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Episode 119



Christmas continues in Springfield....


The Coopers all stare in shock.
Marina stands with Shayne and Rocky.
Marina nods, "It's true. I'm giving my child to Shayne and Rocky to raise."
Buzz shakes his head, "I.... I don't understand. This is a pretty big decision. When did all of this happen?"
Shayne smiles, "After the ceremony. That's what Marina was upset about. Then Rocky and I decided to take the big step and raise this child as our own."
Marina looks at them, "And I am so grateful. They will be good fathers to my child. I think Danny would be happy with this decision."
Rocky walks over to his father, "Your going to have a Grandchild."
Buzz nods, "Or is it a Great Grandchild?"
Rocky sighs, "Both? I don't know we can work it out. But this baby is a Cooper in so many other ways."
Buzz hugs his Son.
Cyrus walks over to the door to try and sneak out.
He is followed by Lucy who stops him outside, "Hey! I need to talk to you."
He sighs, "Lucy I need to get going."
Lucy grabs his arm, "How long have you been dating Harley?"
Cyrus is surprised by her question.
Marina walks over to Harley inside, "Aunt Harley please tell me you will be on our side about this."
Harley sighs, "This is not about sides. We all just want what's best for you, for Rocky, and for this child. You are all family."
Marina nods, "But at least we were honest. I mean family is all about honesty right?"
Harley takes Marina's hand, "We need to talk."
The two go upstairs.

Cross Creek:

Reva and Chandler pull away from the kiss.
Josh's mouth drops, "Reva... are you dating Dr. Tyler?"
She smiles, "So what if I am? He is a great guy and we have fun together. But no. We are just... we're having a fun little fling. It's nothing serious. But we are spending the holiday together if that's okay with you."
Josh sighs, "Well it's every one's holiday Reva. I won't stand in your way of being happy."
Josh walks back in.
Chandler looks at Reva, "What the hell was that?"
She sighs, "Did you want me to tell him the real reason and have him try and get involved. Besides you know you liked it."
The two walk inside.
Jonathan walks over to Billy, "Hey have you seen Liz anywhere?"
Billy nods, "Uh I think she left a little bit ago. I don't know probably going over to some Spaulding Christmas party."
Jonathan walks outside to look for her.
Aubrey sits with everyone at the table.
Vanessa smiles at her, "So Aubrey have you found out if it's a boy or a girl yet?"
Aubrey shakes her head, "It's to soon to tell."
Vanessa nods, "Well you know you can find out so much more now."
Aubrey nods, "Well I don't know. I kind of want a surprise. Surprises are always great. You never know how much you want something until you get it you know?"
Aubrey hugs Sarah.
She then looks around to see no sign of Jonathan.

Mel's House:

Alan Michael and Mel sit in the kitchen.
Mel smiles at him, "Look at you. The big family man. Your whole family would probably be spending the holiday a part if it weren't for you. You are keeping them together."
He sighs, "I just wish I could do more. If only I had control of the Company. I would really turn things around. Make the Spaulding name something to be proud of."
Mel nods, "Why don't you?"
He turns to her, "What?"
She smiles, "You are a good businessman. You should go for the Company. You have a good shot."
He is confused, "I thought you hated the business stuff. I didn't want you involved in it."
She sighs, "I do dislike it strongly. But like you said. You can make it something to be proud of. I believe in you Alan Michael. If anyone can do it you can."
He grins, "When you say that I actually believe you Mel. I might have a shot at saving the company from Cassie."
Mel nods, "So it's settled. You are going to work your way to taking back Spaulding Enterprises for you family.'
Alan Michael is excited for this idea.

