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Gravely Breakdown #109



Downtown Pasadena, Pasadena City Jail

Mona is standing, pacing in her cell, trying to devise a way to get out of there and back to terrorizing all of her enemies left in Pasadena. However, she looks up when she sees the guard approaching.


"You got a visitor. Someone equally as crazy as you: Sister Patterson Williams."


"Great, so momma finally decided to come see her daughter."

Sister Patterson then walks in , and she has Holy Water and the Bible in hand as the guard leaves.


"What the hell do you want?"

Sister Pat

"Child,…. I could beat you so hard…you are disgracing the Lord and Miss Jenkins is not too pleased with you. I'm your mother, I don't have to want nothing!"


"From what I hear, Miss Jenkins isn't happy with you either?"

Sister Pat

"How did you know about that?! Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins!"


"I hear things. Now if you didn't bring me no weed get out of here."

Sister Pat

"Kelis, you are my daughter, and the most sinful of my children. You killed my husband, Abe, in one of the most brutal ways possible, you kidnapped my son's girlfriend Sharan, and you committed a great sin coming onto her like you did."


"Sharan loves me."

Sister Pat

"You sinful woman! How did one of my children get so filled with evil?! You are an abomination, as God declares!"


"Is that why you let Daddy Dearest rape me?"

Sister Pat

"Excuse me? That was all Abe, I would never endorse something so sinful and against my Heavenly Father's Holy Word! And for the record, Abe is not your father."


"Oh, yea, that's right…so why are you lecturing me? I'm sure God isn't so happy with you either, cheating on him and all…I can't believe for years, I went around thinking that disgusting pig was my father. Then of all people, HE was the one who told me that dried up wanna be pimp DC is my father! So don't get high and mighty on me, Bitch Pat."

Sister Pat

"I should just come in there and give you the beating you deserve right now!"


"I was so excited to meet you…I couldn't wait…Sharan and I were gonna do it together. But she betrayed me and you turned out to be just like Abe! "

Sister Pat

"I am not like him at all, Kelis-"


"That is NOT my name! That is the name of a baby, a little girl, who got raped, raped by a man who thought he was her father! A girl who was raped night after night, day after day!"

Sister Pat

"But that is no excuse-"


"So you'd love men if that happened to you?! They are all pigs! That man who was called Abe made a ritual out of it, he arranged it, he made a ritual out of RAPING HIS DAUGHTER! I don't care if I'm not,….. he thought I was his daughter, so that makes him just as sick! He destroyed me! He made my life a living hell! "

Sister Pat

"My husband was a dirty, disgusting sinner…and if he was still alive, I would give him some good ole fashion punishment, I would do the Lord's work and show him the consequences…but-"


"There is NO buts about it! What did you ever see in that man?! But you could have found me, you could have stopped it! You didn't, though, and now its going to haunt us all, and me, forever! I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT! He deserved to die! You blame me for being gay but what else can I be?! Everytime I'd lie with a man I'd think of him, I'd see him…I'd remember those dark nights…and I didn't get to split into different people like Victoria Lord or Kimberly Brady did…I had to lie tied to that bed…all day, I cried, because I knew that night he'd come. And start it again…"

Sister Pat

"There's still hope for you, Kelis…repent, repent to God! The Lord will have mercy, to save your soul. You can turn around…We can pray the gay away!"


"No. Abe got what he deserved, I don't regret killing him. And I still love Sharan, she's my baby…I will never give her up. I don't regret nothing."

Sister Pat

"Then you aren't better than Abe at all…"

Sister Pat turns and walks away, leaving Mona to sulk in anger…


Episode: 109, Gravely Breakdown

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Huntington Memorial Hospital

Kiko walks into Rufus's room.


"You seem to be unable to stay away from hospitals. First you penis got sawed off now you were in a pile up on the highway."


"I was trying to avenge the crimes against me."


"I would really hate to be you now. "


"You're right. I would hate to be me now too. I came to Pasadena, hoping to get may man back but my quest for that has been side tracked by the crazy people of this city."


