Episode 97
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Romance fills Springfield...........

Reva Bend:

Reva and Josh are kissing on the couch.
Josh runs his hands through her her hair.
She has her hand on his chest.
She can feel his heart pounding as if it were trying to tell her something.
She pulls away and looks at him, "Joshua? I.... I don't know if this is such a good idea."
He holds her close, "Reva. I love you. You love me. We've been playing this game for our whole lives. Let's just give in and be together. You know that's what you want."
She sighs, "I just.... this is going way to fast. I need time to think about this."
He kisses her neck, "What is there to think about? We want this. We deserve this."
She starts to unbotton his shirt, "Oh Bud! I missed this!"
He laughs, "Well this has missed you too!"
She laughs, "No. I missed this. You know."
He nods, "Yes. I do know."
Reva kisses him again.
The two undress and make love again together for the first time together in over a year.

Old Museum:

Marah is cleaning up.
She hears a knock at the door.
She answers.

Jeffrey is standing there, "Hello Marah."
She smiles, "Hi. I didn't expect to see you today."
He sighs, "I know. I missed you Marah. I've thought about you everyday these past few weeks."
She nods, "I've thought about you too. Do you want to come inside? Remy went to work. Sam and Steph went out. Marina's with Danny. I'm here alone for the first time."
He walks in, "Wow this place looks nice. I can't believe how many of you are living here."
She nods, "Well originally it was meant for three. But then people just kept moving in. Now Marina is moving out."
He sighs, "Maybe it's time that it was back down to three. You know what I mean?"
She nods, "I think so. Unless you want to invite Sam to live with you? Then...."
He laughs, "No Marah. I want us to get back together. I want you to move back in with me."
She smiles, "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that! Jeffrey I love you so much!"
Marah jumps into his arms.


Marina stands outside of a house, "Wow. This is such a nice house. I mean you really want this?"
Danny nods, "Yes. I do. But I just don't want the house. I want the house with you Marina."
She turns to him, "I love you so much."
He kisses her, "I love you too. I didn't know I could have such happiness in my life before I met you."
She hugs him, "I can't believe we are really getting a place of our own. A place we can call our own."
He smiles, "I think Robbie and Hope will be happy here. They get to have their own rooms."
She nods, "That is until they get new little brothers and sisters."
He smiles, "You want to have babies with me?"
She looks at him, "Of course. We can have a little boy. A girl. Little Daniel Jr. and little Nadine after my grandmother."
He smiles, "I can't believe you already named our children that we haven't even talked about yet."
She covers her face, "Oh God! I'm so stupid! Why do I keep doing this!"
He laughs, "Hey! Know one calls my girlfriend stupid. Epsecially you. I know that someday we'll have little Daniel Jr. And he'll be a hansome young man and he'll have the best mother in the world!"
She kisses him.

Malah House:

Mallet runs in to confront Dinah.
She is sitting on the couch holding a baby book.
He walks over, "What is this?"
She smiles, "Oh I thought I'd get started by putting the baby's sonogram in the book."
He sits down, "We need to talk. Dinah there is something that has been bothering me for a long time now."
She turns to him, "I know. It's been bothering me too."
He is surprised, "It has?"
She nods, "Yes. I wasn't sure at first but I think I should tell you what I've decided."
He sits with anticipation, "What Dinah? I don't understand?"
She sighs, "I'm choosing Anthony."
He is confused, "Who's Anthony?"
She laughs, "Well first that's your real name, and second that is the name of our baby boy."
Mallet sighs, "Oh. You were talking about the baby name."
She nods, "Uh yeah. What did you think I was talking about silly?"
He sits back, "Uh... nothing. Nothing at all."
She continues to flip through the book.
Mallet stares at his wife.

