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Episode 129



A lot of information exchanged in Springfield....


Coop is hugging Buzz, "It's so great to see you Dad."
Buzz smiles, "Look at you. God I missed you!"
Coop looks over at Ashlee, "Hi."
She nods, "Hey Coop."
Buzz backs away, "Don't let me stand between you two you must have missed each other these past few weeks of being a part."
Ashlee walks over to Coop, "Did you have a good flight?"
He nods, "Yeah."
The two kiss.
Buzz notices that the passion seems to have disappeared.
Ashlee looks at her watch, "You know sweetie I'd love to stay but I have my classes. So you can get settled in and I'll see you later?"
He nods, "Sure have a good class."
Ashlee walks out.
Coop grabs his bags, "I'm assuming my old room is available. I'm just going to take these upstairs and unpack."
Buzz steps in front of him, "Not just yet."
Coop laughs, "What Dad? Do you want something?"
Buzz nods, "Oh hell yeah. I want to know what is going on between you and Ashlee. Coop?"
Coop is at a loss for words.

Harley's House:

Harley and Belinda are arguing.
Dinah runs over, "Get your hands off my daughter!"
Harley turns to her, "Dinah what are you talking about?"
Mallet and Jeffrey rush in.
Mallet sighs, "Dinah..."
Harley looks at them all, "What is going on?"
Jeffrey turns to Harley, "We need to talk right now."
Dinah walks to Belinda, "Do you know who I am?"
Belinda stares at her.
Harley steps between them, "Dinah. What are you talking about?"
Jeffrey sighs, "Harley there's something you need to know."
Harley looks at Belinda, "Go upstairs."
Dinah shakes her head, "No. Don't send her away!"
Harley scoffs, "Dinah stop it! Belinda go upstairs."
Belinda slowly walks upstairs.
She looks at Dinah the whole way.
Dinah stares at her as she leaves.
Jeffrey walks to Harley, "Listen. I found out that Belinda's biological mother is Dinah. Dinah had her in Europe and had to give her up. The Driscoll's got her and... well you know the rest."
Harley is in shock, "This can't be possible... I don't understand. Are you telling me that Belinda is Dinah's daughter."
Dinah nods, "Yes. My daughter. And I'd like her back rught now."
Harley is shocked by Dinah's demand.


Cassandra walks Rufus into the house.
Rufus looks around, "Oh my God! This place is... it's like a castle or something. I mean I saw it on top of the hill but... you live here?"
She nods, "Oh yes. This is my mansion. And you are in my town."
Rufus stares at everything, "You are one loaded bitch huh? What do you do? Or who do you do? Whatever it is I want in."
She laughs, "Oh I am the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Rufus is speechless, "Wow you must be a freaking billionaire."
She nods, "Something like that."
Rufus grins, "You are like my idol."
Cassandra walks around him, "You are a very interesting... woman? Yes. This style of yours..."
Rufus nods, "Sexy?"
She sighs, "Not the word I was thinking of. Now this may be a hot look where you come from but here in Springfield someone dressed like that is either a prositute or... well you."
Rufus looks at her, "What did you mean before? About being my fairy godmother? I don't get it."
She smiles, "Well I saved your life which means it belongs to me now. And I have a job for you."
Rufus sighs, "Sorry Babe. But I have a job. And I don't need to be some maid or crap like that."
Cassandra puts her hand on Rufus's face, "Oh Babe. The job I'm talking about is different. Do you know much about being a Corporate Espionage?"
Rufus is interested.


Marah and Marina are shopping.
Marina is looking at clothes, "I hate this. I can't buy anything because nothing fits longer than a week."
Marah laughs, "Who wears the same outfit more than once anyways? Marina I told you that I'm going to get you cute outfits for your maternity."
Marina sighs, "I didn't expect to gain all of this weight so fast."
Marah rubs her belly, "I'm so happy for you sweetie! And I have two little nieces or nephews."
Marina nods, "Oh yeah that one girl is pregnant. Aubrey right?"
Marah nods, "Yes. I really like her. She reminds me of Tammy. She's really good for Jonathan. Much better than you know who."
Marina smiles, "Oh yes. I have my share of issues with Lizard Spaulding."
Marah laughs, "I think I'll use that. I'm really just worried about my brother. I mean I have to be nice because he likes Lizzie but I know that he should stay with Aubrey."
Marina looks down, "Well yeah you just want your brother to be happy whether it's with one person or another."
Marah nods, "Well yeah. But I want him to be with someone who can love him for who he is and appreciate him."
Marina agrees, "I know Marah. I want the same thing you do!"
Marah turns to her, "Marina? Are we talking about Jonathan? Or are we talking about Shayne?"
Marina is speechless.

