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Episode#219: The Bag Lady



Downtown Salem, Salem Place

As Julie and Maggie walk along the store fronts, they talk about Julie’s son David Banning coming back home.


“I just don’t know Maggie. Something just seems off about him. I can sense something is wrong?


“Mother knows best.” They see Jan Spears walking in there direction


“Would you look at that. I confronted her about being with Lucas last night. She was so rude. Little snotty twit.”


“Oh I know. I already talked to Lucas about that Spears woman and he doesn’t want to hear it. I think he’s really falling for Jan.”


“I can’t imagine Jan Spears, being a part of the Horton family. I will never let a woman like that share a last name with me.”


“Jan is carrying a Horton baby. Hope was Shawn’s mother”


“I know that Maggie. She stole that sperm. She’s forcing herself upon us.”


“Well since you confronted Jan, I guess it’s my turn too” Maggie approaches Jan


Executive Producers: Tara Smith with ML Cooks

Episodes: 219, The Bag Lady

Written by : ML Cooks

Story Editor: Tara Smith

Salem University Hospital

Kristen slowly walks into Roman’s room. She grabs a seat by his bedside. Being with Roman makes Kristen feel safe at the moment. She knows with him, she doesn’t have to worry about anything. Roman always did make her feel safe. Kristen has images of Tony(Vince) raping her. They replay over and over again in her mind. She wipes a tear from her cheek. She holds Roman's hand and begins to talk to her ex lover

“John, I mean Roman, It makes me ill to see you like this. You have to wake up baby. I need you. Something bad has happened. I don’t know what to do John.” She says trying to fight back tears.

“Tony has done something horrible.” The mention of Tony’s name gets Kristen going. She breaks loose a river of tears. That is until Marlena announces her presences with the slamming of the door.

Back at Salem Place


“Not you two”


“I beg your pardon?”


“Hard of hearing in your old age Mags?”


“How dare you! I will not have you speak to me in that manner. I demand some respect.”


“You have to give respect in order to give it. Treat others as you would want to be treated and so far the rest of the Horton family has treated me very shitty and I am tired of it.”


“We wouldn’t have to if you had some descent morals about yourself. I mean what sane person goes and steal sperm from a dead man. You’re sick and demented. You’re evil and I will not let you weasel your way into this family.”


“You don’t have a choice. Lucas is falling for me and I am carrying a Horton child.”


“You are a disgrace and I will not let you taint the Horton name missy. I wouldn’t mess with me. I from the old school and I will take you out. Don’t let this smile and collected attitude fool you.”


“Go to hell bag lady.” Jan walks off and is stunned by Jan’s rudeness. “Well I never”

Back at The Hospital

Kristen turns around and looks at Marlena


“I see you don’t listen very well”

Kristen, wiping tears from her face

“Look Marlena I’m sorry. I’m not in the mood to argue.”


“Then you shouldn’t be here then. I hope I don’t have to get a restraining order against you.”


“It’s not that serious Saint Marlena.” Kristen gets up and walks past Marlena, bumping into her and then leaving. Marlena shakes her head. “Something is not right with her at all. I’ve never seen her so distraught.” Marlena looks at her husband laying peacefully in the bed. After spending a little time with John, Marlena leaves and goes into her office

Back at Salem Place

Maggie all alone now since Julie had some errands to run sees Abe strolling along. She calls out to him. They greet each other and hug and grab a seat on a bench.


“So how are you? Any more thoughts about Theo?”


“Actually Lexie stopped by last night. It didn’t go well at all.”


“I am so sorry to hear that.”


“Don’t be. I think it was a blessing in disguise. It’s like a light switch went off in my brain. It’s more clearer then ever that I cannot let Lexie be apart of Theo’s life. She’s unstable and unbalanced and I don’t want my son around that.”


“Where’s little Theo now?”


“He’s with Celeste. I told her to steer clear of Lexie.”


“So did you tell Lexie you are suing for sole parental rights?”


“Yes I did. She was none to thrilled. So I expect this custody battle to be a long drawn out war.”


“Do you think that’s best for Theo?


“You know Maggie, it may not be but at the end of the day it will be worth it. I don’t want my son to be influenced by the Dimera’s.”


“Poor Abe. You got a lot on your plate. I bet you haven’t had a good meal in weeks”


“You know, you’re right. I’ve been so busy down at the station and with Theo that I really haven’t. I forget what real food taste like.”


“Then why don’t you come to Chez Rouge and I’ll fix you a nice meal”


“That sounds lovely Maggie. Thank you.” They get up and head to Maggie’s restaurant together.

Back at The Hospital

Marlena is doing paperwork in her office when Tony knocks and enters Marlena’s office.


“I am sorry for barging in. I hope I am not interrupting.”


“I always have time for a good friend like you.” She says getting up to greet him with a hug.


“Thank you Marlena.”


“So what brings you by?” She says to him motioning him to have a seat on the lounge chair


“Marlena, I think something is seriously wrong with me”

Outside Marlena’s office is Nicole. She talks to herself. “My new mother and father. Getting closer. I think it’s time we bond together as a family should.” Nicole knocks on Marlena’s office door, with intent on telling Marlena and Tony that she’s there new daughter.

Meanwhile at Salem Inn. Sami grabs her purse and leaves her apartment to visit EJ’s grave. As she opens the door she sees Steve.


“What the hell are you doing here?”


“Please Samantha, can we talk?”


“The only person I want to talk to is the police and ask them why you are not behind bars yet for killing the greatest love of my life”

Meanwhile the masked figure who broke into Sami’s apartment is hiding in Will’s old bedroom, waiting for the right moment to do what it is there going to do.

In a far away place, Stefano is hooked up to iv’s and respirators As the machines work over time to keep the Phoenix alive, a person walks over, it’s a man because we hear his voice

“Soon father, things will change” Another figure walks over to him and it’s a woman

She speaks as well

“This war is not over by a long shot. It’s just the beginning.” They smile, Who are these peoples, and which one of Stefano’s sons kidnapped him and faked his death…


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