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Twigs and Berries #105



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Due to technical diffculties, I was unable to post pics. Everytime I post a pic in this ep, the episode would double in length. If any one could help me please do. In the mean time please refer to cast list posted on the right. Thanks and again my apologies

Westwood Park, Dondre's House

Kiko looks at Lauren then at his brother Dondre.


"What the hell is going on?"


"Kiko, I know this is a surprise but I need you to calm down and hear us out."


"Calm down? I am seeing dead people!"


"Relax man. It's not that serious yo. I didn't kill Lauren. This is a set up."


"We have to make Tyler believe Dondre killed me."


"This is insane. Why?"


"He was going to either kill me or you if I didn't kill Lauren."


"Why does Tyler want you dead Lauren?"


"He hates me. He believes I am a threat to his illegal operations. He blames me for Daniel not working with him no more."


"This is outrageous. Tyler is dangerous. He kidnapped me and his henchman held me at gun point. I don't think messing with Ty is a great idea. You can't hide this forever. What if the police starts looking for you Dre? What if Tyler tells the police that you killed Lauren?"


"Ty can't do nothing. The police are already trying to go after him so he won't do nothing else to draw attention to himself."


"And now you two have me involved in this little plot. "


"It wasn't supposed to go down like this bro. My bad homie."


" So now what? How long will Lauren have to stay dead? What's going to happen next?"


"Until we get Ty busted for the crimes he's committed."


"So you two are trying to be crime stoppers now. You should let the professionals handle this."


"It's too late. We are in too deep. I had to make it look like I killed Lauren so Ty wouldn't do nothing else to no one else. We are going to set him up."


"What about Daniel? He believes you are dead! Or wait, is he in on this too?"


"NO!. Daniel does not know. He cannot know! "


"You can't tell no one about this bruh."


"So you are going to let the father of your child believe you are dead?"

Lauren has a flash back of making love with Chris then of having a one night stand with Kevin. Dre also remembers when he over heard Lauren and Kevin talking about that one night stand at The Blue Note.

Lauren, turning away to look away from Kiko,

"It's not Daniel's child."


"All that aint important right now. Look man. You are my brother and if I've never asked anything of you before, this right here, is the time I'm asking. This is when I need you the most man. I know this is some crazy sh!t goings on, but I need to you to keep what you saw today to yourself. I wanted to prove to you that I was not a killer. That's why you are here. "

Kiko, thinking of everything he's learned today thinks of the situation. He looks at Lauren and then at his brother.

"You can count on me. I'll keep quiet." Lauren takes a deep sigh of relief as Dre walks over to his brother and give him a hug.


Episode: 105, Twigs and Berries!

Written by ML Cooks

Lavender Hill, Diego's House

Ashley walks up to the front door. She looks inside and it looks to her like Diego has moved out.

"Son of a Bitch." She walks around to the back of the of the mansion and sees a for sale sign.

"Yea I bet. Just open your flappers and tell Natalia everything about her son and leave town." She then pulls out her cell phone and dials Diego's number. The operator comes on

"The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected. Message 105." Ashley slams her phone shut and then lodges it the mansion, busting a window.

"You won't get away with this Diego. Fu(king Bastard! I am about to lose everything." Ashley then runs off into her car and rushes off.

Westwood Park, Natalia's House.

Natalia gets off the phone when she gets a knock at her door. She opens it and is surprised to see Mark.


"Mark, I'm surprised to see you here."


"May I come in?"


"My door is always open for you." Mark then walk in.


"I'm here to find out about our child?"


"You care now?"


"I actually do care about our son. He's my flesh and blood. If he's alive then I want to do right by him."


"That's good to hear."


"I don't understand why Ashley would have our child. What is going on?"

Natalia then remembers Mark may not be the father of this child but it could be Bryan's, and probably the reason why Ashley kidnapped him.

"I don't know either. We have to find out. In fact I was just talking with the hospital and they have the paternity results. Good timing, maybe we could go find out together."


"Actually, I am going to talk with Mike."

Natalia, frowning,

"Mike? What for?"


"He's the new police chief. I have to find Dahlia."

Natalia, rolling her eyes,

"It's always about Dahlia. She's dead."


"I bet you would love that! She's not. I saw her right before you got shot."


"How are you so sure?"


"Because Rufus was giving me head and she walked in on us."


"You can let that boarder jumper feel up on you but the mother of your child can't get no action? What does that thing have that I don't? I love you regardless of your past life. I'm ok with the fact you are bisexual. I knew for a while. Rufus and I had a conversation a while back and it just so happened that nasty bitch's nuts fell out her skirt. Would Dahlia have loved you knowing you were on the down low?"