Lillian's House:

Lillian puts on her work clothes, "I have to get down to the hospital. I'm running late."
Beth kisses her on the cheek, "Bye Mom."
Phillip kisses her as well, "Drive safe Lillian."
Lillian leaves.
Beth sighs, "I hate this Phillip. I feel like we're uncomforatable here with my Mother."
He nods, "Uh yeah you think? We had to move in with your mother Beth. I mean I hate having to put this on her."
She shakes her head, "Mom loves having us here. And it's only temporary. Eventually we're gonna get the house back from Cassie and Edmund. We just need to be patient."
He shakes his head, "I don't know. I just can't help but feel like we may never get our life back from them."
She walks over to him, "Phillip. We have to keep hope that we know eventually things will work out for this family."
He sighs, "This family is not what it's supposed to be. I mean everything is destroyed."
She sits, "No. I know a lot of damage was done with me and Alan...."
Phillip turns to her, "Because of me. Everything changed when I left Springfield Beth."
She nods, "But your back. And now we can work together to save our family. We're still Spauldings Phillip. We always come out on top."
She hugs him.

Bauer Cabin:

Edmund walks inside.
Alexandra is sitting at the table, "Why must we meet here everytime to discuss our plan?"
He sighs, "Oh Alexandra. You know that this place is somewhere that Cassie wouldn't think to spy on me. If she found out we were working together she would have us both hung."
Alex laughs, "I told you once and I'll tell you again. I'm not afraid of that Cassie."
He sits, "Well you should be because we have a hell of a fight ahead of us if we are going to take down Cassie."
Alex stands up, "Edmund, how do I know that you aren't going to turn on me once you get what you want?"
He shakes his head, "Oh Alex you know me better than that."
She rubs his shoulders, "Do I Edmund? Do I? Do I really? Last I checked you were a backstabber."
He sighs, "Only to people who stab me first."
She puts her hands on his tie, "Oh Edmund. You don't have to worry about that with me."
He sits back, "Do you have some sort of theme in mind for this meeting today Ms. Spaulding?"
She grins at him, "I was thinking something with sparks."
She pulls him close and kisses him.
The two begin to undress.