Malah House:

Blake walks away on her phone.
She is in shock, "Oh my God. Ross! I can't believe it's you... You remembered our anniversary.... Of course you would but.... I love you so much and I miss you every single day.... Oh they are great. Clarissa is going to start making her schedule for High School soon. Jason is still doing well in school. Kevin... there is a lot going on with Kevin but, I am taking care of him.... Oh Dinah. She is just amazing. You know how hard it is for me to say that. She is a great mother.... You should be proud of her and your little Grandson Anthony..... What? I don't understand what are you....... But the kids have school I can't just..... I will Ross. I'll do it."
Blake keeps looking around to make sure no one is listening to her.
Dinah and Mallet are upstairs in the nursery.
Dinah lies Baby Anthony down for sleep.
She smiles, "Look at him Mallet. He is just the best. I don't think I could dare to ask Santa for any more."
He takes her hand, "Well to bad because you got something anyways."
The two walk into the bedroom.
He hands her a small box.
She opens it, "Mallet you didn't have to."
He grins, "I hope you like it."
She pulls out a necklace, "It's beautiful."
He nods, "There's a word on the back."
She reads it, "Trust. That's what we've always needed."
He smiles, "Now we have it."
Mallet walks around and puts the necklace around her neck.
This is by far Dinah's best Christmas.

Bauer Home:

Ray looks at Michelle, "These gifts are from Danny."
Michelle backs up, "No. Ray I don't understand."
He looks at her, "Michelle, Danny picked these out special months ago. He was having them made special."
Michelle is speechless.
Hope runs over, "Gifts!"
Ray smiles, "These gifts your Daddy picked out a while ago before... he picked them for you."
Hope and Robbie take their gifts.
Michelle sits down.
Ray hands her a box, "This one was for you."
Michelle has tears in her eyes as she takes the box.
She looks over at her children.
Robbie is holding a beautiful watch. It has his initials on it.
Hope is holding a locket with her initials on it as well.
Hope runs over, "Open yours Mommy!"
Michelle slowly opens hers.
She is surprised by what she sees.
Michelle holds it, "This is an old picture of me and my mother."
The picture is now in a beautiful frame with a pattern that is also on the locket and watch.
Michelle starts to cry.
Her children hug her.
Robbie looks at her, "Merry Christmas."
Michelle kisses her children, "Oh Merry Christmas my angels."
Across the room a photo of Danny sits on the mantel looking over at them.


The bar is closed.
Somehow Liz has gotten in.
She has been drinking and crying.
Jonathan walks in, "Somehow I knew I'd find your here."
She sighs, "Just go back to your family that's where you belong."
Jonathan sighs, "What about you?"
She laughs, "Oh I am where I belong."
He sits next to her, "The dirt. Remember?"
She shakes her head, "No."
He laughs, "That night we were drinking. I got into a fight with Coop. Tammy, Marina, Ava, Remy. They were all there. They all dragged Tammy away with their noses up while we were left where we belonged..."
She nods, "In the dirt. I can't believe you remember that. We were smashed."
He laughs, "Well it was a big night."
She smiles, "That's right. That's when Sarah was conceived. That drunken night... here actually it was right here."
He nods, "Yep you were broken up with Coop. I was dumped by Tammy. It was our consolation prize that ended up to be the best thing in our lives."
She smiles, "Sarah... she is just the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen."
Jonathan nods, "She looks like you Liz."
She fights tears, "You sure she doesn't look like her Mother Aubrey?"
Jonathan takes Liz's hand, "You are her mother Liz. Not Aubrey."
They stare into each other's eyes.


Marina is shocked by what Harley revealed, "Uh... wow I just didn't see that one coming."
Harley sighs, "Marina I'm so sorry. But I couldn't keep it from you."
Marina takes a deep breathe, "You are dating Cyrus Foley."
Harley takes Marina's hand, "I'm sorry that this hurts you."
Marina shakes her head, "No, no, no. Harley, we broke up a long time ago. I fell back in love with Danny. I don't have feelings for Cyrus anymore."
Harley smiles, "So your okay with it?"
Marina sighs, "Well I don't know about that. I think he's dangerous but I don't know if he makes you happy. It's not like you guys were together while I was still with him. Harley if you really want to be with him then fight for him and never let go."
Harley takes a deep breathe, "Wow I thought this would be a lot different."
Marina sighs, "Well I know that there is the whole family thing. But if you have feelings for someone you should go for it no matter what. And if your family member is not with them or drifting then you don't have anything to feel sorry about."
Harley is confused, "Where is all of this coming from?"
Marina turns and sees Shayne with Rocky.
She turns back, "Oh nothing."
Across the room Buzz stands in front of the Coopers, "My family. I want to say how blessed I am to have each and every one of you here. I know Frank, Eleni, Coop, and Ashlee are not here right now. But I am happy knowing they are safe wherever they are. I love you all. Merry Christmas."

