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Episode#293: The Board Meeting




Episode#293: The Board Meeting

-Jan laughs and tells Nicole she can’t be pregnant, and Nicole tells her she’s been seeing all the symptoms since like…just a little after Christmas, she hasn’t been feeling well, morning sickness…Jan tells her that’s impossible, and Nicole is just stupid…Nicole asks if Lucas and her got it on shortly before Greta threw them in this hell hole, and Jan is silent for a moment as Nicole says:

Nicole:Oh yeah….looks like you have another baby in that tummy of yours.

-Carrie slowly tells Sami she’s not sure…but right now, she has faith in Sami, and Sami tells her she doesn’t believe her…this has to be some sort of trick, CARRIE is believing her? Carrie tells her its no trick, and she knows Marlena would want her to stand by Sami, so she’s going to!

-Kate arrives at the DiMera Mansion, and Stefano gladly welcomes her…Kate says she’s surprised he found someone to kill Tony so soon, and Stefano says that he’s Stefano DiMera…he then takes Kate upstairs, and opens a door…and Kate sees Crystal standing there!

-Vivian enters the conference room at Alamain, and Forrest looks at the board of directors and says he’s sorry about this, this woman shouldn’t be here…he looks to Vivian and asks what the hell she’s doing here, she should be in a jail cell, and he tells her he’s going to call security! Vivian warns him that that wouldn’t be wise, and the board of directors stop him…they tell Forrest she’s supposed to be here!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Lucas is at the local grocery store in Salem, getting food for everyone at the Spears Mansion, and he continues to think about the situation with Jan just running out like that, and how odd it is…as he gets food, he hears a voice say “Wow, I never thought I’d see you again.” and he turns around to see Eugenia Willens(Daphne Bloomer)!

-Jan tells Nicole that before all the chaos with Will, Greta, and her began…she and Lucas did sleep together, it was around the time they got engaged….she says that they just love each other so much, but she can’t be pregnant! She nervously says that its probably just the flu or something, and Nicole asks how she’d get that, she’s been stuck in a clean room for quite awhile now, and she tells Jan to just face it, she’s carrying Lucas’s child!

-Forrest asks the board of directors what they mean, and that Vivian used to be on the board of executives but she was relieved of those duties just weeks after Alamain went public, and the chairman says that he knows that, but Vivian has as much of a role in this company in anyone else…and that’s one reason why they all called everyone here…because there is going to be a little announcement…but he thinks Vivian should take it from here. Valentine thinks to herself that this can’t be good, as Billie asks Forrest what the hell is going on!

-Crystal slowly introduces herself to Kate, and Kate introduces herself back…she asks Stefano if this is the one, and Stefano says yes, it is. Kate tells Crystal she looks vaguely remember, and Crystal tells her she was the one who set Marlena up to die back in 2004. Kate looks at Stefano in shock, and she tells him he better be sure about this, and he is. Kate also says she could have sworn she heard her name recently mentioned by one of her children, but Crystal and Stefano simply glance at each other and leave out that fact. Stefano then says:

Stefano:Now, lets get down to business…we need to discuss how to kill my son…

-Vivian tells Ji’Min to come in now, and then she and Ji’Min walk to the front of the room….and she tells them as they know, they’ve put up the vast majority of their stock and everything Alamain has for sale…Forrest asks what this has to do with anything, and Vivian tells him all will be revealed in due time. Ji’Min tells them that ever since they put so much up, he’s been buying a lot of stock….a lot. Vivian tells them Ji’Min is right, and Nicholas asks where she got the money to buy their stock, and she’s just a poor gold digger. Vivian laughs very hard at this, and responds:

Vivian:Stefano DiMera!

-Lucas is shocked to see none other than Eugenia Willens, who used to work at the hospital and helped Kate break up him and Sami, and asks if she’s still in Salem after all this time. Eugenia chuckles and says no, she actually just returned from a foreign country. She asks if him and Sami ever got back together, and he answers no, no they broke up a long time ago…Lucas tells her that if its okay he needs to go, and Eugenia’s the last thing he needs in his life right now….she tells him that she’s changed, she’s not that same schemer anymore, but Lucas just walks off….

-Billie asks Vivian what the hell STEFANO has to do with any of this, and Vivian snaps to Billie that she is so dumb and has such a simplistic mind…she explains to her that Stefano orchestrated all of this, and all of the Alamains look at each other in shock, and she says she was just his partner-in-crime….Forrest asks her why he’d do that though, and give her enough money to buy stock, and Vivian exclaims that’s because she’s his wife! Valentine falls down at that statement, and gasps for breath, realizing this is why Peter was warning her! Forrest tells Vivian to just get to the point of all of this, and Vivian says:

Vivian:With all the stock Stefano, Ji’Min, and I have bought….I own so much more than you…and therefore, Alamain is mine. The board of directors are backing a takeover, and that’s my takeover of the company, the DiMera’s take over of the company!

Nicholas:What?! I thought that takeover they talked about meant the Titan takeover!

Vivian:Oh please! Stefano and I beat Victor to it, this has just been kept under heavy wraps and has been a long process…but say hello to the new CEO of Alamain! And all four of you: Say goodbye to your jobs!

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Doesn’t greta have rabies, what ever happened to that? And again Love that Vivian took over. Wonder what’s up with Jan being preggos?

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