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Episode 124: The Second Wedding (Season 5 Finale)

Matt P.


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The police and an ambulance arrived to the horrible scene of what had just transpired. Jace was taken into handcuffs yet again. Before he’s taken to jail, he looks at Rena. She was in total shock.


Look at what you did…I hope you’re happy.


I never wanted this to happen!


Let’s go!

Jace is taken to the elevator, then to the squad car that was waiting for him. He held his head low in shame after being shoved in the back seat.




No buddy we’re leaving.

Jace watches Alicia get wheeled on to a stretcher with a gas mask placed on her face. Her eyes were closed and skin was already pale white.


Sorry babe. I’m so sorry.

The worse was Will. He was flown to Cody Memorial Hospital, at least what was left of his bloody body.

Rena sat on edge, waiting for a doctor to talk to her. Three hours later, instead of a doctor, Officer Wendell taps her on the shoulder.


You must be here for a statement.

Officer Wendell:

Yeah. You’re the only person who I really can talk to considering the circumstances.


All I can say is that Jace hit a breaking point. He pulled a gun on Will, they struggled, and Alicia was shot. Then Will fell out of the window during their fight.

Officer Wendell:

Any particular reason why the confrontation happened?

Rena was silent. She kept thinking of what Jace told her.


They were fighting over Alicia. Both guys wanted her.

Officer Wendell:

I thought that you and Will were together.


We are. Alicia and Jace are friends of mine.

Officer Wendell:

Then why was he-


There’s really nothing more to talk about. You’ll have to ask Will when he wakes up.

Officer Wendell:

Thank you Rena.


What’s going to happen to Jace?

Officer Wendell:

I’m not at liberty to say.



Officer Wendell:

He’s looking at major jail time but that’s very confidential.


Thanks. Do you know anything about Alicia or Will’s condition? Nobody seems to want to tell me anything.

Officer Wendell:

Alicia is in code blue. Can’t tell you anything about Will.

(acknowledging the doctor)

Maybe they can.

Doctor Shinva:

I’m sorry to have to tell you…


Tell me what? He’s going to be okay right? RIGHT?!

Doctor Shinva:

Unfortunately Will Pazner is deceased. There was really nothing we could do. The impact of the car roof where he landed left little room for survival.

Rena couldn’t believe what she just heard. She kept looking to the room, hoping that things would change.


NO! NO! This isn’t happening. I know he’s alive.

Doctor Shinva:

He’s not. We’re very sorry.

Rena collapses into Officer Wendell’s arms. She cries loud sobs and tears of pain.


Can I at least say goodbye?

Officer Wendell looks at Doctor Shinva to gage their reaction. She notices Rena’s pain and reluctantly decides to give in.

Doctor Shinva:

Fine but he’s going to be taken to the morgue shortly.

Rena walks into the dark Emergency Room where doctors were cleaning up blood and their operating utensils. On the table, Will was in a body bag. Before Rena could go any further, she noticed another person in the room with him, who wasn’t a doctor or a surgeon.




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Episode 124:

The Second Wedding

(Season 5 Finale)

Series Creator & Head Writer:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

Preity Zinta as Doctor Shinva

Jill Larson as Maieve Anderson

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The next morning, Bryan clicks on his desktop computer. Marli walks in with a smug look on her face. Bryan quickly turns his computer off to shield her from seeing whatever he was working on.


Good morning.


I’m giving you my resignation. This job doesn’t fit anything for me.


Actually it does. Did you not forget that I know you’re a felon?


Did you not forget that I have some very important people on my side? It was easy to adapt to Point Palace, just think how simple it will be for me to leave and to start a new.


Better have your things packed because I’m going to be calling Detective Miltner real soon. I know you ran into S.R. Before he died he told me everything. I actually found an mp3 that he recorded of you and he made sure to keep it by his death bed so that I could find it. Would you like for me to play it?


No. I believe you.


You’re very insecure to fake your death just because you wanted to see who would come to your funeral. Props to how you did it, with the whole witness protection thingy.


You don’t know me!


Blake didn’t either. You betrayed him.