Mel's House:
Mel holds Alan Michale's hand, "Oh sweetheart. You are going to save your family."
He nods, "I hope I can prove to them that I have what it takes."
She shakes her head, "No. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. And we don't need to say anything today. It's Christmas. We'll wait until new year to make the annoucnment. Then you'll have your whole family to support you."
Alan Michael grins, "Well I think it's time for us to make our speech."
Suddenly attention is towards the side of the room.
Beth stands, "Everyone. Phillip and I have something we want to say."
Phillip sighs, "Well I wanted to wait but Beth insist that I do this now. I just want to first say Merry Christmas. Thanks to Mel for having us over to her lovley home. I know this has been a difficult year for the Spauldings in Springfield."
Beth nods, "But soon things will change for the better."
Phillip smiles, "I am going to announce right now, that I plan to run for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises and reclaim the family company. I will make this company something my children can be proud to be a part of. This family will rise to the top again!"
The Spaulding all cheer for Phillip.
Alan Michael and Mel are speechless.

Cross Creek:
Billy and Vanessa look at their family.
Billy grins, "Thanks everyone for being here. Christmas is very special to us all and it's great to be able to spend it with the people that you really do love the most."
Vanessa nods, "And you all have brought such joy into the cabin. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to you all."
The whole room is in smiles.
Reva looks at Chandler, "You know your having fun."
He nods, "The Lewis/Shayne clan is sure an interesting one."
She smiles, "I told you. Stick with me and you'll have the time of your life kid."
Chandler looks up, "Uh-oh."
Reva looks what, "Oh Mistletoe."
Chandler smiles, "Well I guess if we have too."
Reva laughs at what she thinks is a joke but is surprised when Chandler pulls her into a very real kiss.
Aubrey looks around, "Where did Jonathan go?"
Sarah walks over, "Mommy where did she go?"
Aubrey smiles, "Who baby?"
Sarah talks, "Mama Lizzie."
Aubrey gets angry, "No. Sarah baby that is not your mama. I am. Don't be confused silly. She's not a nice lady. She's a stranger. And remember I said to stay away from strangers. And you are doing a good job baby."
Aubrey hugs Sarah.

Liz looks at Jonathan, "So you and Aubrey.... are you guys happy?"
He sighs, "We were but... once we got to Springfield she just changed. I don't know. Maybe I did or... I never got over Tammy. But when I was with her it felt like she was healing me. But maybe she was just covering up wounds that needed to heal themselves."
She turns to him, "Have you talked with her about it?"
He shakes his head, "I try but she changes the subject. I made my decision but then she got pregnant and.... I'm just waiting until the holidays are over and then...."
Liz is confused, "What?"
He sighs, "I think I'm getting an annulment. I can't do this again. I can't make the same mistake with Aubrey that I made-"
Liz stops him, "With me I remember. Our marriage wasn't real."
He pours another drink, "I never forgave myself for hurting you Liz."
She sighs, "I know. I have never forgiven myself for..... lots of things."
Liz's drink falls over.
He takes it, "Remind me to call us a cab. We can't go out like this."
She laughs, "Oh man. I just keep having deja vous!"
He walks over to the other side of the bar.
He starts cleaning it, "I miss running this place. A lot of good memories."
Liz helps him clean, "Yeah it's a pretty fun place. I think Reva and Billy still run it."
He smiles, "It just reminds me of when we were carefree kids. I feel bad saying this but sometimes I miss those days. Do you ever miss being the two bad kids of Springfield. The Bad Boy and Bad Girl of Springfield!"
She takes his hand, "This is really familiar."
Jonathan and Liz look into each other's eyes.
They lean close and kiss.
They continue kissing.
Moments later they find themselves in the backroom.
They fall onto a bed.
Liz rips off his jacket.
He tears the buttons of her blouse.
She kisses his chest.
They are tearing off their clothes.

