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Vivian's Boobs! Episode 238



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee


“You killed Gina? How? Why?”


“Y-yes...and I regret every minute of it...but its like she kept taunting me! The day after she was shot in Italy, I secretly went down to the hospital to simply see her lie there...I wanted to see her pain, NOT kill her, and get my final confrontation in! But I began to rant at her, expressing my anger at her from all these years...and I told her how much she ruined my life...and she...SMILED...she SMILED, Bo!!! That is when I went ballistic, and...s-s-shut off the machine, she barely had a minute left to l-l-l-live”


“Hope, I don't believe this. Oh my God. What has happened to my wife? In one day I find out your a druggie and your a murderer! What the hell am I supposed to do Hope!? I am an officer of the law. Do you know the kind of situation you have put me in." He say's hurt and shocked. He can't even look at her right now. He's confused, and really doesn't to what to make of anything. He turns back around to face her again." You could have come and talk to me Hope. I would have gotten you through anything. I don't understand why you just couldn't come talk to me! Instead you go on a path of self destruction.!"


“Bo, I WANTED to! Believe me I wanted to so badly...but I knew how disappointed you would have been and I CAN'T just go to jail or die...after we left Italy, I confessed to Julie and at first it made me feel better...but I had dreams of Gina, you, and Gran watching me being executed...Gran's disappointment...Gina's pleasure...and they wouldn't stop, so that’s what lead me to start drinking....then the anniversary of Shawn's death only made my pain worse”


“So Julie knew all this time? I can't believe she would not tell me. She saw how upset I was. She knew I was worried sick about you. Now you have involved her in your path to madness. She can be charged with complicity.!" He shakes his head in frustration. Trying to find the words to make everything go away. "I don't know what to do or say right now." He stares into her dilated eyes." Hope we have been married for umpteen years. You should have known I would stand by you through thick and thin. It hurts to know that you could not come to me. That tells me you don't trust me, you don't believe in us. I am in pain too. I lost two sons like you did. Shawn and Zak. We should have comforted each other, but instead you chose to take a different direction. I don't think I even know you any more."


“Bo, you once loved Gina! When she was Britta, you fought Steve for her, so obviously its easier for you to keep control. I have nothing but hatred after how much she schemed against me, blew up my son, WE NEVER EVEN GOT TO SAY GOODBYE TO HIM! I just couldn't be all calm and polite to her! You have to understand!”


“Fancy face I can understand. If you would have just come to me. You never even gave me a chance. You automatically assumed I would be ashamed or I wouldn't understand. I know Gina killed Shawn. How do you think I feel? The woman I once loved killed my son. Things have gone from bad to worse. I don't even have a wife no more. You tell me how am I supposed to deal with the fact your smoking crack and that you killed some one?"


“Brady, I don't know...I...just don't know anymore. I am never happy, always so confused...I can't even say anything now...I just don't know”



Episode: 238, Vivian’s Boobs

Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Midtown Salem

Salem Place Apts

Stan is sitting in Sami’s room, applying make up in the mirror to make himself as Sami like as he can. Sami is tapped up to her bed. She looks on in horror at the person she impersonated, is now about to impersonate her.

“You’ll never get away with this.”


“That’s where you’re wrong. I will get away with everything that I plan to do. The only problem will be, you will be the fall person for the crimes I commit, disguised as you. It’s genius. No one would ever believe that someone would impersonate you.”


“You can’t do this to me. This can’t be happening. You are not real! I made you up. You are my creation. Who are you?”


“The person you made up. You called him Stan didn’t you?”


“I’m losing my mind. This is a dream. I’m imagining this.” She tries to struggle out of the restraints. ”Wake up Sami. Wake up”

Stan, chuckling

“This is pretty amusing I must admit. Seeing the tables turned on Samantha Jean Brady. It’s a shame no one else is going to witness you getting a taste of your medicine. Such a tragic twist of fate.”

Sami begins to scream. Stan jumps up and covers her mouth. He looks around for the tape and finds. Making a quick dash for it , he grabs the gray masking and tape Sami’s mouth shut.

“Is this proof enough this is not a dream Sami. Your eyes are not deceiving you honey.” He kisses her on the cheek as they both her a pounding at the door.