"I suggest a vacation. Look, I have your release forms here. Get some rest." Kiko then leaves the room. Rufus take a seat on the bed and has flashbacks on the things he's done in Pasadena. The battle he's fought so far, with Ashley, and Natalia. Then Mark walks in the room. Rufus stands up and smiles at him.


"I heard about your accident. I came to see if you were ok."


"I am ok. Thank you for coming to see me. That means a lot to me."


"I came here to tell you a few things before I leave town."


"You're leaving Pasadena?"


"I need to. I can't take living here no more. I need a new beginning. I need to get away from the bad curse that has a hold over me here."


"That's funny, I was just thinking of leaving Pasadena. Maybe we can leave together?"

Mark, taking a pause to think about what Rufus said, he then looks into Rufus's eyes,

"I've lost everything here in Pasadena. Dahlia, a child I thought was mine. I lost who I was. I am trying to leave my past in the past. Rufus, you know what we had was a one time thing. But I will always remember it….. I need to find out who I am."


"Mark I love you and there isn't anything I would not do for you. But I respect how you feel and maybe hopefully, we can be together one day."


"Maybe. You be safe. And I want us to stay in touch."

Rufus, smiling,

"You do?"


"Yes, I'll post a on my myspace in a few weeks on where I am at."


"I'll make sure to check it out." Mark gives Rufus a hug to her surprise. She holds him tight, savoring it because she knows this will be the last hug she receives from the man of her dreams. He pulls back and even kisses Rufus on the lips and then turns around to leave the room and Pasadena.

Rufus stands there watching him walking away, wanting to just go out there and stop him. She wipes a tear, and gathers her belongings to.

Rufus, talking to himself,

"I'm leaving Pasadena too. But I will be back. One day. I still have unfinished business here. Springfield here I come!"

Westwood Park, Natalia's House

Natalia paces around her living room, trying to process all that's happened in the past few days.


"That bitch Ashley stole my baby…I won't let her get away with this. I've lost everything, I've lost Mark, I lost my son for months, I have lost so many friends…so she's going to lose everything too! "

Natalia grabs her coat and goes over to her front door, but as she opens it, she sees Suga in the doorway.

Natalia, scowling,

"Suga, you are still in Pasadena? Why don't you just leave? You have nothing left here. "


"You ain't going nowhere, miss lady. I need more money! I've run out and can't get drugs without it, and let's not forget I stabbed Dahlia for you."


"Oh hell no! You are not getting anymore of my fortune. Dahlia lived. After all that trouble we went to, she lived. And Mark knows that I paid you to stab her, he knows everything, and is out of my life. So you have done nothing for me, in fact because of you I am probably worse than I'd be if I hadn't ever hired you. "


"I tried, and that deserves more cash than you shelved out when you first paid me."


"Suga, I am giving you nothing. I have too much on my plate right now without you begging for more money. Just get out of Pasadena before they throw your ass back in jail. "


"They ain't gonna throw me back in jail because you are gonna give me my money so I can hide. And if I go down, you go down with me. "


"You just said you wanted it for drugs! You can hide without money, trust me."


"I need that money. That man, woman, or whatever that one guy is promised me a lot of money if I came back to this rat hole but I got nothing."

Natalia, starting to laugh,

"You thought RUFUS would pay you for ratting me out?! You really are stupid. I don't know why I ever hired such a worthless, drug dealing- "

Suga grabs Natalia by the arm and pulls her close.


"Watch your mouth, miss lady. "

Natalia, pulling away,

"Get your hands off of me, and step aside! Suga, our partnership is over. You are not getting anymore money, nothing, so leave me the hell alone! "

Natalia pushes Suga out of her way and storms off, as Suga growls and clenches her fist.


"You're gonna pay for this, nasty Natti. And you're gonna pay good. I'll make sure of that!"

Greater Yonders Cemetery

Abe Williams' grave is out in the middle of the cemetery, only recently made when he was buried after being killed by Mona. It is dark, quiet, and most of all empty. However, then Sister Patterson emerges, with the Bible and Holy Water in hand.

Sister Pat

"Hello, Abe…my husband. The man I took vows with in the Holy Church of my Father. The man I had children with. The man I lived happily with for years…the rapist of my daughter."