Jeffrey and Marah are walking.
She holds his hand, "I'm so glad that we worked things out. I thought we would have to wait a lot longer."
He nods, "I did too. But I know that you didn't mean to hurt Ava. I just.... I just want to make sure you understand exactly why I was upset with you Marah. Do you?"
She sighs, "Yes. I do understand. Ava may not be your biological daughter. But you loved her. And you still do. I was wrong to think that just because you found out Edmund was her father you would just forget all about her and move on with me."
He nods, "Yes. You understand. I'm sorry that I took out my anger and frustration on you."
She looks down, "Have you seen the baby yet?"
He shakes his head, "No. I wanted to. I've drove by Cross Creek a million times but never went to the door. I think it would be to hard to deal with all of that again."
She hugs him, "Well you are going to get through this. Because I'm gonna help you. We'll do it together."
Danny and Marina walk around.
Marina looks at the bedrooms, "This place is beautiful Danny. I just love every bit of it."
He smiles, "I know. So do I. I can already picture what everything will be like when we move in."
She nods, "Oh so am I. I think I want to help paint all of the bedrooms. More bright colors. And maybe putting flowers all over the place. You know all of that stuff you see in houses."
He grins, "You seem like you have been thinking about getting a house for a while now."
She nods, "Well it's been a long time since I had a house. Like an actual house. I had one when I was little and then my parents split. But for most of my life I lived at Company. Then I lived at the Beacon a few times. I had an apartment. And the museum. But this place will be our house. It will be our home."
He kisses her, "It will be more than that. It will be a place that we can start all of our memories at."
She turns to him, "And now all of our dreams can come true."
The to kiss.
Lillian's House:
Phillip looks at Beth, "I know a lot changed after I.... After I left Springfield. I mean nothing is at all the way that it used to be in this town and our family."
She nods, "I know. And I am partly responsible. Because a great deal of that was caused by Alan. And I was married to him at the time."
Phillip looks at her, "We don't need to talk about that right now. I'm just not ready."
She sighs, "I also know that things also had a major change when.... when Tammy Winslow was murdered. Ever since then things have been nothing like they used to be."
He stands, "Maybe if I were here I could have done something to stop Alan from going after Jonathan and Tammy."
Beth sighs, "And I was here and I allowed him to do it. Heck I even helped him with it."
Phillip turns her, "What?"
She shakes her head, "Not with the.... I mean I was there while he fought for custody."
He nods, "Oh yeah."
Beth walks over to him, "I know this is hard but we can work together and fix everything. Make things the way they were before. And maybe we can put this family back together Phillip."
He nods, "I know. Because if we don't then who will?"
Bauer Cabin:
Alexandra buttons up her shirt.
Edmund pulls up his pants, "I cannot believe we just... I mean that is not what I had in mind."
She grins, "Well I guess you are a lucky man then Edmund. Even more lucky then we thought."
He sits down, "Oh God! What was I thinking? I mean you. Alexandra no offense but your..."
She turns to him, "If you don't wish to offend then don't."
He sighs, "This will complicate things Alexandra that is all that I am saying to you."
She laughs, "Well I already have your number. And no I don't think I'm gonna end up pregnant."
He stands, "We can't tell anyone that this happened. This wouldn't be good news to have out."
She turns to him, "Oh what? Did you think I was gonna go shouting from the rooftops that I slept with the dark prince? Please Edmund I have a reputation to uphold."
He puts hid jacket on, "Well so do I. I also don't need Cassie finding out she might just have me killed."
Alex sighs, "It's so pathetic how afraid of her you really are. It's Cassie Layne. She is the stripper turned princess. She's not exactly the scariest person in the world."
Edmund walks to the door, "Oh you would be surprised Alexandra. You would be surprised."
Alex finishes getting dressed as Edmund leaves.
Reva Bend:
Reva and Josh lay together after having made passonate love.
Reva looks at him, "That was just how I remember it."
He grins, "It was better than I remember. It was perfect. Everything about it was perfect."
She kisses him, "I'm so glad that you were here. And that you reminded me of what we mean to each other."
He nods, "I just knew it was real and that it was true. You knew it too. You just had to be reminded."
She sits up, "I just never thought this would happen. I mean our last break up was.... just the worst. I mean with the cancer, and Cassie, and lying. I just..."
He sits up with her, "You don't need to remind me Reva. Let's not ruin this moment."
She turns to him, "I'm sorry. I do want to enjoy this moment. I love you and I am glad that we can be together again."
He kisses her neck, "I think the kids will be happy to hear about this you know?"
She laughs, "Oh yeah. They would just love it. 'Hey guess what your father and I had sex!'"
He laughs, "I mean that we are back together again. They've wanted this for a while."
She sighs, "Are we back together? Are we really?"
He smiles, "What do you think?"
She grins, "I think we'll be together forever now."
He nods, "Always?"
She holds his hand, "Always."
The two lay back down.
Malah House:
Mallet sits with Dinah.
She smiles at him.
He rubs her stomach.
The baby starts kicking.
She laughs, "Oh my God! It's like he knows your here with him. It's such an amazing thing."
He nods, "Yeah. I can't believe this is really happening for us. It's a miracle."
She smiles, "This is everything I've wanted my entire life. A house, a husband who really loves me, carrying my baby, a family. This is my dream come true and I owe it all to you."
He holds her hand, "You have given me the life that I wanted too. Dinah you are the love of my life and I don't know where I would be without you in my life."
She kisses him, "Well you are everything to me AC. But I think you already know how important you are to me."
He nods, "Yes I do. And this baby will know that he has two parents who love him. Who really really love him."
Dinah smiles, "Was there something you wanted to say when you first came in here?"
Mallet looks at the file and knocks it in the trash, "No. Nothing."
Beth tries to comfort Phillip
Cassandra is in danger
Reva is surprised at who shows up at her door!
Sam, Stephanie, and Remy have an interesting encounter
Danny visits Michelle
Lucy invites David over