“Sami, are you ok? What’s going?”

Sami and “Sami” realize it’s the voice of Marlena!

Downtown Salem,

The Police Station

Tony is sitting in a jail cell. Anna walks up to his cell.

“How are you?”


“Anna, I just found out, that I had a multiple personality and that he, Vince as he was called raped Kristen. Tell me, how would that make you feel?”


“How dare you Anthony! You know you have really treated me rotten these last few months. I have done nothing but try and be there for you and stand by your side but you treat me like trash.”


“Then why are you still here?”

“That’s a good question father” They both here. Nicole comes in walking around the corner.

Anna, rolling her eyes

“Oh great.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Anna, looking at Tony

“Go to hell” She says walking off.


“Why do you put up with that?”


“Not any more dear. I am so glad you came down here.”


“You are my father. I am just so sorry we found out this late in life. I just want to be here for you and support you through this crisis. I know this must be really tearing you apart.”


“Indeed. Everything is happening so fast. Finding out you are my long lost daughter with Marlena,”

Nicole, cutting him off, wanting to rub Anna’s involvement in it

“Not to mention she kept it from you.”

Tony pauses, then continues

“To the Mansion’s roof collapsing from the weight of the snow, to finding out I had a alternate personality named Vince and he raped Kristen. I don’t even know where to begin to make sense of any this.”


“Well if it’s any consolation, I want to help clear you name. It’s not your fault that you raped Kristen. You had an alternate personality. It happens. In fact, I seen it on One Life to Live. Her name was Vicki, and Tommy, then there was princess, and who else, uhm oh yea-”


“What the hell are you talking about? This is my life to live right now. This isn’t a soap opera. This is real life Nicole.”


“I was only trying to make a small joke. Gosh, don’t be so up tight”


“I apologize. I’m in agony right now.”


“Tell you what where’s your attorney? I can talk to him. I am sure Marlena, I mean my mother, can help out.”

Tony smiles, realizing that indeed he has a child with leading lady and number one diva of Salem, the muitl talented, Dr. Marlena Evans Craig Brady Black North Black, is not such a bad thing after all.

“If there is any sort of light in my dark life right now, it is certainly you and Marlena.”


“Thank you father.” She smiles and walks away. As she does she thinks” Yes now where’s the money damn it?”

Alamain Inc,

Forrest is in his office, talking with his nephew Nick.

“It was hot man. So intense. Billie and I are getting really serious man.”


“Dude, I don’t want to hear about your escapade in the office. I don’t want to hear about you getting it on with any woman. Your old.”

Forrest, chuckling

“Don’t let the title uncle fool you. I don’t have many years over you.”


“Yea right. You got at least 20 over me.”


“All right you better watch it. So how did things go for you and Belle?”


“Well-” He is cut off by is Aunt, Valentine Heart who comes walking in wearing a form fitting red dress.

“Well, well, well, I see why this company is sinking faster then my sister’s boobs.”

Forrest and Nicolas are shocked by her comment

Valentine continues

“Well don’t look at me like that. It’s true.”


“What are you doing here?”


“I came to help of course. After all I am an Alamain. This company is about to go bankrupt and here you two sit talking about love lives. Now look boys, I got 5 million dollars to invest in Alamain right now.”


“Wow impressive.”


“Yes it is. Please forgive me, Aunt Valentine, but I have hardly even heard of you, and hear you are, popping out of no where wanting to invest 5 million dollars. Surely, you have some other motives. I am sure you have heard the stories. And Yes Alamain is on the verge of disaster, but there has to be something in it for you? 5 million is a lot?”


“Why would you question my generosity.? We are family. I want to invest 5 million dollars in this company. All you have to is go public with the company and sell stock.”

“Over my dead body” Vivian says walking in and slamming the door behind her.

Valentine, laughing

“As old as you are, that won’t be long dear old sister”


“I am not in the mood for you jokes today Vale!”


“Ahh, what’s the matter sissy.? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Did you wet your diaper?”

Vivian slaps her sister across the face.


“You old bitch!” Vivian and Valentine begin to tussle at each other, falling to the ground as they have a good old fashion catfight


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