have my reasons."
Rue follows her, "Listen I don't usually focus on this kind of stuff. But I had a near death experience not to long ago. I know that you must be scared and maybe worried."
Cassandra turns to her, "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm not having the surgery and you can't stop me."
Rue nods, "Fine! Maybe we should go see Jeffrey."
Cassandra is angry, "What for?"
Rue sighs, "We should go over your will."


Jonathan is cooking in the kitchen.
Aubrey walks over, "I would have thought that they would be here by now."
Jonathan nods, "Well Shayne said they might be a little late."
Aubrey smiles, "I think this will be nice having family over for brunch. Our family."
Jonathan sighs, "I'm not much of a brunch person."
Aubrey hugs him, "Well we are going to have nice day just you, and me, and....."

Liz walks downstairs, "I think I see there car coming. This is going to be a good day."
Aubrey sighs, "It's nice that you could join us Lizzie."
Liz smiles, "Well it is my house Aubrey."
A knock on the door.
Liz and Aubrey both walk to the door.
They both reach for the door.
But Jonathan steps in between and opens it.

Shayne smiles, "Hey guys."
Marina is on one side of him and Rocky on the other.
Marina smiles, "Thanks for having us over."
The two sets of triangles look at each other.
Everyone walks in.
Aubrey hugs Shayne, "Oh it's so great to see you again."
Shayne grins, "You too Aubrey you look great."
Rocky looks around, "You have a lovely home."
Liz and Aubrey, "Thank you."
Jonathan takes there coats, "Well why don't you guys sit down. And we can start catching up?"
Liz looks at everyone, "I think this is going to be a good day."
Things are a little tense.


Mindy wakes up in bed.
Rusty is at the desk.
She gets up and walks over to him, "What are you doing?"
He sighs, "Uh, I was moving your stuff and your purse fell. Some of your stuff fell out. Including this."
He sits plane tickets on the desk.
She sighs, "Those. Those are..."
He nods, "Those are one way tickets to New York. It looks like you are leaving in a few weeks."
She looks at him, "I uh, bought those a while ago. After Rick and I broke up. I was planning to move there and work from there."
He turns to her, "Then what was this? Were you just trying to get a few things done before you left?"
She shakes her head, "No! Weren't you listening? I'm not going anywhere. I changed my mind. I realized that I wanted to stay here for you! With you! That's why I was with you."
Rusty shakes his head, "Mindy you were ready to move. I mean this is what you've always wanted was to have your dream of living in the big city and working on your fashion."
Mindy sighs, "I know that. But I also have a dream of having a relationship. You are the man of my dreams. And I am not going to put my career before my heart anymore."
Rusty looks at her, "And I'm not letting me put my selfishness before a woman's wellbeing again."
The two stare into each other's eyes.


Harley hugs Susan, "Oh my God! My Baby girl! Your here. Your really home."
Susan sighs, "Yeah. You look great Harley. And you have a good guy here."
Cyrus smiles, "I'm glad you two are together again."
Harley sits her down, "Tell me what's going on. Where is that man?"
Susan sighs, "He has a name Mom."
Harley sighs, "Where is Guillespie?"
Susan looks down, "He is gone."
Harley scoffs, "Of course. I knew he was no good. Let me guess you guys ran out of money and he went running and leaving you all by yourself to take the fall for everything."
Cyrus sits with them, "No. Harley, my brother realized what he had done to Susan. What he had done to everyone. He wanted to find a way to fix it."
Harley shakes her head, "There are some things no one can fix."
Susan has tears in her eyes, "He took the fall Harley for everything. He said that I was just a hostage."
Harley is confused, "What?"
Cyrus sighs, "He confessed to not only his crimes but to the murder of Julie Camaletti. The woman that Susan killed."
Harley shakes her head, "I don't get it. So he confessed to killing Julie. And he confessed to killing Tammy?"
Susan nods, "He took the fall for all of it."
Harley shakes her head, "No. Why didn't I hear about this? Why didn't Springfield hear about this?"
Cyrus sighs, "I pulled a few strings to keep things private. In a couple of days Cassie and Mallet will be notified about it."
Harley turns to him, "So where is Guillespie now?"
Susan cries, "A mental institution."

Springfield High:

Vi walks down the hallway.
Maureen is next to her, "So I guess our new English teacher starts today."
Vi nods, "I just hope he's better than Ms. Green."
Maureen sighs, "I can't believe she was arrested for drug possesion. I heard a student turned her in."
Vi nods, "Well you know those are just rumors. But she was a bad teacher anyway. She tried to fail me. Besides I have a good feeling about our new teacher."
They walk into the classroom.
A young blonde girl walks over, "Have you guys seen our new teacher? He is so hot!"
Vi laughs, "I'll be the judge of that."

