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Episode#253: The Fashion Show



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Downtown Salem

It is several days later in Salem. Inside a very large building, the fashion show is just beginning. Models are already starting to walk down the runway as photographers take countless pictures of them. Meanwhile in an office, someone pours themselves a glass of champagne, with Elvis at this person’s side.

Mysterious Person

You know, it really was brilliant to have a fashion show. Seeing so many businesses come here with all of their models…its fabulous.


It is, but you seem so interested in Bella Magazine and Alamain. You act like the other businesses are just here for show. And I don’t really see what I could get out of this if its all about Alamain and Titan.

Mysterious Person

You get me not exposing you to the PD. Just follow my lead, dear, and you’ll be fine.


Hey, I call the shots! Do you understand? No one can get any power over a DiMera, especially not you!

Mysterious Person

Elvis, you are in my territory now. You can’t play that game with me like you can with everyone else in this town. This is going to be my day, not yours. I’ve spent some time arranging this ever since I got out of your little basement.


Fine, fine. But don’t get used to it, and do what you have to do and then I can leave.

Mysterious Person

Oh believe me, I will. I definitely will, and I am going to make sure that this is a day to remember.



Episode: 253, The Fashion Show

Written by Tara Smith

Inside a dressing room at the fashion show, Jan is speaking to some of Spears Industries models right before they go out on the runway.


“Now, you’ve got to make yourselves look appealing and excellent out there. If we want to get Spears Industries bought by one of those big bad companies, we have to make the company look good. I want you all to be at your best, this is the most crucial fashion show we’ve ever had. And I’m not kidding.”

All the models nod at Jan as they walk out of the room, and she crosses her arms and sighs slightly. Then suddenly Lucas walks in and kisses her on the cheek.


Hey there, thought I’d drop by. Oh and I dropped the baby off at Aunt Maggie’s, I really think they should spend some time together, and so far the baby has spent its most time with you and me.


You know I was not a big fan of the idea to let him stay with Maggie. She’s just as bad as Julie. But she is Shawn’s family so I’ll let it slide this time.


Relax. It will all be fine. Besides, he needed to get out of that mansion.


I guess you’re right. I just am so tense today, because I need to sell Spears Industries and fast. Its been available for too long and we haven’t had any interested buyers.


Well you’ve only been trying to sell it for a couple months, and usually it does take awhile for a company to get sold, especially if you’re trying to get one of the higher companies to buy it.


Once again you’ve got a point. I guess I just want to get this out of my hair so I can focus on us and mothering my son. And the thing that makes it worse about being here is that Belle’s here, and probably going to be the star of the whole freakin’ thing since she is the new face of Bella Magazine.


You think about her too much. Just relax and focus on stuff that actually needs to be focused on.


Yeah. Here, lets go watch the show.

Jan and Lucas then leave the dressing room, heading out to the stage area…

Salem Trainstation

Down at the local train station, a train pulls to a stop and the doors swing open, and many people begin to bustle in and out. Soon a ripped-clothed and dirty Hope Brady stumbles out of the train, as she looks out onto her hometown and remembers her time in Pasadena with Suga and Sister Patterson.


I must just keep remembering what Sister Pat told me….I have to face this and get it over with.


Oh that won’t be hard, Fancy Face!

Hope turns to see Megan Hathway DiMera right beside her, and she slowly backs away from the deranged spoiled woman.


Megan, how’d you-


Oh please, you forget my family rules this town! You are finally back from whatever hole you crawled into, and now its time for you to meet your maker.


I don’t have time for you! I have to get to Bo!

Hope punches Megan in the face and then tries to take off, but Megan grabs her by the hair!!!!

Downtown Salem

Inside another one of the dressing rooms at the fashion show, Stami and Nicole are sitting side by side as they do their make-up.


You know, its just so…great that Mom got you a job here.


Don’t call her “Mom”. She’s not your mother, she never should have been and never will be.


Can’t you get over it? I am your Mommy’s new, and best, child. You are acting so childish about this I almost enjoy it.


Don’t bluff, you KNOW you enjoy it. You get a kick out of torturing me, its all you ever seem to do. You can never find anything better to do with your time. You tried to get Austin to irritate me, then tried to get Eric again, and now this crazy issue.


Don’t you EVER say that again! I loved Eric and Austin, and they almost loved me back, but Greta and Carrie screwed that up for me! Life does not revolve all around you, Sami! I barely even think about you anymore.


Yeah, I guess you are too busy getting looneys to whack your husbands.


That was over four years ago, you are just using every little snide comment at me you can find, aren’t you? You’re such a pitiful girl.


I’m a saint compared to trash like you.

In a small hallway at the other side of the building, Celeste and Valentine stand together, and Valentine has several small tapes in her hands.


Dahling, what are we going to do? You said you had something in store, yet you have barely said a word about it!


Can’t you be patient? I have half of what we need, I am waiting for the other half to get here.


This had better be worth the wait. I am a patient woman, Valentine, but my patience with Vivian has run thin.


As has mine, Darrrrrrrling, and I have the perfect way to destroy her today. I have so much dirt on Vivian its sad, and some of it is on these tapes, but there’s one crucial piece that needs to get here soon.


I imagine that what you have on those tapes is about her causing all that havoc back in 2006, but I wish you would tell me what this other little piece is.


Oh, but that would ruin the fun in the surprise. And trust me, it will be a surprise.

Out on the stage, many models are walking down the runway, and Forrrest and Billie are standing together on the side of the stage. Forrest is holding Billie in his arms and they kiss before pulling back and watching the show again.


Do you really think we should be kissing each other so much in the middle of a fashion show? I mean shouldn’t we focus on Alamain?


