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Episode#236: Hope Smokes Crack!!!



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The Dimera mansion,

The Secret Room


“I really want you to stop thinking that I am always after you. Every thought I have isn’t about you.” She says wiping tears from her face. Wanting to hide her pain, she turns away from Marlena


“Kristen, I’m sorry. But you can’t blame me for not trusting you. You have a shady past.”


“I get it. So I deserved it right? It was ok what he did to me right?” She says facing Marlena again

Marlena, confused

“Kristen please, tell me what is going on? Did something happen to you?”

Kristen finally breaks down and sobs

“Tony, he rapped me. You like that Marlena, he rapped me! Are you happy!” She says sinking to the floor. Marlena is overcomed herself wiping a tear from her face and kneels down next to Kristen and holds her. “It’s ok. I’m here” Kristen, losing all control just lets it out

“He rapped me Marlena. Tony rapped me.” Marlena continues to hold her once arch rival, comforting her pain of having her woman hood stolen from her.



Episode:236 Hope Smokes Crack!!!

Written by ML Cooks

DiMera Bedroom

In one of the bedrooms, Vivian and Peter begin putting there clothes back on after having hot sex.


“You were amazing.”


“You know what they say, with age comes wisdom. I know how to make a man completely happy.”


“Yes you do.” he says looking at her, thinking of the fact he just had sex with Vivian Alamain.


“Why are you looking at me like that? No time to feel guilty now.”


“Don’t feel guilty at all. I just think it’s crazy, me and you, Vivian Alamain just had sex.”


“I’m not asking for no trophy or nothing.” Peter walks up on Vivian and grabs her and holds her in his arms. “What do you think you’re doing?” She says. Then Peter catches her off guard and begins to kiss her once more.

Meanwhile, In Victor’s office at Titan

Victor, talking to Bo

“If you feel like something else is bothering Hope then you have to get her to tell you what’s going on.”


“I’ve tried over and over again. But every time I do it turns into an argument.”


“Well something is seriously wrong. Hope is acting out of character. Drinking, burning you with hot cocoa. It’s as if Hope has gone mad. The loss of Shawn, and Doug in a coma has really taken a deep toll on Hope. She may need some professional help Bo.”


“I’ve talked to Marlena and she’s even tried talking to Hope. But Hope puts these walls up and not even Marlena can break them down.”


“Where is Hope now?”

In the bathroom of Titian

Hope is looking in the mirror. She sees dark circles around her eyes. She becomes instantly depressed and

Opens her purse and pulls out a pint size bottle of 151 and talks a big gulp. Her face cringes as the potent liquor goes down her throat. Hope looks into the mirror again. As she stares into it she has flashbacks of her past, the time when she was at the wedding alter with Larry Welch, and Bo came in crashing the wedding like a hero out of a fairytale and whisked her away, then to the time Ernesto Tascona held her over a vat of acid and then falling in, to coming back to Salem after 10 years as another person, Gina, then to being involved in a love triangle with Billie and her true love Bo for years, to losing Zak, then her oldest oldest Shawn, she then thinks of her father Doug in a coma, to shutting of Gina’s life support machine and then she thinks of her greatest pain of all, losing her dear Grandma H. Hope comes back out of her flash back and realizes she has tears rolling down her face. She then thinks of how everyone has been questioning her lately, how everyone in Salem looks at her, the arguments she’s had with all her friends and family members over these last few weeks. “Damn everybody. This whole town can rot in hell.” She pulls out her bottle of 151 again but this time she sees the crack and it’s pipe in one of the pockets in her purse that Suga gave her earlier in the day. She remembers Suga telling her that this would make her forget about all her worries. Hope takes the drugs out her purse and looks at it. Images of her past race through in her mind in fast motion. She looks up in the mirror and imagines a distorted face, her own. In a rage she punches the mirror, not wanting to look at her self. Remembering from the days as a cop, and busting drug users and dealers, Hope puts the crack in it’s place in the pipe, takes a lighter and light’s up the cheap death. Hope Williams Brady has now resorted to smoking crack!