Reva Bend:

Reva and Josh are kissing on the couch.
Josh runs his hands through her her hair.
She has her hand on his chest.
She can feel his heart pounding as if it were trying to tell her something.
She pulls away and looks at him, "Joshua? I.... I don't know if this is such a good idea."
He holds her close, "Reva. I love you. You love me. We've been playing this game for our whole lives. Let's just give in and be together. You know that's what you want."
She sighs, "I just.... this is going way to fast. I need time to think about this."
He kisses her neck, "What is there to think about? We want this. We deserve this."
She starts to unbotton his shirt, "Oh Bud! I missed this!"
He laughs, "Well this has missed you too!"
She laughs, "No. I missed this. You know."
He nods, "Yes. I do know."
Reva kisses him again.
The two undress and make love again together for the first time together in over a year.

Old Museum:

Marah is cleaning up.
She hears a knock at the door.
She answers.

Jeffrey is standing there, "Hello Marah."
She smiles, "Hi. I didn't expect to see you today."
He sighs, "I know. I missed you Marah. I've thought about you everyday these past few weeks."
She nods, "I've thought about you too. Do you want to come inside? Remy went to work. Sam and Steph went out. Marina's with Danny. I'm here alone for the first time."
He walks in, "Wow this place looks nice. I can't believe how many of you are living here."
She nods, "Well originally it was meant for three. But then people just kept moving in. Now Marina is moving out."
He sighs, "Maybe it's time that it was back down to three. You know what I mean?"
She nods, "I think so. Unless you want to invite Sam to live with you? Then...."
He laughs, "No Marah. I want us to get back together. I want you to move back in with me."
She smiles, "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that! Jeffrey I love you so much!"
Marah jumps into his arms.


Marina stands outside of a house, "Wow. This is such a nice house. I mean you really want this?"
Danny nods, "Yes. I do. But I just don't want the house. I want the house with you Marina."
She turns to him, "I love you so much."
He kisses her, "I love you too. I didn't know I could have such happiness in my life before I met you."
She hugs him, "I can't believe we are really getting a place of our own. A place we can call our own."
He smiles, "I think Robbie and Hope will be happy here. They get to have their own rooms."
She nods, "That is until they get new little brothers and sisters."
He smiles, "You want to have babies with me?"
She looks at him, "Of course. We can have a little boy. A girl. Little Daniel Jr. and little Nadine after my grandmother."
He smiles, "I can't believe you already named our children that we haven't even talked about yet."
She covers her face, "Oh God! I'm so stupid! Why do I keep doing this!"
He laughs, "Hey! Know one calls my girlfriend stupid. Epsecially you. I know that someday we'll have little Daniel Jr. And he'll be a hansome young man and he'll have the best mother in the world!"
She kisses him.

Malah House:

Mallet runs in to confront Dinah.
She is sitting on the couch holding a baby book.
He walks over, "What is this?"
She smiles, "Oh I thought I'd get started by putting the baby's sonogram in the book."
He sits down, "We need to talk. Dinah there is something that has been bothering me for a long time now."
She turns to him, "I know. It's been bothering me too."
He is surprised, "It has?"
She nods, "Yes. I wasn't sure at first but I think I should tell you what I've decided."
He sits with anticipation, "What Dinah? I don't understand?"
She sighs, "I'm choosing Anthony."
He is confused, "Who's Anthony?"
She laughs, "Well first that's your real name, and second that is the name of our baby boy."
Mallet sighs, "Oh. You were talking about the baby name."
She nods, "Uh yeah. What did you think I was talking about silly?"
He sits back, "Uh... nothing. Nothing at all."
She continues to flip through the book.
Mallet stares at his wife.

