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Ike and Tina!Episode76



Friendly Skies Flight 1706 touches down at the airport in L.A..LAX_airport_sign.jpg

Ria, DC, Jenn and Santino, still in a wheel chair, get off the plane. Jenn looks off in the distance sees Ty, waiting for her outside his limo. Jenn notices that Ty has a strange look on his face. He look's like he's possessed, which sends chills through Jenn's spine.0000034379_20061020195038.jpg30020limo.jpg


"I am so glad to be back in my home town. I can't mess with cold ass Cleveland."


"You always running your mouth woman."


"Look man, what happened in Cleveland, leave that there. I don't know you, you don't know me. D!ck was good to me, but next lifetime" Ria puts on a huge pair of sunglasses and walks over to Jenn.

"Girl look at yo man. He look so fine in that suite. He look mad as hell. Anyway girl, call me, I got some things to take care of." She says walking away. She walks past Ty, smiling and switching a little bit.

"How you doin Ty?"


"Good Ria, talk to you later."

Ria sucks her teeth

"Whatever," She replies walking away.


"Hey girl! You gone leave me like that!." He says hollering after her.


"Ty doesn't look to happy."


"I don't give a damn about all of that. It's hot and I'm hungry. Is that what we riding in? Well then let's go." He says walking towards Ty and his limo.


"Sh' mone now"

jenn4.jpgJenn, slowly walks towards Ty while wheeling Santino in the wheel chair.

DC tries to open the limo but Ty stops him, stepping in front of him. DC and Ty square each other up. Jenn finally approaches the two, wondering what is about to happen and how is she going to explain the pimp, she brought back from Cleveland.

Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

ngckmjgb.jpgRufus walks over to the nurses station, where Dr. Kiko Whitfield is charting.

"Excuse me, I am looking for a Dr. Serrano?"

Kiko20Ellsworth-SGG-033102.jpgKiko, Caught off guard as he realizes Rufus is a man wearing a dress. Kiko wonders what would a she-male want with Diego.

"I'll page him"


"Thank you." Rufus begins to admire Kiko's blue eyes, wanting to make small talk,

"If you don't mind me asking, are those your natural eyes?"


"Yes they are." Then Diego walks over.


"You paged me Kiko?"


"This woman needs to see you."

Diego looks at Rufus and can immediately tell that Rufus is a transgender suspect, he frowns

"May I help you?"


"Can we go to a more private place to talk?"


"What's this about?"




"Follow me to my office."

Kiko is bewildered by Diego's and Rufus's conversation

"Something is not right with Diego."


Episode:76, Ike and Tina

Written by: ML Cooks

Divine Designbf46.jpg

Ria walks into Natalia's office

"Girl look at you, looking all important."

Natalia, smiling at her good friendp208.jpg

"Hey Ria. Where have you been? I have been trying to call you."


"I was in Cleveland. Jenn had something to take care of."


"Jenn? I didn't know you two hung out like that.'


"Yea girl. Let me tell you, I met this broke ass pimp in Cleveland."


"A broke pimp?"


"I know right. But he knew what he was doing with his dick though. He show' know how to lick my pu$$y good."


"You are crazy. I am glad you are back."


"So what's up with Alexis? She still in jail?"


"She sure is. And I have a hunch she will be there for a long time."


"I hope so."


"Me to."


"So she's letting you run the company?"


"She sure is. She really didn't have a choice. I have a half million dollar investment in this company."


"So when's the fashion show?"


"Tomorrow. I need you to get fitted for my show piece."


"I can't wait girl. I am so honored to be wearing one of your dresses."


"Finally. My dream of being a major fashion designer are about to happen. I can't wait till the world sees what I have to offer."


"I know that's right. I'll go to wardrobe and try on the dress. I'll give you a call later."


"Do that. We need to talk."


"Ok girl. Is something the matter?"


"Maybe" Thinking of Rufus

Pasadena Police Stationcityhall2.jpg


"So you know about Mona. What are you going to do with that info?"


"Chief I just want to know why? Why did you fake your daughter's death and molest her?"

Abe, doesn't answer at first

"……..It's very complicated."


"Then uncomplicated it. You were a man of integrity and respect. I looked up to you."


"What do you want me to say Mike? I have had to deal with this for 24 years. I am not proud of what I did. I regret it every single moment that passes by. I don't know how to fix it. I don't know where to go from here. Ty is black mailing me. Crimes have been committed and the wrong people have been accused tried and died "


"You mean Chris?"


"Yes. It's all because of me. I did this. I created this monster."


"So Mona is the one behind all the crazy that's been happening in Pasadena?"


"Pretty much. Mona and Ty have my hands tied. Right along with his father. I tried to resign but he wouldn't let me."


"Why couldn't you come tell me? Maybe I could have helped you."


"I couldn't really talk about what I did. I didn't want to admit or deal with it. I was hoping everything would dissipate or that Ty was playing a sick joke on me."


"So this Mona is actually your daughter then?"


"Yes, I dug up her grave and I found no body. When Mona and Ty confronted me about her identity, she did have a paternity results paper with her. So it's true, the daughter I tortured, and molested is alive. And she has an ax to grind."


"I would too if you did those things to me." Mike stands up becoming frustrated. "I still cant believe this. I am having a hard time digesting all this."


"I just want to apologize for firing you."


"Don't worry about it man. It all worked out for me. I am running my own business now. I'm a private investigator."


"I'm glad to hear it. But you still haven't told me what your going to do with what you know"


"I want to help Chief. I have a personal vendetta against Tyler and I want to bring him down. I think we can help each other do that."


