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Sister Pat’s 3rd Eye! Episode62



Pasadena City Jailjailcell.jpg


"So when is your bail hearing?"


"In a little bit actually."


"Good luck man."


"You too. IT seems we both are being set up."


"Yea. it has to be. There is no other way. I didn't kidnap Sharan, I don't have a reason too."

A guard opens the jail cell and escorts Chris to the courtroom. Ria walks up to Dondre's cell


"I'm surprised to see you here."




"The last time I saw you, I was kissing Sharan."


"Well,... I've spoke my peace about that."


"What u mean?"


"I told Kevin."


"At this point I don't even care. I got more serious problems to deal with."


"So I hear. And for the record, I believe in you Dre."


"I'm glad somebody do."


"I know this is something you would not do. But what I don't understand, who would kidnap her and frame you for it?"


"That's what we need to figure out."




"Yea we. I need your help?"


" But just a few weeks ago I was swamp thing remember? The night Karim found out we were sleeping together. You kicked me to the curb. And now you want me to help you?"


"Don't be on that"


"Maybe….Besides…The only we I am interested in, is the we we in your pants. I know it's lonely. Let's have a congical visit."


"Is that all you think about?"


"No, but I'm horny papi." She says grabbing his sac through the jail bars.


"You help me, I help you" She says planting a kiss on him. He returns it.


Episode: 62,Sister Pat's 3rd Eye

Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches

Can I Get A Witness? West Coast Baptist Church295122396_ded131d657.jpg

nymom_gesture2.gifSister Patterson Williams, is once again standing outside the church she's called home since her birth. She awaits guest for Daniel's funeral. The first to arrive are her two sons Karim and Kevin, and Kevin's good friend Lauren. Karim and Kevin both hug and kiss Pat. Pat looks at them


"Karim, why didn't you wear the red tie like I told you? You so hard headed boy. You got that from your father. You didn't get it from me."


"Ma please don't start."


"Start? Start what? Boy don't talk to me like you crazy. Miss Jenkins could be around any corner."


"Who is Miss Jenkins?"


"I don't want to have to embarrass you in front of your little friend here. Get your ass in church and tell Daniel how much you love and miss him. Got me cussing in front of God's house. Don't you know no good boy?" Pat pulls out a cigarette out and lights it up to calm her nerves. Lauren who was feeling blue is now thinking Kevin's mom is out of her mind and tries to enter the church. Pat stands in front her.


"No.. no sister Lauren, I got a few words you need to hear."

Pasadena City Court Room100_1391.jpg

Chris sits down with his attorney, Lisa Ray.


"So what do you think are my chances are of me posting bail?"


"I don't even know man. Ever hear of some judge they call Judy or something?"


"Judy, as in Judge Judy? The daytime court TV show judge."


"Uh huh,. I guess that be the one."


"She's the judge? This is mad?"


"Well let's hope Judy aint mad today. Home girl was trippin' yesterday."

stacey215uw.jpgStacy, the DA enters the court room and Lisa and Stacy have a stare down.


"All rise!" The courtroom rises as Judge Judy enters the courtroom. Judy sits down in her seat and smiles at Stacy and then looks mean at Lisa. Lisa rolls her eyes at the Judge.


"This is case number 061 on the calendar. The state vs. Chris Douglas. Is the defendant present?"


"Who do you think this is sitting next to me? Santa?"


"Watch your tone Madame. You don't want to mess with me. I can cause you a lot of trouble. Chris, get your ass up. Your lawyer is really pissing me off and If I were you, and if you want a fair shot in this trial, take my advice and fire this hot tempered lawyer of yours."


"Unprofessional. You may talk all that smack for them TV cameras, But this is real life. So you can quit your amateur theatrics and save them for Oprah because I don't have time. Now let's get this trial moving shall we?"


'By all means. Chris Douglas, you have been charged with first degree murder of Daniel Cosgrove. How do you plea?"

Can I Get A Witness?