"I am not on the down low. I've only messed with Rufus. No other men. It started back in high school and it's just been an on going thing. Nothing to write home about."


"I think so. I bet Rufus was the one who shot me. Tell Mike that while you're at it. Always worried about Dahlia. Find out who in the hell shot me. Who caused me to lose our son. I'm outta here. See your self out." She grabs her purse and jacket and heads to the front door. She looks back at Mark,

"Oh, and when your son asks where his daddy is, I'll tell him a dead bitch was more important than you. Imagine how hurt he is going to be. Selfish bastard!" Natalia storms out her house leaving Mark to eat her words.

Back on Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Mansion

Sabryn is sitting down in her living room, with her son in her arms. She listens to CNBC as she bottle feeds Bryan Jr. Bryan comes down the stairs and walks over to his fiancée. He leans down to try and kiss her but she moves her head back.


"What's the matter?"


"I'm busy feeding your son."


"Well you can give me a kiss right now?"


"Honestly no Bryan. I am so pissed at you right now. I just want to explode. I told you when we got back together, if you hurt me again, I'll kill you. That's what I feel like doing every time I look at your face!"


"I remember that but I didn't cheat on you though baby."


"You haven't cheated in over a year. Ashley is back from the dead and claiming to have your son. Oh wait, It's Natalia's son to. I don't understand how all this happens. My son and I are the ones suffering. For your stupid affair."


"You already know Ashley is crazy. She is probably lying."


"She is crazy and if she is carrying your son we have to possibly deal with that crazy Bitch for ever . Why do I have to live with something like that? I shouldn't have too. Bryan Jr. shouldn't have too. In fact I feel bad for her son. It's a shame he has a crazy mother like that."


"All I can say is I am so sorry Sabryn. I love you and I hope nothing has changed or will change."


"I can't promise you that. It depends on these paternity results. I'll tell you what though, you better hope and pray that is not your son."


"Well we are about to find out. The test results are in. I was heading down to the hospital to find out the results. I was hoping you would join me?"


"I'll pass. I'm meeting with Sharan. She should be here any minute so why don't you hurry up and leave."


"Sabryn I love you. I always will so no matter what happens at this hospital, I want you to know that."


"It sounds good."

Bryan, shakes his head and then kisses his son on the forehead and then leaves the mansion. Once Bryan closes the door behind him, tears fall from Sabryn's eyes. She looks down in her son's eyes and talks to him,

"I don't know what is going to happen little one. Your father's mistakes keep ruining our lives. I don't know if we can be a family. I can't keep going in these circles with him." She then hears her door bell ring. The maid walks into the living room and announces Sharan has arrived. Sabryn puts Bryan Jr in a rocker and greets Sharan.


"It' so good to see you!"


"I've missed you" They hug.

Huntington Memorial Hospital

Rufus walks out of his hospital room and sees Sister Patterson and Miss Jenkins having a heated discussion. Rufus interrupts them and give Miss Jenkins a big hug.


"You saved my life. I'll always be thankful to you."

Sister Patterson

"Get your tranny hands off my mother!"

Rufus stops hugging Madea and looks at both ladies,

"This is your mother?"

Miss Jenkins

"Child yes. It's very embarrassing. I gave birth to a devil."

Sister Patterson

"It's time for you to go back to your house. I don't know how you got out anyway."

Miss Jenkins

"No honey I am ok. You are done keeping me locked up in that house. Why would you do that to that to an old lady?"


"Oh my god you're Miss Jenkins."


"Yes I am honey. In the flesh."


"Everyone thought Miss Patterson was crazy. She was always talking about this Miss Jenkins. I thought it was some one she made up."

Sister Patterson

"It's Sister Patterson to you. I am a warrior for my God."

Madea, laughing,

"Please, the only war you are about to be fighting is with the crazy hospital when I have you committed. And you're right Rufus, my daughter is crazy."

Sister Patterson

"It's all because of you. You know what you did to me."


"I did nothing but raise you. So what I told you, you were ugly. It's the truth honey." She says laughing. Rufus chuckles as well.

Sister Patterson

"Yes, it's time for you to be going back to your house." Sister Patterson begins to grab Madea's arm.


"You wanna put your hands on me huh? I got something for that ass." Madea reaches in her purse and takes out her gun. Sister Patterson immediately backs up away from Miss Jenkins.

Sister Patterson

"We are in a hospital. A place for healing. Put the devil's tools away."


"Honey I don't care where we at. You aint gone put yer hands on me." She then turns to Rufus,

"How you feeling honey?"

