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Episode#228: Tony and Anna SEPERATED!



University Hospital,

Mike Horton’s Office


“So you want to talk to me about my son?”


“Yes, I hope it’s ok.”


“Were family, of course it’s ok. So what’s going on with Jeremy? You seem to know more about my own son then I do.”


“That’s just it. I know you two aren’t on the best of terms right now.”


“That’s an understatement. He’s shutting me out. I don’t know how to reach him. I don’t know how to get my son to open up and talk to me. “


“You’ve been in and out of his life for years. He just want you to be a father to him.”


“That’s what I’ve been trying to do. He won’t open up to me and tell me how he feels.”


“Jeremy feels abandoned by you. Reach out to him.” Nick gets up and leaves Mike’s office. Mike stares off into space, thinking of how he’s going to reach out to his son.

Chez Rouge

Abe enters the dining room and Maggie greets him.


“Thanks for coming. I certainly need some good company right now.”


“I almost for got, you’re coming from Stefano’s funeral. Did that go off with out a hitch?” He asks as he and Maggie grabs seats at a table.


“This is Stefano Dimera we’re talking about. Of course things went awry.”


“What happened?”


Nicole showed up and announced she is Marlena and Tony’s missing child.”


“Nicole, the missing child of Marlena and Tony? I don’t think anything surprises me anymore as far as the Dimera’s are concerned.”


“You’re right about that. Enough about that dreadful. man Tell me how are you?”


“As well as can be expected. There’s a big snowstorm coming in a few days. It’s been kind of hectic getting The Salem Red Cross, and Emergency Services and the Salem PD to coordinate efforts for the expected calamity of this storm.”


“Sounds pretty bad.”


“The forecast is calling for significant ice accumulation. It‘s being called the perfect storm. It‘s really going to have us bogged down for days, maybe weeks”


“Oh my” She then orders her food as the waiter approaches. Then the waiter takes Abe’s order.


“Have you talked to a lawyer yet about custody of Theo?”


“Actually yes I have. We are meeting soon.”


“I really feel sorry for little Theo. He’s really going to be the victim here.”


“Maybe for the time being. But in the long run, Theo would be better off with Lexie. I don’t want a lying slut raising my son.”


“When push comes to shove, I don’t think she will bow down easily. You see how she went berserk with Isaac.”


“I say let her. She’ll only hang herself in the long run.” He says as the waiter brings their food and they begin to eat.


“You know Maggie, I really do enjoy your company.”


“I feel the same way. It’s like a breath of fresh air.” They smile and admire one another.


Episode :228, Tony and Anna SEPERATED!

Written by: ML Cooks

Downtown Salem

Salem Inn

Peter knocks on Kristen’s hotel room door. She answers and smiles as she sees her brother. She hugs him. Then he enters.


How do you feel? I could tell something was defiantly wrong at Stefano’s funeral.”

She turns away from him as she has another flash back of Tony raping her.

“Nothing OK! I don’t want to talk about it!.”


“Come on sis. This is not like you. You’re one of the most aggressive person’s I know. Something is really bothering you. I can tell. I am your brother and I am going to protect you. Just please tell me what’s going on?”

She doesn’t respond. He walks up behind her and grabs her shoulders, giving her a reassuring feeling,

“Does it have something to do with Tony? Did he hurt you?”

Kristen, turning to look at him

“No damn it, now just drop it! Please! I told you I am ok. Nothing is bothering me.”

Peter, disappointed that she won’t open up to him, leaves the situation alone for the time being,

“I’ll let it go Krissy. I’ll respect your wishes.”


“Thank you”


“I got a call from Stefano’s attorney’s”




“Ji’ Min wants to meet with everyone that’s in Stefano’s will.”


“Please tell me it’s not at the mansion?”


“Why, did something happened there between you and Tony?”

Kristen, getting angry that he brought Tony up again,

“You said you were going to leave it alone! Just get the hell out Peter! I want to be alone.”


“Krissy please don’t do this.”


“Get out Peter. Just get the hell out!” Peter, not wanting too, but not wanting to push her any farther, obeys her wishes and turns around and leaves her room. Once Peter closes the door, Kristen breaks into a storm of tears, sinking to the floor.

Meanwhile, outside Kristen’s hotel room door, Peter starts having a conversation with Kristen’s door

“Something is going on and it has to do with Tony. If you won’t give me answers sis than Tony will. I know he’s involved in this some how.” He says heading to his car, with intent on finding out what is going on with Kristen by going to the Dimera Mansion.

The Dimera Mansion,

Anna walks into the grand living room, She finds Tony, drinking a glass of scotch watching her enter the room.


“Can we please talk?”


“I don’t think we have any thing to talk about. I don’t know if I can trust you. It’s know telling what else you’re not telling me. What else don’t you want me to know about Anna?” He says getting up and, approaching her.


“Tony, You have to understand. I did it for us. I didn’t want to lose you to Nicole or Marlena.”


“My God! Do you hear yourself woman? What are you turning into? I have a child to get to know, I have lost time to make up for and you’re here worrying about losing me? Didn’t you believe in our love?”


“Tony I do but-”


“There is no but. Anna I love you and me having a child with Marlena would not have changed that.”


“What do you mean would not have? You’re saying that in past tense.”


“Correct darling. I want you to get your things and get the hell out of my house.”


“Tony no! Please!”

Tony, getting angry and hollering at her

“Get the hell out Anna, Don’t make me call security. It’s over!”


“No! You don’t mean that. This is Vince, this is not Tony speaking to me.”


“Is it? You didn’t believe in our love so how do you know who I am right now?”


“Well prove to me it’s not Vince then”


“I don’t have to prove anything to you Anna dear.” She say with a grin, He picks up the phone and calls security

“I have some trash that needs to be taken out.”


“Trash?! I don’t believe you took it there. It’s fine Tony. I’m out of here. You can sell my things. I won’t be needing them. In fact give them to Marlena and Nicole for me and I hope you rot in hell.” Anna says scornfully and marches out of the Dimera Mansion. Anna opens the front for and bumps right into Peter almost knocking him to his feet.


“What the hell?”


“Out of my way!” Anna says leaving the grounds. Peter gets his balance back and fixes his tie. He walks into the place he once called home. He walks into the grand living room and sees Tony drinking.


“What was her problem?”


“No need to worry about her. You won’t be seeing no more of her around here .”


“That’s a good thing I guess. She flew by me like a hurricane.”

Tony, looking at Peter

“My , …my,…my. Look at you. My adoptive brother, Peter Blake. I haven’t seen you or heard from you in about 10 years. And here you are, all of a sudden just as father has met his maker.”


“Don’t be coy Tony. I’ll be the asking the questions here.”


“I beg your pardon?”


“Something is going on between you and Kristen and I want to know what it is now!”

Tony, hearing Kristen’s name, has an image of pinning Kristen down, Tony then gets a sharp pain in his head. He looks away from Peter


“Tony? Are you ok? What’s going on?”


“My head” He says as he has another image of Kristen yelling No! NO! NO!over and over again. Tony’s pain in his head continues to get worse as he does not know what to make of these disturbing images going through his mind,” Kristen” he mutters out. Then Tony blacks out.




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