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Episode#273: Kate Confronts Tony




Episode#273: Kate Confronts Tony

-Carrie is at Chez Rouge, still distraught over Marlena’s death. Alexis enters and orders a drink, her being distraught over the situation with Jeremy and Mike, and she and Carrie meet, and explain their situations to each other, and Carrie is horrified to learn about what Mike did, and Carrie explains that she knew Mike very well, and at first Alexis says “Not another ex.”, but Carrie assures her that she won’t judge her for what she did, and Alexis comforts Carrie over losing Marlena.

-Lexie, Renee, and Elvis continuously search for Stefano, and they stumble onto Kristen, who also claims that she hasn’t see him in quite some time, and they all continue to search.

-Will and Destiny continue to argue with the Galore’s at Salem Park. Crystal taunts Will saying there’s no way the court will give Arianna to an underage criminal. Destiny reminds Crystal of her criminal record, being a porn star and trying to kill Marlena for Nicole Walker, but Crystal argues that all of that was along time ago, but all of Will’s crimes are very recent. Benard also taunts Will telling him that he’ll have his mother in jail with him, and Will stomps off angrily!

-Tony is at the Salem Inn, and he gets a knock on his door…slowly he goes and answers it, and is shocked and horrified to see Kate standing there!

*Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

-Carrie finds comfort in Alexis over all that’s happened over the past few weeks. Alexis learns about Sami being accused of killing Marlena, and she tells Carrie that she did meet Sami when she was working for EJ, and she did seem feisty, but not psychotic. Carrie says that she was acting odd before Marlena was killed, and she just doesn’t know. Carrie also tells Alexis that she’s met Jeremy before, and if she knows him, he won’t hold a grudge forever.

-The DiMera Children keep on searching for Stefano, but to no avail, however outside, in the courtyard, they run into Megan, who smirks at hearing they are searching for Stefano, and she tells them she knows where he is!

-Tony is shocked to see Kate at his doorstep, and he says that he heard she was alive…but with Marlena dying, he just hasn’t had the time to talk to her. Kate has a firm look on her face, and asks him how he can be a free man, and Tony explains to her that he was cleared on all of his crimes on reasons of insanity, and explains to her the Vince mess! Kate tells him she doesn’t believe that, and she’s going to make him pay!

-Renee, Lexie, Elvis, and Kristen all quiz Megan on where Stefano is, but Megan is reluctant at first, and Lexie asks why Stefano would tell her of all people, the crazy psycho, where he is going and not tell the rest of them, and Elvis sneers that Megan is the favorite. Megan laughs and says they are all such fools, and Kristen orders everyone to leave so she can speak to Megan privately!

-Destiny chases after Will throughout the street, and she chases him all the way into Salem Place! She tells him to ignore what Benard and Crystal told him, and Will comments that he hates those two, and he loved Arianna his girlfriend, but he just can’t stand her parents or her siblings. Destiny tells Will that there’s no good just standing around and bad mouthing them, they have to fight, fight for both Arianna’s, and themselves!

-Tony tries to plea with Kate, and deeply apologizes, and says that they always were friends, and Kate snaps that they were until he pulled her into a garden in Italy and shot her! Tony once again claims it was Vince and he had no influence or power as to what he did, and Kate sarcastically says that everyone uses insanity as an excuse, and Tony tells her that he’s sorry but she can do nothing to him, he’s already been cleared. Kate says that she’s Kate Roberts, and its disgusting that he got off like this. She says that she’s a powerful woman and it is well known that she’s back in Salem and has re-taken her throne, so he should watch his back! Kate then leaves, as Tony sighs, wishing Kate and Kristen would back off of him, believing that it really was Vince…

-Crystal and Benard remain in the park and discuss the situation, and Benard again asserts that he hates Will AND Destiny, but she had a point about Crystal’s track record. Crystal simply brushes it off that the lawyer can find some loophole around that, and that Benard has a perfect track record and is a well respected business man. Crystal thinks to herself that she doesn’t care about her past, she is going to take Arianna!

-Kristen confronts Megan privately, and tells her sister that they both have always been the closet of all of Stefanos’ children to be closest to him, and she deserves to know where he is! Megan laughs and says she doesn’t care, and she can’t let them interfere in their father’s plans. Kristen won’t back down however and continues to grill Megan.

-Carrie and Alexis continue to talk and befriend each other, and Carrie also assures Alexis that Robin won’t be that hard to take on, and Carrie expresses her concerns about Sami. Alexis says that its possible that Sami is lying through her teeth, and she could have snapped and no one knew, and Carrie sighs. Alexis tells Carrie that she needs to go, but as she stands up, she reminds Carrie that sometimes, even the most unbelievable things are true. Carrie ponders this and Alexis leaves, and then Carrie runs into Brandon!

-Kristen continues pressuring Megan, and Megan finally says just to humor her, she’ll tell her where Stefano is, and Megan thinks to herself she hopes her father will forgive her for this, and she says to Kristen that its probably too late now. She leans in and whispers something in Kristen’s ear, and Kristen’s eyes widen, and Megan laughs after she is finished, and Kristen rushes to her other siblings and says to follow her!

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A GREAT EPISOde. It was a very nice bonding scene with Alexis and Carrie and I like what Lexis said at the end. Crazy things is possible. Great line and ggreat scene.

I loved when Kate aid she was back to reclaim her thorne. I know that;s right. What if Kristen and Kate team up to get TOny.

It was also nice to see a scene with Benard And Crstal with just them and letting the reader know who they are where they stand.

I hope Will beats them in court

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