Sister Patterson

"Don't talk him! He's a gay."


"Honey, we are all God's chill'rens. Maybe this man need a little help finding out who he is."

Sister Patterson

"Aint no family of mine going to be associated with a fruit basket."


"That's funny, isn't your daughter a lesbian?"

Sister Patterson is stunned.


"You thank I didn't know huh? Miss Jenkins knows everything honey. You need to go get your family together. You're about to lose everyone you love. In fact, you should get together a family reunion. I want to see everyone you been hiding from me. And it's time to reveal to them just how crazy you really are."

Sister Patterson

"Miss Jenkins, I am not going to let you do this."


"Get out of my face before I do something I do want to do." She says reaching for her gun again. Sister Patterson then leaves the hospital.


"Wow, I never seen anyone get Miss Patterson together like that before. She's always in some one's face being loud and disrespectful."


"Honey, thangs gone be changing round 'chere real quick. I got some stories to tell about my ugly daughter. Would you like to hear them?"


"I sure would Miss Jenkins."


"We can gone head back to my house and I'll cook something up. Now tell me what the doctor said?"


"Well, thanks to Ashley, I don't need surgery to become a full fledge woman."


"Oh my lamb, you mean that's what was wrong with ya when I found you in my basement?"


"That crazy Bitch Ashley took a chain saw, thinking she was reliving a moment from that movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre and cut my penis off."


"Lord, what the hell she do that for?"


"Because she's flipping crazy. The doctor said I'll be ok though. They got me all together. I'm now a woman. My man hood is gone."


"Well honey, whatever flies you're hair back. Let's go back to my house. I need to hit my reefers."


"You mean weed?"


"Yea honey. I got to have my twigs and berries for this glaucoma I got here in my eyes."

Rufus laughs as they begin to leave the hospital. But Rufus gets side tracked when he sees Ashley entering the hospital.


"That's her. She cut my dick off."


"Well honey here you go." She says handing her, her gun.

Downtown Pasadena, Police Station

Mark walks into Mike's office.


"Mark, It's been a while. What brings you down here?"


"Well Mr. new police chief, I need to talk to you about something I saw right after Natalia was shot."


"I'm glad you bring that up. The ball was dropped on that unsolved crime and I was just in the process of opening that case back up. Let me start off asking you, who do you think had a reason to shoot Natalia?"

Mark, thinking of Rufus

"Rufus Taylor maybe."


"Rufus huh? And why do you think Rufus would want to shoot Natalia?"


"A jealous lover."


"Lover? Who's?"

Mark, pausing before answering

"Mine. Rufus and I used to mess around and he came back to town to try and rekindle what we had years ago. She's made numerous remarks about Natalia."


"Very interesting. So what did you see after Natalia got shot?"


"This is going to sound odd but, I saw Dahlia Salem. I saw her one time after Natalia was shot and I haven't been able to locate her since."


"Wow, really? Dahlia? I remember she was dumped into that landfill."


"That's what I thought to but I swear to you I know I saw her."


"Well did you stop and talk to her?"


"I was unable too."


"And that's because of what?"


"She walked in on Rufus and I."

Mike, a bit surprised

"I see. Well I have Natalia who was shot and then Dahlia back from the dead. This does makes things interesting. If she's alive I am sure we'll find her. Maybe she knows who shot Natalia."


"Are you trying to say Dahlia might have shot Natalia?"


"It seems anything is possible in this city."


"You are right about that."


"I'll do some digging and see what I come up with. There's been a massive crime wave here in Pasadena and it might take a little while to get all the cases but trust me, no crime will go unpunished. There's going to be a lot of people going to jail very soon."


"I am glad to hear. Thank you for your time. I have something to do at the hospital so I'll be in touch." Mark gets up and leaves as Mike ponders the fact if Dahlia is really dead and could she be the one who shot Natalia then skipped town.

Back on Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Mansion

Sharan walks over to look at Bryan Jr.

"He's beautiful. I am so happy for you."


"Not more happy than I am for you. It's so good to have my best friend back. So tell me, what did you go through.? I've heard a lot about this Mona person."


"I don't even know where to start. She kidnapped me, and Daniel, faked Daniel's death and framed Chris for it."


"That is horrible. I was there with Bryan when he found out Chris was put into the gas chamber. Damn that is such a shame. An innocent man killed for nothing. Because he was set up. This Mona person must have really had a lot of time on her hands to do all these deranged things. What would cause someone to act like that.?"


"Revenge and pain. It's going to sound crazy, but I almost forgive all of the things Mona did. Her father took her away when she was born. Abe made Sister Patterson believe that Mona was dead. Abe then chained her up and molested her night after night for 15 years."