Harley's House:
Harley stares at Dinah, "What are you talking about? You just found this out? Now you just wanted to swing by and take my daughter?"
Dinah shakes her head, "No. She's my daughter. My daughter! I carried her. I gave birth to her."
Harley nods, "Then you gave her away."
Dinah goes to hit her but Mallet pulls her back, "Dinah. Dinah."
Jeffrey walks over, "Harley listen. For a little while Dinah thought her child was dead. She is a little emotional. You need to understand that she is just wanting to see her daughter."
Dinah shakes her head, "You don't have to speak for me Jeffrey. Harley that is my daughter. She is my daughter."
Harley shakes her head, "No. I'm sorry Dinah but we have a family here. Okay? Me and my family are happy?"
Dinah scoffs, "Family? With who? Gus? Where the hell is Gus? From what I here he is living at the Beacon and being a jerk to everyone."
Harley sighs, "That is really none of your business Dinah. Okay you need to get out of my house right now."
Dinah laughs, "Oh God! You are pathetic. You just can't accept what is happening here."
Harley shouts, "What are you talking about?"
Dinah shouts back, "Harley I saw it when I came in here. It's obvious why you are afraid of me taking her. Because she'd be happy with me. It's clear that she hates you!"
Harley gets furious.

Bauer Home:

Mindy holds the pictures.
She looks through them of her making out with Rusty.
She looks at them, "Rick... where? Where did you get these from?"
Rick stares at her, "What? Why the hell does that matter to you?"
She shouts, "Just tell me?"
Rick stands up, "You are nuts."
Mindy nods, "I knew it! It was her wasn't it? It was her. Roxie Shayne brought you these pictures!"
Rick turns to her, "So what if she did? Does that make them disapear? Do I have to forget I saw them?"
She sighs, "Don't you see? Rick she is trying to break us up! She wants you! And most of all she wants to hurt me and ruin my life! She is a psychopath who has to be stopped!"
Rick scoffs, "Oh my God! Roxie didn't do this to us Mindy. You did! You are the one who cheated on me with Rusty Shayne!"
Mindy shakes her head, "No! Roxie did this."
He laughs, "Are you joking? Are you going to tell me that what she pushed you and you fell into his naked arms?"
Mindy sighs, "Rick... It's not what it looks like. I didn't cheat on you."
Rick holds the pictures, "Then what the hell do you call this?"
She takes them, "But this is all that happened. I stopped it before it got to far."
Rick stares at her, "If this isn't to far for you, then maybe you are just this type of person Mindy."
Rick walks out of the room.


Marah stares at Marina, "Are you talking about you and Shayne?"
Marina sighs, "Okay just... don't be mad at me. But look Shayne and I have been getting close again. And he wants to raise my child. Doesn't that mean something?"
Marah sighs, "Sweetheart. He wants to raise your baby with Rocky. He is in love with Rocky."
Marina nods, "I get what your saying. But they have been having problems for a long time now. I'm not even sure if Rocky wants the baby. And... Shayne and I, we kissed."
Marah gasp, "Oh my God! Are you kidding me? You kissed Shayne? When?"
She sighs, "Okay we kissed on New Year. That was just spontaneous. We acted like it wasn't a big deal. Then two weeks ago... we kissed again. And we didn't talk about it. But... I think there is something happening."
Marah turns, "I can't believe this! This is huge Marina! I mean Shayne's not even... you know."
Marina nods, "I know. But maybe he has been confused about his sexuality. And maybe Shayne still has feelings for me."
Marah sits down, "I don't even know what to say. I mean I know that Rocky and Shayne care for each other. But I guess a part of me always wanted you to be my sister in law."
Marina sits by her, "Does that mean that if this does happen that you will support us?"
Marah nods, "Of course. I just want you both to be happy. Maybe you and Shayne are meant for each other."
Marina hugs her.

