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Episode#295: Preparing for the Murder




Episode#295: Preparing for the Murder

-It is the next night in Salem after Vivian’s takeover of Alamain the day before!

-Crystal is at her hotel she shares with Benard…she is in their bedroom while he is away, and she pulls a case out from under her bed…she says she can’t believe Stefano gave her this but its necessary….she then pulls out a powerful and loaded gun!

-Tony and Anna are at the Penthouse Grille, having dinner…Anna tells him it was so nice of him to invite her to dinner, and he says anytime. They eat together and talk, and Anna tells him he’s such a nice man, she’s really been enjoying this lately….she doesn’t know what she’d ever do without him!

-Forrest is at the Alamain Mansion, and is very furious…Billie tries to calm him down, but it doesn’t work. He explains to her that eventually, they will lose everything…he’s already lost Alamain, eventually they’ll run out of money, they’ll lose the mansion….he says he can’t believe Stefano and Vivian did this, they’ve pretty much destroyed the Alamain legacy, and he has to get the company back somehow!

-Stefano is on the phone with Kate, and he tells her everything is finalized, and outside his office Vivian walks by…and she overhears Stefano go over his plans again to Kate! He says that he supplied Crystal Galore with a gun, and he’s going to somehow lure Tony down to the pier…where she’ll shoot him! Vivian gasps, and she says so he plans to kill Tony….well she’s sorry, but this gives HER the perfect plan for yet another act of revenge!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Celeste is at her house, she hears someone knocking on the door, and she yells to them that she’s coming! She walks up to the door and opens it to see Valentine! She is confused and asks what she owes this visit, and they haven’t spoken in months! Valentine tells her they have to get out of Salem, because Vivian is free and on the rampage!

-Crystal says that she can’t believe she’s doing this type of thing again….but she’s doing it for Arianna, for both her deceased daughter and her granddaughter…and after this, she can have her and they can all be a family, and hopefully they can be done with this town!

-Tony and Anna continue to eat and talk at the Penthouse Grille, both expressing how glad they have each other!

-Billie tells him it’d be nice for Forrest to get Alamain back, and she sighs but tells him she has to be honest….Forrest raises an eyebrow and asks what she’s talking about, and Billie says at this point…she’s so sorry but….she doesn’t think he’ll get Alamain back. Its just….too late, and its not going to happen. Forrest gets even more angry and tells her if she’s going to be negative, then she can just get out! Billie tells her she wants to help but she can’t lie, but Forrest simply throws her out of the Alamain Mansion!

-As Stefano hangs up the phone, Vivian thinks to herself that this gives her a great opportunity…she walks into Stefano’s office and greets him, and she says that a large part of his plan is complete: Alamain is under their control! Stefano yells excellent, and that now a portion of Salem is under his control…and eventually, Titan will be too! He says they will just have to figure out another way to take it since its more stable. Vivian however thinks to herself that she’ll get Titan…but not in a way Stefano prefers!

-Celeste asks Valentine what she’s talking about, and Vivian got thrown in jail. Valentine yells that Stefano got her out, and married the woman! Celeste’s jaw drops, and Valentine explains that with Stefano’s help she’s taken over Alamain, and she’s out for blood, so both of them need to skip town! Celeste is silent as she says this can’t be happening, and Valentine tells her it is, and with or without her, she’s leaving Salem! Celeste tells Valentine to do that then, because she’s not, but she has to figure out something to do. Celeste quickly shuts the door, and Valentine rushes off with suitcases in hand!

-Stefano and Vivian continue to talk for a moment, before Stefano leaves his office…as he walks through the DiMera Mansion, he says that by this time tomorrow…Antony DiMera will be dead! There is then a freeze frame of Stefano, Tony, and Crystal’s faces…

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Forrest is a complete ASS. He is so choked up with this buissness he’s lost sight of what’s really important. He needs to take a brake and rehcarge his battery and make amends with the people he’s hurting and stop being a jerk. He cant take on the Dimera’s by himself. He’ll need held. Like his brother and Billie.

Please tell me Valetine is not leaving? I am surprised she is trying to leave anyway. The person I created is gutless and never scared, esp not her washed up sister Vivian. Valetine and PETER would make A NICE COUPLE!!!!

I am o sick of Anna and Tony. It’s sickening!

And DO I see a Dimera vs. Titian war. THAT WILL BE good and I wonder hhow VIV plans to get it

Revenge is rampant there here lately!

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