"Even if we bring Ty down, the fact that Mona is still out there somewhere remains. There is no telling what she will do next."


"Then we have to find out. We have to find Mona."

Back at Huntington Memorial

Diego's office,


"So you said this was about Natalia Ms.."


Oh please call me Rufus. And yes it is about her. I saw you two having a heated discussion at The Jump Off one night. In fact, I gathered you have something over her head."


"And what makes you think that?"


"I know what I saw. I am in the same game you are. To take Natalia out. She has something that belongs to me.'


"Interesting. So if I do decide to help you, what's in it for me?"


"I like how that sounds. I don't have nothing to offer. I live out out of my car, but I do got good mouth skills."


"You can keep that."


"That's to bad. You don't know what your missing. I can rock your world."


"My world doesn't need rocked. So tell me what Natalia has that you want?"


"That's personal, but if you show me some skin, I just may tell you."


"I'm going to say this one time, if I do decide to help you, you're going to have to stop the come on's. I'm not interested. What are you anyway?"


"I'm a human, the same as you."


"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a man in a dress."


"I'm a woman."


"Right" He writes down a name on a piece of paper and hands it to her


"What's this?" Reading the paper


"Her name is Suga. She will help you get dirt on Natalia. You just have to find her."


"Oh thank you. Finally a break through. If you ever need me to repay you, my mouth is waiting. Besides, every man has at least thought about being with another man once."


"Well not this one. You're going to pay me back, but not in the form you'd hope. Now get out of here and go get Natalia"


"Will do"

Outside Diego's office, was Kiko, having heard the entire odd conversation,he hides around a corner as Rufus makes his way out of Diego's office.

Friendly Skies Airport


"Hold on man, what's the problem here? Can't you see an old man sweating?"

Ty, looking at Jenn

"What the hell is going on and who is this?"


"This is DC. He's uh, helping organize the fashion show at Divine Design. That's why Ria and I had to go to Cleveland."


"Girl what. Ant no fruit loop here. I don't know nothing about no damn fashion."

Ty, looking at DC's sandals, with socks

"It shows." A lexis pulls up next to Ty's limo


"You two can ride in the lexis. Jenn and I have some talking to do."


"That's what I'm talking about. A go getter. Come on here Santino, let's get in this AC. DC gets in the car as the driver of the Lexis helps Santino into the Lexis. Ty grabs Jenn's arm and pulls her into the limo.


"Ty your hurting me."


"You deserve it. I can't believe you went behind my back and went to Cleveland after I told you not to. And you even took Santino. H's recovering from 2nd degree burns. What in the hell are you thinking?"


"Ty I am sorry. I told you this trip was important to me."


"And you being here in Pasadena was important to me. I give you everything and all I ask is for is a little respect."


"I can't believe you're this upset."


"Believe it." He punches her in the jaw.

"I'm Ike and your Tina. Do I need to take my boot off and beat you with it?"

Jenn wipes blood from her mouth, as she can't believe Ty just hit her. With the pain still stinging in her face, Jenn kicks Ty in his groin.

Ty, barely able to speak, holding his family jewels

"I'm going to get you for that bitch!" He jumps on top of her and begins to strangle her!………

And now check out Life in Salem, a blog I Co write, about Days of Our Lives, A Storm is brewing that will shake the very foundation of Salem. Click on the banner to view and tell us what you think...



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WOA!!!! I WILL CALL THIS "ICE & FIRE" - I know all these angers that had been building up in TY, frustration which I feel he wants to take out on his father was due to come out... BUT I didn't see that coming at all... Taking out of Jenn, wow... This is was shocking - everything about the episode was a surprise. The dialogue and writing was very smart, clean cut, and interesting throughout the episode.

ABE opening up to Mike was just beautiful... At the moment I feel everything ABE was feeling. He is so afraid, and frighten deep down inside... He starting to sound like a little, a rock in a hard place... And at the same time I hate what he did to poor Mona... Yes he created a MONSTER!!!! -

I am just waiting to see the outcome of this battle and who will come on top, how will sista PAT react when she learns the truth, something her THIRD EYE, didn't seem coming.

Mike agreed to help ABE will only push TY farther to Jodie, and at the end everyone will surely come out empty handed...

RUFUS and DIAGO.... NAT is toast, and it would be interesting if Rufus's month end up on Diago's Twin, that I want to see!!!! Good times!

Nice work... FIVE STARS!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

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Yea we're going to see Suga again. I loved that character back in the STEAM day. It seems that everyone's always eavesdropping in this town, once someone finds out a secret someone else knows about it. Rufus's scene with Diego was funny yet true...seems like we've had this conversation about tranny's before. Maybe Kiko wants in on the fun of blackmail.

This was the one time we were able to see a nice side of Natalia. She truly wants to make it successfully without plotting or being evil. Which is going to be great when her karma catches up to her.

Ria needs to wash her mouth out with soap or with something clean, maybe mouth wash. I love this character because she's just ghetto fab and doesn't care. She was a little bit of a hippicryte in this episode though. She tells DC she wants to act like what happened in Cleveland stays in Cleveland, then why is she running her foul mouth to Natalia?

The last scene was something we all knew was going to happen. Ty's powerful and needs a thrill so of course controlling Jenn gets him off. These two are definitely like Ike and Tina minus the music. This will probably just push her closer to Mike who is too wrapped up with Abe to find Mona. Mike really must be an understanding guy because if someone fired me, I wouldn't try helping him find the daughter who I thought was dead and molested to try to save the town. I'd try to take the bastard down!

Good episode.

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