Only because you made me but guess what? I found out what you did to get this school and Blake’s going to know too. He’s going to get this school back.


Bull crap!


The nurse will talk sooner or later. She seems like the type who has a guilty conscience. Though the video from my cell phone will definitely prove more than just her words.


You won’t be able to tell Blake a thing. I’m having you arrested asap.


Can’t arrest a dead person Bryan. Marli Calloway just got into a major accident. All Blake has to do is open my text message. He also gets to see how I didn’t hurt him in the end. There’s nothing you can do about it. Should’ve thought about who you were messing with!

Marli exits Bryan’s office and just like that she was gone. Bryan frantically dialed Detective Miltner’s number to tell him what Marli did but he hangs up. He calls someone else.


Hey it’s me. I need your help in shutting someone up permanently!

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At The Palace Café, Nan walks in and finds Jenny sitting, reading a magazine. Jenny notices her and waves to summon her over.


Can we make this quick? I have a manicure to go to.

Jenny looks at her with silence. Nan grows impatient.


Come on Jenny! Give me your pathetic attempt to scare me so that I can be on my marry way.


How are you not shivering? London’s alive, running about this school and you couldn’t get rid of us. If I were you, I’d be pulling my hair out.


See...I always have a plan B and if that doesn’t work, then I think of something else because I’m smart.


I’m going to do something that no one has ever done to you before.


What’s that? Love me?


Even better. I plan on taking you to court!

Nan laughs out loud but Jenny isn’t amused.


You’re serious aren’t you? You think that you can sue me? For what? Plotting to get Carlos? Oh Jenny you are priceless. I swear you’re still that dumb, insecure girl that used to do all my bidding. Let’s not forget ugly because you are hideous.


The witnesses will be endless. Anyone who’ve you hurt in the past…which includes me, Carlos, Blake, Owen, London, Alley or whoever else I can think of, will finally bring you down. Every cat fight, every manipulation, every evil maniacal plan you’ve concocted will for sure bite you in the ass. I think that’s called karma.


You have no case and you have no proof. I burned every piece of evidence that I kidnapped you both. For London’s sake, I saved her. She was dying and I brought her back to life.


Who are you trying to fool? There was no good intention with that. You wanted to get back at Blake.


But I’m such a good actress and I’m an even better liar, even if it’s in a court of law!


I think that’s just you talking because you’re petrified. You know deep down inside that you’re going to lose. I’ll have my lawyer give you the subpoena. See you in court bitch!

Jenny gets up to exit. Nan watches her leave and quickly gets on a cell phone to a lawyer.

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Later that afternoon, Ava drives to Maieve Anderson’s house. It was a small two story home that seemed quaint. Ava walks up to the door and knocks on it. Maieve answers but is weary of her.




Hi are you Maieve Anderson?


I am. Who are you?


My name is Courtney Smith. I’m with the Cody Learning Disability United School.


Do you have ID?


Of course.

Ava digs through her purse to pull out her volunteer card but covers her real name.


What has Bobbie gotten herself into now? Let me guess, she mouthed of to one of the teachers. She gets a lot of that from all of the TV she watches.


That may explain a lot. May I come in to talk to you?


Okay I guess.

Maieve opens her screen door. Ava walks in. She looks around to find pictures of Bobbie, Maieve, and Maieve’s husband.


Start talking hun. The nightly news is coming on.


Is Bobby here at the moment?


No. She’s with her volunteer program.


Oh I see. They do such a good job with the program but we wanted to get more information about Bobbie’s immediate family.


I’m all the family she has and needs. Bobbie is in good care when she comes here. I made sure of that when my husband and I adopted her.


There’s no denying that the living conditions are comfortable but we want to contact her parents. You’re the only person who knows where we could reach them.

Maieve is quiet. She turns her television set off so that she can turn her attention to Ava.




Because of Bobbie’s condition.


What about her condition?




Dying? Tell me something I don’t know. That’s really not a good enough answer.

Maieve looks away from Ava.


Well maybe we could save her if we had some blood records or...I know that you must think that I’m talking crazy but I have hope for this girl.


Fine. I’ll give you her father’s number. He used to live in Cody but doesn’t anymore.