Sister Pat slowly puts the Holy Water down, but keeps the Bible in hand, and leans down in front of Abe's grave and looks at it, specifically where his name is inscribed.

Sister Pat

"Why did you do it, Abe? How could you do it? How could you do that to my Kelis, our Kelis?! A baby girl, a baby who you stole from me?! "

Tears begin flowing down Sister Pat's cheeks.

Sister Pat

"You made me think she was dead….and you raped her! You molested her! And turned her into the monster she is today! And you did it for years! You cheated on ME, Abe! You cheated on me with my own daughter! I thought I knew you, Abe! I thought I loved you!"

Sister Pat stands as she begins to have a complete meltdown, and pours Holy Water all over the gravesite as she continues to scream.

Sister Pat

"She was just a little girl! Just a baby! YOU RAPED A BABY, AN INFANT! You disobeyed the Lord, you disappointed Miss Jenkins, and betrayed me! I did betray you Abe and I ask for forgiveness of my sins everyday for that, but you are just a sinful little liar! You never confessed it, you never acted like you regretted it! You don't even deserve the water of the Lord! "

Sister Pat tosses the cup holding the Holy Water away, and she clenches her fist.

Sister Pat

"Did you enjoy it, Abe?! Did you have fun?! Lord have mercy! LORD HAVE MERCY! "

Sister Pat then begins furiously beating his tombstone with the Bible.

Sister Pat

"For years, it was men like you I condemned! Little did I know one of those men was my husband! And I never knew! How could I be so stupid?! My Third Eye failed me, Miss Jenkins never even told me! And I was dumb enough to think my daughter was dead, and I trusted you, Abe! I trusted you with the life that God bestowed onto me! Night after night, I never wondered where my husband was…oh he was just molesting Kelis! She could have been a sweet, servant of the Lord, Abe! But now she isn't, and she won't repent! And you caused all of this!"

Sister Pat puts the Bible down and actually begins beating the tombstone herself, with her fists, as she breaks down crying.

Sister Pat

"There are so many dirty pigs, dirty SINNERS, in Pasadena…but you are one of the worst, and the worst man in Pasadena was my husband and the DAMN POLICE CHIEF! And all this got me cussing, but… my own husband RAPED MY BABY, MY ONE DAUGHTER! YOU BASTARD, YOU BASTARD!"

Sister Pat continues beating his grave, until she slumps down entirely, her face stained with tears, nose running, and she continues crying and screaming.

Sister Pat

"I'm sorry, Kelis, I'M SORRY! I'm sorry I couldn't stop him….I'm so sorry…."

Downtown Pasadena,

Pasadena City Jail

Mona sits in her cell, but looks up when Ty walks in.


"About damn time. Where have you been?"


"Excuse me? I am a busy man, and I didn't exactly know you wanted me down here."


"Don't be playing dumb with me! You heard about me getting thrown in here, I'm sure, and its taken you this long to haul your rich ass down here?"


"I have had other people to take care of…Lauren Roman won't kill herself, you know."


"Oh so you killed Danny boy's hoochy?"


"Yes, she turned Daniel against me and for that she had to die."


"Speaking of dying, that pig Abe is dead. I did it for my own reasons but you should consider it a favor. You wanted him out the way."


"Well they replaced him with Mike. So my ultimate goal of having my own person be the chief of police failed."


"Oh boohoo…remember in prison I hold all these cards and would have no problem giving them all to the police. I can expose you for all the crimes you've done, I can expose Ashley…."


"You were working with that psycho?"


"Yea, I was. But that's none of your business. Now you see, you wanted the Williams family taken out, so do I…but yet none of them have died except Abe who I had to kill myself. You had enough time to kill Lauren, you can at least kill one of them, or get me out of this hell hole. I am going to get rid of them all and get my Sharan back. I think I see what happened to her now, why she wouldn't love me: My mother brainwashed her."


"Oh please, don't go on and on to me about your crush."


"Sharan is more than just a crush, you bastard! You are just like all those other men. Sharan is my baby, my true love, but after talking to my mother I see that she, and probably my brother Kevin, have brainwashed her, and I need to get out of here so I can break it."