In the basement of the Dimera mansion

Lexie, Elvis and Renee continue to look at each other in shock. Lexie walks over closer to this person looking like Stefano.


“It can’t be.”


“It is.”


“I don’t believe this, again. For what this time?”


“That’s not important right now.”


“The hell it isn’t. I just mourned my father. Believe it or not I do love him. I have a right to know what the hell is going on here.!”

Renee and Elvis look at each other not knowing what to do with Lexie’s unexpected arrival.


“I want answer’s damn it. Or how about I just got get the Salem Police.”


“just calm down sister.”


“Oh now I’m your sister?”


“It’s a good thing you’re here.”

Renee, confused

“It is?”


“Lexie can help us keep father alive and well.”


“Oh no, I don’t want no part of this. In fact I am leaving.”


“Elvis do something!”


“If you want full custody of your son, then you will help us.” Lexie freezes upon hearing her brother’s last statement.

At The Carver house,

Abe walks down the stairs. He looks out the window at the snow storm.

“It seems to be letting up” He says to Maggie who is sitting by the fireplace.


“I’m so glad to hear that. Maybe the power will come back on soon.”


“Hopefully” he says sitting next to her.

Maggie, turning to face him

“So how is Theo?”


“He’s fast asleep.” He says looking into her eyes. “If you don’t mind my saying, you have a such a pretty smile. I know it sounds silly of me to say considering all the years we have known each other. But it’s something about this smile tonight, it’s so radiant, so warm.”

Maggie, slightly blushing

“I don’t mind at all.” She says looking into his eyes. They slowly lean in toward one another and softly although cautiously kiss each other.

Back at The Dimera Mansion

In one of the bedrooms,


“Tony or Vince, just give it up. Tony, Please fight Vince. Don’t let Vince take over you! Fight your alternate personality.”


“Would you shut up!” He says grabbing his forehead. “My god, My head” He sinks to the ground in pain.


“Tony, what’s happening? Are you fighting Vince?”


“My head, Anna it’s going to explode”


“Fight him Tony!. Get Vince out of your system. He’s ruining your life.”


“Get out of me.!!” He says hollering out, then Tony has images of rapping Kristen going though his mind. He hollers out “No!! You couldn’t have done that, My God no!” He says with tears forming in his eyes. Anna kneels down beside him and comforts him.

“It’s ok Tony dear. You won the battle. Vince is no more. He’s gone forever.”


“But the pain he caused will live forever.”


“What do you mean?”


“I did it! I rapped Kristen “ He says as he sobs. Anna is stunned but now realizes that’s why Kristen ended up shooting her, she was trying to shoot Tony. Anna is horrified at the thought of Vince rapping Kristen.

As Marlena continues to hold Kristen. She brushes her fingers thought Kristen hair.

“I am so sorry Kristen. I really am. I feel so bad now. I would have never spoken to you like that had I known Tony did this to you. I don’t understand why he would do such a thing?”


“This is Tony Dimera we are talking about. The same man who shot himself and framed John Black for it. He rapped me. He took my dignity. Sure I was no saint, but I didn’t deserve what he did to me.”


“You’re certainly right. And I am going to help you get through this.” Could it be these once bitter rivals can bury the hatchet?

Finally power is restored to Salem as the snow storm lightens and moves on from the area.

The Titian Building


“Thank God the lights are back on.”


“Yea, let’s go see if any one needs any help.”


“Bo, there is one thing I want to say to you.”


“Yea, what’s that?”


“I love you Bo. And although we have a troubled past, there isn’t anything I would not for you. I just want you to know that.”

Bo smiles, and to Victor’s surprise, Bo hugs his biological father.

“I love you too Vic.” Victor is truly touched, for the first time ever, Victor’s son with Caroline has told him he loves him as a father. They walk out of the office. They walk past the women’s restroom and smell something burning. Bo barges in as do Victor as they are stunned to see Hope smoking a crack pipe.


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