Thank you so much.

Maieve writes down the number on a piece of paper. Ava exits Maieve’s home and looks at the number. She dials it on her cell phone and when she does, she hears a very familiar voice on the end.




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In Ava’s room, Nate was keeping up his end of the bargain by entertaining Bobbie. He walks into the living room with a board game.


What about this game?


Nah that game sucks.


Then I’m out of ideas. Are you into computers?


Nope but I’m into other things.


Sure. I’m listening.


Stay right here. I have a surprise for you.



Nate waits for her. A few minutes later, Bobbie walks out in one of Ava’s negligees. Nate is shocked by what he sees.


Oh my god. What are you doing?


I want you. Sexually.


No Bobbie this isn’t right.


Yes it is. Make it right Nate.

Bobbie goes up to him and starts to touch his face.


You need to stop!


Why? Because I’m re-


No! I really hope that I wasn’t giving you the wrong idea. Ava wanted me to spend time with you but not like this.


I’m dying Nate and I want someone to love me before I go.

Nate goes over to Bobbie and hugs her as she cries.


Why don’t you change.



Bobbie goes back into Ava’s bedroom to change.


Hey I’m going to call Ava. I think she needs to be here.

Bobbie comes back out, changed into what she originally was wearing, to try to stop him.


Please don’t tell her.


Sorry Bobbie. You need to tell her how you feel.

Not wanting that to happen, Bobbie instinctively knocks Nate out by hitting him over the head with a large text book. He falls to the ground. He wakes up on Ava’s bed with a throbbing headache.


Are you okay?


My head hurts.


Sorry but-



Wait…where am I?


You’re in Ava’s room.


Who’s that? Who am I?

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Alley turns the light on to her bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror and laughs. She grabs a blue paper bag that she purchased earlier but before she can open it, there’s a knock on her door. Alley answers it to find Marissa with a smile on her face.


Can I help you?


Just wanted to come and spread some joy. I figured you were out of the loop with your ex so I’d fill you in.


Not interested. Leave!

Alley slams the door in Marissa’s face. Marissa opens the door and walks in anyway.


Get out!


Let’s not fight for once.


You’re afraid I’m going to kick you butt again.


No. I wanted to let you know that John is over you.


Oh really?


Yes really. I hooked him up with a lovely girl that I know. Her name’s Jalenda and he is just smitten with her.

Alley laughs at her.


Jalenda? You hooked your brother up with a call girl?


Jalenda is not a call girl!


Yes she is. I met her. Actually I had her admit to me what she does for you and I got it all on tape.


You’re lying!


Call my bluff then.


All I have to do is tell my brother that you’re a jealous, petty, do nothing and he believes me.


Go ahead but I think that it would break your brother’s heart to know that his sister is a madam. It really does explain how you tried breaking us up with all of the porn happenings.


You wouldn’t dare break his heart for a second time!


Didn’t mean to break it the first time. Look Marissa, I’ll make a deal with you. If you pack up and leave this school, I promise to never let John know about your true profession.


My niece needs me.


I’m sure that John’s happy with all the help you gave him but this is really the best offer.

Marissa turns around from her, about to leave, but turns back to her.


You’re never going to be good enough for John!

Marissa exits Alley’s room. Alley goes back to her bathroom to pull out her purchased pregnancy test. She stares at the box.


Not good enough for John? He might be the father of my baby…or it could be Blake’s or I could just be crazy. Guess we’ll have to find out.

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Before the start of the wedding, Dylan finishes getting dressed in the church changing room, until Blake knocks on the door.


You decent?


Pretty much man.

Blake walks in with Jason and Riley.


Are you excited cuz?


Damn straight. I’m marrying the girl who I’ve been in love with ever since I set forth on this school.


You should put that in your vowels.


You should also put in there 'I am a douche bag!'

Dylan flicks off his brother but laughs.


Dude you’re in a church. We want this day to go off without a hitch.

Blake looks at his phone and notices that he has a text message from Marli.


Blake you’re not trying to get the school back when I’m getting married are you?