Coop walks to the front of the class, "Hello. I'm Mr. Bradshaw. Some of you may know me. My family owns the diner Company. I'm going to be your new English teacher. I used to teach at a juvinile detention facility so I'm to worried about you guys."
Vi whispers to herself, "He is hot."
Coop looks at the seating chart, "So in the first row we have Denard Anderson, Danielle Bonn, Brooke Baker, Leah Carter, and Rachel Fisher. In the next row is Vi Grant-"
Vi walks over, "Hello Mr. Bradshaw. Welcome to Springfield High."
Coop shakes her hand, "Thank you Vi. I think I'm going to like it here."
She nods, "I think so too."
Vi can't stop staring at him.
Cassandra looks at Rue, "Why do I need to go over my will?"
Rue sighs, "Well I have been working hard to take down the Lewises and I'm going to get paid whether you are here or not."
Cassandra scoffs, "I should have known. You are nothing but a money hungry skank."
Rue nods, "Aren't we all? I mean after your gone maybe I'll hang around Springfield. That Jeffrey is hot. I know he's with Marah. But I have a feeling he needs a real woman."
Cassandra gets angry, "You stay the hell away from Jeffrey!"
Rue looks at her, "I knew it! You want him don't you? You don't want that Edmund guy. You have feelings for Jeffrey?"
Cassandra shakes her head, "I don't need anyone! I am doing fine on my own. I am running this town. I don't need anyone holding me back. Besides Jeffrey doesn't like the new me."
Rue walks towards her, "This surgery could save you! It could change your life. All of this anger and visions could be gone."
She shouts, "I don't want it gone! I want to stay this way! This is who I am now!"
Rue sighs, "Why? Why do need to stay this way? Like some villian?"
She cries, "I can't let the Spauldings win! I can't! They killed her! Like she was just some animal. They killed my Tammy! My baby! What kind of mother just moves on and forgets it."
Rue has tears in her eyes, "From what I hear you were a pretty good mother. You did everything. You did whatever you had to in order to protect Tammy. What happened to her wasn't your fault."
Cassandra sobs, "It was my job to protect her."
Rue holds her hands, "Let's just go inside and make an appointment for surgery. Next week. We don't have to do anything now. But you need to try and stop yourself from dying. Please?"
Cassandra nods.
Rue walks her inside.
Everyone is eating.
Shayne looks around, "Who made the meal? Did you Lizzie?"
Marina laughs, "I can just imagine a Spaulding cooking. Like they would ever lower themselves to that."
Liz scoffs, "Marina you are a guest in my house."
Marina nods, "I knew this was a bad idea coming here?"
Liz shakes her head, "You know what it doesn't matter. No matter what I do I will always be a Spaulding."
Marina looks at her, "Well I'm sorry. But everytime I look at you sitting next to Jonathan it make me sick. Tammy must be rolling over in her grave."
Rocky turns to her, "That is enough!"
Jonathan walks out of the room.
Aubrey tries to get up but Liz follows Jonathan.
Shayne sighs, "I think we should get going. I'll start the car."
Rocky stands, "I'll get our coats."
Marina and Aubrey are left at the table.
Marina sighs, "I'm so sorry. These hormones get the best of me. It's just, Lizzie is partly to blame for what happened to Tammy. And her living with Jonatahn just..."
Aubrey nods, "It's messed up. Believe me I know. I hate it. But Jonathan and I are trying to make our marriage work. Liz is just a... bitch."
Marina laughs, "I know exactly what you mean. I remember we used to call her... Oh!"
Aubrey looks at her, "What?"
Marina smiles, "The baby is kicking. Feel it."
Marina takes Aubrey's hand and puts it on her stomach.
Aubrey smiles, "I can feel it."
Marina grins, "It's amazing isn't it. A little baby growing inside of you."
Aubrey stares at Marina's tummy, "That's right a little baby. A baby the same age as my is going to be. Wow. I never thought about that."
Aubrey can't stop staring at Marina's stomach and picturing the little baby.
Aubrey rubs her fake pregnancy belly, "My Baby."
Springfield High:
Coop hands out a syllabus, "This semester is going to be a little different then the orginal plan. The curriculum is the same of course. But I am going to try and make it a more fun experience. I'm sorry about what happened with your other teacher. But I will make the transition as easy as possible for all of you. Any questions?"
Vi raises her hand. "Can we learn a little more about you? I mean since you are our new teacher."
Coop nods, "Well sure. My name is Henry but my friends call me Coop. You will all call me Mr. Bradshaw while at school. As I said before I taught at juvie. I was born in Springfield. But I grew up with my relatives in Europe. I went to school there. I learned a lot."
Vi smiles, "That must have been great studying in Europe."
Coop nods, "It was. Any other questions?"
Vi is the only one raising her hand again, "Are you married?"
Coop laughs, "No. I'm not married."
Maureen raises her hand, "What novels will we be reading this semester?"
Vi rolls her eyes.
Coop stands up, "That is a good questiong Ms. Reardon. I have a list I will be handing out later. It has all of our books on there. We'll go over that one tomorrow."