"Abe? The police chief? His own daughter?"


"Well, Mona found out recently that Abe's brother was really her father. But yes Abe did all of this. He's the reason she's crazy. She's hell bent on revenge and all the things Abe done to her is the reason she's done all the crazy things she's done."


"I'm just glad to have you back. I know you are happy as well."


"Oh yes I am. I am free. It feels so good. I still have night mares though but I guess that's to be expected. So tell me about this wedding, I was there. I saw what happened? Oh and by the way, Mona and Ashley were working together."


"You have got to be kidding me! I don't believe this. If Mona can fake Daniel's death then there is no telling what in the hell two crazy people can cook up. Ashley claims she gave birth to Bryan's son. But come on, the crazy bitch got ran over by a car. How do you survive that and even give birth? And to top all that off, Natalia is now claiming that the son Ashley has is really hers, thanks to some plot by Ashley and Diego."


"It is possible. I'm telling you that sounds about right. I over heard Ashley talking while she visited Mona. Even Mona admitted that baby wasn't Ashley's."


"Then that would mean that Natalia is right. It is her son. Bryan made a comment that this child had his facial features. Oh my God. NO!. Don't tell me Bryan and Natalia slept together. It all makes sense. Natalia and I had an argument at her fashion show and she made a remark. She has a flash back

The Fashion show begins with some club music in the background playing and the lights flash of all colors on the runway. The first model walks out and struts to the music.

Sabryn, standing next to Natalia

"How hideous. So tacky. No class whatsoever ever."


"Jealous ones still envy I see. If I wasn't pregnant. I would love to have a few rounds with you in the boxing ring you."


"It's a deal. After we have our babies , it's a date. I 've been waiting to show you who's really boss."


"Bryan knows who's boss" She coolly says walking away.


"That's the second weird comment that dumb BITCH made. " she says wondering what is Natalia is talking about. As Sabryn walks back over to Bryan, The lady in red follows her.

Sabryn's flash back ends.

"Sharan can you please watch my son. I need to get to that hospital and hear the paternity results." Sabryn grabs her purse and rushes down to the hospital.

Meanwhile at Huntington Memorial Hospital

Mark walks into Kiko's office and joins Ashley, Bryan and Natalia who were already waiting for the doctor. Kiko then walks in.


"Please tell us now Dr. Whitfield. Just get it out in the open. Too many people's lives are at stake." Ashley and Bryan takes a deep breath as Kiko opens the envelope


"The paternity of the child in question goes as follow. Bryan D. Crane is the father."

Just then Sabryn walks in. Kiko continues

"The mother of the child in question is…….Natalia Cigultie."

Bryan is shocked.


"So you two had an affair?"

Natalia, walking up in her face,

"I've waited to tell you this for so long! Yes Bryan and I slept together. Bryan got a big d!ck don't he?" Ashley and Sabryn both start attacking Natalia!

In two Weeks on S.T.E.A.M.:

Pasadena comes together for a triple funeral!


Recommended Comments

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Natalia can so take on Sabryn and Ashley. It's funny that the two enemies who hate each other the most are going after one of Passadena's biggest villain. I wonder what will happen next. This was something I always wanted to do between Jenny and Nan. I wanted to have someone be badder than the both of them so that they can team up to take them down but still hate each other.

The episode was a bit slower but that's a good thing because it gives you time to build plot and especially character development. I'm liking Madea but that's a given because she's as cartoony as her daughter.

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MADEA is my new grands grands.... I love her, and this friendships with Rufus is very shocking and well accepted... I can see how these two become close, and the one person who truly believe in Rufus's innocent in this whole mess with Mark, and Natalie being shot!

LoL - Poor Natalie, Ashley and Sabryn after her like that, what a girl to do. And Bryan is da man... Three Hot women after him, that little thing, better big as big as I heard... LOL

Good job man, love it!!!!

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The Lauren surprise was big! I can't wait to see where this is going! A lot is getting revealed!

Ooh! Ashley is pissed off!!!

I really liked the Natalia and Mark scenes as well.

Good stuff with Bryan and Sabryn. I could feel her anger in her words. She seems really hurt.

LOL! When Rufus was thanking Miss Jenkins! And great dialog with Sister Patterson and her mother! I love those three in scenes together!

I liked Sharan explaining forgiving Mona.

WOW! The flashback was a nice touch. It makes sense!

The Paternity tests results were shocking! Great scene! I can't wait for the next episode.

I feel like we are getting deeper into the characters. I feel like we are getting to know them better. Great job!

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