Blake clicks on the ‘Delete’ button. A message asks if he wants to permanently delete the message.


No. This is your time. Let’s do a shot for the man of the hour.

Blake puts away his cell phone. Blake, Jason, Riley and Dylan lift their shot glasses of whiskey in the air.


To Dylan and Carrie.

They all repeat Ryley’s speech and down their shots. Ryley looks out the window and notices Lana dressed in black approaching the church.


Jason we need to go take care of something!

Jason sees his aunt approaching. Ryley and Jason exit to stop Lana. Blake pats Dylan on the back and walks out of the changing room. He looks at his cell phone with the question of wanting to delete Marli’s message flashing back at him.



Should I erase you from my life?

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Ginny walks along the path of the school’s courtyard. She pulls out a printed e-mail from Owen. Before making it to her destination, she paused, wondering if what she was doing was a mistake. Instead of finding Owen, she runs into Tanisha, who has a smug look on her face.


Looking for someone? Like maybe…Owen?


Actually yes I am. He wrote me and told me to meet him here.

Tanisha grabs the e-mail out of her hand. She reads it out loud.


Ginny, I think it’s time to hang out. I’ll be in town.

She crumples the piece of paper up and throws it in Ginny’s face.


You’re so gullible. Owen let me onto his computer a few nights ago when we were together and I got bored.


You wrote this?


That’s what I said. Owen never came back. Even if he did, there’s no way in hell I would have let him see you.


Why? Why are you so spiteful towards me?


Because I want you out of his life for good. I also wanted to prove a point that you’re still in love with my man.


Maybe if you weren’t so insecure with your relationship, I’d actually have some sort of sympathy for you but you’re the one who has no heart what so ever!

Tanisha slaps Ginny across the face. Ginny kicks her in the shins. Tanisha grabs for her neck as Ginny latches onto her hair. Both girls begin to struggle back and forth, until Ginny pushes Tanisha off of her.


NO! This is so stupid. It needs to stop. I’m sick of fighting with you over him. You’re not worth it.


You know you’ll lose bitch ‘cause you’re a loser! Let’s go.

Tanisha lunges for Ginny but Ginny pushes her again.


I’m not going to fight you but I will fight for him.


Owen wants nothing to do with you. You’re a distant memory to him.


He’s going to want to know how evil his bored girlfriend gets. Thanks for making this so much easier for me.


What are you going to do? Fly all the way to Raleigh to tell on me?


Yep. He’ll be in my arms by tomorrow night. I truly deserve him. You never have!

Ginny walks away from Tanisha with a victorious grin on her face. Tanisha watches her leave. Tanisha pulls out her cell phone to call Owen. He answers his cell phone from a hotel room.


Hey you.


Hey. I was wondering when we were going to have dinner later?


Soon. I’m just kind of happy to be back.


Not as happy as I am. Can’t wait to see you.

Tanisha hangs up with Owen. All she could do was laugh at the thought of her enemy going on a wild goose chase.


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Carlos opens the doors to the Cody Prescient. He goes through a security check point before finding a male officer at the front desk. Carlos grabs his attention.


Hi. I’m here to see Detective Miltner.


He’s not in right now. Your name?


Carlos DeViego.

The officer looks through a folder.


I can actually help you. Please follow me. You’re not in trouble.


Yeah I think I know why I’m here. She’s absolutely crazy.


She sure is.

The officer takes Carlos to room where convicts were allowed to converse with others. C.C. sits across from him. Carlos was shocked to see her.


Hello Carlos. Long time no see.


What the hell is going on?


I had them call you down here. It was important for me to see you.


I have nothing to say to you.


You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve learned from jail. Fake catfights on Blue Crystal, really came in handy.

Carlos didn’t find her joke funny. He was annoyed and tried keeping minimal eye contact with her.


This is ridiculous. Did you get bored? I can’t believe that Detective Miltner would call me down for this.


He did it for good reason.


Save it! After everything you did, you can rot in here for all I care.

Carlos gets up to leave until C.C. says the one thing that makes him stop.


I’m pregnant with your baby.


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Dressed in all black, Lana was pushed outside by her own son and nephew.