The bell rings.
Coop smiles, "Okay well thanks everyone. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Vi stands up, "By Mr. Bradshaw! I'll see you tomorrow."
He nods, "By Ms. Grant."
Coop finds Vi odd but doesn't think much of it.
Vi thinks about him the rest of the day.
Mindy looks at Rusty, "I don't get what you are telling me?"
He sighs, "You want this! You want to go to New York. I'm not going to the thing holding you back."
She shakes her head, "You aren't a thing! You are so much more. You are the man of my dreams Rusty. I want to be with you. Don't you want to be with me too?"
He nods, "Oh you know I want to be with you. But not like this. Not me making you choose between us and your dreams."
She sighs, "That's not what this is. I would love to work in New York sure. But Springfield is my home."
Rusty shakes his head, "That's not why you are staying. You are staying because you think that if you leave we won't be able to be together and we'll never see each other again."
She cries, "Because it's true! Rusty I am falling head over heals for you again and I am not going to blow it."
Rusty takes her hands, "What do you suppose we do?"
She looks at him, "Okay. I'm going to propose an option. But you don't have to agree."
Rusty nods, "Let me hear it."
She smiles, "Come with me! To New York! You can go back to being a detective. I'm sure there is a lot to do in New York.... No. What am I saying? Oh God! Your family is here. Everything you love is in Springfield."
He holds her, "Not if you go. I think that in Springfield we seem to have a lot of problems. Maybe New York will be different."
She smiles, "Does this mean..."
He smiles, "Let's do it! Let's go to New York!"
She jumps into his arms.
The two kiss.
Harley sighs, "Well I don't know what to say. Guillespie did all of this for you."
Susan nods, "Yes. Now he is paying for what we did."
Harley nods, "Well I am just glad that you are here. Your back!"
The two hug.
Cyrus sits with them, "We can take Susan home now. But she has to stay put. Tomorrow we will take her down the police station and explain everything. We need to be careful."
Harley nods, "Your right. Okay. So your coming home with us Susan?"
She nods, "Yes. I will. Is my old room still available?"
Harley grins, "Of course it is baby! Oh I love you!"
Cyrus looks at his watch, "You should get going first. We'll follow behind. We need to lay low."
Harley gets up, " Okay okay. I'm just so glad to have both of you back. I'll go home and I'll see you there."
She gives Susan one last big hug before she goes.
After she leaves Cyrus walks over to Susan, "Let me see your arm."
She rolls up her sleeve.
Her arm is cut up.
He sighs, "When the hell did you do that?"
She looks down, "I don't remember. Probably last night. I don't remember why."
He shouts, "Damn it! I thought you were clean?"
She sighs, "I found more in my bags. I couldn't stop myself."
He grabs her, "You promised me you'd kick all of this crap before I brought you to your mother."
She cries, "I tried! But I can't! It's not that easy. G and I got really into some messed up stuff."
Cyrus nods, "Oh boy don't I know it! But let me tell you one thing. We are going to stop this. Because I'll be damned if Harley and I wake up to find you dead on the floor after overdosing. She's got one druggie in her life. She doesn't need to know there is another."
Susan nods.
Cyrus walks her out of the room.
Annie sits by Reva, "I could have left you for dead. But I didn't. Reva believe it or not I didn't come back here for you."
Reva turns to her, "Then why did you come back?"
She shouts, "Because I need redemtion! I need redemtion. You know a thing or two about that."
Reva shakes her head, "No Annie. There is no redemtion for the things you've done."
Annie sighs, "Enough time has past. I've changed. And clearly so has Springfield. I guess for some reason. I expected things to remain the same since I was gone."
Reva shakes her head, "Well they haven't. Everything is different in Springfield. Some good some bad. Here's one you'll like. Josh and I are over."
She sighs, "Well I'm not surprised. You two will be back together soon."
Reva shakes her head, "No. It's for good this time."
Annie laughs, "We'll pretend like that's true. What'd you do this time?"
She sighs, "Josh married Cassie while I was dying of breast cancer."
Annie stares, "You have breast cancer?"
Reva sighs, "Had."
Annie turns, "Wow. Josh and Cassie? I mean I didn't see that coming. That doesn't sound like Cassie."
Reva sighs, "She isn't Cassie anymore. You want to see here then go to her new place. The mansion."
Annie turns and stares at the mansion.
Reva finally gets up.
Annie stares at her, "You need a ride to the hospital."
Reva shakes her head, "I am not going anywhere with you. I'm going home. I suggest you leave town. You're not welcome here."
Reva walks away.
Annie walks up the hill.
She walks to the gates of the Spaulding Mansion.
She turns and looks down the hill at Springfield.
She smiles, "Welcome home Annie Dutton."
Annie sees Josh!
The custody hearing
Mindy goes to the Bauer's
Cassandra makes a decision
Beth has a request for Edmund
Natalia and Alan plan the wedding
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