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Episode 109



Angrily, Doris confronts Margo and Katie with a gun. Lyla overhears the commotion and calls the police. Meanwhile, Margo defends herself and her sister against Doris's allegations that they've been cozying up to Michael. Katie explains that Michael is their uncle. Doris refuses to believe it, saying that Michael never told her about his family. While Lyla watches, police swarm Doris and take her in. Margo and Katie are ratlled by what happened, but even more distressed when they can't find Lyla. As they search, Katie starts to tell Margo of her engagement, but Margo gets paged to the station. Meanwhile, at the police station, Lyla makes her way in and furiously confronts Doris and a newly arrived Michael. Just as her daughters walk in, Lyla yells to Michael that he can take his wife and leave town; Oakdale's better off without their dysfunctional relationship causing chaos in her family.

Iris thanks Jack for meeting her on such short notice. Irritated, Jack asks what Iris has up her sleeve this time. Offended, she retorts that she has valuable information for him and thinks he should hear it. She informs him that Stan has planned a robbery of Metro and he's wanting her to help. Jack's confused as to why Iris is bringing this out into the open. In the past, she would have happily taken part. Iris explains that no matter how many time she has to say it, she's a changed woman. After going to rehab, she found the Lord and realizes now that her past misdeeds were shamefully troublesome. While Jack makes a few calls to set up a wire tap, Iris second guesses herself in her decision to turn Stan in. Later, Jack returns to Emma's and finds Emma and Brad hugging. Jack asks what's going on and Brad cheerily replies that he and Katie are getting married. Jack seems distant and doesn't directly respond to the issue. Brad takes the silence as more than just silence and accuses his brother of jealousy.

At Will and Gwen's, Will comes down with a load of laundry. He shrugs when he sees Gwen still hasn't returned from Carly's. He thinks to himself that all this will pass once Gwen realizes that her mother's the same horrible person she was when she slithered into Oakdale for the first time. The doorbell rings and Will's stunned to see Carly on the other side of the door. She makes small talk before finally asking where Gwen is. Will explains that he thought she was with Carly for the day. He explains that ever since the grand opening, she hasn't spoken to him and he's been sleeping on the couch. Carly issues her sympathy and heads out. Meanwhile, Gwen searches for answers to her marital rift inside Luthers Corners church. She's startled when Carly comes in (after seeing her car outside) and kneels beside her sister. Gwen shrugs that if the whole religion thing can work for her mom, maybe she can try it too.

Casey sulks as he walks past the Elegant Models studio. He presses his face against the glass, hoping to see if Sofie's returned from her trip to Spain. Tom comes up behind him and asks if he's heard from his girlfriend lately. Casey grimaces, and snaps that she and Gabe are probably too busy to check in. Tom asks Casey if he's sure he really wants this relationship with Sofie or if he's just trying to fill the hole Maddie left. Casey shamefully admits that even he's not sure. Tom smirks that if Casey's not sure, then what's to say Sofie isn't either? Later, Tom drops by to visit his dad and learns from Nancy that Kim and Bob have been fighting ever since the grand opening. Tom asks what they've been fighting about as a bedroom door slams and Kim comes dashing down the stairs. In a huff, she walks out. Bob makes his way down and informs Tom that Kim thinks he has eyes for Susan again. Bob's floored when his son replies by asking him if he does.

Susan comes in after a tired day of working. Before she can relax, Emily comes in all smiles. She beams that her date with Dusty went smoothly and she hopes they can pick up where they left off. Susan reasons that Emily shouldn't get her hopes up; after all, she and Dusty just resumed talking. Emily barks that neither she nor Alison will ever understand her and runs upstairs. Susan hears abouth the commotion with Doris from a co-worker. Just as Susan starts to leave to check on Michael, Alison comes over and tells her mom to not even think about it. The last thing Michael needs is another woman to come to the station so Doris can accuse him of adultery again. Susan giggles at herself and remarks that she feels like a teenager again. Alison's happy to see her mom happy again and comments that it's been a long time coming.


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