How dare you manhandle family like that!


You’re not allowed in here mom. I’m just following Dylan’s orders.


That’s crap and you know it. I want to watch my son get married to the person who ruined our family.


Where’s uncle Sean? I'm sure if he were here that he'd say differently.


That freak left town. All because of Dylan’s bride to be. Now let me in so that I can crack her one.

Ryley and Jason shield the door from Lana. She tries to push them away but she’s overpowered and gives up.


Fine! I’ll remember this. You all took her side. Carrie tore apart our family. She brought Sean’s secret to light and she doesn’t deserve to have the Colby name!



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While Lana was trying to find other ways inside the church, another scorned person walked into the church unnoticed. Inside the bride’s dressing room, Juliana, Vi, and Mary Ann helped Carrie with her veil.

Mary Ann:

You look absolutely beautiful.


Thanks…Mary Ann.

Mary Ann:

Yeah I know you still don’t know what to call me. Hell I don’t know what I’d call me either.


My brother’s marrying a knock out. I’m sorry about the rest of the family.


Hey it’s okay. I’m glad that you’re going to be my sister in law.


Me too.

There’s a knock on her door, Juliana opens it to find Michael with a smile on his face.


It’s almost time.

He notices his little girl all grown up. Michael begins to tear up a bit.




I know dad. I can’t believe it either.


You look stunning.


Please excuse me. I’ll let you three have this moment.

Juliana went outside to escape the Slondsbid sob fest. She notices her brother Victor in desperate search of Carrie. Juliana grabbed his arm and pushed him away from the dressing room.


What are you doing here?


I’m here to confess my love to her. There might be some chance that she feels the same way.


It could never happen between you two. You’re her uncle, she’s your niece. It’s impossible Vic.


What’s impossible is to think how low you’d go for someone who you tried to destroy so many times. How could you drug me? I woke up in Lexington, knowing full well what you did.


I’m sorry but I had to stop you. Maybe my methods aren’t ethical but I had to do something. I was really scared for you. You seem so unstable.


You can’t do this to me.

(breaking down)

Please…just let me see her. Let me say hi. Let me have some sort of interaction.


Just go.


NO! I’m not leaving until I tell her everything so I suggest that you go and grab your daughter before I storm in there when they the preacher asks who has reason to break up this marriage!

Victor exits the church. Juliana quickly gets on her cell phone to make a call.


Who let him out? Well he’s free and he’s going to ruin everything so I want him stopped at any cost!


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John spends time with baby L.J. in his room. He looks at his daughter and smiles.


It looks like it’s just you and me kid. God you look more and more like your mom every day. I’d be shocked if you looked like me.

He begins to pat her back. She lets out a small burp.


That a girl! Now I wonder what’s taking your aunt so long.

With baby L.J. in one hand and his cell phone in the other, he gives Marissa a ring. He gets her voicemail.


Hey just wanted to know where you were and if you’re at work, then tell Jalenda that maybe we should just be friends. Later sis.

John hangs up his phone. He stares at the first photo he took of Alley.


(to L.J.)

What do you think I should do? Forgive her and give her another chance? Someday you’ll probably have to face the same problems. Unless you’re smart and you move out of Cody.

There’s a knock on his door. He holds onto L.J. as he answers it. His mouth dropped when he saw who it was. London smiled at him and at her daughter.


Hi John. I’m so happy to see my daughter.


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The band plays the music to start the wedding. Dylan, Blake, and Ryley waited patiently for Dylan to get married. Next came Vi and Juliana. Everyone stood up when the band played “Here Comes the Bride.” The doors swung open and Michael walked out with no one. He has a confused look on his face.


What happened? Where’s Carrie?


Shall we continue? This isn’t normal tradition.

Dylan walked down the aisle until Carrie appeared in the upper balcony where the choir normally would sing. She turned and faced the crowd in her beautiful wedding dress.


Carrie come down from there. We have to get married.

Carrie smiles and when she does, blood spurts from her mouth. She opens her arms to reveal that she’s been stabbed. She falls over the banister and lands flat on her back in the aisle.