Harley's House:
Harley is angry with Dinah, "You are crossing the line Dinah. You are not welcome in my house. Get out!"
Dinah shakes her head, "Not without my daughter!"
Harley looks at Mallet, "You are a cop arrest her. Unless you want me to do it?"
Mallet sighs, "Harley please try and understand where Dinah is coming from. Belinda is her daughter."
Harley shakes her head, "No. Belinda is my daughter. Gus and I adopted her a year ago and you can't just walk in here and try to take her away from us. No. Jeffrey tell them."
Jeffrey sighs, "Okay this is very complicated. Dinah needs a DNA test done first."
Dinah nods, "Oh I'll do it. I'll do it right now."
Jeffrey turns to Harley, "Listen. Your adoption wasn't completly legalized since we couldn't locate her birth certificate for a while. And now we have it but..."
Dinah looks over, "Harley, I am not going to let you keep my daughter from me. I'm sorry but I can't and I won't."
Harley sighs, "No. I'm sorry. If you think I'm going to let you take her without a fight, then you are even crazier than I thought."
Dinah and Harley stare each other down.
Belinda walks down the stairs.

Cassandra walks around Rufus, "You have a nice bone structure. And a cute little figure too."
Rufus nods, "I know it Babe. And I own it."
She grins, "I bet you do. I think you can use that."
Rufus is curious, "So what is this you say about being a corporate espionage? What do you mean exactly?"
She turns to him, "Listen. I have taken over Spaulding Enterprises. Which is a great accomplishment. But I need more. I am going after Lewis Enterprises next. They're done."
Rufus smiles, "Lewis Enterprises?"
She nods, "I'm going to have you work your way up. You have heard of MM Lewis Fashion right?"
Rufus sighs, "Ugh. Yes. That overrated design team. They spew their crap all over france and now it's back here. I don't get what people like about it. It's so dull."
Cassandra sighs, "Well you'll get to see a lot of it. They are looking for some new design ideas for their new line. And I have just the person to help them."
Rufus shakes his head, "Oh no. I have my own thing. I don't need this. Sorry. No."
She laughs, "It's not for real remember? You will gain their trust. Mindy and Marah. You'll get inside information on the business and family. Billy, Vanessa, Josh, Bill, Shayne, and espeically Reva Shayne."
Rufus backs up, "I don't know if I want to get caught up in this. I'm looking for a fresh start."
She grins, "Then why not start out on top?"
Rufus smiles.

Coop looks at Buzz, "What are you talking about? Nothing is going on with Ashlee and I."
Buzz sighs, "Don't lie to me Son."
Coop shakes his head, "I don't even get what you are talking about? I've been in town for like a minute."
Buzz looks at him, "Well Ashlee has been acting odd ever since she came back. And then you return and you two don't seem excited to see each other."
Coop walks past him, "Dad come on. I'm just having jet lag. And Ashlee is really worried about her mother going to prison."
Buzz follows Coop, "I saw the way you looked at each other. It was awkward. You acted like two stranger."
Coop sighs, "Dad we're fine. Look just don't worry about Ashlee and I. Okay? It's okay."
Buzz shakes his head, "No it's not. If it were okay then why doesn't Ashlee have her engagement ring on?"
Coop puts his bags down, "She took off?"
He nods, "Yes she did."
Coop looks down, "Oh."
Buzz sighs, "She told me that it didn't fit her finger anymore."
Coop takes his stuff to his room, "Well yeah Dad. I mean that's probably true. You know she lost weight."
Buzz follows him, "Probably? Coop what happened in Europe."
Coop turns to him, "Dad don't worry about it. Look Ashlee and I each grew up a lot there. And now, just don't worry about us."
Coop shuts his door.
Buzz can't stop worrying.

