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Episode#282: Old Rivals




Episode#282: Old Rivals

-Its several days after Christmas in Salem, and New Years is fast approaching!

-Bo is at the Cheatin’ Heart, and he remembers how he read the story at the hospital on Christmas…he says that made him happy, especially talking to Kristen again too, but he still seems so depressed. A voice asks why, and he turns to see a face from the past: Jill Stevens(Lisa Robin Kelly)!

-In the Secret Room, Jan and Nicole pace anxiously. Jan says its been awhile since Greta town, and Nicole mutters that she probably left them to die. Jan tells Nicole that they barely got scraps to eat for Christmas, and as much as she hates seeing Greta, they need food…Nicole is silent for a moment, and finally yells that they have to get out of here!

-At the DiMera Mansion, Vivian comes downstairs in a robe…Elvis is there and scowls at her, and she says good morning, and how she is just loving being the new Mrs. Stefano DiMera. Elvis asks her if she and his father are sleeping in the same bed, and she laughs and says no, and Elvis mutters that he knew she was only in this for the money. Vivian says she’s in it for much more than that, and Vivian Alamain is back and in full force!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Tony is eating breakfast at Chez Rouge, and he smiles when he sees Anna walk in…Anna smiles and he invites her to sit down which she does. She asks him how he’s doing, and Tony tells her he’s fine, its been a hard holiday season, but he is doing fine…he just can’t find Jan. Anna says that’s odd, and Tony says he’ll need to ask Lucas what is going on. Anna and Tony continue talking about various things and end up eating together, as Kate disgustedly watches from another table!

-Bo barely recognizes Jill, and asks who she is. Jill laughs and says she can’t believe he doesn’t remember her….she’s Jill Stevens, the woman hired by Franco Kelly over ten years ago to mess with Bo and Hope! Bo asks her what the hell she’s doing still in Salem, and Jill says she recently moved back…and she saw him looking so depressed, and she’s so sorry about Hope!

-Nicole rushes up to the door of the Secret Room, and says she’s not dying here like a starved rat, Greta Von Amburg won’t kill Nicole Walker! Jan tells her finally she sees that they need to get out of here and not be so mopey, and both of them try to break the door down!

-Peter comes out at the DiMera Mansion, and shudders at seeing Vivian. Vivian laughs and greets her step-son, and tells her that his father has ordered that she meets with him and Ji’Min later today. Peter asks about what, and she says he must surely remember the tentative plan he made with them…when it comes to some big fashion businesses around Salem. Peter simply says;

Peter:Oh…right…that. Yeah, we’ll have to talk about it, I’ve been doing some work for my father in that area recently.

Vivian:I know…I know…this is whats going to lead to me getting back at Forrest, Valentine, Nicholas, and Billie…oh Stefano and I have such a brilliant plan….

-Kate walks out of Chez Rouge as Tony and Anna continue to talk and even share some laughs. Tony tells Anna he forgot how much he missed her, and Anna says she really thought they’d never speak again after the incident with Nicole a year earlier. Tony says that was almost a year ago, and he’s trying to put the past in the past…which includes his family, Vince, Nicole, Marlena, and what happened with his secret child. Anna and him slowly lean in and kiss!

-Bo asks Jill how she knows about Hope going to jail, and Jill is quiet for a moment and simply responds that she heard. Bo and Jill continue to talk…and Jill begins to come onto Bo!

-Nicole and Jan still can’t escape, and they fail to break the door down. Nicole comments to Jan that her sister may have tightly secured this place, but she doesn’t care! She proclaims that maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but one day THEY ARE going to get out of here! She says that she won’t let Greta outdo her, not now, not ever! Jan agrees with Nicole and says its nice she finally found her backbone. Nicole looks to the door and again vows to escape this dreaded room!

-As Vivian and the DiMera’s ready for the day, and Vivian walks into the living room and has a cup of coffee, she hears the doorbell ring, and quickly goes to answer it. She opens the door to see her bitter rival: Kate!

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Who the hell is Jill

Kate is all over the place. I guess she wants Tony. a Tony/Anna/kate triangle would be nice.

And I cant wait to read the confratation between my two fav ladies, Kate and Vivian Alamain

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