Malah House:
Blake hangs up her phone and walks into the living room.
Kevin looks at her, "Who was that?"
She hesitates, "Oh... uh, just someone from the station. We're airing repeats today and he wanted to make sure I knew."
Jason laughs, "Does he think your dumb?"
Blake laughs nervously, "Oh yeah I guess he does..."
Kevin looks around, "Where are Mallet and Dinah?"
Maureen laughs, "Let's leave them alone."
Blake smiles, "Oh yes. Maybe we should go for a little caroling. Christmas is very special to Mallet and Dinah."
Upstairs Mallet kisses Dinah's neck.
He massages her chest.
She turns around and kisses his lips.
She starts to unbutton his shirt and kisses his chest.
Mallet picks her up and carries her to the bed.
Mallet takes her feet and massages them.
Dinah smiles.
She sits up and starts to take off his shirt.
Mallet helps slip off her skirt.
The two kiss again.
Dinah grabs a Santa hat from the floor and throws it on his head.
The two laugh.
Dinah smiles, "Merry Christmas Mallet."
He grins, "Merry Christmas Dinah."
The two begin to make passionate love.

Bauer Home:
Michelle hugs her children.
Michelle takes her picture and puts it up on the mantel.
She walks over to Danny's picture, "Thank you my love."
She blows him a kiss.
Ed walks into the center of the room, "Hello everyone can I have your attention. Today is more than just presents and cookies. Today is about miracles, life, family, hope, and so much more. I am so glad that I have an amazing Son. A terrific daughter. Two handsome grandsons. And two beautiful Granddaughters. And some of the best friends I could have ever asked for. You all are just such great people. And now we are all together. It has been years since we had a real family Christmas. I mean I real one. So I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have given me my family."
Ed hugs his Grandchildren.
The Bauers all get together for a family hug.
Pictures on the wall smile down at them of Bert, Maureen, Danny, and all of the other family members.
The Bauers are back.

Springfield has ups, downs, drama, action, love, hate. But one thing that is constant is family. The Bauers, Spauldings, Lewises, Coopers, Marlers, Grants, Boudreaux, Shaynes, and everyone else.


New Year in Springfield!
The Lewises have a huge announcement
Shayne looks for Rocky
Remy has a surprise for Blake
Harley and Cyrus spend the night together
Sarah goes missing


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You know, Marina giving her child to Shayne and Rocky, two gay men is a big thing. I am surpried no one protested this action or at least asked is this acceptable. I know it is in society but it would be a nice beat to play in that story. I am really anxious to see how this plays out and its good to see more people get sucked into this storyline.

I love buisness storylines and this one with A-M seems promosing. It would be nice if we could see more buisness aspects of FTL. Like meetings and what do they actually do a la Y&R or B&B.

Ok I may have asked befroe but last time I read FTL( before my break from reading it) Remy had seen Ross so what happend to that and what is this about he calling her. Where is he now?

How do u think Rufus will stay in FTL. I will need him back at some point. He has loose ends in Pasadena. In fact he owns Divine Design.

What a touching scene with Hope and Rayt and danny watching over them. It had a very warm feeling

OOH A-M vs Philip for head of the company. Looks like a battle will ensue. THis will be good!!!

Aubrey is one peice of work. Bbrainwashing poor Sarah. Now I dont like her at all and I hope Jon leaves her for Liz but at the same time Aubret is knocked up. SO many storylines heating up and yup they had sex. My what tangled webs we weave.

Happy holidays to u to hope it was safe and blessed. Loved the sweet ending.

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Thanks ML.

When Is started Rocky and Shayne's story I had a lot of the typical gay story moments. But I wanted their story to be a love story and not a gay story. You get what I mean?

But the issue will be addressed. Along with many others involved in this. This is going to be one of the big stories this year.

Oh yes. I'm so excited for the business story! It's going to be big and involve so many people. It's going to start off with AM vs. Phillip but branch out so much more.

Remy saved Blake from a fire and had a lot to think about on life. He confessed to her and she revealed that she had known Ross was alive. He was in hiding. That is what ended the relationship. They felt they had lost trust.

I'll probaby have Rufus as long as you ahve Remy. Or whenever you need him back. I'm exicted for his episodes to start posting!

Oh I teared up when I wrote the Bauer scenes.

We're about to have some confrontation scenes with AM and Phillip. They'll be good.

Aubrey first came off as the innocent good girl but we will see more and more of her bad side as time goes on. Aubrey is going to have a big role in 2009. She's going to rock Springfield in so many ways!

Thanks you too!

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