Who cares? You just…are hard to resist. But yes, you are right. We’ve got to somehow keep Titan from buying out the company.


Will the show help us with that?


It could. You know, I do hear that Spears Industries is for sale…if we could buy that company, it might help us against Titan. The problem is is that we don’t have the money. Alamain is nearly bankrupt.


Well we’ve got to help ourselves somehow.

Forrest then glances around, and sees Vivian on the other side of the room! He angrily stomps off towards her…

Back in another dressing room, Belle has one all to herself and she is just putting her dress on as she nervously prepares to launch the new face of Bella Magazine. The door opens and she jumps slightly only to see Nicholas. He smiles at her and puts his hands on her shoulders as he kisses her.


You shouldn’t be in here, you are technically one of my boss’s opponents.


No one has to know, do they?


Yeah but I have to get ready, and you have to go help your uncle for your sake, before Victor makes sure you are all out on the street!


Please, I’d risk that for spending some time with you…


Well, maybe just a few kisses wouldn’t hurt…

Belle then turns around as Nicholas chuckles, and they lean in and kiss passionately, and just hold each other for a moment until Belle backs away.


I really have to finish getting ready…


Okay okay, but I’ll see you later, okay?

Belle winks at him as he smiles back and then leaves, as she continues to prepare…

Salem Trainstation

Megan grabs Hope by the hair, and Hope angrily turns around and grabs Megan’s hand and tosses her to the ground, and Megan scowls and darts up towards Hope and slams her against the wall. Hope kicks Megan, causing Megan to trip but then Hope catches her by HER hair, and pulls Megan back up.


Whats wrong, Hope? Too nice to let me get hurt?


No, Megan. I didn’t let you fall because I’m not like you, and I never will be.


If you aren’t like me then why did you kill Princess Gina?


I am not that person anymore. I am not the person that drinks, not the person that smokes crack, tries to hide her crimes, or go on the run. No, that’s YOU! I learned something very important while I was gone for Salem, and I am never going to be that person again. I am going to face Bo, and face the law, no matter what they throw at me. And that’s why I am not like you: I’m not as petty and foolish as you.


Damn, you really are crazy, aren’t you?


Actually, I’m not. No matter what you think. I have bigger things to take care of. Goodbye, Megan.

Hope then walks away from Megan, as Megan stares at her, steaming in anger.


Fine, Hope, condemn yourself. I’ll just be there to watch your life collapse.

Downtown Salem

Inside Nicole and Stami’s dressing room, the two continue to argue.


Trash? I am an Evans and a DiMera. Oh I forgot, you have to be a BRADY to be a good person.


You may be related to my mom by blood, but not by heart. And you never will be.


The same could be said about you.


No, because I actually loved my mother once, you never have and don’t seem like you ever will. I never see you around town having those mother-daughter moments with her, or anything. I think you just want money from the DiMera Fortune. Am I right?


I’m not a golddigger anymore, and you need to get that through your thick-head!


I never will because that’s a lie. You are nothing but a pricy piece of trash Nicole, because if you weren’t, well…maybe you’d keep a man for more than five minutes.

As Stami gets up, Nicole looks at her with boiling anger and then jumps up and grabs Stami! She then hurls Stami into the wall, and Stami screams out and rushes back at Nicole, and slaps her in the face, then he grabs Nicole by the chin and SLAMS her down onto the table with all of the make-up, and as Nicole coughs Stami begins to choke her!! Nicole barely manages to bite out on Stami’s hand and Stami yells out in pain, as Nicole escapes and gasps for air, and then her eyes dart to Stami and she pulls on his hair…CAUSING THE WIG TO COME OFF! Nicole looks on in shock as Stami shoots her a death glare…

On the runway, models continue to run down it as many watch, including Lucas, Jan, Billie, Nicholas, and Vivian. Forrest walks up to Vivian and grabs her by the arm.


What are you doing here? You have no business here.


Actually, I do, dear nephew.


What are you talking about? You quit Alamain. You are out 100%.


True, but…I may just be getting a job at Titan.


What?? Old man Kiriakis was foolish enough to let you in?


He told me to be here, and I am going to make sure that he gives me the job, and then I’ll take down your puny company and your little girlfriend.


You won’t touch Alamain. Now that you are gone it will finally recover from what you put it in. And stay away from Billie. She doesn’t need you taunting her anymore than you already have.


As you wish…

Forrest looks at her one last time before letting her go and walking back over to Billie, and they all continue to watch the show…

In Belle’s dressing room, as she is now finishing her make up, Victor and Justin walk in.


Almost ready?


Yeah, just finishing up.


Excellent. This is going to be a legendary day for all of us, and Titan. Bella Magazine will be officially launched, with you as its primary new face.


I’m actually a little nervous. I mean this seems huge.


It is, but I’m sure you’ll do fine. From what I know and have seen in the mere days I’ve been back you’ve been excellent, and you’ll do great as a model.




Well, its nearly time. Lets go.

Belle and Justin both nod as Belle finishes with her make-up and follows them back outside, and they go back down beside the runway as she heads towards the runway itself…

Back inside Stami and Nicole’s dressing room, Nicole slowly stumbles away from Stami in shock at pulling off his wig, and he slowly removes the gun he told Sami he would use on Marlena…


Wh-who are you? Because you sure as hell aren’t Sami.


I was going to use this on Evans but you’ll do for now…

Stami then FIRES the gun and the shot is heard by many throughout the building, and she nearly screams as it hits her, and her body falls to the ground. Stami looks on at her motionless form, and quickly runs out of the room and darts away, but only minutes later Tony and Marlena quickly run in to see their “daughter” lying on the ground in a pool of blood…


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