Lillian's House:

Lillian puts on her work clothes, "I have to get down to the hospital. I'm running late."
Beth kisses her on the cheek, "Bye Mom."
Phillip kisses her as well, "Drive safe Lillian."
Lillian leaves.
Beth sighs, "I hate this Phillip. I feel like we're uncomforatable here with my Mother."
He nods, "Uh yeah you think? We had to move in with your mother Beth. I mean I hate having to put this on her."
She shakes her head, "Mom loves having us here. And it's only temporary. Eventually we're gonna get the house back from Cassie and Edmund. We just need to be patient."
He shakes his head, "I don't know. I just can't help but feel like we may never get our life back from them."
She walks over to him, "Phillip. We have to keep hope that we know eventually things will work out for this family."
He sighs, "This family is not what it's supposed to be. I mean everything is destroyed."
She sits, "No. I know a lot of damage was done with me and Alan...."
Phillip turns to her, "Because of me. Everything changed when I left Springfield Beth."
She nods, "But your back. And now we can work together to save our family. We're still Spauldings Phillip. We always come out on top."
She hugs him.

Bauer Cabin:

Edmund walks inside.
Alexandra is sitting at the table, "Why must we meet here everytime to discuss our plan?"
He sighs, "Oh Alexandra. You know that this place is somewhere that Cassie wouldn't think to spy on me. If she found out we were working together she would have us both hung."
Alex laughs, "I told you once and I'll tell you again. I'm not afraid of that Cassie."
He sits, "Well you should be because we have a hell of a fight ahead of us if we are going to take down Cassie."
Alex stands up, "Edmund, how do I know that you aren't going to turn on me once you get what you want?"
He shakes his head, "Oh Alex you know me better than that."
She rubs his shoulders, "Do I Edmund? Do I? Do I really? Last I checked you were a backstabber."
He sighs, "Only to people who stab me first."
She puts her hands on his tie, "Oh Edmund. You don't have to worry about that with me."
He sits back, "Do you have some sort of theme in mind for this meeting today Ms. Spaulding?"
She grins at him, "I was thinking something with sparks."
She pulls him close and kisses him.
The two begin to undress.

