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Episode 191



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee


Margo exits the police station in just enough time to run into Casey. He suggests they go get a bite to eat and Margo agrees. At Al's, Casey tells his mom that she really didn't have to cover for him like she did. Margo realizes that what she did was wrong, especially since she's the chief of detectives, but wants Casey to stay out of jail. She knows he only did what he did because of his rage towards Aaron, but asks her son to find her and talk to her if something happens again. The two then switch topics to Tom. Casey wonders what his father will say, but Margo concludes that she'll deal with his father. Later, Casey runs into Alison in OldTown and does his best to avoid her. Alison is hurt that Casey won't even look her in the face and vocally damns Aaron for what he did. Casey retorts that Alison's just as gulity for taking the pictures and letters and hiding them from him. Alison defends her actions and explains that she knew seeing that stuff would only add to the emotional distress Casey's already under. She was only looking out for him, she says. Later, Aaron tracks Alison down at Donovan's and demands to know why she keeps ignoring his calls. Furious, Alison recalls that Aaron is the reason that Casey won't even look her in the face. Getting up to go, she splashes a drink in his face and from the door, calls out for him to get his stuff from the apartment by the end of the day.

On her way out, Alison runs into Chris. Seeing an opportunity to play catch up and ruffle Aaron's feathers in the process, Alison invites Chris into Donovan's for a quick drink. He agrees and they head inside. Aaron turns around to see Alison re-entering with Chris in tow. Angry, he confronts Alison and informs her that she's just making things worse for them. Ignoring him, Alison proposes to Chris that they find a quiet corner booth. Once they sit, Chris notices Aaron's intense staring and asks aloud if Alison is using him to make Aaron jealous. Eventually, she admits that it's part of her reason for asking him to sit with her, but she also wants to know what he's been up to since he's been released. Chris sighs that he's been working hard to get everything back to normal between his parents. That must be a tough task, Alison guesses. Chris asks what the deal is between her and Aaron. After getting filled in, he urges Alison to just let it go. Aaron was jealous, and even though he took it to an extreme, that should prove to Alison what she's always wondered about...if she's good enough for Aaron. Surely she must be, he explains, for Aaron to be so jealous and act the way he did, no matter how wrong it was.

Emma thanks her family for coming together like this. She explains that she has alot of things to say to them all, and this is the perfect opportunity for her to say it. Lily calms her down and tells her that they all gathered here so they could show their support for Emma. Carly interjects that she thinks it's great that Emma's moved on with Clark. She makes the point that Emma has lived too long acting like Harvey is going to walk in the door, and there's a time you just have to let the past go. Jack winces at the stinging, underlying meaning of Carly's last line. Emma replies that she's thankful that they're all worried about her so much, but the main reason she didn't bring Clark around to begin with was because she was afraid something like this would happen. For years, she has sat back and given advice to family member after family member and watched them all as they intefered in each other's lives. And in the end, all it did was cause even more heartbreak.

Emma sheds a tear as she explains that for once, she was happy just being someone else...getting away from it all and being with Clark and no one but Clark. But now, they've done what they all do best...interfered in someone else's life. She continues that now thanks to their prying ways, they might have possibly scared Clark away. Later, Luke shares a warm moment with Emma in which he tells her that he wants her to be happy. That's all that matters to him. Meanwhile, Jack pulls Carly to the side and voices his opinion that he thinks Clark might be up to no good. Despite Carly's objections, he heads off, determined to have a background check done. Carly goes over with Lily to apologize to Emma for possibly coming between her and Clark. After everyone trickles out, the only ones left in the room are Holden and Emma. Emma gives Holden a mother's scolding glare as Holden sits down and prepares himself for a good, old fashioned talkin' to.


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