"Alright, alright, I'll see what I can do."


"No, no you won't "see what you can do". You WILL get me out of here. Or else everyone will know about your crimes, and I also won't mind telling them that you killed that Lauren girl."


"Fine, just shut the hell up and stop making empty threats."

Mona, scowling,

"You don't talk to me like that. "


"I don't have time for this…but I'll figure out a way to get you out."

Mona, as Ty walks away,

"You had better. And next time you decide to pay me another stupid visit ,at least bring me some weed. "

The Blue Note

Ria and Kiko are on a date, having dinner. Ria will occasionally make moves towards Kiko but he'll stop her.


"You know I don't want funny business here. Not tonight, at least."


"I know, I know, I just can't resist you…maybe just a lil piece?"




"Fine, but I just don't get why you resist me so much. I attract any and all men. I'm like the black Blanche Devuruax from the Golden Girls"


"Because you slept with my brother Dre. Behind your fiancée's back."


"Dre gives some good sex, but I'd much rather you-"


"How your and Dre's affair happened is one reason, another reason is that I can't steal my brother's woman. I don't get down with sloppy seconds"


"Excuse me? I am not Dre's woman! And ain't nothing sloppy here. "


"But you can't be stealing your bro's woman. Its like that, you don't take their ex."


"I don't care about Dre no more, and I don't think he'd care either."


"No, just no. And Ria, I'm sorry, but I just can't trust you."

Ria, spitting out her drink

"Say what now?"


"You sleep around with men all the time…and you cheated on Karim while you were engaged to him…who's to say you won't do that to me?"


"Now I love some good sex, but I'll get all I need with you. "


"So you'd only be in it for the sex?"


"No, would you stop tearing apart my words?! Kiko, you're special to me. Really special. You're a one of a kind man. "


"You've said that about Karim, too."


"I won't lie: Karim has a special place in my heart, he is special. But I am over him, and you are even more special than Karim. Kiko, if you were just some random man, I wouldn't have pursued you for so long."


"You make a good point."


"Listen, Kiko, I want you. For more than just some one night stand. I want you for life. And don't go all disagreeing either, I got enough problems with my momma and sister."

Kiko, chuckling,

"Oh, I heard Patti LaBelle was in town."


"She's not all that. She's just a nosey old bat who needs to go back to Hollywood or wherever the hell she came from. Or if she stays in Pasadena she needs to stay away from me and stop flaunting around singing with that other old crow Sister Pat. I am so sick of her."


"Com on now, I think your mother loves you."


"Says you. You know your momma, Kiko?"

Kiko, pausing for a moment,

"Yeah…but lets discuss that another time."


"Ooooh, look like my man's got a secret."

Kiko, almost laughing,

"Nah, nah…no secrets here. Now, lets just finish eating."

Ria shrugs and they both finish up their dinner as Ria wonders if Kiko has any secrets indeed. He seems too perfect…

Lavender Hill

Sabryn and Ashley are both still for a moment as they look at each other after one of them groans in pain, and Sabryn looks down to see if either one of them are hurt, but Ashley suddenly kicks Sabryn, and Sabryn goes flying back!


"I knew you'd fall for that! You're so stupid, Sabryn!"

Sabryn screams and then charges at Ashley, and grabs her by the neck, and shoves her up against the wall. She begins to strangle Ashley, and Ashley tries to break free but Sabryn has a deathly grip on her, and Ashley begins to gasp for air.


"I am not letting you escape this time!"

Ashley becomes desperate as she continues gasping, and she puts all her strength into it and tosses Sabryn to the ground, and she then leans against the wall as she breathes heavily.


"Out of all the people I hate in this damn town…I hate you the most….you are the worst out of Natalia, that man who pretends to be a woman, Rufus, Dahlia, everyone! You got Bryan, you got a son, you got a huge mansion, a company…YOU HAD EVERYTHING I DON'T! WHY DAMNIT?! WHY DID YOU, QUEEN SABRYN, GET EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?"

Sabryn, getting up and looking at Ashley,

"I'm not listening to this. I don't care about your pity party anymore or whatever crap you dish out. All of this is your fault, no one else's, and I am done! No more games!"