Jeffrey and Marah are walking.
She holds his hand, "I'm so glad that we worked things out. I thought we would have to wait a lot longer."
He nods, "I did too. But I know that you didn't mean to hurt Ava. I just.... I just want to make sure you understand exactly why I was upset with you Marah. Do you?"
She sighs, "Yes. I do understand. Ava may not be your biological daughter. But you loved her. And you still do. I was wrong to think that just because you found out Edmund was her father you would just forget all about her and move on with me."
He nods, "Yes. You understand. I'm sorry that I took out my anger and frustration on you."
She looks down, "Have you seen the baby yet?"
He shakes his head, "No. I wanted to. I've drove by Cross Creek a million times but never went to the door. I think it would be to hard to deal with all of that again."
She hugs him, "Well you are going to get through this. Because I'm gonna help you. We'll do it together."
Danny and Marina walk around.
Marina looks at the bedrooms, "This place is beautiful Danny. I just love every bit of it."
He smiles, "I know. So do I. I can already picture what everything will be like when we move in."
She nods, "Oh so am I. I think I want to help paint all of the bedrooms. More bright colors. And maybe putting flowers all over the place. You know all of that stuff you see in houses."
He grins, "You seem like you have been thinking about getting a house for a while now."
She nods, "Well it's been a long time since I had a house. Like an actual house. I had one when I was little and then my parents split. But for most of my life I lived at Company. Then I lived at the Beacon a few times. I had an apartment. And the museum. But this place will be our house. It will be our home."
He kisses her, "It will be more than that. It will be a place that we can start all of our memories at."
She turns to him, "And now all of our dreams can come true."
The to kiss.
Lillian's House:
Phillip looks at Beth, "I know a lot changed after I.... After I left Springfield. I mean nothing is at all the way that it used to be in this town and our family."
She nods, "I know. And I am partly responsible. Because a great deal of that was caused by Alan. And I was married to him at the time."
Phillip looks at her, "We don't need to talk about that right now. I'm just not ready."
She sighs, "I also know that things also had a major change when.... when Tammy Winslow was murdered. Ever since then things have been nothing like they used to be."
He stands, "Maybe if I were here I could have done something to stop Alan from going after Jonathan and Tammy."
Beth sighs, "And I was here and I allowed him to do it. Heck I even helped him with it."
Phillip turns her, "What?"
She shakes her head, "Not with the.... I mean I was there while he fought for custody."
He nods, "Oh yeah."
Beth walks over to him, "I know this is hard but we can work together and fix everything. Make things the way they were before. And maybe we can put this family back together Phillip."
He nods, "I know. Because if we don't then who will?"
Bauer Cabin:
Alexandra buttons up her shirt.
Edmund pulls up his pants, "I cannot believe we just... I mean that is not what I had in mind."
She grins, "Well I guess you are a lucky man then Edmund. Even more lucky then we thought."
He sits down, "Oh God! What was I thinking? I mean you. Alexandra no offense but your..."
She turns to him, "If you don't wish to offend then don't."
He sighs, "This will complicate things Alexandra that is all that I am saying to you."
She laughs, "Well I already have your number. And no I don't think I'm gonna end up pregnant."
He stands, "We can't tell anyone that this happened. This wouldn't be good news to have out."
She turns to him, "Oh what? Did you think I was gonna go shouting from the rooftops that I slept with the dark prince? Please Edmund I have a reputation to uphold."
He puts hid jacket on, "Well so do I. I also don't need Cassie finding out she might just have me killed."
Alex sighs, "It's so pathetic how afraid of her you really are. It's Cassie Layne. She is the stripper turned princess. She's not exactly the scariest person in the world."
Edmund walks to the door, "Oh you would be surprised Alexandra. You would be surprised."
Alex finishes getting dressed as Edmund leaves.
Reva Bend:
Reva and Josh lay together after having made passonate love.
Reva looks at him, "That was just how I remember it."
He grins, "It was better than I remember. It was perfect. Everything about it was perfect."
She kisses him, "I'm so glad that you were here. And that you reminded me of what we mean to each other."
He nods, "I just knew it was real and that it was true. You knew it too. You just had to be reminded."
She sits up, "I just never thought this would happen. I mean our last break up was.... just the worst. I mean with the cancer, and Cassie, and lying. I just..."
He sits up with her, "You don't need to remind me Reva. Let's not ruin this moment."
She turns to him, "I'm sorry. I do want to enjoy this moment. I love you and I am glad that we can be together again."
He kisses her neck, "I think the kids will be happy to hear about this you know?"
She laughs, "Oh yeah. They would just love it. 'Hey guess what your father and I had sex!'"
He laughs, "I mean that we are back together again. They've wanted this for a while."
She sighs, "Are we back together? Are we really?"
He smiles, "What do you think?"
She grins, "I think we'll be together forever now."
He nods, "Always?"
She holds his hand, "Always."
The two lay back down.
Malah House:
Mallet sits with Dinah.
She smiles at him.
He rubs her stomach.
The baby starts kicking.
She laughs, "Oh my God! It's like he knows your here with him. It's such an amazing thing."
He nods, "Yeah. I can't believe this is really happening for us. It's a miracle."
She smiles, "This is everything I've wanted my entire life. A house, a husband who really loves me, carrying my baby, a family. This is my dream come true and I owe it all to you."
He holds her hand, "You have given me the life that I wanted too. Dinah you are the love of my life and I don't know where I would be without you in my life."
She kisses him, "Well you are everything to me AC. But I think you already know how important you are to me."
He nods, "Yes I do. And this baby will know that he has two parents who love him. Who really really love him."
Dinah smiles, "Was there something you wanted to say when you first came in here?"
Mallet looks at the file and knocks it in the trash, "No. Nothing."
Beth tries to comfort Phillip
Cassandra is in danger
Reva is surprised at who shows up at her door!
Sam, Stephanie, and Remy have an interesting encounter
Danny visits Michelle
Lucy invites David over
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