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Episode 83



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

An intense night in Springfield........

Blake's House:

Outside Kevin runs up to the house, "Mom! What happened?"
Blake turns in shock, "Oh my God! Your not in the house?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No."
Blake screams, "Remy!"
Inside the house is burning up.
Remy looks up at Guillespie, "You Bastard!"
Guillespie laughs, "Oh poor Officer Boudreau. It's been so long since we've seen each other. When you beat me half to death."
Remy is furious, "After you murdered my friend you Son of Bitch!"
Guillespie smiles, "Yes. Well I guess this is right up my ally then. Now I can sleep easy at night knowing that you were burned alive."
Remy shouts, "You'll never get away with this!!!"
Guillespie looks back down at him, "I already have. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on that girlfriend of yours. She's real cougar huh? Pretty attractive though."
Remy is shocked, "It was you. You were sending me those emails!"
G smiles, "Yeah. Who did you think it was? Anyway I must be going now. Goodbye. It was nice knowing you."
Remy screams in pain.

Night Club:

Marina is with some other cops.
The first cop looks at her, "Where's your partner?"
She sighs, "I don't know he didn't answer his phone. What's the case."
The cop walks her over, "The victim was walking out of the club and was attacked. Didn't catch the guy though. Suspect it was a hate crime."
Marina turns to him, "Why's that?"
Cop smiles, "This is a gay bar."
Marina walks over to the victim and gets a closer look.
She freaks out when she recognizes him, "Oh my God! Rocky?"
Cop looks at her, "You know him?"
She sits by him, "He's my uncle. He's younger then me though. Rocky? Can you hear me?"
Rocky's face is swolen and bleeding.
They put him in the ambulence.
Marina rides over with him.
She waits makes calls to her family and then to Shayne.

Malah House:

Mallet is looking through the baby stuff again.
He realizes that all of the stuff was purchased in Europe.
How could that be possible if Dinah was in Springfield when she was with Hart?
He continues to look.
He pulls a baby blanket out.
There is the letter C on it.
He holds it in his hand.
Mallet thinks to himself, "Laura doesn't start with a C. Dinah are you lying to me?"
Mallet looks through everything.
He then finds an envelope in the box.
If he opens this then he knows things could get even more complicated.
Does he want to ruin his happy relationship with Dinah.
Mallet opens the envelope.
Out falls a picture.
Mallet is shocked by what he sees.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra slaps Edmund, "I told you never to ever mention that again!"
Edmund laughs, "Oh come on. I helped you fake the papers. Come up with the plan. Convince everyone that Brandon Spaulding was your father."
She turns to him, "And if that gets out then we will both be thrown out of this house. And probably locked up again. Is that what you want?"
He shakes his head, "No it's not. I want us to be partners. That means you have to tell me things. Like Alexandra! She is my friend. And you tossed her out! She could have helped us."
She scoffs, "No! She was back stabbing me. She is a Spaulding. And they are all going to get what they deserve."
Edmund laughs, "Come on. Alan is the one you hate."
Cassandra shakes her head, "No. I hate all of them. Alan, Alex, Phillip, Beth, Alan Michael, Lizzie. They all need to go down. And they will eventually."
Edmund is confused, "But they will all gang up on you."
She smiles, "No. They know how powerful I am. No one has ever been able to take down the Spauldings! But I have. Me! I finally knocked them down and I amt the one that this town should be thanking. Because the Spauldings have fallen. And now I'm in charge."
Edmund and Cassandra pour drinks.

Bauer Home:

Michelle and Danny sit with the kids.
Michelle smiles, "How was camp?"
Robbie sits down, "Mine was pretty good. I got a lot of pictures!"
Danny picks up Hope, "How about you Baby?"
She laughs, "We had a lot of fun! I made you guys pictures."
She hands them the pictures.
Michelle hangs them on the fridge.
Michelle smiles, "You guys are gonna love living here. There's so many people here now. Grandpa. Uncle Rick. His friend Mindy. Jude and Leah are sleeping upstairs."
Robbie nods, "Is Jude gonna be in my class."
Michelle nods, "Yes. And he said he's gonna help you make new friends."
Robbie looks at his parents, "So did you guys get your stuff all unpacked in your room."
Danny sits down, "Guys we need to have a family talk."
Michelle smiles at her children, "It's pretty important guys."
The two sit down.
Robbie already has a pretty good idea of what they are going to say.

Old Museum:

Sam and Stephanie are decorating the place.
Sam smiles, "Our new home."
She looks around, "Yep. Marina should be home soon. Then the three of us can celebrate."
He grins, "We can start without her."
Stephanie walks away, "Well it just seems like we should all be here if we are gonna do this Three's Company thing."
They hear a voice, "How about 4?"
Sam smiles, "Marah? What are you doing here?"
Marah walks in, "Marina said I can move in. This place looks great. I really missed it here."
Sam walks over, "What about Jeffrey?"
She sighs, "We're taking some time a part. He's upset about this whole Ava thing. Oh Sam you don't think I..."
He hugs her, "Of course not. And soon Jeffrey will realize the same thing and you'll work things out."
Stephanie walks over, "Hi. I'm glad we have another girl in the house."
The three laugh and take Marah's things to her room.
Stephanie goes out for a walk.


Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra sits with Edmund, "We need to discuss our next moves."
He nods, "And what is that?"
She smiles, "How to get that baby away from Olivia and Bill."
He grins, "What did you have in mind?"
She sighs, "Well. I'm already working on taking down the Lewises so that shouldn't be to hard to take care of Bill. But Olivia will be more difficult."
Edmund adds, "And Olivia will play just as dirty as us."
She nods, "Yep. She's pretty tough. But I got a few ideas in mind. Olivia Spencer won't be to much to handle."
Edmund grins, "I love it when you plot like this. It's so hot. You've gotten quite good at it."
She smiles, "Well then your in for a treat. Because by this years end I will be in complete control of Springfield."
Edmund is confused, "What do you mean?"
She stands up, "Everyone. I'm going after everyone. The Spauldings, Lewises, Coopers, Bauers, Grants, Boudreaus, Marlers. Everyone. I will buy whatever I have to. Hurt whoever I have to. But soon everyone is going to bow down to this mansion. The Winslow Mansion. And I'll get Will back. Then you me, RJ, Will, Baby Richard, will look down on this town and strike down on anyone who dare cross us."
Edmund and Cassandra toast the occasion.

Bauer Home:
Danny and Michelle talk to the children.
Michelle tells them, "Your Dad and I still love each other. We always will. But we aren't going to be together anymore."
Robbie sighs, "I knew it! You guys have been fighting all the time. I thought that if we went to camp then you guys could work things out but it only got worse!"
Danny looks at his son, "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. We just need to be a part. I have a room at the Beacon and you guys will come over and visit."
Hope is confused, "So you won't be married anymore?"
Michelle sighs, "No Baby we won't be. But we are still a family. And we will always be there for each other."
Hope looks at them, "Are you guys gonna marry someone else?"
Michelle looks at Danny and then back at the children, "Well.... I don't think right now. Maybe someday I will. Not yet though."
Robbie looks at his father, "What about you Dad?"
Danny hesitates but has to be honest, "Uh. You might remember Marina..."
Robbie gets up, "I'm going to bed!"
He runs up the stairs.
Danny stands up, "Robbie!"
Michelle walks Hope to bed.

Old Museum:
Marah walks over, "Where's Stephanie?"
Sam looks around, "She went on a walk. I guess she didn't get back yet."
Marah smiles, "You like her don't you?"
He laughs, "What makes you say that?"
Marah sits next to him, "The way you two look at each other. It's so cute. And she's very pretty."
Sam shakes his head, "We're just friends."
Marah laughs, "Oh. Is it awkward to talk about girls with your ex girlfriend?"
He looks at her, "No. Besides you have no problem talking about Jeffrey. Even though he's like a million years older then you."
She hits him with a pillow, "Shut up! He's not that much older then me."
Sam nods, "Is it difficult. Because of everything before you came back?"
Marah looks at him, "What? You mean that Jeffrey dated my Aunt and my Mom? Yeah! It's weird. But we're back together. I never really got over him. And I kind of think he never got over me either."
Sam smiles, "I think you two will be alright. You just need work things out."
Marah hopes he's right.

Malah House:
Mallet holds the picture in his hand.
He is confused by what he sees.
The picture is a picture of a baby girl!
The baby looks a lot like Dinah.
Mallet thinks to himself, "Dinah you said that your baby died. But this baby isn't dead. What aren't you telling me? Is this your daughter?"
Mallet looks closely. The baby is wrapped up in a blanket. The same blanket from the box.
He grabs everything and heads to the door.
He needs to do some background research.
He walks to the door and opens it.
Dinah calls from upstairs, "Baby? Aren't you coming to bed."
Mallet stops.
He shuts the door, "Uh yeah Babe."
He puts everything in a drawer by the hall.
And heads up to bed.

Blake's House:
Remy kicks the table off of him.
He starts climbing to the window.
He is trying to open it.
Stephanie Grant is staring at the burning house.
She sees Remy in the window and goes running, "Oh my God!"
The firemen are running into the other side of the house.
She calls them over, "He's over here."
Remy drags himself over and breaks open a window.
She runs over, "Give me your hand!"
He reaches over.
The firemen come over and help pull him out.
An EMT comes running over.
On the other side of the house Blake is in tears unaware that Remy has gotten out.
Guillespie watches from a distance.
The Firemen run out, "The roof's about to fall in!"
Blake goes running towards the house, "Remy!"
She heading for the house.
Guillespie sees her and runs over and grabs Blake and the to fall in front of the house.
The house explodes in front of them.
The kids run over, "Mom! Mom look!"
Blake turns to see Remy with the EMT.
She turns to thank the man who saved her but he's gone.


Buzz runs over to Marina, "Where is he?"
She hugs her Grandfather, "There looking at him right now. They might have to do surgery."
Buzz cries, "Oh my God!"
Shayne and Reva come in.
Shayne goes to Marina, "Where is he? Marina tell me where is he? What happened?"
Marina sighs, "They found him outside of the club. Someone attacked him. They think it was a hate crime. They messed him up pretty badly."
Everyone turns around to see Rocky laying in a hospital bed.
Buzz can't stand to look. He doesn't even recognize his own son.
Reva hugs Shayne who is hysterical.

Remy confesses to Blake!
Everyone worries about Rocky
Dylan makes a decision
Harley and Cyrus continue to search
Olivia and Bill argue


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  • Members

OMG, Jay. I'm literally at the edge of my seat with the fire, Rocky's attack and Cassandra. Excellent episode! ;)

I hope Rocky and Shayne will make it through this one. :unsure:

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  • Members

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This is the beginning of Rocky and Shayne's BIG story. They will be seen a lot this fall.

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