"Fine then, you don't want anymore games, then lets get serious!"

Ashley once again rushes towards Sabryn and grabs her by the hair and throws her towards Bryan Jr's crib as the baby begins crying, and Sabryn manages to catch herself and she comes back at Ashley, and she begins slapping her and punching her uncontrollably! Ashley tries to block her but Sabryn's rage is untamed, and she punches Ashley right in her mouth and finally, Ashley trips and falls to the ground, and after a moment it seems that she is finally unconscious.

Sabryn, taking a breath,

"Finally…at last…"

Sabryn begins to walk towards Bryan Jr's crib to see if her baby is alright, but before she does, suddenly Ashley's eyes shoot open and she trips Sabryn, and Sabryn begins to fall as Ashley jumps up and laughs, successfully tricking Sabryn again. As Sabryn goes flying down Ashley takes her knife and grabs Sabryn by the hair and twirls her around, and sends her knife flying into Sabryn's stomach! Sabryn screams like a banshee and crumbles to the ground, as Ashley goes over to Bryan Jr. and picks him up.


"Shhhh…Momma's here…ding dong the witch is gone! You thought you could beat me, Sabryn?! Its my time, I now have two wonderful children and soon Bryan will be mine! YOU'VE LOST! I WIN! I WIN! It is true what President Obama said, YES I CAN!!! AND I DID!!!"

Ashley then walks out smugly with Sabryn's son in her arms, and she leaves the mansion effectively kidnapping Sabryn's son.

Shortly afterwards, however, Sabryn regains consciousness and she looks into the crib, and tears begin to pour out of her eyes, and she silently walks throughout the halls of her mansion, and then slowly as she clutches her stomach, she walks down the stairs, and once she is downstairs, she approaches a cabinet, and as she opens it…she takes out…a gun!!!!


"This is it…the last straw…I'm ending all of this…ALL of it…this is the end…"

Next on S.T.E.A.M.:

A FINAL showdown leads to DEATH!!!!!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Really well written scenes with Sister Patterson and Mona, I especially like the part with Sister Pat at Abe's grave, alone and venting. Those sort of scenes aren't easy to write well, but you pulled it off really good. I cracked up at Ashley's reference to President Obama and "Yes I Can", that was so funny. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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You have to thank Tara for those Sister patterson scenes in this ep. SHe really did a great Job. Thanks Redd. I am so glad u r enjoying the series. Where's Varied Lives?

I just want to give Tara a special thanks in her first solo STEAM episode.

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MMMMMMMMMMMM - I still haven't write an episode for this season yet.... This episode remember me of how Ashley try to still the baby last season.... TARA BRAVO!!!! BRAVO!!!!! Very goood. I love Mark and Rufus good bye, cant bbelieve Rufus didn't jump in on leaving town with Mark... It would have been nice after everything girl friend went thru.

Ashley and Sabryn!!!!! Well done.... I still hope Ashley get away!!!!!

OMG!!!! Suga!!! Love her!

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This episode was very fast paced and I felt so enthralled with it. The Sister Patterson scenes were definitely powerful but she's still a sinner herself. No wonder why Mona's as crazy as she is. Her family is very messed up.

What I love about Ria and Kiko is that Kiko knows how much of a cartoony slut Ria is. It's comical.

I kind of liked Mark...but I also like a powerful goodbye. Maybe Rufus will find him and leave to be with the one she wanted. Would be bitter sweet but then again this is STEAM and somehow she'll get into trouble. My guess is that Suga will confuse her for Nat and attack her.

I loved the ending. Can't wait to read on to see what happens between these two but really Sabryn??? Are you really that dumb??? Ash is like Jason Voorhees, shoot to kill dummy.

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Thanks guys. Matt ur comment about Jason cracked me up and u calling Sabryn a dummy. I am very surprised you all liked Mark. I wish you guy would have said something earlier. Rufus will be coming back in April. Wih a huge story. Rufus left in an effort to get new tories started and to end others. He needed a rest so I can re develop him.

Oh that Ria. Ria's life is about to turn upside down. Her big story is being set up as you read her scenes with Kiko. ;)

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