Bauer Home:
Mindy walks into the kitchen, "Rick. Can we please talk about this?"
Rick turns to her, "Now you want to talk? If you weren't happy before then you should have said something. Not after you go screw Rusty Shayne at your office!"
Mindy sighs, "I'm trying to tell you that I didn't sleep with Rusty. And I was happy with you. I am happy with you! But I just got caught up in the moment. I was stressed out from work. I have been feuding with Roxie latley because I know she wants you. It's just so messed up."
Rick shakes his head, "Oh it is very messed up. This whole thing, our whole relationship is messed up."
She walks towards him, "Then we can fix it."
He shakes his head, "I don't think we can."
Mindy nods, "Yes we can as long as we want to then we can Rick!"
He sighs, "Mindy, I don't know if I want to. I am honestly starting to think that maybe all of this was just me trying to get over losing Beth. And it wasn't right from the very beginning."
She shakes her head, "No! Don't let Roxie do this. Don't let her make you believe that we were a mistake."
Rick sighs, "My kids are going to be here soon. So is my Dad and Michelle. I'd like it if I could be alone with my family. Could you just leave Mindy? Please?"
Mindy slowly walks upstairs.
She turns to him before she gets her things, "Rick I'm... I am so sorry."
He nods, "So am I."
Mindy goes to pack up her things.

Harley's House:
Belinda walks down the stairs.
Dinah walks over, "My Baby Girl."
Harley steps in front of her, "Belinda sweetie go upstairs. We're having a grown up talk."
Belinda looks past Harley to Dinah, "It's true isn't it? You really are my mother aren't you?"
Dinah cries, "Yes. Yes I am. I am your mother."
Harley shakes her head, "Get out. Dinah get out. Mallet get her out of here right now."
Mallet takes Dinah's hand, "Another day Babe."
Dinah looks at Belinda, "Mommy is going to come back for you sweetheart. I'm not letting you go away again."
Mallet walks Dinah out.
Jeffrey looks at Harley, "I am so sorry that it went down this way. I never meant for this-"
Harely stops him, "Get out. The boys will be home soon and so will Angel so I need you to go. Please."
Jeffrey leaves.
Harley turns to Belinda, "I am sorry. Did she scare you?"
Belinda keeps staring at the door, "That was her? My real mother?"
A tear runs down Harley's face.

Edmund's kidnapper is revealed!
Harley gets more upsetting news
Cassandra goes over her plan
Alan Michael visits Alan
Marina talks to Shayne about the kiss
Aubrey has a shocking secret


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LOVED THAT SCENE WITH HARLEY and Dinah. And how Belinda was looking back at her. GREAT DRAMAS

LMAOLMAOLMAO I loved Rufus's dialog in that first scene and it's interesting that he is working with Sandra. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE this goes. When Rufus comes back to Pasdena, he wont forget his springfield adventrue for sure.

LIZARD Spaulding I like that one too

MEOW Dinah vs Harley. These scenes are BRILLIANT. GREAT JOB JAY> I [!@#$%^&*] love it

I am not liking Marah at all!

I LOVE RUFUS IN SPRINGFIELD I like his dialog u r giving him. I CANT WAIT TILL I GET HIM back and this story is so fitting sine he was already ceo of Divine Design in Pasadena. Maybe we can hook up and do some more cross overs. Rufus will be jumping back into fashion when he gets back

DAMN IT WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND TO COOP AND ASH? Great job in the build up for this. I can't wait to FINALLY find out

Ahh poor Mindy and Rick wow i feel so bad for them. I bet She is going to confront Roxie!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this baby drama with Belinda and Harley. It's so emotional. GREAT JOB JAY!!!!

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We have a lot coming up with Dinah vs Harley. Harley and Dinah have known each other since they were teens so this has a lot of emotion in it.

I really wanted to see Rufus in scenes with Cassandra. We'll see some good stuff with Rufus.

I had so much fun writing Dinah vs Harley. I hope you like this side of Dinah because we will be seeing more of it.

I don't expect people to like Marah. Especially after everything that happens this year.

Oh yes I was really excited to bring Rufus on. And he will be involved in a lot of the big events!!! Rufus and Cassandra will share a strong bond.

We'll find out more about Coop and Ashlee next week. But they do have different paths they are going down.

We will see Roxie and Mindy have a good confrontation before Mindy is written off.

I have been planning Belinda's story for years! Yes years! I am so glad we made it here!

Thanks ML!

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