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Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth!




Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth!

-Celeste is at her house, and she takes out her Tarot Cards….as she performs a random reading, suddenly she shouts “DEATH”!

-Hope and Julie are still in jail together, and they simply sit around and chat a little bit….but suddenly, Ji’Min, their lawyer, comes in and tells them he has some news!

-Lucas sits in the waiting room at the hospital, and Mike comes out of Eugenia’s hospital room. Lucas asks if she’s alright, and he smiles and nods, and says he guesses it was just some serious stomach pain, her and her baby at fine…Lucas says thank goodness, they were just talking and suddenly he had to rush her to the hospital. Mike tells him nots to worry, its all fine, but then he says:

Mike:I’m a little confused though…I thought you were engaged to Jan Spears, when did you and Eugenia get together?

-Vivian walks into Stefano’s office at the DiMera Mansion….he continues to think about Peter’s death, and when he sees her enter, it makes him think about how she could be behind it. She greets him, and he asks what she needs. She says she just needs….a simple favor….she then tells him she needs him to change his will!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Bo is at his house, and he hears a knock on the door. He goes to answer it, and opens it to see Kristen! They greet each other, and he says he’s sorry about her brother….he hopes they can find the murderor. Kristen nods and thanks him, and he asks what made her drop by. She says she just wanted to come see her good friend Bo, she was going to the other night…but then Peter died. She asks how he’s been, and he says he’s not sure….some weird things have been happening in his life lately!

-Celeste continues to shout “DEATH”, and she exclaims that death is coming to Salem! She looks down at her Tarot Cards and tries to get a better reading but suddenly one of them turn into a picture of….LEXIE!

-Julie anxiously asks Ji’Min what news, and he says since they hired him, he’s been trying to pull some strings in the court…since Hope has been locked up here since June, and Julie since April….he tells them that he just may be able to get them out of jail by TOMORROW, and clear them on all charges!

-Lucas is silent for a moment, and chuckles before telling Mike that he’s not with Eugenia, she’s not even pregnant with his baby….they just have been talking a bit more lately, and that’s it. Mike says oh, and apologizes, and Lucas explains that he still can’t find Jan. Mike says that’s too bad, and they talk for a moment before Lucas asks if he can see Eugenia. Mike says yes, and Lucas goes in to see her!

-Stefano looks up at Vivian, confused, and asks why she suddenly wants him to change his will….Vivian pauses, before explaining that she remembered that last year…when Renee and Elvis made the town think he was dead, there was a battle for his will, and Celeste altered the contents and nearly got everything in the DiMera family before he awoke…and she says she thinks he needs to change it pronto incase something happens to him…Stefano tells her he doesn’t understand, and Vivian says that his rule over Salem would crumble if somehow, his will had to be read and Celeste got everything! Stefano tells her fine, he’ll do that…but they need to discuss something, and that is Peter!

-Kristen asks what kind of weird things, and Bo says she just lost her brother, he shouldn’t waste her time. He says that this may seem weird but…..for some reason he thinks he had a one night stand with someone….Kristen’s eyes widen and she remembers Megan walking out of his house the night of Peter’s death, and she asks if he has any idea who! He says no, but he may have done it because he’s been having such a tough time since Hope went to jail. Kristen tells him she totally understands, and then says:

Kristen:You know….now maybe I understand what its like to lose someone….a bit more than I ever did. I lost John, yeah, and that hurt me and still hurts today…I really did love him…more than anything, but…after Peter’s death, I know what its like to lose someone who you knew and loved your whole life, and for them to be really gone…Bo, you’ve lost people, whether its by death or going to jail or something…how do you survive?

Bo:Its hard to explain, but…it takes a strong person to survive all that’s happened to me, or you for that matter. And believe me Kristen, you’re a strong woman. Stronger than most out there. You were raped, you were thrown in jail…you were held in a dungeon for almost 9 years, you’ll survive this, you will….I’ll be there for you every step of the way.

Kristen:Heh, thanks…its just….I remember when we were kids, playing together. We didn’t really know our other siblings, we knew Tony who turned into a perveted pig, so it was just me and him…and when my father had to be gone for months on end, it was him who was there for me….he came to Salem with me, he was there for years with me, he supported me through my rape….my….I….its just, now he’s gone…I’m never going to see him again, hear his voice…see him walking around the mansion…he’ll never be there to comfort me like a brother should…and I couldn’t even stop it…he did so much for me, HE PROTECTED ME, but I couldn’t do the same for him! I couldn’t ever protect him, I couldn’t stop some bastard from killing him!

Tears flow from Kristen’s eyes as she breaksdown, and Bo slowly puts his hands on her shoulders, and whispers:

Bo:It’ll…be alright, Kristen, I promise…you have me, you-

Kristen:And who else do I have?! My father is on some domination quest and married some gold digging bitch, Megan is a full fledged psycho, Elvis is just as evil as they come, Tony’s nothing but a rapist, I don’t know Renee THAT well, Lexie’s wonderful but she has to raise up her son and things like that….my therapist is dead, Jennifer and Billie aren’t in town…you are the only friend I have to turn to….

Bo:And that’s why whenever you turn to me, I won’t hesitate to listen.

Kristen:Thank…thank….you…you’re such a great man, Bo.

Kristen’s eyes are a mess right now, but they lock with Bo’s eyes….they look at each other, and slowly, they lean in and…..KISS! Bo very slowly begins to take Kristen’s clothes off, and she lets him….they both continue to kiss, and they fall to the floor, kissing and making love….

-Celeste gasps and yells that her daughter can’t be in danger….she says she must protect her, she won’t lose her….suddenly the picture of Lexie dissappears, and Celeste sighs in relief as she whispers that Lexie won’t die…she however says that death shall strike once again!

-Hope thanks Ji’Min so much….she says soon she’ll be reunited with her children…and maybe even…her husband!

-Lucas walks into Eugenia’s room, and asks how she’s feeling. She slowly nods and answers she’s feeling much better now, and he says that’s good, he was worried. She thanks him, she says it was so kind for him to bring her to the hospital…she says she’ll be released soon, and she’ll just go home. Lucas tells her no….after this and talking to her, he…would like her to stay in the Spears Mansion! Her eyes widen and asks if he’s sure, and says she couldn’t impose, and he says she wouldn’t be imposing. They talk for a minute before she finally accepts the offer! Lucas says excellent, and they both smile at each other….

-Vivian’s jaw drops and she asks what about Peter. Stefano slowly says that he found his murder a bit odd, and asks if she possibly knew anything about it….Vivian immediately says NO, and nervously asks how he could even ask that. Stefano tells her he just needs to find out who killed his son…and Vivian is inwardly confused as she knows Stefano and Kate intended to kill Tony….she tells him she knows nothing, and he nods, and she quickly turns around to leave….she walks out the door, and mutters to herself that that was odd, but by this time in two days or so…her husband will be dead anyway. She walks off, and Stefano says:

Stefano:That confirms my suspcision….Vivian set up my son to die.


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  • Members

I always loved Celeste tarot card readings

Good to see hope and Julie again too

To late for predicting death Celeste. Peter is already dead, lol But Lexie?

Hope is out of jail bout time

Nice to see Kristen and Bo connect. They make a hot couple and woah they had sex already . Why cant the secret room storyline move this fast?

Bo is a hot item, Hope, Kristen, Megan and that other girl

Eugenia and Lucas? Totally two thumbs down YUCK!!!!!

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