#66 Monday, April 28th
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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#66 Monday, April 28th
Joseph is on the telephone, when Yvette comes into his office.
Joseph: (into phone) We don't have much time to head this off, so it's critical you stay on this. Thank you. (hangs up)
Yvette: I take it that was the proxy solicitor.
Joseph: Yep and from the report he gave me, it seems like slightly over half the board could be voted out.
Yvette: But there's still a chance we could get out of this?
Joseph: A very slim one.
Yvette: Damn it.
Joseph: We've got to stay focused and at least try to fix this, for Mom's sake.
Yvette: You're right.
JC comes into the office.
JC: Turn on the tv.
Joseph: What's going on?
JC: They're getting ready to talk about the company.
JC turns on the television.
Anchor: It appears that construction giant Lightner Corporation has launched a full scale takeover bid
for McGregor Department Stores yesterday. According to sources, Lightner has the backing of McGregor's chief rival, Donahue Stores. A shareholders vote is expected to be completed at midnight.
Joseph: I shouldn't be shocked that Donahue would be involved in all this too.
Yvette: We've always known what type of person Carol is, she's worse than her husband was.
JC: Maybe, it's just a mistake, I don't think she'd be involved in anything like this.
Joseph: I know Carol's your grandmother and everything, but you need to stop being so naive.
She wants to bring this company down and will stop at nothing to do that.
JC: I don't know what to think.
Joseph: I'm not trying to tell you what to think, I'm just saying be realistic. None of this
is very hard to believe.
Anna walks into the CoffeeRoom and see Cassandra sitting at a table. She walks over to her table and sits down.
Anna: I'm glad I caught you here, I've got a few things I want to say to you.
Cassandra: Well, I can't wait to hear this. I'm just on pins and needles.
Anna: You've got a lot of nerve trying to steal this company from underneath me.
Cassandra: It's all legal, dear.
Anna: Maybe so, but it doesn't make it right.
Cassandra: This is a golden opportunity for my company, so we are going for it.
Anna: You want revenge, plain and simple.
Cassandra: Call it what you like.
Anna: Look, I haven't done a thing to you, my husband did and he died. Why don't you just move on?
Cassandra: This goes beyond revenge, I have the opportunity to be a leader of a Fortune 500 company,
something I'm probably far more capable of than you. From the sound of your profile in business journals, you're nothing but a happy homemaker turned CEO.
Anna: I helped build McGregor up from nothing.
Cassandra: I'm sure all your advice on where to stack the kitchenware in store was just so earth-shattering.
Anna: There's a name for people like you, but I'm too polite to say it.
Cassandra: (scoffs) Takes one to know one.
Cassandra gets up to leave.
Anna: Just remember, you're not going to get your hands on my company, never in a million years.
Cassandra: Don't bet on it, dear.
Cassandra leaves.
At Jim and Lynette's house, Lynette is in the kitchen, thinking about the night she had with Greg, when the phone rings.
Lynette: (into phone) Hello?
Greg: It's me, I just called to see how your were feeling. You were gone when I woke up this morning.
Lynette: I just needed to clear my head.
Greg: We've crossed a point of no return.
Lynette: We sure have.
Greg: I feel like a hypocrite though, after all my moralizing.
Lynette: Well, what's done is done, can't take it back.
Greg: Right.
Lynette: And this complicates things even more.
Greg: Unfortunately.
Lynette: One thing I know now is, I have to tell Jim the truth now. I have no other choice.
Greg: I agree, there can't be anymore secrets. I want to be with you.
Lynette: I want to be with you too.
Greg: Honestly, I didn't think we'd get to this point. I really thought we didn't have a chance.
Lynette: I'm not in the clear yet, I still have to figure out how I'm going to break this to my husband.
I just don't know how he's going to take this.
Greg: Hopefully, it won't be as bad as it seems.
Lynette: He's due back later this afternoon, so I've got time to think about what I'm going to say. Jim has to know.
Jim: I have to know what?
Lynette turns around and sees Jim standing in the back door. A nervous expression comes over her face, as she knows it's time
to tell the truth.
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