"With all do respect sister Patterson, you're scaring me"


"I don't know why. If I were you I would be scared of the demented crack head that's laying in that coffin inside. I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss sister Lauren. If you need anyone to talk too, the Lord and I are here to guide you through this hard time."


"Thank you sister"


"And that means stop being a drunk.."


"Say what?"


"Oh you think I don't know? My third eye and God tells me everything. You better ask somebody." Pat pulls out a card for alcoholics anonymous. "Now you call the number soon as this funeral is over so you can quit drinking." Lauren is speechless as she walks into the church.

Next to arrive for the funeral are Ty and Jenn. Jenn and TY try to ignore the crazy sister, remembering the last encounter they had with Pat by speeding up and walking past her but sister Patterson jumps in front of them


"I know yens weren't trying to sneak inside without saying hi. God don't like ugly."


"Sister Patterson, it's so good to see you again."


"Are you crazy. It's not good to see you."


"I'm sorry…."


"I don't want to see you like this. At another funeral."


"Oh, ok. I understand."


"What did you think I Was talking about?"


"Never mind sister Patterson."


"You're quiet Jenn."


Hey Sister. Just being here got me bummed out."


"No no,..it's more than that. You're up to something. My third eye never lies."


"Sister Patterson please. I think all these funeral has got you delusional."


"I don't think so. I know the truth. I told you my third eye never lies. You're plotting against Jodie."

Jenn is stunned that Sister Patterson knew that. Ty frowns at Jenn

Pat, laughing

"Don't let the devil win Jenn. Just walk into the house of the Lord. He will set you straight." Ty and Jenn slowly walk inside the church just as Mike and Jodie arrive.


"Sister Patterson. It's good to see you again." He says hugging her


"Yes it is nice to see me. And it's nice to see two good people. There's a lot of evil out there. But I don't get that vibe from you. My third eye tells me you two are ok"


"Well I guess that's good thing."


"Amen" She says hugging Jodie.

"Now Jodie Listen, There are evil forces out there working against you. You got to stay strong, and don't let the devil win. Just pray and the Good Lord will shield you. You got to be a tough soldier for the Lord, on the battlefield of evilness"

Jodie, frowning

"Uhm ok Sister. Thanks for the warning." Mike and Jodie walk inside the church. Sister Patterson follows them. She walks up to the podium in front of the church. Lauren has tears rolling down her face as Kevin holds her.


"Lord have mercy. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Rose are red, and Violets are Blue. Brother Daniel was a crack head, but like all God's childrens I love him too. Amen"

Karim, Kevin, looking at each other in shock, not believing there crazy mother has just called Daniel a crack head in front of all these mourners



"I SAID AMEN!! I can't hear ya."

Church Guest



"Halleluiah. God is Good. God has a plan for everybody. Brother Daniel, Lord rest drugged soul, is in a better place. Though we knew brother Daniel was a drug addict, he was still a good person. He tried to do the right things. But those cracks took over him."

Karim, whispering in Kevin's earmp07.jpg

"She is crazy. "


"Your just now realizing that"


"Glory to God. Daniel, we miss you. We love you, and we shall meet again. Aint no holla back" Pall bearers, close the casket and put Daniel's casket into the Hearst. The church slowly fizzles out as Daniel (his clone) is put 6 feet underground. Kevin and Karim are comforting Lauren at every step of the way. Ty walks up to Lauren


"Lauren, I know we did not see eye to eye on a lot of issues but I want you to know, I am so sorry for Daniel. I never wanted this to happen. I loved Daniel like a brother." Ty, in a state of sadness and sorrow sheds a tear. Ty is surprised at himself never a man to wear his heart on his sleeve. As Lauren watches Ty's rare display of raw emotion, she now realizes that his words are sincere and she throws her arms around him. Ty does the same. Jenn is stunned and mad. Jodie walks up from behind her


"You must not please Ty. He's always hugged up on other women."