Point Palace returns for its final season in March! Look out for a Season 5 video opening to debut soon.


Recommended Comments

  • Members


One of the best episodes of PP in a while

Where the hell do i start

WHAT A SHOCKING ENDING. Nice who done it. I like how Lana dressed in all black to the wedding and what a surprise to see Victor there though he is sick for wanting to be with his neice.

I CANT BELIVE WILL IS DEAD! R U TRIPPING!!!! The most shocking death in recent history on PP.

AND BOBBIE coming onto to NATE WOW, It was very edgy and now he has amnesia from a book to the head. Well Ok I guess

And BOY DID I LOVE TANISHA and GINNY. I was in heaven. And is Owen coming back for good. I really hope u play this story out in season 5. It's funny how they fought over a man that wasn't even in the same town.

And Bryan vs Marli, that was good too. I wonder who that one will play out. Blake should have read that text.

And good nan and Jenny. I loved their dialog and wonder if Nan will be able to come out on top

SO Rena so Lenvy so I am assuming she's not dead

U already told me about James and Bobbie and boy was that a shock.

And Finally Marissa got put in her place and now Alley is preggos. WOW and dont know who her baby daddy is

OH and OMG at CC

PP is going to have a bomb ass season 5 and I can't [!@#$%^&*] wait. I've been waiting for some of these thingt to happen for a while. Every scene was good in this ep.

DAMN U MATT!!! [!@#$%^&*] March man. COME ON!!!! This could be ur best finale yet. It seems PP will be getting back on track when season 5 starts. Itss kind of lost its a way a bit but we r past that!!!!!!!!

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What a FANTASTIC and SHOCKING SEASON FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with ML on nearly all of his points, this was great....oh there's so much!

I cannot believe Will is dead!!!! I honestly expected him to just survive or something, who the heck is Lenvy though? But honestly I am glad Will's dead, he deserved it. Poor Jace though.

I can't believe Nate got amnesia by a little girl hitting him with a text book. :P

LOVED ALLEY VS. MARISSA! I hope Marissa isn't exiting though, she's a great vixen.

Oh and....PP has the weirdest names of any mySON TV show I've seen.

I LOVED the wedding drama and that ending!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!! We seem to have a whodunnit on our hands!

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Thanks guys for the comments. The Carrie who-done-it was for sure a plot I had brewing ever since the beginning of Season 4. Not only was the finale huge but the reveal of who did it is going to be even bigger.

Lenvy Elliot first came on in Season 2 as Carrie Slondsbid's (you're right Tara, the names are funny) look-a-like. Will met her on a website after thinking that it was Carrie playing tricks on him so before she could get the last laugh, he wanted to play a mean trick on her. Lenvy reveals that she isn't Carrie and ends up getting hurt. Lenvy decides to escape Will and the school by going on a vacation to Ireland where she's actually mistaken for Carrie by Irish mob boss Patrick Flannigan. Patrick kidnaps Lenvy and holds "Carrie" for ransom from the DiMarcos. Lenvy was rescued by Will and she fell for him. She makes him admit everything from his past and once he does, she gives him her virginity. Will left out the part that he killed Zak Czececki in Season 1 and it came to haunt him when Zak's ex Trella Lopez was befriended by Lenvy. Trella was on the hunt to search for Zak but was upset to find out what Will did. She threatened to take Will to jail but Trella died from the gala explosion. Lenvy died in Will's arms also. Lenvy will sometimes visit Will in his dreams or thoughts to try to guide him but he obviously didn't listen to her over Alicia.

Season 6 will be a rockin' season and it will also be it's last.

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OMG!!!!! What a showdown!!!! That was just beatiful! First Marli puts Ryan on his place... It was just sweet!!!! - London showing up at John's doorstep, and sees her daughter...

Hey Bobbie is only human... and her body has need.... Poor Nate -

MMM - Lana throwing out by her son and nephew... it was just a classic moment... oh way I forget about CC for a moment, now she is pregnant; that was a shocker....

Jenny and Nan... battle it in Court, man... season is promising for a great run...

AND THE GAME BEGINS - who stabbed Carrie!!!!

Good job man... as always!!!

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