Jenn, turning around

"You would be the kind to turn this around. Daniel is dead. They both loved him so yes they have a right to comfort each other" Reassuring herself that's all it is


"Yea, keep telling yourself that."


"You know Jodie, you are really pissing me off. Back the hell up before I make you sorry."


"Ahh Jenn, are you mad? Did I hit a nerve?"


"You think this is cute. I'll have the last laugh you slutty Bitch. I hate you." And with that Jenn walks away. Mike walks up to Jodie


"Is everything ok?"


"Could not be better." They leave the funeral as Jodie wonders if Jenn is the evil that sister Patterson was talking about.

Sister Patterson walks through Greater Yonders Cemetery. She walks over to a grave that reads Kelis Williams. Pat drops a rose next to the tombstone.

"My poor little baby. Mama never got a chance to get to know you. But I know God is taking care of you my sweet angel. I'm so sorry for everything." She says wiping a tear from her eye.

Back in the City courtroom


"Not Guilty your honor." The courtroom remains silent, having learned Judy is dangerous with a gavel


"That plea seems to be popular plea around here. Now lets move onto the bail hearing. Stacy state your case."


"Your honor, the state recommends that the charged party be unable to post bail. He committed a heinous crime and the peoples of Pasadena are terrified."


"Girl stop. Chris is a pillar of this community. He works two jobs and attends the California Institute of Technology. He's not a menace to society and has no prior record. He should be able to post bail" From the back of the court room Bryan enters. Chris smiles at the fact that his good friend came to show some support.


"I've made my decision. The defendant, Chris Douglas, bail denied." Stacy smiles at Lisa


"No damn it. I didn't do it." Guards rush over to escort Chris back to his cell for a crime he did not commit.


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Lisa - "Unprofessional. You may talk all that smack for them TV cameras, But this is real life. So you can quit your amateur theatrics and save them for Oprah because I don't have time. Now let's get this trial moving shall we?"

I think everyone who ever been in a courtroom with JUDY want to say that to her... JUST SHUT UP!!!!... Nice! well done - and GOOD GOD with SISTER PATTERSON who needs ENEMY... MEN SHE IS A BITCH!!!! -

Good JOB MARLIN... THE OPENING is nice, this is the first time I see... You should includ the character's name...

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I agree. Though the pics are a bit blurry, if they were retouched, the opening could be even better. (Heck if you want, maybe I could make you one if you were interested.) All in all, it still was good because it has that SEXY theme that goes with STEAM. Ha that rhymes.

When are Jodie and Jenn going to get in an all out smackdown brawl? You have been gearing these two up for one so when it happens, I know I'll be cheering on Jodie.

I really wanted to poke Sister Patterson in her 3rd eye. She's a loonie! Which makes her a character that I love to hate but also love to read.

The ending was cool because it had a nice character development. Chris is so desperate to clear his name but he's only made it worse for himself. I'm really torn with who I wanted Lauren to be with. At first I wanted Chris because Daniel was never there for her but then Daniel's become such a tortured soul (literally) that I kind of think they should go back out.

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I agree. Though the pics are a bit blurry, if they were retouched, the opening could be even better. (Heck if you want, maybe I could make you one if you were interested.) All in all, it still was good because it has that SEXY theme that goes with STEAM. Ha that rhymes. <<<Yes I am interested to see what you can come up with...

When are Jodie and Jenn going to get in an all out smackdown brawl? You have been gearing these two up for one so when it happens, I know I'll be cheering on Jodie.<<<LOL, trust me it's coming. You won't be dissappointed. Hell if you want you can write it...

I really wanted to poke Sister Patterson in her 3rd eye. She's a loonie! Which makes her a character that I love to hate but also love to read.

The ending was cool because it had a nice character development. Chris is so desperate to clear his name but he's only made it worse for himself. I'm really torn with who I wanted Lauren to be with. At first I wanted Chris because Daniel was never there for her but then Daniel's become such a tortured soul (literally) that I kind of think they should go back out.

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